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Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising ( www.techradar.com )

Windows 11 is getting out of hand with its push for advertisments, frankly - remember the recent full-screen pop-up to persuade users to install Edge or other Microsoft services? Then another advertisment was placed in the Start menu, and now Microsoft has finally worn my temper thin - with a new Game Pass ad coming to the...

Buddahriffic ,

Considering ms has changed the look and feel of windows itself over the years, sometimes pretty drastically, there's some leeway there.

Buddahriffic ,

I think the same about anyone who fears LGBT+ trying to convert their kids like they believe someone can be convinced to be gay rather than just convinced to accept their sexuality.

Like I don't see any problem with being gay but it's not for me. I sometimes think dating would be easier if I was bi, but it's about as appealing as knowing it would be easier to fill my stomach if I ate sawdust.

So it's very telling when someone talks about gays tempting them or that they worry about a gay agenda of turning everyone gay like it's a realistic possibility.

Buddahriffic ,

That's a part of it. Another part is that it looks for patterns that it can apply in other places, which is how it ends up hallucinating functions that don't exist and things like that.

Like it can see that English has the verbs add, sort, and climb. And it will see a bunch of code that has functions like add(x, y) and sort( list ) and might conclude that there must also be a climb( thing ) function because that follows the pattern of functions being verb( objects ). It didn't know what code is or even verbs for that matter. It could generate text explaining them because such explanations are definitely part of its training, but it understands it in the same way a dictionary understands words or an encyclopedia understands the concepts contained within.

Buddahriffic ,

Then each QA human will be paired with a second AI that will catch those mistakes the human ignores. And another human will be hired to watch that AI and that human will get an AI assistant to catch their mistakes.

Eventually they'll need a rule that you can only communicate with the human/AI directly above you or below you in the chain to avoid meetings with entire countries of people.

Buddahriffic ,

Manual release or you die, just like that lady that drove hers into her pond.

Buddahriffic ,

With sarcasm, one might say that it is desirable to have obviously undesirable thing. Your interpretation is one way, but I think they really meant "stupid" instead of "smart".

Buddahriffic , (edited )

Agree on your overall sentiment, though I'd say it is a bit more complicated than that for car doors. You don't want it to fail and come open while moving, for example, especially if the car is coming to a stop and inertia forces the doors fully open. That Boeing door failed open and it was not very safe.

Vehicle doors should be fail functional rather than open to fail safe. As in designed to be very unlikely to fail and/or still functional even if one or several components do fail.

Edit: I normally avoid commenting on my downvotes (you win some, you lose some) but this one is baffling. What's controversial or unpopular about what I said?

Buddahriffic ,

For the fail-safe bit, if the latching system fails to an unlatched position, then the inertia of the door itself could cause it to open on braking and turns (or if someone leans on it or bumps it), since nothing else would be holding it in place.

Obligatory fuck Elon Musk lol.

It's not generally as bad here as it is on Reddit. I still see the occasional comments that make me wonder if their author has any reading comprehension skills, but Reddit seemed to have representation from those kinds of posters in most comment threads. Even on the topics where Lemmy has general biases for, comments can still go off the beaten trail without getting crucified.

Though with the smaller sample size of voters, I think Lemmy might see more cases where a comment initially goes one way and then swings the other way, which seems to be the case with my comment above, at least for now (and is part of the reason why I try to refrain from ever commenting on the votes, but usually there's also a spicy or bolder part of my comment where I'm not as surprised if it goes negative).

Buddahriffic ,

Car doors that aren't on teslas don't fail open, they are reliable enough that I can't think of hearing about any failures that don't involve a collision and deforming of the door (in which case it's a fail closed and they use the jaws of life to get people out, or another door).

An electronic latch is either engaged or it isn't. Fail open would mean that in the absence of an electronic signal saying it should be closed, the latch will default to not being engaged, which would mean there's nothing holding the door closed if another force acts on it.

Don't assume any benefit of the doubt about Tesla's. I made no comment one way or another about what I think of their doors vs other doors. For the record, I agree completely that they fucked up this part of the design. The purpose of my comment was to say that taking that design and adding "fail open" to it won't fix it. Fail open and fail closed both have problems with an electronic latch and the only way to fix it without causing other big problems is to design it in a way that still functions as a door that can be open or latched closed whether or not the electronic part of the latch is working.

