boatsnhos931 ,


cupcakezealot , avatar

ex soldier first class

brucethemoose , (edited )

I grew up in suburban DFW, and King of the Hill is not really an accurate parody...

It's a documentary.

You think I'm kidding, I am not.

cumskin_genocide ,

Hank Hill made me like Ronald Reagan

TORFdot0 ,

Neat, just what I would expect from user @cumskin_genocide

cumskin_genocide ,

What's wrong with my username?

sparkle , (edited ) avatar

I uninstalled one drive immediately, it's so annoying. It's also really fucky with when it updates files. If I need to use it, I'll go on my browser

uid0gid0 ,

Yeah what is up with that? It's nice to know where things are but whatever happened to /usr/local

xenoclast ,

Lack of windows support

FuzzChef ,

OneDrive allows to save files directly to the cloud?

Aux ,

MS Office has integration. It's pretty useful in a corporate environment.

stormeuh ,

And they force you to use it if you want autosave, which is essential in a work environment given the stability of MS Office programs (or at least my ability to crash Excel).

_sideffect ,

Oh you want to delete a file from your folder? Ok, we'll also delete it from OneDrive so it's gone forever, see ya!

potustheplant ,

Firstly, no, it's not gone forever. It remains in your onedrive recycling bin for a month. Secondly, that behavior makes sense. One drive is a mirror of your synced folders. If you just want to not have the file downloaded in your computer, just right click on the file and select "free up space".

_sideffect ,

It's so obvious!

potustheplant ,

It is. Another indicator you get is a status icon next to each file telling you if the file is permanently or temporarily (meaning it will get auto-deleted locally if you don't use it) dowloaded to your pc or if it's only on the cloud.

Oh, and you also get a prompt when you delete a file letting you know that it will be deleted from onedrive as well but it will still be in the recycling bin for a while. The only way to not get that prompt is to tick a box to not get reminded again.

Microsoft software has a lot of flaws but this isn't one of them.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Adobe pulls that shit too.

And it's really easy to not really think about what you're doing and accidentally save to the cloud.

Then later wonder what the fuck happened to the file you spent three hours on when you came back from lunch.

Fucking Adobe.

BlackPenguins , (edited )

Adobe also recently snuck into their ToS that they could use whatever you made with their products for training AI and then gaslit everyone saying "we never said that" and changed their ToS. You know where you can't access my stuff? Offline.

jose1324 ,

You mean can access?

BlackPenguins ,

Ah good catch

tibi ,

And I also don't want programs to throw all their crap in the documents folder. AppData is made for that.

Ziglin ,

~/.config :>

RandomLegend , avatar

And now show hiddrn files and you see the plethora of applications that dump everything in your homedir instead of .config

Irelephant , avatar

Its even worse when they dont make it a hidden folder (looking at you android studio)

RandomLegend , avatar


.hidden file became my best friend - and a little context menu script for dolphin to easily add a file / folder to that .hidden is a thing i use way too often tbh

ikidd , avatar

That annoys the fuck out of me. I want the folders I put in /home, not your shit. Put it in /.local or something and fuck off.

Ziglin , (edited )

I believe the folder you are attempting to refer to is for all users so you probably do want to have the config in ~/.config unless you want everyone to have the same.
Also /home is the directory that includes all users respective ~/ directories so use ~/ when referring to your own home directory.

Edit I can't figure out the formatting. My client is showing <sub> where ~ should be.

MonkeMischief ,

Hint for KDE folks: Ctrl + h toggles hidden visibility. Makes navigating lots easier. :D

Ziglin ,

Same in thunar (the xfce file manager)

MonkeMischief ,

Awesome! Thunar is legit. 😁

Sabata11792 , avatar

No matter the environment, it is important to dump shit wherever so the user does not get complacent.

MonkeMischief ,

SO MUCH. Now my standard procedure is to just make a "_My_Documents" folder within Documents, so I can know where the files are that I put there myself.

(Leading underscore pops it to the top of the list alphabetically)

I remember some Windows versions had a Games folder for all that, saved games, etc...but it seems very few games actually decided to use it lol.

Swarfega ,

Use Cryptomator. You can then use any cloud storage provider knowing they can't read your files.

Irelephant , avatar

or just pgp encrypt them

dev_null ,

What tool would you recommend for that?

Irelephant , avatar

kleopatra is good, just make sure to backup your private key. If you are comfortable with a cli you could use gnupg. Its man page is good.

dev_null , (edited )

If you are comfortable with a cli you could use gnupg. Its man page is good.

If I have cloud storage mounted somewhere I need to be able to drag and drop directories in and out, see the files inside in an unencrypted form, and they should transparently be uploaded encrypted.
This could very well be achieved by a bunch of scripts involving gnupg, but then that's what's I'm looking for, because gnupg by itself wouldn't be productive to use unless as a one-off.

This seems promising:

Irelephant , avatar

Well it depends on your use case. You could make a script to encrypt a copy of all the files in a directory, make a folder in the cloud storage, and then move the encrypted files to that directory.

ipkpjersi ,

If you save it on your computer instead of on their servers, how could they possibly be expected to analyze your data? Come on now, be reasonable!

lseif ,

exactly! do people expect windows to scan every local file too??!

