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neidu2 , (edited )

Don't forget Dieselpunk. That's the aestetic that best describes the visual style of Factorio

neidu2 ,

I've seen that video too. As far as I can remember, it doesn't show any trains, power plants, refineries, chemical plants, or pumps, and that's where the dieselpunk aestetic really kicks in.

neidu2 ,

A radio either turned to an AM station far away to the point where it's mostly brown noise with hints of someone speaking, or to some calm music.

Nowadays it's mostly KnowledgeFight.

neidu2 ,

Yes. They might follow you, but that's mostly out of curiosity and the fact that you're tall enough to be their leader. Sometimes they might even run at you, but that's mostly just to catch up and/or get closer - They're not charging at you. Stop, turn around, and T-pose, and they'll stop as well, waiting to see what you're up to.

Cows alone are pretty chill and playful. Think of them like huge dogs, but without the instinct for hunting. If there are young ones with them you wanna give them some extra space for obvious reasons.

Source: Grew up on a cattle farm.

What's the story you would write if you were an author?

A lot of people worldbuild when they daydream and have the bones of a story kicking around in their brain, but have to pay the bills and raise the kids etc so they never flesh it out and write it down. What's your story's premise? Fantasy, sci-fi, alternate history, mystery, western, whatever genre.

neidu2 , (edited )

I'd finish one of the stories I'd already started:

  • Sci-Fi, life on board a converted old interplanetary transport vessel, refitted for interstellar transport, on its way to join a small group of pioneers and colonize a distant planet.
  • Fantasy, centered around a crafty dwarf who has built a decent self sufficient for himself independent of the fortress, unaware that his childhood friend caught a curse and caused the fortress to succumb to the goblin invasion.
  • A more down to earth story about a struggling early twentysomething, and what sheer desperation does to a person.

...but the common denominator for all three is that I haven't quite figured out the plot yet.

neidu2 ,


Typical dwarvish. Very hierarchical. An industrious proud people, full of skilled craftsmen who pull their weight for the greater good of society. Due to seasonal attacks from a goblin horde nearby, they've built fortification that protect them, and during attacks the wall guards are helped by alchemists fire. Unfortunately that last step failed during the most recent attack, which was also unusual in its strength and strategy (the horde got outside help), causing the fortress to fall. While looting, the invaders opened the floodgates that had redirected the river, thus drowning any survivors except one.

neidu2 ,

There are, but they're quite some distance away, and the story doesn't focus on the region as a whole.

neidu2 ,

I think so too. My kids are around the age I was when I first started tinkering with PCs, but they don't have any awareness of what's going on under the hood, (to be frank, nor do they seem to need it, as everything is so polished these days).

I'm thinking of asking their teachers if I can take them out of school for a day each and bring them to work with me for educational purposes so they get some perspective in the form of networks and servers.

Sure, they're mostly interested in gaming, but I want them to see what kind of infrastructure is needed for a multiplayer game, specifically the hardware that they never get to see.

I'm building a new server stack in a couple of stuff, and most of it will be used for testing, so I'd like for them to help build and connect it.

neidu2 ,

I just had a chat with my oldest (almost 13 years.o.) asking him some theoretical questions in the hope to spark some curiosity: "When you connect to a Roblox game, what do you think you're connecting to?". It took him a few leaps of imagination to realize that he's connecting to a physical machine somewhere, and now he's curious as to how such a machine looks. So that server stack I'll be setting up, he's interested in tagging along.

He already knows full well that there are more to PCs than just the windows UI, as I'm a linux guys, but I don't think they're aware of just how much can be done with a computer once you go outside of the usual GUI app that connects to some cloud service.

neidu2 ,

Remind me in two months, and I'll tell you what's happening.

neidu2 ,

No idea. I'll look into creating one.

neidu2 ,

How did UKIP do in elections and polls way back when?

neidu2 ,

Wtf, the prawns have actual dialog?

I was so focused on trying to understand the South African accent, that not a single brain cell was available for additional processing.

neidu2 ,

Baldurs Gate 3.