And I'm "deliberately misinterpreting" what fail open means? I'm having trouble understanding how it can mean anything other than how I'm interpreting it, even with your clarification, given the disagreement about other car doors failing open. Maybe it's a misnomer that I'm misinterpreting but why are you assuming I'm doing this in bad faith?

The downvotes themselves don't matter, I asked because I wanted to know the reasoning behind them, well aware that bringing them up at all will probably result in more of them.

Buddahriffic ,

Yep, 4 hours later and it still spoiled it for me.

Buddahriffic ,

They are unwrapped and sitting pretty close to some meat and cheese. Feels like that's just asking for disrupting vaginal health balance. Plus I'd be suspicious of holes poked in the condoms. Unwrapping them is such a weird thing to do.

Buddahriffic ,

Sounds to me like he should be given veto power in projects he gets hired on to. I didn't mind the Witcher because I hadn't gotten very far into the lore myself and didn't see how much it had gone off the original path, but I'm kinda tired of producers and directors taking an existing story but then changing huge parts of it.

There's nothing wrong with telling your own story but enough with the bait and switch ones. Give it your own name, don't leech off of the name recognition of already loved stories.

Buddahriffic ,

frezik claims "only Siths deal in absolutes"

Statement itself is an absolute

Therefore frezik must be lying, mistaken, or Sith. Or exaggerating. Or quoting. Or this whole thing is just a hallucination.

I think that covers all cases. At least the most common ones.

Buddahriffic ,

And then at some point, games started saving inside documents. Ok, it makes sense to have game save files in a user area instead of a subfolder in the game install area, but they aren't documents. Just make a new game saves folder or something like that, don't just stick all my game save files in the same area, cluttering up my own organization.

Though I did solve it kinda by just making a new documents subfolder in my documents where I put my actual documents.

Buddahriffic ,

Yeah, ultimately the issue is probably more about an attempt to go from a completely unmanaged file system where it was just big free for all with the hope everyone would behave nicely to a more managed design that still needed to maintain backwards compatibility with the old system where there were a slew of programs that depended on a bunch of undocumented behavior.

Buddahriffic ,

I dunno, I think he might have figured out how to bottle lightning because he had another show after The Room that was the same kind of "so bad it's good" as The Room was. He'd have to be pretty delusional to think he was making high art after the way The Room was received, so to realize what people liked about his art (assuming he didn't know that in the first place) and not immediately just churning out garbage instead tells me he does have talent. Entertainingly bad is a hard line to deliberately walk.

Plus there's no evidence he was born into money. Maybe a bunch fell out of a plane with him.

Buddahriffic ,

In the whole bad times lead to strong people, which leads to good times, which leads to weak people, which leads to bad times, we're in the weak people leading to bad times stage. Now things need to get bad enough to start making strong people.

Only problem is the fascists are smarter this time and are pushing everywhere, so this time might not have nation states on the good side.

Buddahriffic ,

While I'm not surprised if fascists use it, I don't think it is disinformation if they do, seems like more of a human thing where people generally just want to live their lives but asshole control freaks want to take power and gradually do while most just focus on their own things until the control freaks cross too many lines and people decide the best way to live their best life involves removing them from power.

It all depends on how you define "strong people" and "good times". The fascist version of this isn't quite in sync with the one I believe in.

Buddahriffic ,

Reminds me of the bash.org quote that went something like:

User1 joins channel


Mod: Try hitting the caps lock key


“It’s Like a Cult”: Breaking Free from the Far Right | The Walrus ( thewalrus.ca )

Beyond his job as a freelance process server in Toronto, thirty-five-year-old Josh Chernofsky didn’t have much going on in the spring of 2019. But over time, he’d developed a rapport with one of the security guards at the University Avenue courthouses. They’d chat about this and that, often about security work; Chernofsky...

Buddahriffic ,

I've also heard cases where someone clearly states they aren't interested in the religious spiel but still willing to engage with them about other things and them willing to go along with it. Figured it was more of a long con thing, like be friendly now and maybe in a few weeks they'll be more open to joining the cult, but maybe it's just them feeling starved for positive human interaction that isn't just about the cult.

Buddahriffic ,

I'm curious how well the systems can differentiate doppelgangers and identical twins. Or if some makeup is enough to fool it.

Buddahriffic ,

Plus our allowing sociopaths to hold so much power.

