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Wogi ,

If it were actually AI I might have some faith.

This isn't a neural net processor, not a learning computer. It's a fucking mechanical Turk. A bad one.

What he's talking about isn't capable of deriving new ideas. It's just going to spit out shit it's seen already.

The library of Babel is just as likely to give us the answers he's talking about. More likely maybe because it's at least already written down.

McDonald’s Gives Up On ‘AI’ After Comedy Of Errors, Including Putting Bacon On Ice Cream ( )

LLMs certainly hold potential, but as we’ve seen time and time again in tech over the last fifteen years, the hype and greed of unethical pitchmen has gotten way out ahead of the actual locomotive. A lot of people in “tech” are interested in money, not tech. And they’re increasingly making decisions based on how to drum...

Wogi ,

Bacon and ice cream go great together and I refuse to pretend they don't.

I still miss midnight snack ice cream. Potato chips covered in chocolate. Delicious

Wogi ,

Almost all of the Christian folklore surrounding Jesus can be directly tied to other myths that were common knowledge to Mediterranean people at the time.

There was a dude called Jesus, there were a lot of them. That one was Jewish and belonged to an evangelical cult was likely. But we can't really say that because the Bible exists so too must have the Jesus described within.

What we have today was written by people hundreds of years after the fact. There was nothing written during these events, nothing at least that survived.

If you go looking for proof of Jesus, you'll either come out disappointed, or delusional. Think of guys like Ken Ham.

Keep the faith, by all means. But part of believing is accepting that you don't get to have proof.

Wogi ,

I was referring to Joseph Campbell.

Wogi ,

Anybody see Donald and Dies in the same sentence and before your able to process the whole thing get REAL excited for a fraction of a second before realizing what it actually said?

Like, Donald Sutherland was a legend and I'm sad he's gone, but for just a moment, a tiny, tiny moment, I knew a kind of happiness I was before unfamiliar with

Wogi ,

Sometimes sequels are how movies get made at all.

There's a story about the suggested sequel to the gladiator that has Maximus traveling through fucking time. The reason that movie was pitched was because the director and the writer specifically did not want to make that movie. But the contract for the Gladiator required a multiple movie deal if it was successful. So they pitched the craziest shit imaginable and the studio let them out of the contact.

A lot of movies are made this away. Original IP doesn't get picked up unless a studio thinks they can milk it.

Wogi ,

There was, back when I was active there. Around the time I migrated to Lemmy there was some drama and I believe that user was suspended. I don't check it frequently enough anymore to know if there's a current Picard maneuver surrogate.

Wogi ,

This was a different person. They'd taken a username of someone popular in a number of communities on Reddit and were purporting to be that person.

Wogi ,

Seven dollars to loading screen to your ship, watch an animation of your character sitting down, loading screen to space, loading screen to the system it's in, Dodge some pirates, loading screen to the surface, hop along the completely barren landscape to go to a copy pasted outpost, loading screen back to your ship?

I feel like you could get all of the value of that dlc by just playing a mission over again.

Wogi ,

Here's a fun fact that I think of every time I read about light delay.

We assume the speed of light is the same in all directions but there's no way to prove that it is.

It could be light speed is instantaneous in one direction, and half the speed we think it is in the reverse. Any test we could devise depends on information traveling in two directions, nullifying any discrepancies in light speed.

Wogi ,

Comedians killed comedy! Damn comedians! They ruined comedy!

Wogi ,

Holy shit yeah having context makes it way different

Wogi ,

I've never been more am enemy of AI than this moment.

Wogi ,

Any breed can produce a dog that is prone to snap.

Some breeds are much more likely to do so.

Of those, only a few are both prone to snap and large enough to hurt you.

Oh those, pit bills are far and away the most aggressive.

That said, most pitbulls really are fine. For being the most dangerous breed, there are millions of pitbulls, and a few thousand incidents over a few years.

Wogi ,

We have the opposite problem in manufacturing.

"Do we have anyone that can run, train, or learn this process?"

