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What do you think the Great Filter is?

The Great Filter is the idea that, in the development of life from the earliest stages of abiogenesis to reaching the highest levels of development on the Kardashev scale, there is a barrier to development that makes detectable extraterrestrial life exceedingly rare. The Great Filter is one possible resolution of the Fermi...

sparkle , avatar

The Milky Way is 100,000 light years across. It's physically impossible to settle that in 10,000 years

sparkle , avatar

Istanbul, a place well-known for using Hebrew script

sparkle , avatar

Even worse, because the Kingdom of Israel stopped existing 3000 years ago. Modern Israelis have zero connection to ancient Israel

sparkle , (edited ) avatar

You're just flat out lying at this point lol. 21-23% of the entire Israeli Jewish population is first-generation immigrants; 30-35% is second-generation, direct offspring of immigrants; 30-35% is third-generation; 10-15% is fourth-generation; under 5% is fifth-generation or beyond (which would include Jews who lived there since before Aliyah). These are numbers are from the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics. There's also statistics that rather say 40-45% are third-generation with much less being fourth-generation or beyond, but with around the same amount or slightly less being first and second generation – I find the former estimates far more reasonable though. It's estimated around 90-97% of Israeli Jews are descended from immigrants since 1900.

A majority of Israeli Jews are descended from immigrants of several Aliyah (immigration to "Zion" from outside of the lands of Palestine/Israel, practically starting from 1882 but mostly ramping up around the start of the British/Israeli oppression of Palestinians in the region in the early and mid 1900s). Even the most conservative estimates say that around 50-70% of Israel's Jewish population growth since 1900 came from immigration, with most of the rest of the population growth coming from recent immigrants having children. And those are really conservative estimates, the actual amount is likely much higher than that.

A significant portion of Israeli Jews came from immigration in the 90s, especially from the Soviet Union after its collapse – 1.4-1.6 million Jews (compared to Israel's total current Jewish population of around 7.4 million) immigrated to Israel following the collapse of the USSR. Over a fifth of the entire Israeli Jewish population in just the span of one generation. Yet second- and third-generation Israeli Jews make up like 3-3.5x as much still.

It's crazy for you to try to state that modern Israelis aren't primarily (nearly exclusively) descended from relatively recent immigrants who displaced (and outright genocided) the native population. You straight up just made that up without consulting any history/statistics, not even Israel's own statistics lol. Palestine faced a colonization and replacement by Jewish immigrants – according to the Jewish Virtual Library, 8% of people in the region were Jewish in 1882; then 11-13% after the end of WW1, after the adoption of a Zionist policy for Palestine and occupation by the UK (see the Balfour Declaration); then 32% in 1947 after several Aliyah; then in 1948 – the year the Israel was formally established and immigrants were shipped in from all over the globe, and the year European immigrants to Israel started all-out total war and genocide against Palestinians – that number jumped to 82%. It is not Jews' "indigenous land", 93%+ of people in the region were Arab Muslims at the time of the first Aliyah, hundreds of thousands compared to the 9,000 Jews and even less Christians. Jews hadn't been the majority in the region since the 4th century, Arabs & Muslims have been the majority since before the Magna Carta, the Crusades, European Feudalism, they were most of the population when France just started to exist.

Considering the actual facts of the situation, your justification basically becomes "colonization and apartheid in the modern day is okay because some other people they identified with lived there 1,500-3,000 years ago", in which case I have some bad news for like, 95% of Europeans, Middle Easterners, and Asians, who all exist on lands which were someone elses in that same time period. Ethnonationalism with feeling you have a "right" to certain land you have no actual connection to based on some ancient "predecessor" civilization that had those lands stolen from them before Hindu-Arabic numerals existed is a strong hint that you're in the wrong (see: Nazism). Modern Jews are about as indigenous to Israel as the modern Japanese are to Korea, or modern Turkish are to Mongolia.