Buddahriffic ,

Yeah, if we can still recognize those as faces, it's possible for a neural net to do so as well.

But I'm talking more about differentiating faces than hiding entirely from such systems. Like makeup can be used to give the illusion that the shape of the face is different with false contour shading. You can't really change the jawline (I think... I'm not skilled in makeup myself but have an awareness of what it can do) but you can change where the cheekbones appear to be, as well as the overall shape of the cheeks, and you can adjust the nose, too (unless it's a profile angle).

I think the danger in trying to hide that you have a face entirely is that if it gets detected, there's a good chance that it will be flagged for attempting to fool the system because those examples you gave are pretty obvious, once you know what's going on.

It would be like going in to a bank with a ski mask to avoid being recognized vs going in as Mrs Doubtfire. Even if they are just trying to do banking that one time, the ski mask will attract unwanted attention while using a different face would accomplish the goal of avoiding attention.

Buddahriffic ,

Haha that reminds me of a period of my life where I realized it was possible for game devs to detect piracy but instead of making the game say, "not legit copy, cannot play", it would be more subtle and make itself unstable and eventually crash.

I had a pirated copy of RCT3 that would crash regularly after a few hours. Thought maybe that's what was going on, plus it was a good game and worth my money anyways, so I bought a legit copy and installed that.

A few hours into playing, it crashed again.

Oh well, other than the crashing it was still a good game so I don't regret buying it. And I think they sorted it out because my more recent plays didn't see any crashes. I even bought it again on Steam since I'm not entirely sure where the disc is and don't have a drive to read it anyways.

Buddahriffic ,

Seems like I've been seeing more and more comments on Lemmy that are dumb takes like the one above. Makes me wonder if Lemmy is on the radar of more of the bad faith posters sowing division but having no idea how to get through to the demographic here.

Buddahriffic ,

Imports from Taiwan, eh? Sounds like China just admitted that Taiwan is independent to me.

Buddahriffic ,

I don't even have a gas range but still hate the microwave mounted over top the stove. If I'm boiling water, it doesn't matter if the range fan is on, it's condensing on the microwave's surfaces. And I don't burn things on the stove often, but if I do it would be nice to vent that outside, like the whole point of a fucking range fan is you stupid fucking cheap developers.

Buddahriffic ,

Won't anyone think of the cutoff jeans industry!?

Buddahriffic ,

Call him, "Sir John Lennon, officially knighted by Queen Victoria in 1988", or "88" for short.

Buddahriffic ,

Wouldn't you still get some benefit once you're going due to regenerative breaking? Though I'm just guessing as to how they are set up, no idea if they even do regenerative breaking.

Buddahriffic ,

And by "cleaning my yard" they really mean "blowing whatever I consider a mess onto whatever is beside my yard, or in the general vicinity for the dust".

Buddahriffic ,

Or use the dryer on low.

Buddahriffic ,

Also you can just keep it going. An hour usually does the trick for me, but occasionally I'll extend it for another 30 mins. I wouldn't be surprised if that still uses less energy than just 30 mins high.

Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if the times I do extend it aren't necessary. Like it's not even at the damp point, it's just at the point where it's ambiguous if they still have a bunch of moisture and have been fine when I decide to just take them out.

Which is another good sign for drying on low: it doesn't matter if there isn't any more moisture to evaporate, they are just being warmed instead of cooked.

Buddahriffic ,

I bet at some point that roof will be stuck open and it will start raining before the tech gets out to fix it.

Buddahriffic ,

I love mixing technology with nudity. But I have also avoided this problem because I don't mix technology and Apple.

Buddahriffic ,

"Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii'mmmm hooooooooooooorneeeeeeeeeey caaaaaaaaaaaaaaan aaaaanyyyyyyooooneeee heeeeeeeeeaaar meeeeeeeeeee ooooooooveeeeeeeer theeeeeeseee fuuuuuuuuuuckiiiing boooooooooooats?"

Buddahriffic ,

Having unenforceable or illegal clauses in a legal contract means the contract wasn't written in good faith, which should void the whole thing. Regardless of any "if parts of this contract are deemed illegal, the rest still stands".

It would be nice to see more proactive involvement of the legal system with this, like have some people whose job it is to challenge these consumer contracts and standardize them kinda like how some open source licenses are standardized. Modularize it, so instead of writing out the whole "limited liability" section, they could refer to an established one by name. Then each module can be the subject of study and challenge, like if a more limiting one should come with other compromises elsewhere.