PlexSheep ,

Pretty sure it does that already, at least with defender

lath ,

Also, the explorer indexer at the very least takes note of what files it has stored.

bruhduh , (edited ) avatar

That's why they created recent controversy with ai analysing your whole data, another reason to switch to Linux

efstajas ,

Tbf that analyzing was happening on-device... But yeah

bruhduh , (edited ) avatar

But analyzed data still get sent to them, so yeah

efstajas ,

Maybe I'm out of the loop, but afaik they always said that none of the data would ever leave the device.

bruhduh , avatar

Check privacy settings, they sent usage data before, what stopping them now

efstajas , (edited )

There's a massive difference between what "usage data" refers to in this context and the kind of data stored and analyzed by Recall locally.

ipkpjersi ,

Sure but it still requires trusting them when they pinky promise they won't send any recall data. Fuck them tbh. It just makes me feel even more right about my decision to switch to Linux years ago.

MonkeMischief ,

That's the part that makes everybody nervous though. Everything from the global dragnet surveillance network to the marketing company behind your grocery store app is most interested in "metadata."

Companies like Microsoft will loudly say they don't want your cat pictures and memes and college papers, they're not tying your usage to an explicit file with your name and favorite pasta varieties...

...BUT that forced transmission of "anonymous user data", could potentially be super effective in identifying and manipulating you. With enough of it, you can easily put together a profile of an individual.

Heck, for a while, TOR would advise against resizing your brower window because the window size in pixels could potentially help fingerprint you on the web. How nuts is that?!

Most people actually worried about a spook digging through "\videos\Homework\" are indeed paranoid.

But there's been a lot of research at what can be done even if you're just "userID 1284hdkfuw724bfiueb"

Draedron ,

God now its not only word "windows" summoning the linux bros but the words "AI" as well?

FlaminGoku ,

I think it's pretty fair considering the implications of Recall

InternetCitizen2 , (edited )

Yeah some people are too inconsiderate of shareholders.

jdeath ,

how would they even monetize that? so basic

Sabata11792 , avatar

Won't somebody please think of the starving shareholders.

EmperorHenry , avatar

you can completely disable all the bullshit in windows including recall, copilot, onedrive and many more things with O&O shutup10++ and also DoNotSpy11

nephs ,

Sounds much harder than switching to Linux.

Scrollone ,

Good luck troubleshooting problems when an update of Windows breaks something.

Just switch to Linux and call it a day.

Aux ,

And then Linux update breaks something...

constantokra ,

Clearly you're not talking about Debian.

EmperorHenry , avatar

Those aren't de-bloat scripts, they're tools that all the windows-techs are using for their customers.

De-bloat scripts break things, those two programs I named above work very well

Irelephant , avatar

Thats great for people who don't want to, or can't switch to linux.

BlackPenguins ,

That's like saying "we can cover this switch on the wall that will blow up your house so you can't flip it." I would feel better if the switch wasn't even there. And now I'm wondering what other switches exist in my house that I don't know about. The trust has already been shattered and I'll never feel safe.

ikidd , avatar

Those programs are even named like malware.

Jesus Christ, the need to use another opaque binary that has a non-zero chance of being hijacked to get rid of shit that should never be there sounds like the definition of insanity.

Skates ,

I want to save to onedrive. So I can create it from my desktop, modify it from my laptop next week when I'm out of town, and send a link to it to the printer shop that's gonna print me some copies. Why are you like this?

zalgotext , (edited )

We used to do this with thumb drives. You can get a 128G usb3 thumb drive these days for like 20 bucks in the checkout line of most electronics stores. Cool things about a thumb* drive is I don't need to pay a subscription fee for it, it doesn't need an Internet connection, and it isn't liable to be rifled through by Microsoft unless Bill Gates comes to your house and steals it from you.

blind3rdeye ,

Hey, no one is trying to stop you from doing that. I'm sure it is very convenient for you.

My point of view though is that automatically uploading my personal files to some corporation computer on the other side of the world should not be the default when I try to save something. Maybe sometimes I'll want to use that feature, but there are a variety of reasons why I don't want it most of the time. And I definitely don't like having to jump through hoops just to avoid it.

cygon ,

Stage 2:

Documents folder? You want to rule my whole computer, dictate some nonsensical folder structure and then you act like, out of the goodness of your heart, I can have this little set of folders, deep in your weird structure, to store my stuff? And you're even telling me how to sort it? On my own hard drive connected to my own computer?

1rre , (edited )

What OS doesn't do that, even linux has xdg dirs

calcopiritus ,

I unironically do this. There was one update that wiped one guy's Documents/Downloads/Images/Videos. So I made my own and store my things there.

Buddahriffic ,

And then at some point, games started saving inside documents. Ok, it makes sense to have game save files in a user area instead of a subfolder in the game install area, but they aren't documents. Just make a new game saves folder or something like that, don't just stick all my game save files in the same area, cluttering up my own organization.

Though I did solve it kinda by just making a new documents subfolder in my documents where I put my actual documents.

adarza ,

"%userprofile%\Saved Games" exists, but most games that i've seen don't use it by default, or even can't use it due to its own shortcomings.

Buddahriffic ,

Yeah, ultimately the issue is probably more about an attempt to go from a completely unmanaged file system where it was just big free for all with the hope everyone would behave nicely to a more managed design that still needed to maintain backwards compatibility with the old system where there were a slew of programs that depended on a bunch of undocumented behavior.

InternetCitizen2 ,

While we are at it I'd like to see music be called audio.

Irelephant , avatar

There is a folder for game saves iirc.

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