Zionism is modern-day ethnonationalism and colonialism by predominantly non-Levantine peoples (more than half of those being primarily European in ancestry). Its purpose is creating and justifying an ethnostate where Jews are superior and have rights that other groups don't have – and such things are cemented in the Israeli constitution and law. To exist, Israel requires relegating non-Jews to second-class personhood and requires (or required at some recent point in time) commiting acts of genocide towards certain non-Jews; abolishing that would be abolishing the concept of Israel and Zionism as a whole. There is no real moral defense of the state of Israel.

sparkle , (edited ) avatar

Chimpanzees are likely going to be extinct 2-3 decades from now. Bonobos will be extinct in 4-6 decades. Orangutans will go extinct within 10 to 20 years. Most animals closely related to humans (including most apes & monkeys) are projected to become extinct within a few decades. I do not want to be alive when gorillas go extinct

This is mostly due to the meat trade (apes and monkeys are often killed for meat which is eaten by locals or traded), being affected by the wars in the Congo/Africa, being kidnapped & sold as exotic pets, and habitat loss from human resource harvesting/logging & development. Humans are effectively displacing, enslaving, slaughtering, and cannibalizing their distant cousins

Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( )

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

sparkle , avatar

It is a nuanced topic that requires explanation of certain history. There is no TL;DR

sparkle , avatar

pretty sure i remember just pressing ctrl-c/ctrl-v on the android studio emulator

sparkle , avatar

Off the top of my head, a lot. @FlyingSquid, @The_Picard_Maneuver, @AngryCommieKender, @captainlezbian, @DragonTypeWyvern, @Cryophilia, @masquenox, @jimmydoreisalefty, @SatansMaggotyCumFart, @BonesOfTheMoon, @1984, @Cryophilia, @Nurse_Robot. Some of them just have very memorable or kick-ass names (Nurse Robot? Why didn't I think of that???), and some of them are unavoidable on the site.

I also usually remember the active conservative and "centrist" specimens on this site, like intensely_human, IsThisAnAI, TubularTittyFrog, SpaceCowboy, Melvin_Ferd. I tend to strongly disagree with them a lot.

sparkle , (edited ) avatar

I uninstalled one drive immediately, it's so annoying. It's also really fucky with when it updates files. If I need to use it, I'll go on my browser

sparkle , avatar

C++ is inferior to Rust and should be used in no new projects unless it is absolutely necessary

sparkle , avatar

Lemmy's primary demographic is like, developers/engineers who get paid enough to spend most of the day doing shit other than work and still live comfortably. (And Redditors that decided they were too cool for closed-source corporate malware.)

sparkle , (edited ) avatar

Do NOT get Sennheiser Momentum earbuds. They're extremely high-quality sound for wireless earbuds, but they're known for breaking/falling apart within months. Both the TW3 and the newer TW4. Sennheiser acknowledged the build quality issues a while back, but they're not going to be changing anything any time soon.

You could probably find Samsung Galaxy Buds2 for under $100, or Buds2 Pro for around $100, if you want wireless ones.

Bose QC earbuds are also pretty good.

The Technics EAH-AZ80 are probably the best wireless ones sound-quality wise that won't die immediately, but you'll probably have a hard time finding them for $200 or less.

For wired earbuds, you might be able to find the Moondrop Blessing 2/2 Dusk/3 for $200-250.

The Linsoul 7Hz Timeless are good quality wired earbuds and they're $200-220. The 7Hz Timeless AE are better overall and are found around $220-260.

For wired options under $200, your best bets are probably Letshuoer S12 ($110) or Letshuoer S12 Pro ($135). The Moondrop Kato ($190) might work for you too but it might not.

I honestly don't see the point in getting wired earbuds though, it's the worst of both worlds – the sound doesn't even come close to being as good as that of wired headphones which cost significantly less, and the wires are incredibly annoying and get caught on random stuff. You can regularly find Sennheiser HD 560S for $70-120 and HD 6XX & HD 600 for $150-200 each, or DT 770 Pro for $100-150, and use that for your audiophile needs. And those, unlike earbuds, will stay like brand new for decades if treated properly (unless you're very unlucky and get a poorly constructed one). And probably get a pair of wireless earbuds with good ANC (the Bose QC line or Samsung Galaxy Buds line would probably be the best in that department) to use for convenience purposes as well.

[US] I'm hesitating launching my own business because I'd lose health insurance for my family. What are my options?

I have everything pretty much ready to launch full time. Time, skills, customers, support from family. But I'd leave my current job behind and with it my family's health insurance for the foreseeable future. I can't afford any of the options I've seen. It's the one thing holding me back. Any ideas for affordable health insurance...

sparkle , (edited ) avatar

The only good option I could think of to do this is to utilize the DAFT between the Netherlands and the US. Pretty much every European country has a self-employment visa/permit with lax requirements though – usually they only require you have like 10-20K€ stored in a government bank account that you aren't allowed to withdraw from.

An issue with this is that, on such visas, you have to have your own private insurance and can't rely on the government's welfare/social safety whatsoever, or else your visa won't get renewed. Of course the healthcare will still be affordable unlike in the US, but it's something to keep in mind.