I think at that point, most honest companies would just pick a standard license or contract, plus maybe a few modifications and shady ones will have more trouble hiding shit like this in the middle of pages and pages of the same boring shit you've read hundreds of times before if you actually do read these things before signing or clicking agree.

At this point, most contracts should probably be unenforceable because few people actually do understand what they are agreeing to, which is supposed to be one of the essential parts of a contract. So many parts should probably have an "initial here to show you agreed to this" at the very least. But I'm no fool, this is likely considered a feature rather than a bug for most of the people involved in making and enforcing these things.

Buddahriffic ,

This performance is all over the place, let's start it over from the top:

Haha, well now, we call this the act of mating. But there are several other very important differences between human beings and animals that you should know about.

Buddahriffic ,

Me and you do the kind of things that only Prince would sing about

Buddahriffic ,

Purpose implies intent more than outcome. I agree with your overall stance but think something like "result" would be more effective. Calling it the "purpose" makes a similar accusation to anyone who wants to have this debate to what it itself is making about men in general, which will just increase the divide. I don't think you're deliberately trying to do that, but I think it could end up being the result.

Your overall point does capture how this whole thing has made me feel. Even as someone who didn't get offended, understands what women who would "prefer the bear" are actually saying and doesn't think I'm owed any attention from anyone that doesn't want to give it to me, the only thing this meme makes me want to do is disengage even more. And a younger version of me would have really resented being made to feel like my mere presence was offensive or scary.

Buddahriffic ,

Yeah the whole "any press is good press" idea mostly applies to things you want to make money from because for any position you can think of, there's people out there that will support it. So, given your position, if you can get more attention by creating loud arguments, even if they are generally against you, that extra noise means you'll reach more people that might be sympathetic to your position, and you'll increase revenue from those people.

If the goal is to capture hearts and minds to change the world, controversial attention is the opposite of what you want because antagonizing a group of people will always generate opposition, sometimes where there was none, and sometimes even where there was formerly support.

One of the real dangers of sexism and racism and all that is that it generates more sexism and racism. So even if you decide that you really don't care about group x, you're done with them and they can all die in a fire and you don't even care if that makes you evil, expressing that will contribute to a cycle that will come back to hurt others in your group.

It's why genocide keeps coming up in human history. That's where this all leads when it's a racist or cultural thing. Sexism is different because the genders can't survive without each other, but it is a reason why we're seeing a resurgence of conservatives willing to unironically talk about the worst parts of patriarchism as if they are good things, like women just existing as servants to men.

Though when I look at everything going on in the world, it really feels like humanity in general needs to get the fight out of their system because so many conflicts are caught in this kind of cycle with no peaceful resolution in sight for any of it that doesn't involve some major compromises on things I'm not sure anyone is willing to compromise on. WWIII is going to be messy because I think the national conflicts might be overshadowed by domestic ones, which will cause even more issues as they spill into each other.

Buddahriffic ,

I mean, in that position I'd probably be willing to gamble with my life. Not with Musk involved, but if there was a similar opportunity without his involvement. It would be an honorable death, too, as long as it didn't result in a halt on the research.

If I could fully trust the ones doing it, there is a certain % of death risk I'd be willing to take as a healthy person once the tech is more mature. The possibilities of such technology are endless, especially as the tech becomes more interactive rather than just observing and acting on those observations. I'm not sure if I'd want to live in the Matrix, but I'd love to at least visit it or play VR games based on that tech. Altered Carbon would be interesting, too.

Buddahriffic ,

Yeah, that "if I could trust it" is pulling a lot of weight there. Like I decline fucking website cookies. Tech like that has way more invasive potential. Maybe they wouldn't even need to advertise and could directly make you just buy things or give them free labour. You'd just need a module to make a person act like a normal happy person and then with that could potentially do anything "under the hood" without being detected. The possibilities are endless in the dystopian direction, too. Realistically, "if I could trust it" isn't a requirement that can be met.

Buddahriffic ,

How can you tell if an elephant is hiding in your fridge?

Footprints in the butter.

Buddahriffic ,

Disney might have paid a bunch of money to get George Lucas to say they owned it, but as far as I'm concerned, they can only make their official Disney version of the universe and can't unmake the rest.

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