
@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

Is it practically impossible for a newcomer selfhost without using centralised services, and get DDOSed or hacked?

I understand that people enter the world of self hosting for various reasons. I am trying to dip my toes in this ocean to try and get away from privacy-offending centralised services such as Google, Cloudflare, AWS, etc....

octopus_ink ,

I have servers on Digital Ocean and Linode and also one in my basement, and have had no problem. I do have all services behind NPM (not to suggest it's a panacea) and use HTTPS/SSH for everything. (not to suggest HTTPS/SSH are either) My use case could be different than yours - my immediate family are my only consumers - but have been running the same services in those locations for a few years now without issue.

octopus_ink ,

When the rest of us get taxed it's just how society works. When billionaires get taxed, now it's a "scheme."

octopus_ink ,

Ah, fair!

OneDrive automatically backups folders in Windows 11 without users' permissions ( windowsreport.com )

According to the latest reports, Windows 11 has made an independent choice by automatically turning on OneDrive folder backup for Desktop, Pictures, Documents, Music, and Video folders without your permission. This signifies that, whether you approve or not, everything is becoming coordinated with the cloud....

octopus_ink ,

Microsoft is on a fuck up their product speedrun, ain’t it?

I think at this point it's clear they have a core base of users who (for one reason or another) aren't going anywhere no matter how much abuse they pile on top. It's MS's version of that 38% or whatever of people who are clearly going to vote Trump even if he reveals himself to be the literal devil.

Fucking up their product? Why yes, each and every year they give me a new object lesson in how grateful I am to have ejected them from my life (except when paid to use Windows) in 2007. But will the company come to harm from it? I don't think so.

octopus_ink ,

Not sure, but 20 month old toddler...

octopus_ink ,

The only sensible solution then is to ban toddlers from EVs. They’ll just have to walk.

Better give 'em guns too. With all that walking maybe they can stop a school shooting or two.

octopus_ink ,

I think this should be posted as a comment to every article about this.


octopus_ink , (edited )

My god American regulation is so idiotic sometimes!!!

Dude, some person made that meme, and that person chose to use asterisks. It's no more complicated than that.

What’s it say? Go find yourself? Go Fill yourself? IDK is this some game you Americans have where you have to guess the word

Apparently our ability to figure out a word from context is pretty much higher than yours though.

octopus_ink ,

You know how I know my maga relative lost everything he tried to "invest" in crypto? Because he suddenly STFU about it.

octopus_ink ,

As for whether he forgives Morrissey, Carroll said: “I guess I would have to say yes in the spirit of forgiveness, reluctantly. But if I had to be a smartass, I’d say her apology holds about as much water as my canvas bag.”

Rock on buddy.

octopus_ink ,

They are the worst of the worst, and I will never use an instance that voluntarily federates with Threads. I respect MS more than Meta, and that's a pretty incredible feat on the part of Meta.

octopus_ink ,

An appellate court has ruled that Texas cannot ban books from libraries

We now live in a world where a news article needs to contain this line. (and this is far from the only recent example)

Think about that.

HP bricks ProBook laptops with bad BIOS delivered via automatic updates — many users face black screen after Windows pushes new firmware ( www.tomshardware.com )

On May 26, a user on HP's support forums reported that a forced, automatic BIOS update had bricked their HP ProBook 455 G7 into an unusable state. Subsequently, other users have joined the thread to sound off about experiencing the same issue....

octopus_ink ,

Those laptops are THEIR products, not Microsoft’s.

Microsoft: All your PC are belong to us.

octopus_ink ,

Move, Zig!

A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back ( www.windowscentral.com )

It's a nightmare scenario for Microsoft. The headlining feature of its new Copilot+ PC initiative, which is supposed to drive millions of PC sales over the next couple of years, is under significant fire for being what many say is a major breach of privacy and security on Windows. That feature in question is Windows Recall, a...

octopus_ink ,

The list goes on. Unfortunately, with big tech being as they are, their first thoughts turn to “which implementations of AI will aid us the most in scraping userdata and showing ads?”

