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Moghul ,

I just beat this guy. Walked in with a colossal hammer and pancaked him. Took two tries because the first time I didn't realize he didn't turn into the fat one, but it was a summon instead.

I don't really have much advice, really. Run sideways towards him when he spams projectiles, dodge into the big projectile, ignore his summons since your big hammer will hit them too anyway.

Moghul ,

It definitely shows some bosses we haven't seen before, and the narration hints at what the story might be, or at least the surface level that represents this character's narrative. For the most part, it's a bit like watching the original release trailer.

You don't need to watch it to know, it is fucking epic. I am hyped beyond all measure. We are so fucking back.

Moghul ,

I really believe that this has nothing to do with kids. "For the kids" has made me suspicious of intentions for a long time. It makes it difficult to argue against it because it implies that you're a pedo or are doing something illegal otherwise. You implement general monitoring "for the kids", and then you add some anti piracy stuff to it, then you add some hate group detection, some anti government group detection, etc. Now you have everything you need to get ahead of any danger to the government. If the people can't organize, you can do whatever you want.

Moghul ,

IMO sitting at my desk, watching logs or waiting for something to come in isn't living my life. I can't do my hobbies, I can't play video games, drink a beer, watch a movie, hang out with my friends, etc. Browsing lemmy or youtube isn't exactly living my life. As long as I'm at that desk, I'm working.

Moghul , (edited )

How does France factor into it? Spaghetti is Italian, isn't it?

Misread the comment, see replies

Moghul ,

Shit, I totally misread the comment and it didn't click in my head. I didn't know that's how JP views IT, learn something new every day I guess!

Moghul ,

Great city to visit on vacation, and Krka was beautiful.

Moghul ,

Doubt it's the lefties, but it's for sure the vegans.

Moghul , (edited )

I wash all my band shirts in a washing machine at 40C with only color detergent and no fabric softener. I hang dry the tshirts on hangers instead of folding them over the clothes line or using clothes pins. Absolutely no dryer outside of whatever the washing machine does.

It works pretty well. The real secret is to have about 30 of them so you don't wash them every week.

Edit: like another commenter said, wash your clothes inside out.

Moghul ,

Probably, yeah

Moghul ,

I can't look at text without my inner voice reading it to me

I can come up with answers or solutions to problem without it, but it's there for a lot of stuff.

Moghul ,

Welcome aboard! Have a look at krita, Albert, and flameshot for some alternatives to the things you talked about. I like em, maybe you will too :D

Moghul ,

Same kind of change was made in the Three Body Problem series. Instead of the cosmic microwave background radiation flickering for a character who is viewing it through a device, all the stars in the night sky flickered for all of humanity. Lots of yadda yaddaing the science as well in that show.

Moghul ,

To be clear, the reason people hate them is because they're aggressively furry and beyond any measure of obnoxious. No matter what the subject of the thread is, they will make it about socialism/communism/anarchism and being a furry.

Moghul ,

For some people it is, for some people it isn't.

Moghul ,

I didn't bring it up, you did

Moghul ,

They're all fine, and I have diagnosed neurodivergent people in my close friend circle. I'm about to hang out with him for 2 weeks. I don't hate furries either, I just hate obnoxious people.

Moghul ,

Aka they have no chill

Moghul ,

Oh shit this sounds great, gonna check it out. Thanks!

Moghul ,

Yet another thing that's impossible to discuss without being strawmanned by both sides. I'm not a hardcore gamer and for the most part play on medium or just slightly above medium difficulty in most video games.

I don't think a dev should have to accommodate customers that they don't want to accommodate, and this goes beyond difficulty. Souls games don't need a difficulty choice in the same way that Firewatch doesn't. Gacha games don't need to improve the f2p experience because those are games for whales.

It's like asking for sex drugs and rock&roll in disney movies and pg 13 horror movies.

Moghul , (edited )

I think you’re leaving money on the table

For some people that is ok

intentionally limiting who can experience the art you’re trying to share with the world

Almost every musician, painter, or sculptor ever has done that. It is ok.

You don’t HAVE to include more than the basic colorblind option

I think most devs could include stuff like colorblind options or rebindable control schemes and such, and I definitely think they should

better products for it

Difficulty is not the same as colorblind mode. Colorblind mode is the same as creating closed captions for movies, difficulty is the same as changing the movie to fit another audience. Difficulty is part of the game.

it COULD be a better game if they did

It would be a different game, that they are not trying to make.

Moghul ,

It'll be different this time guys, no really, just one more time guys, we'll get it right, it wasn't even a good try, let us go again, this time for real, no way it'll be anything other than a utopia guys, the people will have the power, guys.

Moghul ,

You'll take my split keyboard and dark mode from my cold dead carpal tunnel hands

Moghul ,

They will absolutely try to force the paid feature on you. How many times have you seen the youtube premium prompt?

Moghul ,

Thank fucking god. It's exhausting being around people for whom any meme, any post, any comment, has to spin into how good communism is, how bad the libs are, how good China is, and how bad The West TM is. It is exhausting.

Moghul ,

I think it has something to do with everything trying to get your attention, and waste your time for metrics.

We ignore signs because we don't want to read another popup.

We skim text because we don't want to know about your life story, just the chili recipe, thanks.

We skip or misread instructions because we've been doing the job for years, and we're halfway on autopilot.

We can't find a restaurant or shop right in front of us because we're starting to learn to ignore bright colors and flashing lights.

We browse the internet while watching a movie because we've seen the same cliche Marvel movie before.

The problem is that sometimes we get so used to these things that we also do it when we shouldn't be.

Is it me, or the hive mind mentality has come over here as well?

I've posted some controversial stuff, and I understand why I would be getting down voted for that. But I see some of my posts and comments are in the negatives for seemingly no reason at all? I don't really care about the karma because I can't see it anyway, but I'm worried that comments and posts here are gonna get downvoted...

Moghul ,

Maybe it's on a different account but at least on this account I don't see any posts on your profile that are in the negative.

I find it interesting how posts like these only pop up asking about downvotes, never upvotes. Does this "hivemind" only do things you don't like? Is it in the room with us right now?

People have no obligation to interact with anything in any way. There are people who downvote just to make the post go away in some apps. Stop worrying yourself with what gets points. If it's that big of an issue, sign up with beehaw, afaik they don't do downvotes at all.

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