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MonkeMischief ,

After a while I finally picked up Parkitect. I've been having a blast with OpenRTC2 lately, and everyone says if you like Rollercoaster Tycoon, Parkitect really follows that idea.

Still burning through the old school games, but I'm excited to play this one! Especially with workshop support.

MonkeMischief ,

All the Deus Ex games go for ridiculously cheap and are such a great fun-per-dollar ratio IMHO.

Yes, even Invisible War, if one embraces its weird consoley quirks. XD (bias: I enjoyed it on my OG Xbox back in the day. Universal ammo is so stupid though.)

Still gotta play Mankind Divided. I hope they finish the series one day. They absolutely nailed it with the iconic aesthetic, and Adam Jensen is just so freaking cool. :)

MonkeMischief ,

Meme gave me a laugh. XD

I see people not happy with Docker as a company, and, I get that, tech co. Lol

But I gotta admit, it's definitely been awesome for self hosting. My home server would probably just be OpenMediaVault and a Samba share if I couldn't just spin up compose files and had to worry about every app wanting its own database and stuff!

Are there better alternatives for newbs who just wanna self host stuff?

MonkeMischief ,
MonkeMischief ,

One time I was in a really run-down thrift store looking for anything neat that stood out. A random guy asked how I was doing and y'know, I tried to be genuine enough, but in return he gave what is now one of my favorite replies:

"Too blessed t'be stressed!"

The delivery of it was like he actually meant it. Like he was just enjoying his day lookin' at stuff and nothing could bother him.

It's a good outlook, y'know... especially because at the time I was in a miserable job and often used the "Been better" and "I'm here." Responses because I just didn't have much else in me.

MonkeMischief , (edited )

My secret is I've been wearing BDUs and other kinds of surplus tactical/cargo pants since like highschool. Much as I despise the Mil-Ind-Com, some old G.I gear lasts a lifetime of use. It's made to resist rips and scrapes too.

Not only are they roomy and utilitarian, they're often much more breathable than thick jeans in summer. (And what's with jean pockets?!?) They don't particularly stand out unless you wanna have a fun pair like black and white "urban camo" or sky blue or purple or something.

It puts everything I use in arm's reach, too.

...Oh and you're not paying out the nose for some stupid logo embroidered on the buttocks.

I just avoid currently-issued stuff so nobody mistakes me for a servicemember or something. That'd be awkward.

Otherwise, for everyday life thankfully they're somewhat trend-immune, style-wise.

Just be aware of the blends. Old-style stuff might be much more cotton-based and breathable, for instance (but less durable). Polyester+Ripstop is pretty nice and durable but a bit coarse.

But there was a bit of a kerfuffle over the Navy trying to be trendy with that digital "blueberry" camo... apparently that crap melted pretty bad when exposed to fire. . .on a navy ship. Yeah. Yikes. (Not to mention blending in with the ocean if someone went overboard. Yay?)

Whoops. There's my pants-rant.

Oh, and I'm SO HAPPY flare-cuts are coming back because my wife rocks them. Hope that trend lasts a while.

...otherwise "fast fashion" needs to die as quick as it goes out of style...

MonkeMischief ,

Oh like a different blend that's still durable but comfortable and breathey? I'll have to keep an eye open for that some time.

The duty pants I have are crazy tough but in the Summer heat they insulate like crazy. 🫠 I think they're mainly synthetic...

MonkeMischief ,

Yeah, across the whole country even, I think people have been discouraged from reading in general. (Heck, it's hard to feel like you have time to just sit and read a book...Audiobooks FTW...)

But I'm convinced this recent anti-library culture-war push is absolutely just a big PsyOp by private and public owner-class types.

Making it about drag queens and racy books on the surface is an easy way to rile up the uneducated, to remove public free access to information without commercial motive.

Further discouraging education by cutting off access to cultural and community events, outreach, and collections is a great way to isolate people back down to consumer-individuals and grow the hate-base.

Libraries are absolutely under attack for being easy targets too, you're right. And often from the inside! Our local library district has an immensely corrupt board and executive staff. It's likely seen as an easy stepping stone to pad a resume for big CEO jobs or public office. They can get away with a lot without many people really looking too hard...

MonkeMischief ,

SO MUCH. Now my standard procedure is to just make a "_My_Documents" folder within Documents, so I can know where the files are that I put there myself.