Don't forget making sure the peons can squeeze out more productivity for the 1%.


octopus_ink ,

the vast majority don’t care or they would have stopped using it a long time ago

Try reading the sentence with this implied bit explicitly added. I'm pretty sure this is what was intended, and is why you are getting the response you are.

the vast majority don’t care (about Microsoft's continuous bullshit) or they would have stopped using it a long time ago

The bit I added is communicated by the context from the preceeding sentence in the original comment:

MS has been doing this kind of shit for decades and their market share has never changed significantly.

octopus_ink ,

Isn’t a main point of this whole fediverse thing that you can just block entire instances as well as users?

You can do exactly that. OP wants everyone to do it.

octopus_ink ,

Please bear in mind that I'm a lemmy.ml user (though not a tankie, nor marxist, nor even socialist.)

Look at OP. How many lines are about smearing someone for their politics and beliefs (Even the subject line covers ONLY that), and how many are about the need to improve moderation practices at .ml (precious few, not even the subject line).

IMO that's one reason. The discussion rarely ends up being about moderation practices even when that's the stated goal. It ends up being about not liking someone's views.

The other reasons - you can personally block that instance if you choose, but for it to be hidden from EVERYONE on an instance, the admins of the instances need to make that decision. (To defederate.) There are lots of potential reasons not to do so, and I think many of them boil down to not throwing out the baby with the bathwater since there are plenty of users on ml like me who are not tankies and are just having the same discussions we'd have anywhere.

I got a 3 day ban from one single community at .ml within my first couple days here for using the term "whataboutism" - I suspect it was an automod action. I wasn't really happy about it, but eh? shrug

I have the same answer for folks now that I did when social media was somehow full of US conservatives claiming they could no longer speak their minds on social media. No one is obligated to give me or you or anyone a platform. If Lemmy.ml is that much of a shithole, it will eventually get defederated broadly, and everyone who isn't a tankie will stop using it.

The occasional thread like this, or someone complaining that my opinion is invalid because I'm an ml user (has happened maybe three times) are the only times I ever think about it really.

octopus_ink ,

First, thanks for the thoughtful and thorough reply.

I am sorry that this is upsetting to you.

It's not upsetting to me, it's just annoying. I strongly support the block early/block often culture that seems to pervade the fediverse, even when that is folks blocking me. I also support the ability to defederate, and strongly support (for example) pre-emptively defederating from threads.

Indeed, such decisions at the user or instance level are potentially messy, but the whole thing just seems self-healing over time to me. There's an equilibrium that needs to be reached, I think, and I doubt we're anywhere near it yet. Some instances are going to end up isolated, either by themselves or by others, and some won't. New instances will spring up, instances will shut down, etc etc. People will move around to find a new instance when needed. It's all really sloppy and the outcome for any one user or instance isn't necessarily going to match the outcome for another. That's freedom to me. And not in some maga "free speech means I get to be a jerk but no one can call me out" way, but in a "we're all empowered to influence our own experience here" way. People can block, instances can defederate, people can deploy their own instance and make it as open or closed or personal or public as they want to. Hot damn.

And all that is going to create friction and people are going to disagree with each other about how to do it and what the right way is, just like we're doing here.

But, despite your very reasonable rationalizations for OP, and regardless of their intent, this very subconversation and others are evidence that this isn't what a discussion about moderation practices looks like. It's what a discussion about publicly calling someone out with a pejorative term for their beliefs looks like. Expressing that opinion, and defending it when required, is the extent of my involvement or concern. I don't share the beliefs of OP nor their target. Whether folks want to change how they are discussing the issue or not is up to them. That's also freedom, in my opinion.

I might migrate instances at some point, I might not, we'll see how things go, but it's not going to be because of this post from OP. Folks can run their instances as they see fit. They don't owe me a platform, nor OP.

octopus_ink ,

At least we are enjoying this conversation about it all:-).

