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ArbiterXero ,

Sooooo, I have a ton of info here, but I’ll keep my point short and sweet.

Depending on the age, we HAVE to.

Because rejecting a parent is death. You’ll find that 7 year olds will make excuses for and defend abusive parents, because rejecting a parent is rejecting safety, housing, food etc….

And while that may be less true when you’re 18, some of that programming never leaves you, even if it should.

… so it just becomes a personal tragedy.

ArbiterXero ,

Also entirely valid.

ArbiterXero ,

32 bit CPU’s having difficulty accessing greater than 4gb of memory was exclusively a windows problem.

ArbiterXero ,

Intel PAE if the answer, but it still came with other issues, so 64 was still the better answer.

Also the entire article comes down to simple math.

Bits is the number of digits.

So like a 4 digit number maxes out at 9999 but an 8 digit number maxes out at 99 999 999

So when you double the number of digits, the max size available is exponential. 10^4 bigger in this case. It just sounds small because you’re showing that the exponent doubles.

10^4 is WAY smaller than 10^8

ArbiterXero ,

Yeah I acknowledged the shortcomings in a different comment.

It was a duct take solution for sure.

ArbiterXero ,

I’m not overly worried about a few random Linux distros that did strange things, nor raspberry pi’s. I mean I don’t know why you’d use 32 bit on an 8gb pi anyways, so it shouldn’t affect anyone unless they did something REALLY strange.

For the average user, neither of those scenarios mattered, especially back when the problem was at its peak.

2 years was a long time to wait to use the extra memory that Linux could use out of the box.

I honestly don’t even remember XP having PAE, but if you NEED the validation, sure, Microsoft EVENTUALLY got it.

Except that Microsoft removed it in SP2 LOL!

And all the home use versions of XP still maxed out at 4gb.

There could see the memory but couldn’t use it, oh I’d forgotten that!

Wikipedia was a fun read.

ArbiterXero ,

Not just for 2 years, XP removed it in sp2.

And even when it supported it, many versions wouldn’t let you use it, or would let you “see” it but not use it.

For basically the life of XP.

ArbiterXero ,

Here’s the problem….

Because of the power imbalance you can never divorce the two, even if she chased him.

That’s not a moral judgement, just a reality that “perspective “ matters here and if she chased him and then decides 3 years later that he unduly promoted her to try and convince her to have sex with him, BOOM he’s screwed, because she’s got a valid point.

I don’t know the answer, but he’s definitely doing things he shouldn’t.

And let’s be real, he’s likely a VERY shitty dad.

ArbiterXero ,

Right but you’re missing the whole “you can’t separate sexual abuse from the power imbalance”

It’s like when a female guard has sex with a male inmate.

I believe that most of the time that happens, the inmate went after the guard. I also believe that if you asked the inmate that they consented to it 100%.

But because the power dynamic at play is so severe, you just have to hardline it and say that as the CEO it’s illegal for you to dip in the company ink.

Probably not worth jail time, maybe just lose your job and be forbidden from directorships/ceo for 10 years?

ArbiterXero ,

Ahhh then I misunderstood.

Have a nice day!

ArbiterXero ,

Do you have sources on this?

I haven’t seen any suggestion that Apple’s intelligence is recording what you do beyond when you call for it…

ArbiterXero ,

Sooo that could be things like “address” fields on websites, which is mildly creepy, but not “screenshot every 30 seconds” creepy, but it’s certainly vague enough to make me feel uneasy.

ArbiterXero ,

Well I give them credit for trying to be transparent with the server code (they made a press release about it just recently), but I worry that you may be right.

It could be the same shit.

I’d like to believe that Apple recognizes the value in privacy, given they’re making it a central part of their brand, and I know it’s been a big part of their tech up until now…..

But I’m also aware that they’re beholden to the same cash that corrupts everyone else.

Time will tell.

ArbiterXero ,

It’s not like people deserve any sense of privacy, their passwords should be public knowledge.

If you have done nothing wrong, you shouldn’t have anything to hide (said every authoritarian asshat ever)

Have you ever bough an external hardrive only to take the disk out of it?

Hiya, so am looking to buy more storage and while browsing am seeing some external harddisks, such as Western Digital My Book and Seagate Expansion Desktop for cheaper than the internal harddisks themselves. Have seen this one video from KTZ Systems where he bought up multiple of these external ones just to open them up and use...

ArbiterXero ,

Richard stallman is the only answer.

