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FooBarrington ,

Nah, in hunting mode they suddenly get huge. I assume it's to improve tracking in low light conditions.

FooBarrington ,

Just as a warning, the macvlan stuff isn't well documented and seems to have hard limits. I worked with it a couple of years ago and had to eventually read a lot of Docker code to figure some stuff out, and the host was only able to successfully set up 4 macvlan networks at a time - the fifth (and any following ones) were never reachable, even though I used the same scripts as for all other ones.

Things might have improved in the meantime.

FooBarrington ,

I don't understand the tendency to attribute harmful behaviours of the rich and powerful to these strange, irrational reasons. No, UK leaders didn't spend millions upon millions on propaganda because they have a fragile identity. They did it because they'll make money off of it, and will be able to move the legislation towards their own goals.

It's the same when people say Putin invaded Ukraine because he wants to restore the glory of the Soviet Union. No, he doesn't care about any of that, he cares about staying in power and becoming more powerful. One of the best ways to do so is to invade other countries, as long as you don't lose.

FooBarrington ,

Thank you for the validation, sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy with how often these things are repeated.

But those lectures do sound interesting - would you mind linking them when you have the time?

FooBarrington ,

Awesome, thank you!

FooBarrington ,

It depends. I really liked Mozillas initiative for local translation - much better for data privacy than remote services. But conversational/generative AI, no thank you.

FooBarrington ,

Rats truly are the goats of the lemon grass

FooBarrington ,

I'm proud of you for having turned things around!

FooBarrington ,

I like "orphanize" - one of those things that shouldn't be a word, but is!

FooBarrington ,

Alternatively a depressingly realistic look at the consequences of war for non-participating children, couched in the veneer of an 80s Sci-Fi movie.


FooBarrington ,

What would it do? Delete all memories of a childs parents from their brain, making them think they've been orphans all along?

FooBarrington ,

I assumed it's something parents buy for their children.

FooBarrington ,

If the right doesn't nominate a candidate, who should debate?

I always see this - people on the right crying about having the same rules applied to them as everyone else. They want the same outcome without following the same rules.

FooBarrington ,

Guess I'm not a programmer, because this feature has been a real god-send in my recent projects.

9 years later, I finally played fallout 4

Having dropped New Vegas in the past due to lost interest, I decided to try this game out finally since a friend of mine was having a fallout 3 playthrough himself. It was it 8 bucks, so I figured why not. I have to say, I put way more hours into this game than both other Bethesda games I've played through (Skyrim and Oblivion)...

FooBarrington ,

What? I've never seen people say that, FNV is widely regarded as the best 3D Fallout game.

FooBarrington ,

I'm pretty sure they're playing Fallout 4, considering they explicitly said they tried FNV before...

FooBarrington ,

Yes, their edit states they are now trying FNV again. Their post, containing the part you quoted, was neither part of the edit nor referencing FNV. Please, just read it again.

FooBarrington ,

Their whole post is talking about Fallout 4. What is more likely:

  • they are talking about Fallout 4
  • they are confusing Fallout 4 with Fallout New Vegas, a game they played previously and just said they'd try again after having played Fallout 4, having freshly installed and modded it, still not noticing that they already played through the game just before, while also confusing the online coverage for a totally different game

Please, just think for a moment.

FooBarrington ,

Sure, but there's no reason to expect this when somebody explicitly mentions having previously played FNV. In doing so, you're assuming OP to be a giant idiot.

FooBarrington ,

Again: they stated they already played FNV before Fallout 4. You're assuming they are confusing the game they are currently playing for one they played previously. Had OP not previously stated they'd already played FNV you'd have a point. As-is, you're assuming they are too stupid to remember that the game they are playing right now is one they've already played previously and remember under a different name.

FooBarrington ,

I mean, baguette pizza is also just bread on bread, and we all love that

FooBarrington ,

You've never placed three baguettes on top of a pizza? We've all done that!

FooBarrington ,

Why? Conversation of energy doesn't include time in any way. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

FooBarrington ,

Fuck Ea-Nasir. All my homies hate Ea-Nasir

FooBarrington ,

Loss of time relative to the experience of others, but gain of time relative to the duration of others. If you experience one hour less than someone, you also live one hour longer than they do.

FooBarrington ,

I fucking love that somebody put in the time to draw that awesome first image. Somebody pretty darn talented saw the bottom image and thought "yeah, that would be cool" and took hours to produce that image. Amazing

How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals

I constantly see angry mobs of people decrying "woke", "critical race theory", ""grooming"", and whatever other nonsense they made up this week. They march around with guns, constantly appending lib as a prefix to any word they can use to denigrate. They actively plot violence and spew hatred in the open....

FooBarrington ,

Has a Democrat president ever amplified messaging like "the only good Republican is a dead one"?

FooBarrington ,

Don't, atomic systems aren't made for these kinds of changes.

FooBarrington ,

I bought the game and played for roughly 3 hours. If you've seen their stream from the technical test, I got roughly as far in the meta-game as they did, but run-wise I got somewhere ~the middle of the third act. Right now I can see at least ~3-5 hours of unlockables I need to get resources for (and more is revealed after more runs/unlocks), and I haven't tried most new boons yet.

It's really good. There are three things I've noticed are missing (animations for one interactable in the hub world, portraits for 2 characters further in). Aside from that it feels similar quality-wise to the first game, which I last played a week ago, so it's still fresh in my mind.

I'm sure new content will get slower soon and halt in a couple of hours, but wow is it polished already. There's also an indication of a lot of additional content coming in the future, but that will have to wait for further patches.

FooBarrington ,

I've had three refund requests rejected so far (~10h playtime).

FooBarrington ,

That's a vastly simplified model. Real neurons can't be approximated with a couple of weights - each neuron is at least as complex as a multi-layer RNN.

FooBarrington ,

Here's the video that introduced me to the idea:

He explains it very well and gives a lot of references :)

FooBarrington OP ,

God, how can someone be so blind?

But this was such an edge case, removing assets resulting in the unavailability of said assets in game, that this interruption simply couldn't have been for foreseen.

They couldn't foresee issues created by removing assets, in a game that is supposed to support user mods, which can be added/removed at any time? Really?

The explanation I've seen is that they wanted to pull the DLC as soon as possible, since it was - literally - the worst-rated product on Steam. I'm 99% sure the bean counters responsible for all of the terrible decisions (release the game, no matter what state! Release the DLC, no matter the amount of content!) pulled the lever on this one again - no chance they'll see any responsibility with themselves.

FooBarrington OP ,

You're probably right, especially considering this sentence:

It's difficult to see in advance that removing game assets from the game will result in the unavailability of said assets in game.

I've seen this kind of defense meant honestly before, so I'm not 100% sure, but by god - I hope you're right.

FooBarrington OP ,

They refunded people, which probably removed the DLC from their libraries. People who bought the ultimate edition kept it.

FooBarrington OP ,

Well, they refunded it, so people got their money back. But it sucks that it breaks peoples save files.

FooBarrington ,

Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?

FooBarrington ,

This is very specific, but I can't read that without having to think of the fight against the Dung Defender in Hollow Knight...


FooBarrington ,

As always, these things can't be generalised. Every country has people that talk about their own problems, and every country has "patriots" that will deny anything is happening. There are just a lot of Americans on the internet, so people notice those who relentlessly praise America more.

After all, few countries literally ingrain "[country] exceptionalism" into their population in their school system. Many Americans, while thinking they are pointing out problems, still say "but it's still better than almost any other country at X".

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