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magnetosphere , (edited )
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

While the headline itself isn’t much of a surprise, I’m somewhat bewildered to see diabetes listed among the illnesses. Then again, I know nothing about diabetes.

McDonald’s Gives Up On ‘AI’ After Comedy Of Errors, Including Putting Bacon On Ice Cream ( www.techdirt.com )

LLMs certainly hold potential, but as we’ve seen time and time again in tech over the last fifteen years, the hype and greed of unethical pitchmen has gotten way out ahead of the actual locomotive. A lot of people in “tech” are interested in money, not tech. And they’re increasingly making decisions based on how to drum...

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

They can whine about unscrupulous pitchmen all they want, but at some point, unethical behavior goes so far above and beyond that it becomes impressive.

I hope that whoever convinced McDonald’s to agree to this crap back in 2019 got an award and an obscenely gigantic commission.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

“Welcome to the party, pal.” - John McClane, Die Hard (1988)

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

I feel like I’m missing a reference (should I know who Khajiit is?) but I like it anyway!

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

This hasn’t crossed my mind in decades. Not even in a “remember when” sense.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Because they reject facts, logic, and reason at every opportunity. When you’ve kicked those things to the curb, all that’s left is fanaticism and blind faith. Plus, fanaticism allows you to be an inconsistent, unpredictable hypocrite without consequence. You can dictate rules without being bound by them. It’s the juvenile, irresponsible definition of “freedom”.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

That person who makes the peanut analogy needs a slap in the head.

Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( old.lemmy.world )

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

If I recall correctly, some states even had laws against black people raising animals like cows (and maybe pigs too?), so chickens were their only option.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

"I do shoot myself in the foot from time to time, but at least you know it is genuine, not from the PR department," he admitted.

A basic statement of human fallibility is an absolute revelation to this guy. I can’t WAIT for him to just shut up and go away.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Yeah, I know, but a man can dream.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Well, “world peace” may not be original, but it isn’t bad.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

What, world peace? Let’s just say it’s a work in progress.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Chaplin later said that he wouldn’t have made light of Hitler if he had known at the time how horrific the situation truly was.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Yeah, the genocide wasn’t widespread public knowledge yet. As far as most Americans knew at the time, Hitler was just another power-hungry jackass ripe for parody.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Just be a hypocrite, hide hate behind a thin veneer of love, and you can sell any MAGA dipshit the Brooklyn bridge.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

It’s refreshing to see older lifelong republicans who didn’t believe the media and voted for Trump out of inertia, but are ditching him now that he’s repeatedly proven himself to be a scumbag. Better late than never!

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

You’re right that recording while driving isn’t great, but at least he stopped when she asked him to.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

He’s not even phrasing it as a riddle. The answer is right there in the question. That poor woman.

'Becoming a totalitarian state': UK judge on why he quit Hong Kong court ( www.bbc.com )

A high-profile British judge who resigned from Hong Kong’s highest court last week has warned the city is “slowly becoming a totalitarian state” and judges are being compromised by an “impossible political environment created by China”....

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

It highlighted remarks from the other leaving judges who said they still believed in the independence of the courts.

Okay, but where were they when they made those “everything is fine” statements? If they (or their loved ones) were still in HK’s/China’s jurisdiction, those quotes don’t mean much.

magnetosphere , (edited )
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Political correctness isn’t killing comedy. There have always been social taboos and subjects that were best handled carefully (or avoided entirely). This has been true for as long as comedy has existed.

A good comedian can dance on the edge of acceptability without falling over that edge. Other comedians can be funny by going in a different direction entirely.

Commercialism kills comedy. Studio interference kills comedy. Execs hiring the cheapest staff instead of the best staff kills comedy. Excessive analysis kills comedy. Feel free to add any culprits I’ve missed.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

All I want is some kind of audio processing so people can’t tell I’m on the toilet.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Well, it depends how you define “kids”, and being blown to smithereens is clearly a “disadvantage”, so…

Do I Need to Watch Discovery To Enjoy SNW?

Hi all! Long time Star Trek fan here with my first post. I'm gonna start out by saying that I promise I'm not a hater of Discovery at all. It just has done nothing for me and from what I read, has not made any changes that would have solved my personal issues with it. I'm fine with others liking it and honestly wish that I did...