Don't get me wrong, I love the game, and I'm sure I will finish it at some point. I just played it too much for a while, and found myself rushing for the main quest and ignoring side quests right after arriving at Baldurs Gate. I took that as a sign that I was in "just get it over with"-mode, so I decided to take a break for quite some time so that I can one day return to the game, take a step back, and continue with the pace that I had to begin with.

neidu2 ,

For the sake of his children, I think that might be for the best.

neidu2 , (edited )

Wrong. I for one would love to have a minibronto. Or a lap-diplodocus. Or a triceratops named Spikey.

Hell, Archaeropteryx would look great perched on the curtain rod like a small parakeet.

And if you have rodent issues in your house, just unleash the T-rex. On that note, does Latin have a diminutive form of "Rex" ?

Plus, imagine the two playful Pachycephalosauri bumping their heads together all the time, with an audible click every time they did.

Also, who wouldn't want an aquarium or a fish pond inhabited by a Nanolodon?

neidu2 ,

Your best friend, transport, guard, and bed, all in one fluffy wrapping. Fuck yeah.

neidu2 ,

A few years ago, I was in Asia for the first time. On a ship in Malaysia, to be specific. I was chitchatting with a Malaysian coworker before our shift started, and on our way out I grabbed a nice looking fruit on my way out of the galley. I took a bite, and it was like nothing I'd ever tasted before, so of course I had to ask what kind of fruit it was.

"Uh.... a pear?" My coworker replied, surprised that I had to ask. To me pears are green, and has a completely different texture. I never knew yellow ones existed until then.

neidu2 ,

Didn't he tell advertisers leaving to go fuck themselves? I don't expect a very long queue of returning ones.

neidu2 , (edited )

I remember hearing claims that this was the case. I have no idea how true that is, but I would be 0% surprised if it was.

neidu2 ,

Never noticed until you asked, but yeah, I don't think I've seen such a thread in ages.

I put Factorio on hold for now, as I'm waiting for the DLC. In the meantime I'm playing Project Zomboid with a few friends.

neidu2 ,

Automation games and never played Factorio???
Screw the DLC (for now), you need to get started with Factorio ASAP. I started with Factorio in 2017 after I mentioned to a coworker that I liked Minecraft with mods that allowed for automation such as Industrialcraft, Buildcraft, and Immersive Engineering. I have played some Create, but when I did I found that it wasn't mature enough as a mod.

The DLC is mostly aimed towards end-game stuff. Whereas the base game is completed once your factory has launched a rocket with a satellite on board, the DLC picks up from there, allowing you to build automated space platforms, visit other planets each with their distinct differences.

neidu2 ,

Seconding this. For starters, when tempted to go for Raid5, go for Raid6 instead. I've had drives fail in Raid5, and in turn have a second failure during the increased I/O associated with replacing a failed drive.

And yes, setting up RAID wipes the drives. Is the data private? If not, a friendly datahoarder might help you out with temporary storage.

neidu2 ,

"Taiwan is its own state, and should remain so in perpetuity. China will be their shoreline supporters! --Xi"


"Yeah, that'll show them." Said Xi as he sat back with satisfaction and dipped his hand into a jar of honey.

neidu2 ,

Really, you're a Harley Davidson fan? Name three of his songs.

neidu2 ,

Almost as evil as canceling Firefly: Their "news" channel perpetuating conspiracy theories, fascist talking points, and outright lies.

what's your current linux distro?

wanting to hop into the world of linux on a dual boot method (one of my favorite games unfortunately cannot be run on linux at all, and it's a gacha. I don't want to gamble with my account being banned, so I'm keeping windows for it specifically.) this'll be my second go at it, I used Pop!_OS briefly but had some issues with...

neidu2 ,

Debian on my servers, LMDE on my laptops.

neidu2 , (edited )

Techically one. The only reason I am using this one instead is because I forgot the password for my other account, neidu, some time last year. Plus it was on an instance I grew fed up with.

neidu2 ,

Yes. Not as important as they used to be, but they're still highly useful in some situation. I use(d) them a lot in my current as well as my previous job. Long story short, these jobs involve showing up on site in the middle of nowhere, meeting someone who I've never met before. I then set up thingamajig A as well as fix thingamajig B. Before I leave I make sure to leave a card with my contact details in case they have questions or anything more is needed.

neidu2 , (edited )

Seconding the dremmel approach. Worst case scenario: You destroy a nazi sword. Best case: You end up with with a cool denazified sword.