I really hate everything he says, but so far on a lot enough timescale he has been fucking right about everything

ArbiterXero ,

The only possible correct answer

No matter what crazy shit he says, give it a few years and he will be right . And I really hate that

ArbiterXero ,

There isn’t a coin out there that can process 1/10 of the number of transactions that Visa does in an hour.

Anonymous vpns would still exist, as block chain existed prior to crypto.

Visa having the power they do is definitely a problem, however buttcoin is not a viable answer.

You’re right, it’s not a ponzi scheme, it’s the “bigger idiot” scam.

ArbiterXero ,

“Combine all blockchains and they’d surpass credit cards”

I honestly can’t believe that’s a real argument you’re making, that’s just ridiculous. Especially given the number of rug pull scams there are with coins.

They aren’t currencies, they’re investment vehicles backed by nothing.

Block chain transactions aren’t as anonymous as you think, people can be easily revealed by looking at the wallet’s history and asking the last person you bought from “where the item was shipped to”
…. Public ledger and all…

Ethereum can now process 1000 x 10 transactions. Visa currently does what, 80000 per second? Yeah it’s not quite 1/10th but….

How long until arbitrum reveals the rug pull?
I’m sure it will be any day now.

Crypto is a solution to a problem nobody has. Need anonymous transactions? Here’s some cash. Need international anonymous transactions? Yeah, those are probably better being tracked anyways. And I say that as a privacy advocate. Yes, privacy matters, no international transaction privacy doesn’t.

Ya know what most “anonymous” international transactions are? Scams.

Let’s break this down to a single argument though….
Crypto is the answer to a problem nobody has. Smart contracts? For what exactly?
Anonymous international transactions? What’s the need?
As a society we’ve decided that some types of transactions are illegal. Yes, sometimes governments make things illegal that they shouldn’t, and authoritarians around the world make all sorts of things illegal that they shouldn’t… but for your necessities, they’ll all be available locally. And under an authoritarian enough regime, they can just inspect your mail anyways.
Society requires trust, and that’s going to happen locally no matter what coin you use. It’s great that I can have a zero trust model for sending money, but it’s useless, because ultimately you still need to trust the person receiving it to do the exchange.

ArbiterXero ,

But none of them are REAL problems. They all have slow and albeit painful solutions, but they do work.

“Want to send 10k anonymously”

Who the fuck wants to send $10,000 to someone in a zero trust scenario?

Why are you sending 10K to someone without a legal paper trail?

The banks in China stopped giving people money because they couldn’t. You’re talking about a bank run, and these are societal issues that will still need to be dealt with. You think in a bank run, people will accept your monero?

You’re just going to be able to survive all societal ills will your buttcoin?

Most of these problems have already been solved and were short lived.

A central ledger is how we process transactions as a source of truth. The only reason the largest bitcoin holder isn’t revealed is because they’ve never spent a thing. The second they buy themselves anything, their shipping address is revealed.

You’re going to what….. buy property with bitcoin so that it’s anonymous despite your name ending up on the land registry?

Yes, when “money” falls, and the societal collapse happens, everyone’s going to trade in bitcoin.

Let’s bring it all together….
What are you buying with 10G where you need secrecy from everyone and are comfortable sending the cash in a zero trust environment?

ArbiterXero ,

You’re over simplifying my statements to try and support what’s going to be a failed investment.

Crypto allows you to send 10k internationally with zero trust. That’s insanity.

You can’t give one reasonable use case for it.

“You might want your salary to be a secret, until you have to report it for taxes.”

Sooooo, secret from whom?
Because your neighbour and the cops can’t see your salary already. The problem doesn’t exist, unless your goal is tax fraud. But you quickly backed out of that argument because you saw the corner you were painting yourself into.

I totally agree that privacy is, and should remain an inalienable right, and you shouldn’t need a reason for information to be private.

Money isn’t information in itself. Who you give it to CAN be, but cash still solves that problem, so the problem doesn’t exist….. Until you’re trying to use cash remotely, but there are no reasonable use cases for needing anonymity in international money transfers. In fact there’s a ton of safety in having banks involved. It’s not 100% secure, but nothing ever is. As opposed to throwing your monero into the wind and hoping the other person ships your illicit items.

ArbiterXero ,

Sometimes the breed temperament has more to do with it than anything else….

But also assholes all seem to like the same breed so….

ArbiterXero ,

It pains me to say this as a great dog lover, and someone that has known some very loving pitbulls, Sadly not all dogs can be good dogs.

Like people, some are just born as “assholes”

But yes, breed temperament is a thing. Not an absolute thing, but still a thing.

ArbiterXero ,

Even pitbulls are safe in the right hands. Fuck it, tigers and lions and silverback gorillas are safe in the right environment.

