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downpunxx , (edited ) in EFF "cover your tracks" browser privacy test avatar

Our tests indicate that you have strong protection against Web tracking.
Is your browser:
Blocking tracking ads? Yes
Blocking invisible trackers? Yes
Protecting you from fingerprinting? Your browser has a unique fingerprint

Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 178,285 tested in the past 45 days.

Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys at least 17.44 bits of identifying information.

Firefox/Windows 11/Privacy Badger/uBlock Origin

WeLoveCastingSpellz OP ,

very hard to circumvate fingerprinting, I use noscript for that

swayevenly ,

What are your settings for noscript? This test won't complete after installing it.

MigratingtoLemmy ,

You have to enable the scripts for the page and leave everything else blocked

swayevenly ,

Doesn't work.

MigratingtoLemmy ,

It's a bit of manual work. Trial and error with just first party scripts, then add specific capabilities to scripts one-by-one

swayevenly ,

Best I get is with canvasblocker--without NoScript. At this point I'm not sure this screenshot is not photoshopped.

MigratingtoLemmy ,

We could ask the OP for their NoScript settings.


WeLoveCastingSpellz OP ,

in the noscriot settings default is set to "noscript and others" rest turned off, there is also ublock origin set to block 3rd party scripts, firefox fingerprinting settings are turned on

MigratingtoLemmy ,

What are your NoScript settings for this page?

WeLoveCastingSpellz OP ,

everything is on default so every sibgle page it loads allows "noscript" and "others" as indicated by the noscript settings

MigratingtoLemmy ,


WeLoveCastingSpellz OP ,

firefoxes regular fingerprinting protection has canvas blocking try turning that on from about:config. no scrip allows only "noscript" and "others" to loaf by defsult and ublock origin is blocking 3rd psrty javascript.

WeLoveCastingSpellz OP ,

I have only "no script" and "others" enabled by default

DarkDarkHouse , avatar

Task failed successfully

Cryophilia ,

Just use brave

Our tests indicate that you have strong protection against Web tracking.


Blocking tracking ads? Yes

Blocking invisible trackers? Yes

Protecting you from fingerprinting? ◕ your browser has a randomized fingerprint

WeLoveCastingSpellz OP ,

fuck brave

Cryophilia ,

I never got all the Brave hate. Just don't do the crypto stuff.

WeLoveCastingSpellz OP ,

that in my opinion shouldn't be in the browser in the first place, plus I don't wanna support the chromium monopoly and instead wanna use a gecko based browser.

Cryophilia ,

It's opt-in

MigratingtoLemmy ,

For me, I just dislike the feature bloat. I wonder if somebody has a brave fork, since brave has some of the best fingerprinting protection amongst all browsers

refalo ,


you don't even need javascript to fingerprint anymore. html and css works too

WeLoveCastingSpellz OP ,

that needs javascript to work. I largely block javascript on my browser.

Hegar , avatar

I got almost the exact same result using DDG on a cheap android phone. Within .1 bits of identifying info.

panicnow ,

I get 17.45 on an iPad Pro. This is with all extensions disabled and my adblocker off. They say I am unique in the past 45 days. Looking through the info I don’t see how this works. Could it be that no one else has tested with an iPad Pro? It’s not like the hardware in this model is different from a similar one. You really just cannot meddle with it. It’s a fairly locked down ecosystem.

If I took an iPad, reset it and ran the test. Then reset it and ran the test again, would both be unique?

Telodzrum , in [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone

This has been the law for a while, it's just that more Circuits are aligning. Don't use biometrics if you don't want LEO to be able to access your phone. A password is covered by 5A in some circuits and in others it's likely sufficient to just refuse or claim faulty memory due to the stress of the situation. Regardless of the location, the contents of the device are covered by 4A and you may succeed in getting a lot of whatever is found thrown out -- classic you can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride.

psmgx , in Meta is a complete dumpster fire

Valve Index ftw

otacon239 , (edited )

While I agree it’s the better headset, the $800 price difference and the requirement for an attached gaming computer, make it easy to see why the Quest gets the attention it does.

The closest thing I’ve found to an in-between is the Pico 4 at ~$450 and doesn’t require any accounts. The game library is quite limited, so it’s not a full replacement for the Quest, but it can connect wired or wireless to a dedicated PC. Newegg seems to be the best US supplier for them.

drasglaf , avatar

I use a Pico 4 for PCVR and it works quite well. Being wireless is a big pro of this kind of headset.

EasternLettuce ,

The index is also much more dated hardware. The screens for example have a pretty low ppi and fov

aeronmelon , in EFF "cover your tracks" browser privacy test

You should include a hyperlink to the actual site in your post.