Grind down the swastika, and change to a smaller grit to get a nice and polished finish.

Not sure, but I think the eagle predates the nazis.

EDIT: Nope, the eagle is also a nazi and needs a dremel. There, that's gotta be a brand new sentence.

EDIT2: Seems to be one of the many symbols that have been hijacked by nazis. Keep at your own risk.

neidu2 ,

I'm a smoothbrain, so I like to think about it as them simply canceling each other out. What I'm more curious about though, is why there's so much matter compared to antimatter.

neidu2 ,

I never thought I'd read the words "CP violation" and actually be interested and intrigued instead of disgusted.

neidu2 ,

From what I've seen of Texas during my visits I have to ask: WTF kind of alternatives are there? Houston is 80% ramps and intersections, and walking practically anywhere is impossible due to the roads effectively dividing up the city.

No matter where you're going in Houston, you're going to need a car. It's among the cities least suitable for moving around without a car I've ever been to.

neidu2 ,

Demonyms don't follow any particular rules, as far as I know. I'm an "-egian" myself.

neidu2 ,

I've heard these referred to as "exiting through the gift shop"

neidu2 ,

I only tell jokes about UDP. I don't care if you get it.

Why do posters say that increase in Linux Steam share doesnt count becuase its mostly steam deck users?

It's not the gotcha that they think it is. Increasing share of Linux, steam deck or not is progress. Any development or considerations made for the SteamDeck and its Arch based OS benefit the non SteamDeck Linux gaming scene too....

neidu2 ,

I think the argument being made is that it doesn't mean more users are manually migrating to linux, because you don't buy a steamdeck because of its OS. You use steamOS because it comes with the steam deck.

However, users choosing linux over windows is only one aspect of the good news: Widespread linux use, intentional or not, makes it less likely that a developer will skip it as a platform "not worth the extra effort"

neidu2 ,

Welcome to the garden 🎶
Please respect the rules 🎶
There are no dogs or ball games here 🎶
And especially no barbecues 🎶

neidu2 ,

When I write important work-related emails, after I've finished writing I leave it open without hitting send, then go make myself a coffee or something completely unrelated to clear my head.

When I return, I re-read what I wrote and often find things that were written ambitiously, incorrectly, or outright weirdly. And with a myriad of spelling and grammar mistakes. Often I find that I forgot to include important points or information.

This gives me an opportunity to proofread before hitting send with semi-fresh eyes.

On lemmy, on the other hand, I find myself editing my own comment right after posting.

neidu2 , (edited )

Last week I was peer pressured into trying out Helldivers 2 (yes, this is relevant, trust me), so I downloaded it, installed it, and fired it up with no issues. Set up my preferred control schema with no issues. Played the torturial with no issues.

Then came time for joining my friends in multiplayer. Issues! No matter what I did, I couldn't seem to join them. Nor could they join me.

I verified the installed files, I tried to connect via my phone to rule out ISP issues, and I tried all of the different versions of proton, but the result remained the same. I simply couldn't join my friends.

I don't remember what caused me to go down the right path of troubleshooting, but I've always dosabled IPv6 on my linux installs. So I re-enabled it. The problem remained. Then I realized that I had it disabled in the kernel via grub command line flags, so I cuanged that and gave my PC a reboot. Success!

So, despite networking being a large (maybe even the largest) part of my vocation for the past two decades, last week was the first time ever I actually NEEDED IPv6.

neidu2 ,

Whenever I'm given the chance at work, I let my feelings be known about using "consumer grade addressing schema" in production clusters. Sure, I use it at home, but anything beginning with "192.168" looks like my moms wifi, and has no right being part of a production network.

This comment was sponsored by the gang

neidu2 OP , (edited )

And just for that extra bit of curse that the world needs these days: "Bonzi Buddy II is dedicated to the memory of Harambe"

neidu2 ,

And LMDE is the "I can't believe it's not Ubuntu!" in the Mint world.

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