However a proper education in caring for the animals aswell as proper enclosures and a knowledge of the animal and its needs….

Yes you CAN do it, but should Tom from down the street have his own pitbull army and alligator pool in his back yard?

Hard pass.

I’m sure some people can do it safely, but training, registration, safety, etc…. Ban them all as pets unless you get X license, like a gun.

ArbiterXero ,

I’m Canadian…. Slightly different standards.

ArbiterXero ,

I love the concept but……

Air fryers and kitchen heating appliances shouldn’t be left on their own much….

Maybe an oven, but certainly not the countertop version, just for fire safety reasons …

ArbiterXero ,

The insulation on an oven is 10x that of an air fryer.

…. And sometimes air fryers don’t turn off.

An oven is usually designed to last a decade, an air fryer sometimes only lasts a year.

VERY different build quality standards.

ArbiterXero ,

The Ukraine is the sideshow.

China was waiting to see what the world did with Russia after the invasion.

China is now weighing whether the world will do the same with Taiwan as they did with Crimea and Ukraine.

The world will not stand by because of tmsc.

This is the problem with leaders that always need “more”

This is going to be a disaster.

ArbiterXero ,

The Ukraine “operation”

I just oopsied a word, but I do genuinely appreciate the heads up on grammar.

The FAA investigates after Boeing says workers in South Carolina falsified 787 inspection records ( )

The Federal Aviation Administration said Monday, May 6, 2024, that it has opened an investigation into Boeing after the beleaguered company reported that workers at a South Carolina plant falsified inspection records on certain 787 planes. Boeing said its engineers have determined that misconduct did not create “an immediate...

ArbiterXero ,

We told these stupid employees that they had to do a 3 hour test in 1 hour or get fired and they started faking it.

No idea why.

Anyways, we fired these low level employees as an example because they broke our rules when we encouraged them to.

Don’t worry, the directors and execs that forced this scenario are safe and will continue to blame employees for the fuckups no matter HOW systemic they seem.

The system isn’t bad, Charles was bad.

We infected his personal items with the bubonic plague on the way out so that he can’t harm any more stock prices. I mean airplanes.

✈️ ✈️

ArbiterXero ,

Our condolences to his window

(He somehow defenestrated himself 8 floors up)

ArbiterXero ,

Sure, but if I put myself in their shoes, what better options did they have?

ArbiterXero ,

It’s called a MAC address.

The problem with it is mostly routing.

The osi model has 7 layers of connection to form a proper internet connection.

The MAC address exists but doesn’t leave the physical network. The MAC address is used to physically connect your computer to the router, and it defines your piece of hardware.

The IP address can change, because your computer can connect to different networks.

If you tried to route everything with a MAC address, (which isn’t possible, but for arguments sake we will pretend it is) the problem is that when you take your phone with its MAC address off your wifi and on to your work wifi, Where would the registry be? How would the Internet know how to find your phone?
Do you just log into one giant global registry so that everyone can find your phone when they are trying to communicate with it? That would be a giant fucking database and everyone would always be trying to use it.

Routing is a big and complex problem, and these things didn’t work with ipv4

They do work better with IPv6. IPv6 adresses don’t need to change like ipv4 for a bunch of reasons.

From a philosophical level, the Internet was designed for people to be anonymous and make relatively anonymous connections. You wanted to be flexible enough that you can just be assigned a new number and work with that new number quickly.

This is a really simple explanation, and I got some basic facts wrong just for ease of understanding, but the principals are correct.

ArbiterXero ,

Yeah I addressed that IPv6 CAN do it, but you’re right.

Philosophically, I don’t want people or companies following me around that much, hence the “private MAC addresses” that came out a few years ago

ArbiterXero ,

Shut your filthy mouth! 😝

ArbiterXero ,

The domain registry is NOT, and it’s categorised by various tld’s the scope of the routing is MUCH higher traffic.

Your cell phone is run by a provider and has maybe 0.0000001% as much lookups as routing would have.

These things are all done in various tree light structures to try and eliminate central points of failure . The Internet was designed to try and resist failure, and you are creating some central failure points.

Even if you created several of them, synchronisation issues would be Basically impossible to fix or take up unbelievable amounts of bandwidth

ArbiterXero ,

It’s not just the address space, but also the sheer number of lookups.

DNS has authoritative name servers based on tld, and then domain, and then maybe subdomain.

When you’re dealing with IP addresses, there is no such tree that I lookup, I just fire it into the abyss and let the routing hardware do the lookups. I know who my gateway is to the internet, but I usually don’t keep the routing information.