(Leading underscore pops it to the top of the list alphabetically)

I remember some Windows versions had a Games folder for all that, saved games, etc...but it seems very few games actually decided to use it lol.

MonkeMischief ,

Hint for KDE folks: Ctrl + h toggles hidden visibility. Makes navigating lots easier. :D

MonkeMischief ,

That's the part that makes everybody nervous though. Everything from the global dragnet surveillance network to the marketing company behind your grocery store app is most interested in "metadata."

Companies like Microsoft will loudly say they don't want your cat pictures and memes and college papers, they're not tying your usage to an explicit file with your name and favorite pasta varieties...

...BUT that forced transmission of "anonymous user data", could potentially be super effective in identifying and manipulating you. With enough of it, you can easily put together a profile of an individual.

Heck, for a while, TOR would advise against resizing your brower window because the window size in pixels could potentially help fingerprint you on the web. How nuts is that?!

Most people actually worried about a spook digging through "\videos\Homework\" are indeed paranoid.

But there's been a lot of research at what can be done even if you're just "userID 1284hdkfuw724bfiueb"

MonkeMischief ,

Awesome! Thunar is legit. 😁

MonkeMischief ,

Yeah search is pretty useless now. I'm so over it. Trying to fix problems always has the top 15 results be like:

"You might ask yourself, how is Error-13 on a Maytag Washer? Well first, let's start with What Is a Maytag Washer. You would be right to assume washing clothes has been a task for thousands of years. The first washing machine was invented..." (Yes I wrote that by hand, how'd I do? Lol)

It's the same as how I really stopped caring if crypto was gonna "revolutionize money" once it became a gold rush to horde GPUs and subsequently any other component you could store a hash on.

R&D and open source for the advancement of humanity is cool.

Building enormous farms and burning out powerful components that could've been used for art and science, to instead prove-that-you-own-a-receipt-for-an-ugly-monkey-jpeg hoping it explodes in value, is apalling.

I'm sure there was an ethical application way back there somewhere, but it just becomes a pump-and-dump scheme and ruins things for a lot of good people.

MonkeMischief ,

And this is exactly why, on top of all of BigTech's other countless evils, I tell people I don't have an Instagram account. And many times they act like I'm strange or pitiful for refusing to subject myself to it.

Even if I tried to only post my own thing and nothing else, it's just designed to arrest your attention on purpose. I once was managing the account for a group I was in, and I still doomscrolled.

Infinite scrolling is terrible design because your brain keeps thinking the next best thing you've ever seen is gonna be the next one, the next one, the next one.

And your "quick check" becomes "Dude if I had started Return of the King extended edition when I opened this cursed thing, it would have been over by now!"

Pro Tip: There's lots of neat Firefox extensions that block a lot of YouTube's addiction features like recommended feeds. You can re-enable it temporarily if that's actually how you wish to spend your time. :)

MonkeMischief ,

Funny to see this, because I haven't bought a vehicle in a long time, but I had the EXACT same thought.

I grimace every time I see that hideous "CarMax - - -" decal stuck to the actual car body.

Same with license plate frames that are like
"Huge 'Dicky' Richard's Auto Circus Emporium Honda Jeep Lexus - We rub you right!"

At least those just tell me "the driver is likely lazy or can't identify a screwdriver." But an actual decal? Yeah they better take it off, and discount me if they scratch it in the process. :p

Obnoxious, man.

MonkeMischief ,

Yeah I'm fond of the "Tshirts that make a statement" thing.

It's personal expression to say "Hey I'm really into this band and I might've gone to this concert!" Could be a conversation starter too, and it supports the band or artist like you said!

But I really don't understand people walking around with some billboard from a clothing mega-brand. You're literally paying them to do marketing work for them lol.

MonkeMischief ,

"The Century of the Self" in a nutshell. 😬

MonkeMischief ,

"SuPrEmE" somehow did this and created a rabid following over some of the most basic stuff I've ever seen. It's a meme now to just stick their logo on like, a literal brick so it's suddenly more "desirable."

Truly boggles the mind.

MonkeMischief ,

I've seen videos of people doing this for fun to see what happens.

Sadly now it's not even fun "for teh lulz" kinda compromise, either. Everything is just a million varieties of crypto miner or ransomware now.

