Snapz , to Videos in Jon Stewart's Debate Analysis: Trump's Blatant Lies and Biden's Senior Moments | The Daily Show

Other poster said it basically, but If Lemmy as a platform isn't disciplined enough to have a Megathead where a given major topic like this is discussed, then I'll form my original thought, and copy and paste it across the wallet disjointed conversations to get my point across to the relevant audience.

Uh huh, "receipts" man, you liked the pirates... You TOTALLY got me... truth to power, bud. Maybe just move on with your life next time?

Anything substantive to say about the actual point of the post or did you just need to be heard today?

Knitwear , to Games in Steam Summer Sale 2024: Official Trailer

If anyone's got any recs for puzzle games / platform puzzlers / detective'y / room escape'y games on sale I'd love to hear

MummifiedClient5000 , to Music in Deja Vu (But Worse) - Biden vs. Trump ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic

Has Al ever done anything political before?

BigBananaDealer , avatar

yeah his royals parody foil where he gets taken away by the cia lizard people for exposing their secrets

MummifiedClient5000 ,

Is that really political though?

octopus_ink OP ,

Maybe not but it's a super fun video. :) Probably political to people who believe in lizard people. 😀

MummifiedClient5000 ,

It is yeah. Even for Weird Al, the humour is top notch. I love the rug pull where the song changes from being about how neat tin foil is, to conspiracy lunacy. (Because I could totally see him making a song that's just about how neat tin foil is).

octopus_ink OP ,

I laughed until tears came down my cheeks when I got to that part the first time. Which might be a little over the top, but that exact transition you describe really got me. The visual transition really drives it home, too.

BuckenBerry , (edited ) avatar

He made similar videos in 2016 and 2020

MummifiedClient5000 ,

I wasn't aware of that. The presidental race has been parodical since 2016 so it makes sense.

AuroraZzz , to Music in Deja Vu (But Worse) - Biden vs. Trump ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic

That was amazing! Weird Al just keeps getting better

PlasticExistence , to Music in Deja Vu (But Worse) - Biden vs. Trump ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic

Weird Al is a national treasure

Imgonnatrythis ,

I assume this video is his way of starting a campaign? I'd vote weird.

MelodiousFunk , to Music in Deja Vu (But Worse) - Biden vs. Trump ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic avatar

Just watch it.

Ok, you convinced me.

6 minutes later

Depression has now been augmented with Appreciation For Al.

willya , avatar

And more depression.

octopus_ink OP , (edited )

Yeah, I somehow didn't really get just how many kinds of genius he was until recent years. I always liked his stuff, but I somehow never paid enough attention to get that smidge of countercultury gen-x (He's a boomer, but we'll give him an honorary position) "I see your bullshit" attitude that sneaks in from time to time.

Edit: This is another great one. It takes a bit of a left turn or two...

MelodiousFunk , avatar

Also a long time fan - seen his act live 4 times lol. I can relate to missing some things - it took me 30 years to get the joke in "She Never Told Me She Was A Mime" - and it's in the title. There are some absolute gems hiding in the earlier albums. I'll Be Mellow When I'm Dead, One More Minute, and Stuck In A Closet With Vanna White are all standouts for me.

One that really came out of left field for me was Skipper Dan. It felt like I was simultaneously being called out and heard. Subtle genius.

octopus_ink OP ,

Wow you are a true fan, I'm more of a filthy casual. :D

Some of those I've heard, some I haven't but I'll check them out. Thanks!

verdantbanana , to Music in Deja Vu (But Worse) - Biden vs. Trump ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic avatar

someone gets it

thanks al

scrubbles , to Videos in Hot Take: Biden Loses Debate avatar

Hot take. All Americans lost last night.

danc4498 , to Videos in The Hidden Complexity Behind America's Map Problem

We need to get rid of maps altogether and go with proportional representation. Why does my state give republicans 8 reps and democrats 1 rep when the split is more like 48%-35%? There’s no map that will give 5 to republicans, 3 to democrats and 1 to an independent. That is what is fair.

