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Israel's high court orders the army to draft ultra-Orthodox men, rattling Netanyahu's government ( )

Israel’s Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled unanimously that the military must begin drafting ultra-Orthodox men for compulsory service, a landmark decision that could lead to the collapse of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition as Israel continues to wage war in Gaza....

Coasting0942 ,

One part, now their lives are on the line for all the saber rattling they scream about.

One part now their kids get to talk to others in the barracks unless they find a way for ultra-ortho only batallions.

Coasting0942 ,

Others have already laughed at this idea, but on a similar topic:

I know we’ve basically disabled a lot of features that sped up the CPU but introduced security flaws. Is there a way to turn those features back on for an airgapped computer intentionally?

Coasting0942 ,

What’s Russia going to do? Airstrike Ukraine?

This should not be taken as a challenge to the trickster gods. I just want them to pack up and go home.

Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( )

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

Coasting0942 ,

It’s a real tell that they had no black person high enough in management to raise this concern.

In this day and age, either diversify or sign a contract with a “cultural awareness” agency to run your ideas by first.

Coasting0942 ,

Economies are lowly tools that are supposed to exist solely to benefit the people of the society they are a lowly tool for.

What complete gutter trash talk. Economies serve the master of mankind.

Coasting0942 ,

As a side note, I've completed writing this guide and have found that HexChat is no longer supported.

Now that a sign of a true IRC user

Coasting0942 ,

It’s possible to get a virus from any data that enters your computer full stop.

Likelyhood wise: that virus on the MKV will have to attack the operating system preview system (which means you fucked all the way up to personal nation state attention), or attack the video player (which is a lot more likelier, they discover theoretical exploits all the time).

You’re talking about streaming with VLC? Was it a trusted source? Cause otherwise the FBI or script kiddie has probably fucked you up.

Coasting0942 ,

When was the last time VLC paid $50K USD for a proper security audit?

Coasting0942 ,
  • they sue you for a portion of your future savings, because you single-handedly responsible for their imaginary loss of profits, judge agrees.
  • free tier vpns are good enough. But the competition amongst “no log” vpns is pretty fierce. People say you can only trust 3 specific vpns who would rather shut down than spy for a government, but if you’re just downloading movies then you can expand your choices.
  • the point of the vpn is to hide your ip address. Self hosting in your home defeats purpose. The best free option is using I2P for torrenting.
  • Wait till December for all the Christmas discounts. An annual bundle works out to $2-4 a month.
Coasting0942 ,

We still haven’t moved on from the “Gays are trying to turn your kids gay” public service announcements. Those black and white videos were practically filmed yesterday.

Coasting0942 ,

Public transport too shitty.

Waking out the door 90 minutes before bus arrives, then having to jog in work clothes after arrival to get to shift on time, and waiting an hour after work because the closest scheduled bus leaves 10 minutes before shift end. All of this being a good day with no delays.

Biggest fucking gift to the oil companies. Impossible option for many who aren’t a single person with no kids.

Coasting0942 ,

Appeasement is at this point an ingrained set of neuron pathways in every human. If only history or game theory could teach us the optimal strategy for when your bigger sibling comes to fuck your day up.

Coasting0942 ,

He’ll live long enough to end up on the wrong side of the polygamy rights fight. But I’d like to be surprised.

Coasting0942 ,

Five guys and five gals will be arguing they have a right to share DNA amongst each other and make a single kid, giving them all parental rights. Religious right will have their scheduled stroke. Most of the population won’t care. Internet trolls will be screaming how it’s a United Nations plan to depopulate the planet.

Or basically any legal recognition for polygamy.

Coasting0942 ,

We’ve already reached two lesbians with their combined dna being carried by a surrogate (which has extra dna effects as the carrier). With further dna advancements it should be possible to mix up multiple parents dna.

An increase in bad seeds on Bit Torrent?

So I've been grabbing a few shows I want to watch reruns of while playing Balatro that don't have good blu ray releases. My piracy is fairly limited these days so I don't bother with private trackers (do have a VPN though). In the past, I never really had an issue with grabbing a few one offs off the popular, maybe honeypot,...

Coasting0942 ,

BitTorrent has a re-check upon torrent completion option in settings. I reason not to validate that everything is correct and matches what the torrent says you should have.

Coasting0942 ,

Is there any reason not to use the latest version of libtorrent?

Coasting0942 ,

The pikachu face is capitalism working as intended, instead of the corrupt capitalism they’re used to with regions of the world carved up/tariffs/government buying the product if you’re having a bad year.

streaming or torrenting today vs. 5 years ago

I've been a good boy for 5 years or so but the seas call to me. Are streaming sites the way to go now or is torrenting still a better bet for mainstream movies and tv? I'd imagine all of my accounts have been deleted on those sites so I'd be starting over.

Coasting0942 ,

Depends on your hardware.

Streaming is more accessible, but you’re stuck at 720p usually.

If you can afford a vpn and the storage then torrenting gets you better quality.

Don’t forget to seed

Coasting0942 ,

The newer AV1 codec has me very interested in HQ streaming. You need a monster machine to make the file, but then it’s 2GB for a high quality 1080p movie.

Coasting0942 ,

They have three recommended as of now. Only proton is listed as supporting port forwarding, which you need to be a seeder for the torrent swarm. Without port forwarding you’re stuck as a leecher

Coasting0942 ,

You are drastically overestimating the average persons technical competency.

Google being the default on Apple devices was literally all they needed to do for the vast majority of web searches on iOS devices. And it’s a baked in setting, no need to install anything.

Coasting0942 ,

With no cash your only way to torrent for free safely is i2p and it’s slower speeds

Coasting0942 ,

Damn. You outsmarted them well paid data jockeys. And assuming your edits change the actual comment and don’t simply hide the original.

