@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar


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MapleEngineer , (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

I think you're getting downvoted because everyone assumes that you're being a pedant, not because you asked a question.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

Could be.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

I think it was the phrasing. The comment you responded to didn't say that Musk had said either of the things you asked about. If you've been paying attention to the news about the complaints coming out of his companies its very clear that he is those things. It seems that your question is intended to refute the contents of the comment by being pedantic about whether Musk had actually said those things.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

It just sounded a little bit like you were jumping to his defense. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and explained it but I think that's what happened. There are a LOT of pedants on Lemmy who will argue about whether someone said a specific word of phrase rather than addressing the underlying and obvious truth that someone is a wretched asshole (like Elon Musk.))

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

I've lost the plot. I'm not sure whose posts were removed.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

I've said it before that I'll say it again: Biometrics are a convenience to allow you or anyone else to unlock your phone quickly. Biometrics are NOT security.

DO NOT use biometrics to secure your phone unless you want anyone who has you and your phone to be able to unlock your phone without your permission.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

I had sex with a friend who later came out as a lesbian. It was uninspired. We're still friends but that was a single time and never again.

With the recent issues of transgender people in sports, why don’t we move some sports over to a weight-class system?

Obviously this won’t work for all sports, but things like football, track, soccer, it would allow for de-gendered team, even allowing athletes with the skills but not the genetically-endowed physical attributes to have a place to play....

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

The issue isn't gender. Gender is a social construct. The issue is sex. Female sports were always intended to be for female athletes. Female athletes who choose to play female sports to have a more level playing field and to play against other female athletes find it unfair to be forced to play against male athletes playing female sports. Trans women are women but they aren't female.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

What's not true? That trans women aren't female? That's undeniably true. That female atheletes who choose to play female sports to have a more even playing field and to play against other female atheletes find being forced to play against male atheletes unfair? That's undeniably true as well. That female sports were intented for female atheletes? That's undeniably true. That gender is a social construct? I mean...that's a central pillar of the platform so we have to agree that that's true.

Your beliefs don't change reality and simply waving your hand in the air and declaring undeniable truths to be untrue does NOT make them untrue.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

Go back and point to ANYWHERE that I said that it was unfair for trans women atheletes to play against female atheletes. I'll wait...

No? I didn't say that. You made that up. What I said was that female atheletes who choose to play female sports to have a more level playing field and to play against other female athelets feel that it's unfrair to be forced to play against male atheletes playing female sports.

THAT is absolutely undeniably true.

Female atheletes understandably feel that it is unfair to have male atheletes breaking female atheletic records by such margins that no female athelete will ever be able to break them.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

It's only confusing to you because it doesn't fit into your narrative and your carefuly rehearsed arguements don't work.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

Trans women are women but they aren't female. Gender is a social construct. Sex is not. You can choose to be a woman but that doesn't make you female.

Female atheletes understandably feel that it is unfair to have male atheletes breaking female athletic records. I mean...that's pretty obvious, isn't it?

I'm trying to explain to you why a female athelete who chose to play a female sport to have a more level playing field and to play against other female atheletes might feel that is is unfair to be forced to play against a male athelete and why they might feel that it is unfair to have a male athelete break a female athletics record by such a margin that no female athelete could ever hope fo break it again.

This is not a difficult concept. Gender is a social construct but we're not talking about gender. We're talking about male and female. A male can decide to identify as a woman but she can never be female. A female can decide to identify as a man but he can never be male. You can be equally socially but you will always be different sexually. That's just reality.

You want to live as a woman and be called a woman I'm totally on board with that. You just can't force people to believe that you've magically changed sexes because you haven't.

You can want against all want for it to be different but it isn't and it never will be.

I am not transphobic. Not by the longest of shots and labelling anyone who doesn't buy into the group think as a transphobe completely devalues anything else you might say. I absolutely believe in social equality but trans women and females will never be the same thing.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

I meant "female" in the context of biological sex as opposed to the social construct of gender as in, "woman" which may be a person who is either male or female. I am FAR from a transphobe and using the word and the reporting system on Lemmy as a bludgeon to try to silence anyone who doesn't buy into the extremist group think utterly devalues anything else that the extremists say. One of my oldest friends is a trans woman. She would VERY much disagree that I am a transphobe. My lesbian daughter whose trans and non-binary friends I interact with every day would also very much disagree.

I would like to counter report this as a false report by an extremist pushing a political agenda and trying to silence anyone who has different ideas than them.

MapleEngineer , (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

I have a lot of experience and I am very LGBTQ+ friendly. I only label as extremists those who push beyond the bounds of, "Everyone has rights, gender is a social construct and you can identify as whatever you want" into denying that male and female are things or claiming that identifying as a woman somehow magically makes you female. The whole, "You can't question what we believe or you're a transphobe" is EXACTLY the same as, "You can't question the actions of the state of Israel or you're an antisemite." It's utter nonsense. Those are both examples of extremism.