UltraGiGaGigantic , to Videos in Jon Stewart's Debate Analysis: Trump's Blatant Lies and Biden's Senior Moments | The Daily Show

I'm surprised they didn't leash John Stewart. He must have a bad ass contract that let's him say what he wants.

Ghostalmedia OP Mod , avatar

That show has a proud tradition of talking shit about politicians. Been this way for 20 years.

ikidd , avatar

He's been down on Joe being ready for retirement for a while. I think everyone else is just tuning in to how bad it is.

stembolts ,

Have you ever watched the Daily Show? What you describe has never been the practice there, they shit on everyone, it's great.

avidamoeba , to Coffee in Ascaso Steel Duo (The future is behind Thermoblocks) avatar

I'd consider it from serviceability perspective. The boiler machines are fairly simple to understand even with PID control. There are Silvia parts all over the place and the machines are easy to service. Looking at the internals of the Ascaso, it's a bit of a different picture.

With that said, I think I like the idea of a thermoblock for steam specifically.

Snapz , to Videos in Jon Stewart's Debate Analysis: Trump's Blatant Lies and Biden's Senior Moments | The Daily Show

This whole night was so many layers of exhausting, but probably not for the reasons you think... No rational, serious person was expecting Biden to Willy Wonka front somersault into this debate? it was going to be what this was, the only true surprise was probably the volume of his voice (which they chalk up to a cold, okay fine, I guess) and actually how well he did quickly processing and responding to trump's gish gallop and unchecked stream of consciousness mistruth firehose with little help from the impotent moderators for the majority of the night.

The people in this country, in their immediate reaction to this debate, demonstrate that they just fundamentally lack the focus, empathv and frankly basic intelligence to process the substance of this or any debate. On average, we respond solely to voice pitch, tonality, body language and facial expressions, like a still developing toddler... Or a dog.

hamsammy ,

How often do you spam this exact comment? This is now the third time I've seen your comment. First, Second.

UltraGiGaGigantic ,

I mean, this same topic is in like 10 different threads right now.

mhague , to Videos in Jon Stewart's Debate Analysis: Trump's Blatant Lies and Biden's Senior Moments | The Daily Show

Damn, I guess I'm going to ignore years of evidence that Biden's admin can function just fine and go with my feelings on this one. I mean would you vote constructively if it meant getting over yourself? Of course not. We're Americans. We want a leader with a good jaw, not with good character or good ideas.

Nah but seriously though. Biden and Trump make me feel bad so I'm going to vote in a way that harms the country. That'll show us.

mcqtom ,
FlashMobOfOne , (edited ) avatar

I mean, you'd think the total inability to hide Biden and Trumps' cognitive dysfunction, caught on camera many, many times over the last few years, and now live and in color, would be enough to get people to stop pretending that there's a good option here. Hell, Biden's handlers have been caught on camera making sure he doesn't wander off, like they had for Feinstein before she died.

But then again, Americans have watched the gradual, but now inevitable, slide into fascism over the last 40 years and managed to convince themselves that all is well, provided the guy enabling it is wearing their preferred jersey, so I guess we'll just chill and let Biden and Trumps' unelected handlers rule the country.

It's too bad you all didn't vote for Williamson in the primary. It's been clear neither of these two assholes are fit for a long time, just like it was clear Feinstein wasn't fit when she was falling asleep in hearings.

rbesfe ,

The people guiding Biden at least have an interest in keeping the united states functional. The people guiding Trump want to watch it burn.

FlashMobOfOne , avatar

No they don't.

They have an interest in keeping themselves rich, consequences be damned.

Cornelius_Wangenheim ,

No, no they don't. Those people jumped ship after Jan 6. The only people left backing Trump are the insane religious cultists and racists that want to turn the country into a theocracy and purge anyone not white, straight and Christian.