I could be an idiot too though. Reddit might have been running this whole shit show on the original version of the database system and be upselling to buyers.

Coasting0942 ,

They’re just saying things you don’t want to hear /s

Coasting0942 ,

Gronk found fire. Gronk thought good idea. Gronk shared idea. Fire never belonged to Gronk. Idea never belonged to Gronk.

Google's call-scanning AI could dial up censorship by default, privacy experts warn ( )

A feature Google demoed at its I/O confab yesterday, using its generative AI technology to scan voice calls in real time for conversational patterns associated with financial scams, has sent a collective shiver down the spines of privacy and security experts who are warning the feature represents the thin end of the wedge. They...

Coasting0942 ,

Silly user: you can’t fully disable features intended to keep you safe

Does a VPN used on a smartphone with Wi-Fi disabled (mobile data only enabled) provide any sort of protection?

I've never completely understood this, but I think the answer would probably be "no," although I'm not sure. Usually when I leave the house I turn off wifi and just use mobile data (this is a habit from my pre-VPN days), although I guess I should probably just keep it on since using strange Wi-Fi with a VPN is ok (unless someone...

Coasting0942 ,

Protection from what?

If it’s your phone leaking your location, then yes and also disable location services and Bluetooth as well.

You mention interference. Mobile data can be interfered from miles away at the phone company. Same for your home internet.

Coasting0942 ,

Usually if somebody is going to get hurt. Otherwise I’ll let the business run itself the way it wants.

Microsoft is testing Game Pass ads on the Windows 11 Settings homepage ( )

Microsoft's announcement: "We are introducing a new Game Pass recommendation card on the Settings homepage. The Game Pass recommendation card on Settings Homepage will be shown to you if you actively play games on your PC. As a reminder – the Settings homepage will be shown only on the Home and Pro editions of Windows 11 and...

Coasting0942 ,

There are Ubuntu versions that look very similar to the Microsoft

Coasting0942 ,

Opsec of most people: cowabunga till the cops knock on the door

Coasting0942 ,

lol, you’re not uploading the torrent faithfully. A recheck of the torrent by any client would show that they’re not getting what the torrent says they should get.

You need to make a new torrent.

Do you use the device you torrent on for personal things as well?

I'm just curious as I've permanently dedicated my laptop to torrenting. I've been too nervous to install anything but the VPN and Firefox on it. Now, I'm curious to mess around with Linux some more, which is what I use on it, but I can't fully test out what all I can do with it without signing into accounts....

Coasting0942 ,

This is like asking “do you own a second computer?”

Coasting0942 ,

Tor network could always use more obfuscation.

Coasting0942 ,

Getting “Tor is pentagon spyware” vibes from OP

Coasting0942 ,

Proton is the only one I know of who takes mailed cash.

This was all an opsec problem. And not even an “exposed my ip address because a software bug leaked it” it was an “here’s my usual email address in case I get locked out”.

The cops didn't need to break into proton email. They just asked the backup email address for that stuff.

Coasting0942 ,

Cause the laws of physics as we understand them selected for those configurations during and after the Big Bang.

Coasting0942 ,

Turns out the powershell step is enough to get 97% of users to shell out cash.

And also, the biggest source of revenue is institutions who either will pay for the enterprise license, or can be sued for a good payday if they try to pirate.

Coasting0942 ,

It literally easier to crack

It is not easier for almost every human on the planet.

Coasting0942 ,

It’s means the government can watch you visit the porn site. The rest is their imagination.

Coasting0942 ,

It’s not that hard to understand:

Development of games requires resources. More resources trends with better games (coin flip). If every player pays, the game development gets the best possible quality. And artists get to keep their electricity bill paid for the week.

Denuvo argues that their product guarantees the most resource extraction possible. This is debatable, and I personally lean on the side that it’s not as effective for revenue collection as advertised.

Nobody got rich being honest.

Coasting0942 , (edited )

This exact post first appeared in Reddit 8 years ago

There are a lot of interesting comments there as well for those who are interested.

The comment I liked best is:

There isn't one. The purely decentralized model of eMule and gnutella and similar systems has proven to perform poorly compared to the bittorrent/tracker model, for searches in particular. You can almost completely avoid trackers with DHT and magnet links, the tracker pages just "advertise" the torrent.

If you want alternatives, the main one with significant traffic is Freenet. Freenet is really slow and mostly CP (because everyone else is using torrents).

retroshare, which is more for private sharing, has already been mentioned.

My own opinion? Torrents require minimal resources from users other than sharing the specific file. Advertising the file, tracking the file, searching for the file can be passed on resource wise to a trusted person who wants Internet karma. The simple statement: have a ratio of 1.0 can resonate with most 🦍.

Bemoaning the unpopularity of eMule seems to me like another case of programmers ignoring what makes humans tick.

Torrenting exposes your public IP. In a country where government doesn't care, does that pose a risk?

I honestly don't believe I will have any legal trouble because I don't do anything like cp or worse, I just pirate media I like, not even porn. But across users of communities, or on public trackers, is IP exposure something to be concerned about?

Coasting0942 ,

People have and will be executed for dumber reasons.

White rich girl picked you out of the lineup. Don’t worry, DNA science won’t prove you’re innocent for another decade after justice has been carried out.

Coasting0942 ,

Consider online file converters. Just pay for a month or two, obviously need a good internet connection.

Coasting0942 ,

Super easy to get a napkin idea started. Then it picks up steam and suddenly it’s a million lines of code, with hundreds of users. And now it’s a big headache to migrate when shit just works as is in GitHub.

GitHub knows how their customers work.

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