MapleEngineer , (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

Sorry...I didn't answer these parts of your comment.

One tactic that I like is asking them questions that lead them to point out the flaws in their own arguments. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socratic_method

They have a carefully rehearsed circular logical set of arguments that are self-confirming. I can explain and explain and explain but it doesn't confirm their bias so they just keep going around in circles. I don't expect to reach them but I may help someone who isn't so closed minded to understand.

My daughter goes to pride festivals every year as a vendor in the market. Last year was hopping. This year was dead. My wife and I wondered if all the pushing to force biological males into the places that biological females fought for decades to get wasn't turning a lot of people off. That would be extremely sad since the LGBTQ+ community has worked so hard to get to where it is now.

Would you be more or less likely to learn from someone that calls you an extremist?

I have Asperger's so I don't care what people call me (other than calling me a transphobe or antisemite with the new definitions written by the extremists.) If they're making a cogent argument I will generally respond in kind.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

Who the fuck cares what that fetid fascist sack of pustulant assholes says?

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

You're not supposed to say the quiet part out loud!

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

Candian here.

Do not come north.

We cannot house and feed you. Most of you will die of exposure the first winter you are here.

If you have thoughts of coming here with guns and taking our homes or food by force know that most of us outside the cities are armed, we're just not so scared that we constantly show off our guns and feel no need to go prepared for combat to buy donuts or groceries.

So, Mexico is your best bet, if they will take you. I bet you'll be glad that all the talk of a border wall was just neo-fascist virtue signaling.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

I simply pointed out the reality of the situatuation. Canada can't take in millions of American refugees fleeing a christofascist authoritarian regime.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

Just as the students in Iran were overjoyed when the shah fell right up until the reality of living under a theocratic dictatorship sunk in.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

You're well north of the south most point in Canada. You're practically Canadian. We just don't have enough housing up here to take in a bunch of refugees. If Americans end up in tent city refugee camps they will die in winter. We could put a few tens of thousands in school gymnasiums and community centers but it would turn into a humanitarian disaster.

MapleEngineer , (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

Ok. Explain to me how a country of 40 million people that doesn't have sufficient housing for the people who are here now can house millions of political refugees from the US before winter hits and they all freeze to death?

Keep in mind we're not talking about gradual immigration. We're talking a wave of potentially millions of refugees fleeing a christofascist dictatorship or civil war.

Your insults are very childish. Do better.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

Newfoundland gets over $200 million in annual equalization payments.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

I met my wife on ICQ. I had random chat turned on and she said, "Hello." That was a long time ago

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

Did that line get you laid a lot?

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

She told me she talked to a guy who just wanted to talk about WoW and his favourite Linux distro. She gave up when he didn't make a move and decided to look for a real man. Was that you?

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

There’s a rule banning “self-preferencing.” That’s when platforms push their often inferior, in-house products and hide superior products made by their rivals.

Spaz isn't going to like this.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

You're right. Hopefully they will expand the rules to include non-gatekeeper services like Reddit once the rule is in effect.

qkall , to Showerthoughts
@qkall@mastodon.social avatar

I absolutely love milkshakes. I just wish they loved me more.

Is this what god feels like?


MapleEngineer , (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

I make homemade ice cream. I have made lacrosse free ice cream for people several times. You need to find lactose free whipping cream and lactose free table cream but once you do you're golden.

500 ml 35% whipping cream

1 L 10% table cream

1 1/2 c granulated sugar

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

(Sorry I'm Canadian, that's how we measure things.)

Dissolve the sugar in the table cream. (It's hard to dissolve that much sugar in whipping cream.) Once the sugar is dissolved add the whipping cream and vanilla and stir to mix.

That's your base.

Put it in your ice cream machine and make it into ice cream. Put it in a container and freeze it hard.

If you like milkshakes throw a bunch of the ice cream you made into a blender, add lactose free milk until it mixes nicely, then add an once of your favourite bourbon. (Or don't. I fucking love bourbon milkshakes)


MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

Sorry. I could write a novella of you like.

Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads ( www.techradar.com )

Netflix has managed to annoy a good number of its users with an announcement about an upcoming update to its Windows 11 (and Windows 10) app: support for adverts and live events will be added, but the ability to download content is being taken away....

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

I use a Netflix download app or a video capture app to store Netflix videos for offline viewing. They are charging a lot and not meeting my needs so I take matter into my own hands.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

I have the ABCC11 gene. I have dry ear wax and no body odor.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

In one case it was experts trying to save lives. In the other it's white nationalist christofascists virtue signaling to their crushingly ignorant base.

‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services ( www.theguardian.com )

*What rights do you have to the digital movies, TV shows and music you buy online? That question was on the minds of Telstra TV Box Office customers this month after the company announced it would shut down the service in June. Customers were told that unless they moved over to another service, Fetch, they would no longer be...