WeLoveCastingSpellz OP ,

I forgot sorry! here it is:

CodexArcanum , in Is it okay to be cautious about CCTV cameras?

People in this thread apparently aren't paranoid enough or have some ridiculously optimistic beliefs about the US and surveillance policing.

Here's an article about how the police in my city (New Orleans) worked a secret deal with spy company Palantir to consolidate data from numerous sources to create a crime-prediction system that we've been the unwitting beta testers of.

And here's a page from my own city government bragging about the same:

I can't find the story now, but at one time (less than 10 years ago), Palantir and NOPD were working a deal that would require the CCTV feeds from every bar and restaurant in the city to be fed into the "crime control center" which would have instantly made NOLA the most surveilled city on earth. The citizens voted down the bill that would have made it happen, but there was no technical limitation. I'm not convinced they don't have secret access to them anyway.

Police can also subpoena camera operators for footage. This happens with Ring doorbells, Amazon is only too happy to hand over footage from the camera on your front door to the police.

If you are buying cameras for yourself, any video that goes "to the cloud" is now government property. Very few companies have the desire or power to deny their host government's or their police's access to the video. If the cloud is in the USA then our spys already have it. Keep your video local or sync it through your own networks.

If the camera is attached to a business though, you should just assume that government can look through it.

half_built_pyramids , in [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone

Worth noting, with the caveat that how criminals are treated could eventually become how everyone is treated on the right slippery slope:

provisions of his parole required him to surrender any electronic devices and passcodes

Boozilla OP , avatar

Unfortunately the judge also ruled that it's no different than forcing someone to give their fingerprints when you book them. If this sets a precedent, it could apply to anyone getting arrested, not just parolees / prior convicts.

noxy , avatar

Wow, that is supremely fucked up. Parole shouldn't require breaching the privacy of anyone who has conversation history stored on the parolee's devices.

barsquid ,

Not everyone, just proles.

half_built_pyramids ,

Ole Donnie T is technically in parole right now. Would love to see this provision applied in that case.

brucethemoose , (edited ) in Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models

Well it would be great if more of their models were 'freeware' too.

Microsoft just loves to have their cake, eat it... and not share it.

RandomLegend , in Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims avatar

Surprised Pikachu-face

Salvo , avatar

From the report;

In other words, Grizzly Research didn’t do any research and are just making shit up.

Jayt34 ,

Yep, also Grizzly Research is a short seller, and this lawsuit was filed by an Arkansas attorney general. Arkansas makes really bad decisions like weakening child labor protection laws, don't trust anything that comes out of that state.

the_doktor , in [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone

And this is why you never, ever, EVER enable biometrics. EVER. Make a damn password or at least a very long PIN and enter that shit every time.

Boozilla OP , avatar

Completely agree. There are a surprising number of folks who should know better who will swear up and down how safe they are. If they like the convenience and the "cool factor" of using them....that's fine, whatever, none of my business. Just don't try to gaslight me that they are safe.

tired_n_bored , (edited )

For people who don't want to do that: turn off your phone if there's the likelihood that your phone will be confiscated soon (crossing a state border or getting a perquisition). This will

  1. Disable biometrics
  2. Encrypt everything
CrayonRosary ,

On Android, entering lockdown mode does the same thing. You can do it by pressing volume-up and power at the same time, then tapping Lockdown.

Jarix ,

Not all phones work that way. Just tried it on mine btw

Censored ,

And this only makes it more expensive and time consuming to unlock. So if you're small fry, they won't waste the resources. But if you are a "person of interest" don't be dumb, bring a burner phone.

Raiderkev ,

Or power it off when they ask for it to disable biometric unlock.

starman2112 , avatar

Not always an option. Sometimes reaching for your phone to turn it off will get you killed. Just don't use biometrics.

MapleEngineer , in [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone avatar

I've said it before that I'll say it again: Biometrics are a convenience to allow you or anyone else to unlock your phone quickly. Biometrics are NOT security.

DO NOT use biometrics to secure your phone unless you want anyone who has you and your phone to be able to unlock your phone without your permission.

ultratiem , in [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone avatar

The 9th circuit court judges really have no fucking clue about technology do they

rah , in Meta is a complete dumpster fire

just got my 10 year old son a Meta Quest 2

How is this company still in business


Syl , in EFF "cover your tracks" browser privacy test avatar

how did you reduce your fingerprinting ?

Artyom ,

In my experience, you have thee choices. You can use NoScript and avoid enabling domains required for fingerprinting, you can turn on privacy.resistFingerprinting in about:config, or instead of focusing on not being fingerprinted, focus on guaranteeing your fingerprint will keep changing.

