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Does it seem like there is a major food crisis in the US right now?

Food bank only had raisins. My food stamps were cut by two thirds. Inflation is way up. Specific shortages. I asked some people around me and they're also struggling. No emergency announcements. Feels like a cover up. I heard US shale oil is peaking. All this and I live in the central valley of California, ag central. I should...

brbposting ,

“Within hours of seeing this tweet, we identified the issue, which was related to the underlying design systems that were created. Ultimately it is my fault for not insisting on a better QA process for this work and pushing our team hard to hit a deadline for Config,” Figma CEO Dylan Field said on Twitter. Config is Figma’s annual conference where it showcased Make Design. “I have asked our team to temporarily disable the Make Design feature until we are confident we can stand behind its output. The feature will be disabled when our US based team wakes up in a few hours, and we will re-enable it when we have completed a full QA pass on the underlying design system.”

That’s one way to put this shocking tidbit.

Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? (Edit: No, she is not gaslighting me, but may have some other issues.)

Today, before taking an Uber home, she sent me a text wanting me to be downstairs on the street to greet her as the Uber arrives. I read it and told her that yes, I'll be there. I didn't notice any further text because I was in the middle of something....

brbposting ,

I hope she (out of anger) autofilled “the worst thing I can think of“ as an attempt to match for “one of the worst things I can think of happening to me”.

A desire for extrajudicial revenge is something I’d expect from really immature people. (In contexts uncommon for me, perhaps I’d expect it from those who’ve been wronged by the justice system, or for those whom the system doesn’t seem to play a productive role in their environment.)

Wonder if there’s a test of sorts that could reveal more here - if someone insults her, would she expect him to “defend her honor” at risk the personal safety of them both?

TIL sailing ships commonly moved around without wind by warping ( )

Warping is throwing an anchor either manually for a small ship or by rowing the anchor out and dropping it farther away for a larger ship. Then the ship would reel it to change position. Good for maneuvering in harbor. Etymologically related to "throwing" and essentially threading a needle across the sea....

brbposting ,

I’ve been kedging for hours and I still don’t think I’m close

Imagine actually moving like this. “Here little ship, take our anchor, we can move another 100 meters and only have to repeat a million times”

Redbox’s owner files for bankruptcy after repeatedly missing payments and payroll ( )

informed employees of the filing late Friday [...] that it had filed for a debtor-in-possession loan — a way for companies that are reorganizing after filing for bankruptcy to secure additional working capital to meet payroll. [...] employees have been waiting for paychecks since June 21st [...] it’s not certain that the...

brbposting ,

Capitalism’s great!

Could’ve been triage - deferring maintenance to make payroll. Everything suffering as they try to stay alive. (random speculation 100%)

ChatGPT outperforms undergrads in intro-level courses, falls short later ( )

Researchers create 30 fake student accounts to submit model-generated responses to real exams. Professors grade the 200 or 1500 word responses from the AI undergrads and gave them better grades than real students 84% of the time. 6% of the bot respondents did get caught, though... for being too good. Meanwhile, AI detection...

brbposting OP ,

84% of this summary was better than mine

Good bot

brbposting ,

High-stakes conspiracies: US healthcare is intentionally broken by the foreign medical tourism industry which runs it

brbposting ,

"insufferable" makes me think you're thinking specifically of S Cal.

Ohhhhh okay, thanks makes sense then. Southern… yeah I get that perception.

Lotta coast in California, nothing insufferable about Mendocino or Santa Cruz etc. (though can complain about anything and some will be very valid)

brbposting ,

Looked for their email address…

(links to 👇)

Yeah reddit totally respects deletion requests

Does deleting our old helpful comments only hurt our fellow web surfers?

brbposting ,

when someone asks me an impossible question.

I think that response actually works for the loaded question:

“Have you stopped beating your wife?“

brbposting ,

Optimally you want the response to be empty words, grunting, or being told to fuck off.

US/DE/both, did you mean?

brbposting ,

Best I can do is “[voice assistant] remind me about that post in two months”

Drat, gotta open the reminder and paste in the comment URL too. Do wonder if that bot mentioned is whitelisted or not. More social, beyond just being native. And hopefully it has “send me a PM to reduce spam”

brbposting ,

I’m not FBI

being a warez courier.

Spill. You bring those R5s across the ocean? Send audio from the handicap audio jack at the multiplex? Hustle up some telecines? Sneak Battletoads outta the backroom at GameStop before it hit shelves?

brbposting ,

Ohhh didn’t know about that sense of the word in that context. Interesting!

Do you have any idea what the warez scene is like today?

Also there was a bot on the former Warez-BB dot org that would post scene releases seemingly moments after they pre’d. Imagine those kinds of people are on Telegram or something today…

brbposting ,

The joys of having $xx/mo to reward creators. (Maybe only $.xx goes to the actual creators but still, it feels better!)

Amazon Mulls $5 to $10 monthly price tag for unprofitable Alexa service, AI revamp ( )

Amazon (AMZN.O) is planning a major revamp of its decade-old money-losing Alexa service to include a conversational generative AI with two tiers of service and has considered a monthly fee of around $5 to access the superior version, according to people with direct knowledge of the company's plans.

brbposting ,

So frustrating.

Can they prevent review fraud without requiring SSNs and background checks and more? (High-dollar item manufacturers could always pay randos to buy their items and leave 4-5 star reviews, right?)