Well you've certainly given me more to think about. I don't see much more to debate with you, but wanted to reply anyway so it didn't appear I was leaving in a huff. Have a good rest of your day.

octopus_ink ,

I already don’t recall but apologies if I ever did slip into that for a moment

No apology needed, if anything I'm the one who gets a little terse sometimes.

that’s some heavier stuff that I am glad you will take time to think about. B/c it is absolutely disrespectful of the admins to the community for them to not follow their own rules

Will do!

also b/c I hope to be able to converse with you again on the Fediverse!:-)

And you as well!

I'm sure we'll bump into each other again. Whether I'll still be on this instance or account though? Only time will tell... :)

octopus_ink ,

Take an article from a reputable publisher, an article for a subject that you are expert in.

Read it and make note of facts they got right and got wrong.

This is what got me to shake free of some podcasters I placed far too much faith in at one point in the past. When I realized how slanted and fucked their opinion was on things I knew about, it put all their other opinions in a much different light.

octopus_ink ,

Yes, but when the next one has radioactive waste or a biohazard in it..

octopus_ink ,

I endorse invalidating the 2 party system by not participating in the 2 party system and forcing reform.

Well folks, I've got some news. Melkath didn't vote. There's only one course now. Electoral College? Scrapped! FPTP voting? Scrapped! Two Party System? Scrapped!

octopus_ink ,

You get no argument from me! 100% agree. I'm as frustrated as anyone that this is the case, but it is. Maybe everyone has to have their one "reform" vote lesson. I voted for Nader once. I still get a hard time for that from some people.

octopus_ink ,

Seriously. What would be surprising is if they were not. Proprietary System gonna Proprietary System.

r/The_Donald helped radicalize users into far-right identities and discourse – Active users on r/The_Donald increasingly used white nationalist vocabularies in their comments within three months. ( journals.sagepub.com )

I know most people that were on reddit at the time are fully aware of this and won't be surprised but don't dismiss the findings out of hand. It's important that studies are being conducted and the fact that the finding match our lived experience is still noteworthy.

octopus_ink ,

Wow that’s a lot of text with a lot of opinion I don’t really care for. I was more looking for a list but all I got was cuck, zionist, ethnostate, soros, and 1488. The rest is ideas and concepts and Dumas’s conspiracy theories not vocaulary.

I mean, you asked a bunch of random strangers instead of going to google, so ya gets what ya gets, I guess.

octopus_ink ,

This looks super cool, but I've been using midnight commander for so so long.

octopus_ink ,

Nothing against Fedora, but generally I'd steer a noobie to mint or popos before Fedora. It has been some time since I tried Fedora (years) but not very long since I've seen someone complaining about dependency/repo issues (which is where I always ran into problems with Fedora eventually)

Having said that, folks who don't run Arch tend to say it breaks far more often than it actually does, so my opinion on Fedora may be just as uninformed. (I don't run Arch BTW, but I do run a derivative.)

octopus_ink ,

Clearly it worked for some.

I think it clearly worked for you.

Looks to me like a little joke buried in a sincere post. You can make more out of it if you want, but I think you're being a little bit curmudgeony.

octopus_ink ,

Edit: the linux-company thing is just for triggering people, sorry I didn’t know it was this effective.

Heh it really was wasn't it? Been on Linux for near to twenty years now and I'm still surprised to see it. :D

octopus_ink ,

make me feel like I must be the only person in the world who hasn’t had major issues with KDE and it’s been absolutely flawless lately, specially since 5

There's dozens of us! (kidding, it's clear in recent years it's way more than that, and I'm happy to see it.)

If folks are happy with how GNOME does things... I'm happy for them.

octopus_ink ,

I mean, we know what ice and fire mean. And believe it or not, we know where both Canada and Australia are.

octopus_ink ,


octopus_ink ,

Thanks for doing so anyhow. I'd only been seeing memes, and while I got the gist, I appreciate the full explanation.

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