Cryophilia ,

Funny thing is, I had to enable scripts on that website in order for the test to work lol

WeLoveCastingSpellz OP ,

you can o all 3 too >:3

astreus ,

I turned privacy.resistFingerprinting to true and now get an absolutely unique fingerprint on the tool

Artyom , (edited )

That might be because it'll be new every time.

Edit: I haven't done my homework about how good this post's test is, but I use to compare browser settings.

PumaStoleMyBluff ,

Be aware that any sites using HTML5 Canvas will probably be broken now. It breaks some other niche things too that may not be obviously related, so just keep that in mind if any site starts acting up.

WeLoveCastingSpellz OP ,

blocking javascript using noscript

garfaagel , avatar

I use an addon called Chameleon that creates a random user agent that changes periodically.

Smokeless7048 ,

similar, i used Random User Agent, it shows that i have a unique finger print... but the user agent of that fingerprint is not 'my' user agent, so in 30 mintutes i would appear as a different fingerprint

jake_jake_jake_ , in [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone


if you press volume up, then volume down, then hold the power button until the power slider comes on, then it will disable biometrics until next unlock

khaleer ,

Why tf to use biometrics then?

jake_jake_jake_ ,

99% of the time im not in a situation where i am being confronted by cops, but crossing a border or a traffic stop it is nice to know

cordlesslamp ,

Do you have to slide the power slider and turn off your phone for it to work? Or does it disable biometric as the slider show up?

jake_jake_jake_ ,

as soon as it shows up, i have also learned in this thread that clicking the power button 5 times does the same

StaySquared ,

Just learned something new. Thanks!

McNasty , avatar

Lol that's emergency 911 on my phone

StaySquared , (edited )

I just tested it... it's the same combination for a fast shutdown. Up > Down > Hold Power (1 second hold), then you're introduced to the option of sliding to power off. If you exit from that prompt or just leave the screen idle for about 10-15 seconds (I didn't count it) you'll be forced to enter passcode.

DreamlandLividity ,

For GrapheneOS (custom android), there is Lockdown button next to power off and restart which does the same thing. I think it may be on other Android phones as well but not sure.

efstajas ,

Yeah, it's a feature on stock android. Should be in most android flavors

Unreliable ,

Graphene even has an option to enter a fake pin and wipe the phone iirc.

nutbutter ,

Yes, known as Duress password.

DreamlandLividity ,

Yes, and it may be a good idea to have it just in case. But the courts in the US so far mostly ruled that police forcing you to give biometrics to unlock is fine, as it is the same as fingerprinting you when you are arrested. But forcing you to give pin/password is the same as testifying against yourself, which is against the 5th amendment. So they usually can't make you to give them a pin/password. At least in theory. Still better to have it in practice.

StaySquared ,


Censored ,

You won't have the time or ability to do this when the police are involved. DON'T USE IT. It's not secure.

Rooki , in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back avatar

Oh no who would have guessed that screenshoting and saving them unencrypted in an unprotected area in where confidential screenshots with passwords can be grabbed by any script kiddie.

ArbiterXero ,

It’s not like people deserve any sense of privacy, their passwords should be public knowledge.

If you have done nothing wrong, you shouldn’t have anything to hide (said every authoritarian asshat ever)

Railcar8095 ,

Correction: they are encrypted. Not well, but cut them some slack, it's a small startup.

Rooki , avatar

No they arent. They are obfuscated at best. The images are just saved without .jpg extension, and slapping one behind is enough

Railcar8095 ,

It's encrypted, but at the same level as everything else the user has access to. So, if your computer is stolen and they can't log in, they can't access it.

Basically, encrypted, just like any other user file.

Rooki , avatar

I think you forgot to mention if the hard drive is encrypted than your statement is true ( in the case for example bitlocker...) but if thats not the case then anyone can just force permissions for that drive and read and write anything.

Bitlokcer would be default active on new windows 11 devices if they all had tpm 2.0 chips ( most of the windows 10 users dont have that featzre ) so bitlocker is out of that case.

Railcar8095 ,

The drive is encrypted on W11, if you tamper with the install to allow non TPM requirement then I don't think you can blame anybody if there are consequences. You can install a random exe from the internet, give it admin rights too, that's also on you.

This is a shit show already, no need to make things up to make it worse really.

Rooki , avatar

Still tpm 2.0 should never be required in the first place. But yeah windows is already a shitshow

Albbi ,

Even if we ignore the security issues (and we shouldn't) why the hell would I want my computer taking screenshots, writing that to disk and running OCR on the image, writing results to a database and creating correlations EVERY FEW SECONDS! That's a huge amount of bloat. I want my computer to be quick and responsive.

dutchkimble ,

Please, give them some credit where it's due and don't be so hard on them. You'd have to be technically sound and computer experts to have that kind of foresight!

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