Fedizen ,

They're the same picture

crusa187 ,

Biden’s people have an interest in keeping their jobs for the next 4 years, let’s be real here.

JimSamtanko ,

And this is the best point to make right here. Well said.

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

The people guiding Biden at least have an interest in keeping the united states functional

... for their corporate sponsors, who's interests slightly align with yours.

mhague ,

What I don't understand about the handlers thing is that when I watch other famous people walking and talking: I see their handlers steer them, give them signals, whisper names in their ear. And you know what? Celebrities in their prime look awkward all the time. People who have nothing to worry about but their craft and being famous screw up all the time.

FlashMobOfOne , avatar

Yeah, but those people don't have the power to destroy the entire world when their brain short-circuits.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

ignore years of evidence that Biden’s admin can function

They're doing a real bang-up job, both at home and abroad.

EatATaco ,

I wish we went further left, but the reality is that Biden has been a steady hand at the wheel where we've come out of economic unknown of the covid shut downs pretty well. We still have a ways to go, but we're heading in the right direction, and the most glaring problem (namely inflation) was something baked in before he even came into office.

Abroad we actually have the respect of much of the world, and it feels like to our allies that we are actually a partner that can be trusted on. Keep in mind that if you told a republican of the 80s that a US president rally the west against an imperialistic russia invading Europe, without committing a single US or NATO troop, and exposed them for how weak they are, then they would have said he was the second coming of Reagan.

Do I disagree with a lot of what he has done? Yes. But it's been a steady ride. Compared to Trump's presidency, which was a bumpy ride throughout, handing off an economy that looked like it could just go completely into the shitter, and threatening our alliances across the world, he looks like straight up looks like one of the best.

paddirn ,

Yeah, I mean, nevermind all the pending criminal charges and evidence of incompetence from Trump's 4 years in office where we had weekly "infrastructure week" failures, a constant stream of garbage tweets parading as "official Presidential communications", and egregious power grabs by the Executive branch. Trump said all his same BS in a more convincing-sounding voice during last night's debate and the guy with a known stuttering issue just didn't have a strong-sounding voice, that's all the convincing I needed. Biden is just so old, I literally can't tell them apart <teeheehee>!

niktemadur , (edited )

Don't forget how:

"I'm NOT voting for an entire apparatus of executive government with thousands of employees, I'm ONLY voting for a charismatic messiah godking, because I'm still little more than a medieval peasant looking to be mesmerized.

Then if fascists take over the nation (again) and the most vulnerable among me suffer from it (again and again and again), that's not MY problem. While (somehow) fancying myself as enlightened and special and pure. I'm at the center of my goddamned Universe!"

The Supreme Court, and how republicans effectively staged a coup of it in 2016 by turning their back on Merrick Garland, then packed it with corrupt right-wing zealots? "Not MY problem!"... until it is, but by then it's way too late.

mynamesnotrick , to Videos in Jon Stewart's Debate Analysis: Trump's Blatant Lies and Biden's Senior Moments | The Daily Show avatar

John nailed it at the end. Fuck, this can't be real life.

Fizz , to Videos in Jon Stewart's Debate Analysis: Trump's Blatant Lies and Biden's Senior Moments | The Daily Show avatar

It worries me that people can listen to trump say "we have the most unsafe border in history when I was president we had the most safe border in history" and not question that statement in the slightest.

CosmicTurtle0 ,

It's like when Trump ran campaign ads about police brutality and crimes going up in inner cities....that all happened under Trump with the tag, "This is Biden's America".

It is true what they say: truth has a liberal bias.

FlashMobOfOne , avatar

I dunno, man.

I'd say stop watching corporate media, because CNN is making a shit-ton of advertiser money off these charades, but people won't.

Anyolduser ,

I turned on the radio in my car to tune into the debate. The first thing I heard was Trump saying "we had the most immaculate air, we had the most immaculate water".

I just shut the damn thing off.

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