My ISP’s routing hardware then says “this IP was last found somewhere in Europe so I’ll fire it at my European connection and hope they get it right.”

Losses are expected.

IPv6 CAN route with larger address tables, but the “fire and forget” method still exists.

There’s also a method to scream at all my peers “do you know where is, because I don’t know”
I’ll remember their answer for a bit because that’s useful, but I’ll eventually forget it because I expect it to move.
I expect this ip movement because I’m fault tolerant. I might not find the fastest way there, but I’ll find it.

Philosophically, the internet is designed to be fault tolerant and pseudo anonymous. So if is somewhere in Spain and my Spain peer dies, I recognise that the packets are failing and then I start blasting them at England, because my British connection knows all about the Spanish villa and can pass along my messages. I don’t really care where Spain is, I care about who can get my message there and that’s it. It’s too onerous to always keep track of where everyone is, and MOST people on the internet I don’t actually know about because they’re behind a Nat gateway and I don’t care about them. This makes it so I only have to care about edge devices and greatly simplifies my list.

So for example, your laptop isn’t actually on the internet. Your modem/router is, but your laptop doesn’t exist to the internet. When I want to send you a packet, I just send it to your router and let the router handle it. I don’t even know that your laptop exists, and I don’t care.

Well your router will send the data to your laptop instead of your phone because the Nat is keeping track of who requested it and your phone didn’t ask for it. This causes problems because it means that from outside your network, I can’t just connect and send data inside your network unless someone asked for it. So I can’t just call your cell phone unless it reaches out first because I don’t know that your cell phone exists, and even if I did, the router would block it. This is why port forwarding exists, it allows you to have your laptop get ALL data sent to the router on port 12345. I still don’t know about your laptop, but I know that there’s a server on your IP address on port 12345 that I can connect to and request/send data to. Keeping track of all of this just so that I always know where your laptop is requires a fair bit of coordination at many layers.

Ideally it has a domain at a registrar that I can ask about where it currently is. The routing is still “fire and forget “ because it simplifies my list of “where every IP is” and even then, I only know about the laptop’s edge connection to the internet and let that edge take care of where to actually send the data so I don’t have to think about it.

In IPv6, Nat works a little different, but it’s still close.

I’m honestly not sure how many mistakes I made, I just kinda brain dumped info, so let me know which pieces don’t make sense.

ArbiterXero ,

Yes, but we’re talking about “seconds” and “nanoseconds” rather than hours.

Networks move much faster than we do.

There’s also no hierarchy of IP addresses, and that matters for lookups.

So the 1 second it takes to do a dns lookup is WAY too long for continuous ip lookups, and the size of the database and chains requires explaining where to find ip address X is too long and updates WAY too much to be accurate and/or kept.

Lookups are easiest if you know “I lookup .uk addresses at this particular server in England” because that particular “ authoritative DNS server” only really handles its own little segment of lookups.

There is no such hierarchy in ip addresses, and they can’t really be cached for long.

You would have to continually know and update all of them. And we sorta do in the larger routers, but keeping that up to date at the edges would require a TON of bandwidth.

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  • ArbiterXero ,

    It’s not just automotive, nobody is happy with “decent profits” anymore so they all only want to make premium things for premium prices.

    Housing, cars, computers etc….

    It’s the relentless drive to make MORE profits than last year

    ArbiterXero ,

    Valid, the illusion of premium is still available.

    ArbiterXero ,

    I’m still pissed over the loss of inbox.

    Is there any evidence of a difference in healthfulness between having fruit vs having added sugar along with fibre foods?

    All of the info about why added sugar is unhealthy compared to fruits seems to be that the sugar in fruit comes with fibre and nutrients that offset the negative health impacts of sugar to a degree by delaying its absorption and preventing a blood sugar spike....

    ArbiterXero ,

    Bio-availability matters.
    The sugars that are bound with the fibre matter.
    The fact that the sugar is so concentrated and processed matters.

    In order for it to be the same, you’d need to bind the sugars to the fibres because those linkages matter afaik. So you CAN do it, but the process required would basically entail recreating the fruit.

    Now I’m talking WAY out of my depth here, but the information is around

    ArbiterXero ,

    Addendum, this is also why multivitamins are sketchy at best.

    It’s great you’re getting vitamins, but in this format, your body can’t really absorb much of them (if any)

    ArbiterXero ,


    I’m not saying don’t take them.

    I’m saying “eat your veggies anyways”

    ArbiterXero ,

    On Reddit, wallstreetbets used to call everything “retarded” and they’ve stopped and moved to “regarded” as a way of “almost” saying an offensive word.

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