"Not only no but the only people we have are critical on a different process and they're short handed."

"Ok well we just sold 10,000 units to dollar general and they're due in a shorter timeframe than it would take to produce them in optimal conditions."

Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals ( )

The insect glue, produced from edible oils, was inspired by plants such as sundews that use the strategy to capture their prey. A key advantage of physical pesticides over toxic pesticides is that pests are highly unlikely to evolve resistance, as this would require them to develop much larger and stronger bodies, while bigger...

Wogi ,

I don't ingest anything with ingredients I can't pronounce.

Drinks mercury

Wogi ,

Obligatory I'm an actual ape and can't Linux post

Wogi ,

Planet of the apes, kinda. On the second try at least.

Mad Max.

Wogi ,


but for real she like, probably didn't kill her husband.

Wogi ,

I doubt it was tasteless. It probably tasted like screen

Wogi ,

What's weird is prior to the meltdown over trans people she was obnoxiously progressive. Constantly retconning characters via tweets to make them more inclusive, when it has absolutely nothing to do with the story being told.

I have no problem at all with Dumpledore being gay and Hermione being black. I think including marginalized people in story telling is fantastic.

But that's absolutely not how these characters were written. She just kinda said that's the way it was and left it at that. Because the characters weren't originally written with that in mind it added no context, and brought nothing to light about these characters that night have been missed. That's not inclusivity. It's pandering. And she just would not stop doing it.

What's a moment in your life where you felt fully alive?

I am reading "Unmasking Autism" by Devon Price and the introduction has an exercise that requires you to come up with 5 moments in your life where you felt fully alive. I have spent the better part of yesterday trying to remember such moments, but I am not even sure what it means... I was hoping the community here can provide...

Wogi ,

Several years ago I took my first trip out of the country. We started in the UK and then took the tunnel to France.

I did not at the time speak a single word of French. I'd had almost no exposure to the language.

On the ride between London and Paris it hit me that I had no plan for how to navigate in a place where I did not speak the language.

There was a thrill that accompanied the risk. It's hard to explain exactly what that emotion was, a, because I'm also autistic and my emotional vocabulary is stunted to put it simply, and 2, because I've never felt that exact way in any other circumstance.

It's the first thing that comes to mind when you ask about feeling fully alive. "How are we gonna do this omg what are we gonna do, what have we gotten ourselves in to???" It's not going to be the same for everyone. It's an ambitious question, probably intentionally ambiguous. It's the type of thing that autistic people, in my experience, have difficulty exploring.

EA wants to place in-game ads in its full-price AAA games, again ( )

EA has tried this before, with predictable results. In 2020, EA Sports UFC 4 included full-screen ads for the Amazon Prime series The Boys that would appear during 'Replay' moments. These were absent from the game when it launched, with EA introducing the ads about a month later, thereby preventing them from being highlighted in...

Wogi ,

He also doesn't want books that have gay characters in public or school libraries. Or kids to know sex exists.

Ok for them to be married. But not to have the vocabulary to identify when they're being abused.

Wogi ,

Part of me wants to start naming charities to benefit from the bet. But I also presume he has disgusting shit on his computer

Wogi ,

Florida way down on the list for beef production, even further down on a per capita basis. Texas produces about twice as much as the next handful of states. Nebraska is a strong second for head of cattle, and 90% of the agriculture in Nebraska is tied directly to the beef industry, either in feed, slaughter, or raising.

Banning lab grown meat isn't on the radar here.

Desantis is just pandering. Pandering is what they do.

Wogi ,

Interesting.... So do countries of origin suddenly have a claim on artifacts that were plundered and shipped to foreign countries? Asking for a friend.

Wogi ,

Every case is unique in one way or another.

The irony here is that the statue isn't even Italian, is Greek. It was just found in Italy.

Wogi ,

Most of the rules have a counter, opposite rule. IE, war is good for business, peace is good for business.

Wogi ,

It's literally "good for business" on both

Wogi ,

Computer, can you expand on the last point please

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