MonkeMischief ,


There's a clear concerted corporate effort to push this idea that everything one uses every day is

  • some kind of black box appliance devised by sacred holy wizards, you couldn't possibly hope to understand.
  • You ought to just trust them. They want what's best for you.
  • And don't worry if anything goes wrong! There's some service, product, or replacement ready to be sold to you by "qualified professionals." Convenient!
  • Remember, you're too stupid to understand how any of this works. Don't touch it.

Doesn't matter. Light switches to email to cars. Nobody knows how it works even on an ELI5 level.

I can't be an expert in all things but how are people comfortable with this level of ignorant dependence? Even to the point of defending it? "I shouldn't have to know how my car/computer/whatever works." I've literally heard this.

Boggles the mind.

People are capable of a great many skills and holding a lot of knowledge about a great many things...and yet a majority are taught not to learn anything after school, maybe know how to do a job, and otherwise can't handle any task that doesn't involve a credit card payment.

Things could be so much better...

MonkeMischief ,

"...How old are these french fries...?"

MonkeMischief ,

Do you want cookies? Do you want to share your details with 1049 trusted data partners? How about the top half of the screen taken by a video ad with a close button that isn't going to work?

"Oh, you want to opt out? First click this tiny 4 pt text next to


[ⁿᵒ ᶜᵒᵒᵏᶦᵉˢ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ]

then uncheck what you don't want us to track, then click "I don't not want to be tracked across the Internet for marketing purposes forever and ever."

We value your privacy!*

*(We just value it just a little more if you're subject to GDPR or California law...)

MonkeMischief ,

I feel like a big setup for this is all the "forced binding arbitration" TOSs that are quietly being pushed for EVERY service.

MonkeMischief ,

Y'all ever try NoScript too? Freaking wild how some sites need to use like 30 shady JavaScript modules just to function.

It's a burden, but it blocks things like the "invisible facebook pixel" for instance...

MonkeMischief ,

"Well uh, I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. Heh"

MonkeMischief ,

I thought it was some kinda neo-cockney-esque slang going on and was kinda intrigued hahaha.

MonkeMischief ,

I forgot how this worked until I discovered NeoCities.
I suddenly remenbered when so many personal websites would have some page that's like "links" or "sites I love" or "other cool people", etc. And it was just a curated list of sites the author thought were neat.

And your bookmark function was actually really helpful, because "web surfing" was literally jumping from link to link to link, following rabbitholes and breadcrumb trails across the web.

Nowadays, I bookmark things but I never go back through them. I know Firefox sometimes automatically helps you remember stuff in your bookmarks though.

But there was a time when it felt like finding some niche site was a sort of secret club or cool treasure, and you had to make sure you could find your way back. :)

MonkeMischief ,

Totally! And I loved those neat little animated web badges that became really popular, especially on forums.

MonkeMischief ,

Poor ADHDinosaurs :(.

To be fair they didn't even have calendars to constantly remind them of the super important event so that they could miss it anyway.

MonkeMischief ,

Mosquitos somehow just hitched a ride though, despite not being invited. >=[

MonkeMischief ,

You absolutely nailed it LOL. Those flashy courses with absurd prices and "funnel techniques" prey on idea-people who are scared of code like whale sharks on plankton.

MonkeMischief ,

And that's how we (eventually) got Kingdom of Amalur!

Sure would've gone a lot smoother if moneybags knew jack about making games though, that's for sure.

I believe I read this story in detail in "Blood, Sweat, and a Pixels" and it was exceedingly painful.

MonkeMischief ,


Some days it's harder to remind yourself of this than others. Thank you.

MonkeMischief ,

is the 100% science lady involved in this?

Not gonna lie I also have the burning curiosity to find this out, but it's after midnight and could initiate a hyperfocus rabbithole time warp....

... But I think that'd be pretty wholesome as heck if that turned out to be true!

MonkeMischief ,

Lol I was legit surprised to find it's an actually written (satirical) article! The other ones had me rolling too, like John Cena coding "Banjo Threeie" LOL.

MonkeMischief ,

Argh I found out the same thing about NFS! I was so confused!

You can still put it in FStab though, if you want it accessible on boot. :)

MonkeMischief ,

After a long time waiting, OBS seems to work with Wayland now. I use that to stream via Discord. Maybe worth a try?

MonkeMischief ,

"I really don't want to cut the legs out from under my fellow people so I can get my bread. That's mean."

"Well hey now we just call that 'being competitive in the workplace'. How are you going to hold a basic job and keep paying your bills under this system then?"


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