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

I download or capture everything I pay for. I paid for it, it's mine.

r/The_Donald helped radicalize users into far-right identities and discourse – Active users on r/The_Donald increasingly used white nationalist vocabularies in their comments within three months. ( journals.sagepub.com )

I know most people that were on reddit at the time are fully aware of this and won't be surprised but don't dismiss the findings out of hand. It's important that studies are being conducted and the fact that the finding match our lived experience is still noteworthy.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

R/republican was a right wing echo bunker, too. I got banned for pointing out that the letter in the "article" that someone posted that claimed that the DOJ had found massive voter fraud in Georgia and asking the state to reject Biden's win was actually written by a Trumpist shill and contradicted the Republican AG, the DOJ, the Republican Governor, the Republican Secretary of State, and Republican election officials.

I asked them a couple of times when major events in the prosecution of John Eastman occurred if they would reconsider. They blocked me for 30 days each time. When he was finally disbarred I asked again and they told me that if I didn't stop asking they would report me to the admins.

Delicate little snowflakes in their echo bunker.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

A lot. Not sure how many. Hundreds. Lots of the porn communities for shit that I'm not interested in. Most of the vegan communities. Anime and furry porn, twinks and ladyboys, any women/girls with penises, bondage porn, any community that's just an endless stream of pissing and moaning, tankies and fascists, bimbos and anything that glorifies plastic in female bodies, anything to do with unhealthy bodies, proana, etc. some local communities where I don't live, a fucking baseball communities that posts 100 times a day and lots of team communities. Lots of communities on .ML

I browse all so that I see new communities as they emerge then block them if I'm not interested.

MapleEngineer , (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

Do you know why no one takes you seriously? It's because you lie and exaggerate and over dramatize in order to try to bully everyone into doing what you want. Extremists, ALL extremists, are the same. You all think that you're somehow superior to the people you don't agree with and that that superiority justifies anything that you do or say to them in order to bully them into compliance with your extremist beliefs. This pathological self-absolution is the hallmark of all extremists: vegan extremists, religious extremists, racial extremists, anti-choise extremists, anti-LGBTQ extremists...you're all the same and everyone can see that.

The thing that you don't understand is that I (and the vast majority of people) don't give the first fuck what a self-absolving extremist with a pathologically misguided sense of absolute moral supremacy thinks.

You're not here for a conversation. You're here for ragesturbation. You people get off on rage. Sorry...I'm laughing at you, not raging.

EDIT: An vegan extremist apologist takes a run at me down in this thread. They misquote, misrepresent, hurl childish insults, and use an ineffective series of strawman arguments. They're not trying to have a conversation. They had no intention of having a conversation.
They're trying to bully me into being quiet. It didn't work. Take time to read the thread. It's good for a laugh.

MapleEngineer , (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

Using exaggerated, inaccurate, and sexually violent language, "fisting up to the elbow", and accusing anyone who doesn't agree with them of supporting the exaggeration IS bullying.  It's attempting to bludgeon anyone who doesn't agree with their self-absolving moral superiority into submission.

It's laughable.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

I compared one type of extremist to other types of extremists. They are the same in that they all have a pathological belief that they are superior and that the self-absolution that comes with that pathological belief justified anything they do to people they feel are inferior.

The pathology and wrong thought are the same.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

To be honest, I'm not sure which group of extremists you are an apologist for.

I mean, we all know that there are religious extremists so I assume you're trying to deny the existence of vegan extremists who harass and attempt to intimidate business owners into complying with their demands and harass and intimidate their patrons.

An extremist is an extremist. They all believed that they are superior and they all believe that that superiority justifies anything that they do to people who don't agree with them.

Same same.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

Point to where I argued for eating meat. Go ahead and quote where I said anything about eating meat either way.

I didn't state a position either way. All I said was that all extremists are the same. They all have the same thought pathology.

MapleEngineer , (edited )
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

Point to where I said that people who don't eat meat are extremists. Point to anywhere in this thread where I said anything at all about everyday run of the mill vegans. Anywhere?


I have been very clear about the fact that I'm talking about vegan EXTREMISTS, religious EXTREMISTS, racial EXTREMISTS, etc. They all suffer the same pathological wrong thought that they are morally or racially or religiously or nationally or sexually or ethnically superior which excuses anything that they do to anyone who they see as inferior.

Vegan extremists harass and attempt to intimidate business owners into complying with their demands. They harassed and intimidate their customers to try to drive them away and force them to comply and to harm the businesses. They harass farmers. They ragesturbate in discussion forums to try to harass people into doing as they say. They then self-absolve by convincing themselves that their crusade is righteous and anything that they do or say is justified.

They are wrong.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

If you've got nothing but strawmen (this is your third in a row) and childish insults then I guess we're done here.

MapleEngineer ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.world avatar

A dozen flavours of BASIC, a few of C, Fortran, Pascal, and one or two others.

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