Amazon could kill MRJHABCU and ANWKCB and PPQHZQS brands that give themselves 5000 positive reviews overnight… overnight.

But then the remaining products, wouldn’t they get review frauded real good?

brbposting ,

When LLMs feel sentient or intelligent, that's your brain playing a trick on you.

Sentient = prob a trick

Intelligent? Maybe a broken clock is right twice a day?

You write a sentence that don’t sound too good. You pretty much know how an author you respect would write it, but can’t remember the syntax & word choice exactly. You ask a model for a dozen revisions of the sentence in disparate styles. One of them clicks: “ooh! That’s what I mean!”

Am I being pedantic to say the LLM can feel intelligent when it nails the exact word choice you were looking for, better than half your social circle could’ve written it? Half your friends aren’t dumb, but the LLM can sometimes sound better than them, so you think: “yeah sounds intelligent!”

Of course…

Later it totally misunderstands some context, needs unbelievable hand-holding and still doesn’t get it, confabulates moronically… and it’s back to stupid! Mmmm glue pizza

brbposting ,

Incredible theory. Did you come up with it on your own? Search engines are blank on this. Want to read more!


brbposting ,

I think you’ve just reconciled two things:

  1. Internet always says chiropractors are quacks

  2. Multiple reasonable people IRL have praised their own chiropractors

brbposting ,

Sorry for my difficult to discern tone. Oops! Receipt talk-

My tabs from last night:

My comment two weeks ago:

The BP bribe theory is terribly cunning and nobody else talking about it came up in the first few DuckDuckGo/Google results. Never heard anybody mention it in 2010 either.

Edit: I guess the point would be discussions on the topic may not mention each individual case of bribery because the practice is pervasive.

Microsoft Edge nags users with a 3D banner to change Windows 11's default browser ( )

Would you use Edge as your default browser on Windows 11 if Microsoft nags you with a 3D banner? Microsoft thinks you would. In a new experiment, which appears to be rolling out to Edge stable on Windows 11, Microsoft has turned on a banner that uses 3D graphics to promote the browser....

brbposting ,

This FTC has the balls for it, too.

Amazon. Apple. Who’s next?

brbposting ,

This ends with $500/mo Netflix subscriptions. An employee comes to your house and holds a laptop up in front of your couch while looking for hidden cameras camming the show.

Bathroom breaks are allowed, but they’ll pause the show if it’s during commercials.

How do you get people to wash their vegetables when you're at their house and you don't wanna seem rude?

So awkward, but come on it says right there on the package to wash those mushrooms or whatever it is… You’re not their mom but you don’t wanna eat feces or whatever ended up on the produce. A quick rinse is never going to be perfect but it’s better than nothing....

brbposting OP ,

What’s a lemon party? Should I Google it with safe search off?

brbposting OP ,

lol the .org is still up

brbposting OP ,

Did the information upthread ruin that method for you? Hopefully that water isn’t all pesticidey and poopy… (I have no insight on that)

brbposting OP ,

doesn't rinse the soap off her dishes once she's scrubbed them

She European?

Flabbergasted when I learned from an American friend that their British friend did this.

brbposting OP ,
brbposting OP ,

thoroughly wash their hands before doing their business

That would be a first for me to see. Well maybe I’ve seen it at a place that serves hot wings…

brbposting OP ,


Hey should NSFW that link just in case

brbposting ,

Until the systems develop a sense of ‘truth’ beyond numerical statistics, generative ai is pretty much a toy.

I'll start by saying I am pro-worker, pro-99%, pro-human.

Now, I must refute your assertion for specific domains (and specific working styles), e.g. translation (or a preference for editing over drafting/coding from a blank page). If money used to hit your bank account every two weeks because you translated or provided customer service for a company, and now that money doesn't come in anymore, it wouldn't feel too playful or like a toy is involved.

This is today, not "until" any future milestone.

Re-sharing some screenshots I took a month or so back, below.

November 2022: ChatGPT is released

April 2024 survey: 40% of translators have lost income to generative AI - The Guardian

Also of note from the podcast Hard Fork:

There’s a client you would fire… if copywriting jobs weren’t harder to come by these days as well.

Customer service impact, last October:

And this past February - potential 700 employee impact at a single company:

If you’re technical, the tech isn’t as interesting [yet]:

Overall, costs down, capabilities up (neat demos):

Hope everyone reading this keeps up their skillsets and fights for Universal Basic Income for the rest of humanity :)

brbposting ,

Have to wonder how much Klarna invested in their tech, assuming they're not big ole fibbers

brbposting , (edited )

Ya JWZ I think complained about this

Edit wait see this

brbposting ,

Oh maybe conflated a post from someone else like “self hosting email just sucks, everything goes to spam, give up” with a JWZ repost of something different

Sorry to misremember, edited

Season one of is in the bag! So we've added "V'ger", as a treat.

Like many other Lemmy instances, we turned one this week! If you enjoy the Voyager app experience but prefer to only login locally (not that there's any reason whatsoever to distrust or not log in at all, we now have an option for you!...

brbposting ,

Very nice!!

Voyager developer @aeharding is unbelievable. What an engineer. Dat UX 🤤 (no shade but will say) srsly hard to use the default interface from web when you’ve experienced e.g. Voyager iOS.

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