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

“Significant enough” are the key words here.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Absolutely not. SNW stands on its own quite well. Sure, watching Disco will fill in some details for you, but SNW covers the key points by itself. You will not be left scratching your head if you watch SNW without watching Disco.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Juvenile chuckle at referring to Disco as “STD”

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Who said anything about love? The government just wants them to shut up and obey orders.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

This was beautiful. I also feel like I was intruding on a private moment by watching it… but maybe this is the kind of reminder people need. These are real people, not just nameless statistics in a faraway land.

the mods have gone psycho over at reddit

someone on a subreddit said they had brain bleeding. i asked how it happened. a mod immediately removed it and said that it was an intrusive comment or some nonsense..i messaged them asking them to explain how, and i explained how i thought it would actually be beneficial for the readers if they decided to answer and that they...

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

You should have replied with “yes mistress”

What song should I play for my bathroom neighbors?

The work bathroom is currently a warzone, on their phone speakers people like to play music, play games at full blast, and one guy likes to chill to ambient rainforest. What song can I play to passive aggressively make it known that I don't want to listen to their tik tok feeds while I work out my demons?

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

…while I work out my demons?

What are you eating? Damn.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

A deeply frightening, frustrating, concerning event that was also predictable, preventable, and secondary to PROFITS.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

I can’t help but wonder if that has anything to do with your username

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

As an American, and therefore a potential target, this is a risk I am willing to take. I think Putin is better at talking shit than actually carrying out his threats.

It’s tragic that this war is still going on. Putin needs to be stopped. Now.

Many US dairy workers yet to receive protective gear for bird flu ( www.reuters.com )

CHICAGO, May 23 (Reuters) - Many U.S. dairy farms have not yet increased health protections against bird flu for employees during an outbreak in cows, according to workers, activists and farmers, worrying health experts about the risk for more human infections of a virus with pandemic potential.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Nor will they, unless management is forced to, or until the lost profits from too many sick workers make protective gear cost effective.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Man, am I glad that I couldn’t afford a Tesla when I thought they were cool and didn’t find Musk repulsive.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Actually using those nukes would be a great way to piss off most of the world, and virtually guarantee that the CIA/military would make it a priority to remove Putin from power by any means necessary.

If some dumbass on Lemmy (me) can figure that out, so can Putin’s advisors. He’s bluffing. It’s well past time to call him on it.

magnetosphere , (edited )
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Is Ukraine a member of NATO? Would they perhaps like to be?

No, they’re not a member. Putin wouldn’t have attacked them if they were.

Ukraine would join tomorrow if they were allowed to.

magnetosphere , (edited )
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Yes, you’ve got it right. If Ukraine had been a member, Putin would have found another country to invade. Bullies pick on weak loners, not kids with lots of tough friends. The combined strength of NATO is more than the Russian military can handle.

I don’t understand why this article was written the way that it was. Although the author makes several valid points, it is most definitely not NATO’s job to police all of Europe. NATO exists to ensure the security of member states. Aside from some unlikely situations, “strength in numbers” is all NATO is for. A simple idea, but an effective one.

I do agree that Europe should be doing more to help Ukraine. That has absolutely nothing to do with the current condition of NATO, though. This could have been a powerful opinion piece, but my main takeaway is that the author doesn’t seem to understand NATO’s duties or purpose.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

It’s up to individual countries to make that decision - and I think everyone should be defending Ukraine more aggressively. I agree with a lot of what the author is saying, but he doesn’t seem to understand what NATO is for. NATO is not a police force meant to defend all of Europe.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

It turns out there’s a very clear reason for that. I have seen the extremely restrictive off-boarding agreement that contains nondisclosure and non-disparagement provisions former OpenAI employees are subject to. It forbids them, for the rest of their lives, from criticizing their former employer. Even acknowledging that the NDA exists is a violation of it.

Utterly insane.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

I have seen stories on this topic posted several times. I upvote it every time and will continue to do so.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Scratching a stranger’s car is never okay.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

True. I had intentional damage in mind.

magnetosphere , (edited )
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

That doesn’t do expensive damage. I am pro-finger.

Edit: come on, “pro-finger”? Nobody’s gonna take that and run with it? I’m disappointed.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Although a joke, this seems more likely than a positive, effective outcome.

magnetosphere ,
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Emphasis on “some”. I used to work at a hotel. When people arrived at 11 AM expecting to check in, I had no problem making them wait in the lobby. I was polite about it, of course, but also firm.

Our housekeeping staff worked harder than anyone else in the building. I wasn’t about to give them a hard time on behalf of some ignorant, inconsiderate people.

magnetosphere , (edited )
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

You’re totally correct. I’m thinking of instances when we were fully booked the night before, AND the guests who wanted an unannounced early check-in had reserved a specific type of room we didn’t have many of to begin with.

If we didn’t know not to allow late check-outs for those rooms, and housekeeping didn’t know to keep an eye out for any departures from those rooms, we could run into problems.

I was always happy to help people out when I could. Getting positive feedback from guests was the best part of my job!

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