An added bonus to doing it in the Netherlands is you won't run into many people who can't speak English well. Obviously if you're moving somewhere else, you should use the primary languages spoken there and not just talk to everyone in English, but it can't hurt to be able to use English when your Dutch skills are lacking, especially if your customers are primarily English-speaking or if you want to hire the people who live there.

sparkle , (edited ) avatar

Pick the victims randomly

Even better, pick the highest-paid rank-and-file workers (which usually have the highest pay for a reason), so your entire workforce is made up of inexperienced juniors unfamiliar with the things they're working on, who have little to no reason to stay at the company for long. That always works out in the company's favor long-term.

sparkle , (edited ) avatar

in general, adjectives and verbs after nouns because it's more organized/easier to search/filter. as god intended.

sparkle , (edited ) avatar

Young men are much more likely to be non-conforming to sexist cultural/gender norms and stereotypes, which often leads to them being ostracized more by general society and makes it easier for grifters (like manosphere influencers) to take ahold of them and radicalize them with alt-right and/or extremely misogynistic beliefs.

There are plenty of amazing feminist role models, but the right's form of propoganda is so much more enticing because it tells you that everyone else is the problem and you're superior to others, rather than ask you to give a shot at understanding reality like leftist influences do. That goes with anything on the right, fascists are a lot more motivating and good at gaining/rallying radical supporters because it's so much easier to get people on your side if you're allowed to lie about everything. So naturally, impressionable – and extremely vulnerable and emotionally volatile – young men gravitate towards the extreme negative influences due to how our society and education is poorly set up to prevent that.

And in this case how sexism and toxic masculinity is deeply ingrained into our society that so many of these young men are made to feel like they're "not real men" by those around them, it really pushes them towards this even more. Rather than reject the idea of a "real man" or a "real woman", they embrace them even more and convince themselves that they are the realest men, and OTHERS are pathetic.

sparkle , avatar

9 years old? That's practically brand new!

[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

sparkle , (edited ) avatar

The same reason people hate leftists, feminists, trans athletes, "gamer girls", people on welfare, blacks, etc. An image the right cultivated of the group, out of convenient easily-hateable annoying people in it that they could use to create a generalization/stereotype out of. It's something that's able to happen to any group, I could portray any hobbyist or activist in this way the same exact way as these "annoying" groups are portrayed, but the right is particularly willing to just flat out lie, slander, and cheat their way into making countercultural/anti-status-quo groups look as absurd as possible, to the point that the majority of the population falls for it (even those that don't consider themselves to be conservative).

I'll make a comparison. Conservative/"anti-sjw" thumbnails often have a picture of some angry-looking rainbow haired woman, usually the same few, in order to be like "look how irrational and crazy these feminazis are, she must hate men so much" and like 4 out of 5 of those times it's a picture of a woman that was protesting a literal neo-nazi gathering or something, not some sort of radical crazy man-hating feminist. But the internet has conditioned the average person to look at someone like that and immediately think they're an irrational "feminazi", and conservatives showing these pictures everywhere and making 100 videos on the same person makes people subconsciously believe they're rampant and have a massive (and bad) grip on society.

Same kind of thing happens with vegans, you have the same 10 or so internet vegans people use to portray veganism that conditions people to think poorly of the concept "vegan", and when these influencers are confronted about it they say "I don't hate veganism, I just hate the annoying vegans" then they go onto Twitter to complain about the vegans and how they're irrational for not eating meat and their brains must be de-evolving or something. They know what they're doing, but they can hide behind plausible deniability, and the majority of viewers fall for it.

sparkle , avatar

I don't like explicitly stating "cherry-picking"/"strawman"/"ad hominem"/other fallacies because people seem to have a visceral reaction to seeing those words, probably are confused as to what they actually are and are assuming you're just throwing out random fallacies to conveniently discredit any arguments with no basis, and will refuse to consider the rest of the stuff they read. I think it's more consumable for the people who really are open to seeing new angles if they have more specific/relatable views to work with, rather than me repeating the same thing they've already heard a hundred times without much elaboration. I can't confirm that though

sparkle , (edited ) avatar

You don't have to be a techie to see it. There's a button right below the email text box saying "Add a user without a Microsoft account" (here's another variation). Sure if you don't care about privacy then you might not notice it, but it's pretty hard to miss if you actually don't want to use an email. It's not hidden behind layers of clicks or a collapsed menu or something, it's a text link that says what it does that's on the same email setup page. Microsoft sucks but don't spread misinformation.

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