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stembolts ,

Have you ever watched the Daily Show? What you describe has never been the practice there, they shit on everyone, it's great.

stembolts OP ,

Star Trek DS9

stembolts OP ,

I don't follow, the way I did it causes a worse UI outcome?

Should I use something other than the upload button? Lile uploading it externally and linking it?

stembolts OP ,

ah okay and my post cannot be expanded in that manner, i believe i understand now. thanks

stembolts ,

Ahh, you have skinitis, be glad it's not boneitis.

stembolts ,

Lol. I guess it's hard to tell when you haven't seen the site change over time but.. yeah?

It uses to be "argumentless" discussions on esoteric tech and philosophy issues.. then a few years later it was people commenting the same 9 memes for 9,000 comments.. then a few years later suddenly everyone's anecdotes are praising China, or capitalism, or offhandedly mentioning some product or influencer.

Tbh tho, most of Reddit now just reads like Subreddit Simulator. All of the site's value regarding sincere, unique, and detailed user content.. yeah, that's gone. They're just coasting on past laurels, will be fun to watch the wheels fall off as the data stays locked in 2023, before the LLM Ouroboros.

stembolts ,

They will certainly come here, but as a defederated website we don't have to defend against them with one approach, everyone can take a different approach, see what frustrates them the most, then mass adopt that. I see this as the ideal.. no idea how it will unfold in practice.

stembolts ,

This application looks fine to me.

Clearly labeled sections.

Local on one side, remote on the other

Transfer window on bottom.

No space for anything besides function, is the joke going over my head?

stembolts ,

"Because what is legal is always right.
And what is right is always legal."


In a fascist state, your mindset is welcome, "Well they broke the rule, they must pay," but do you never abstract one more level? Is the rule itself breaking something?

Those who downvote you say yes. Nuance is important. The rule has two main affects that I see.

  1. Direct effect (the goal) :Publishers maintain a monopoly on bookselling low value books, the structure of their business preventing any competition.

Okay lets think about #1. Is that good or bad?

  1. Indirect effect : the members of that society now have a restricted access to knowledge.

Okay lets think about #2. Is that good or bad?

Being critical in thought enough to recognize the flaws of the first quote is key.

stembolts ,

"No one should stand up for new rights. Don't rock the boat bro."

Your mindset is the road to a dictatorship.

What does the Mafia do? Show up, "Wow you got a lot of valuable things here Be a shame if someone broke them. Best listen to us."

The Mafia leverages potential of damage to existing value to extract cooperation.

I see very little difference here between the Mafia and the plaintiff.

stembolts ,

I had nothing to say to that. I agree with it.

One paragraph discusses action, the other discusses philosophy. I only took issue with your regressive philosophy. I'm open to correcting misunderstandings, elaborate if you feel I continue to miss something.

stembolts ,

It's a quote of an opinion, so in general I ignore them. I'm usually more interested in distilling ideas constructed with some line of reasoning.

But I guess we can look at this one. Find it's essence. Tho it doesn't seem very deep..

"Societies with rule of law are dictatorships. How leaders are selected and the existence of fundamental Constitutional rights is not a factor."

So in short.

Having laws at all is a dictatorship.

Yeah, that is one of the opinions I'd ignore. It's easy to have that opinion inside the walls of a lawed society.

Luckily it is valid to respond to an opinion with an opinion, and mine is that I imagine everyone (except the strongest with the most resources) would abandon that perspective as soon as they lived in a world with no laws.

stembolts ,

It would be more accurate if you said, "This is not about right and wrong (for me)."

If you say it's not about right and wrong, dead stop, then you are pledging full faith to the institutions, the very ones we are critiquing.

Basically, you are dismissing my opinion as misguided, dismissing me as missing the point and I am telling you it was expressed exactly as intended.

In short, you are arguing on the wrong conceptual meta-level for me to respond without dismissing my own claim. If I take as True that "this isn't about right and wrong" (it is), then I am setting aside the power I have in a democratic society to say, "Fuck this I'm changing it." Maybe we've just been stuck in gridlock politics, with a ruling class that strips and monetizes every aspect of humanity that the society today doesn't realize the power citizens wield.

Not sure. Been fun to think and share thoughts with you though. Thanks for your time and have a nice night.

An impasse is a perfectly acceptable outcome on a sane platform like Lemmy.

stembolts ,

Oh I thought this was going to be a recall.

stembolts ,

The size of the chess board is not related to the inability of some pieces to be on some colors.. that only depends on the starting positions.
Thus downvotes.
Are you loggerheaded?

stembolts , (edited )

ね (ne).

Because it's a cool way to end a sentence in Japanese.

That house is big ね。
That house is big isn't it.

stembolts , (edited )

I hate the British one, indifferent about Canada.
No idea why..

This may not make any sense, I'm working it out as I type this.. but British slang is so "sharp" and more aggressive sounding than.. whatever my brain thinks other languages sound like..

Anyway pretty sure it just means I'm an anti-Britite racist. Damnit, found out I'm a racist again.

stembolts ,


stembolts , (edited )



stembolts ,

I cannot think of a case where that doesn't work, lol. Perfect.

stembolts , (edited )


stembolts ,

Well duh, the first statement is in radians.

stembolts ,

Climate change is fake, but everything that is crafted from observable measurements is being updated to be in line with climate change if it was real.

God damn Greta Thunberg!!

stembolts ,

Ah good, so I can tell my therapist I'm no longer a nihilist but a quantum foamer.

This is great.

stembolts , (edited )

The American system of government is the blame game. For example, few people seem to remember that during Obama's 8 years in office he had the government for 10 months.

During the 86 other months Republicans exploited that by simultaneously stonewalling everything while going to the media and questioning why the democrats aren't doing more for the American people. It is a masterfully effective underhanded tactic.

I also agree that everyone should vote. When more people vote, regardless of political affiliation, democrats win bigger. I don't know why that is true, but it is. So yes, everyone vote!

Need advice on new sensory friendly office shoes

I just started interning and it's my first office job (Yay!) but most of the clothes I feel comfortable wearing are not really office attire. Especially shoes. I have no "appropriate" shoes because shoes have always been a particular source of sensory issues so I wear the same black pair of mesh trainers. I have to commute in a...

stembolts ,

Kinda off topic but I hate standard shoes because for whatever reason it's widely accepted that we should not use our whole foot, crush the pinkie toe, and deform the foot for life. I don't get it. No wonder so many people have foot problems later in life.

I wear shoes that allow my toes to spread out completely. Xero is what I use for now but since this is a shoe discussion I'm interested if anyone knows of others. I only wear "barefoot" shoes for reasons above. I don't want the accessory muscles that support my foot to atrophy.

Shoe rant concluded. That said Xero does make some professional shoes I think. I wear some around the house that have no laces and are just black, cozy.

stembolts ,

Please do, it seems like every time I commit to a brand the owners say or do something distasteful. In expectation of that, these days I have a habit of exploring in advance. Shoes are one thing one can always use more of.

stembolts ,

I'm watching Travelers on Netflix after getting back from leg day at the gym. About to eat some pressure cooked chicken (tikki masala and tapatío as simmer sauce).

I suppose I'd rather be watching Travelers on Netflix after getting back from the gym.. earlier, while stoned and hanging out with someone I was dating, but dating apps are the poo.

Haha, 11p for me, not much variation available this time of night.

Good show so far for SciFi lovers. Reminds me a bit of Fringe for some reason tho the storylines are nothing alike.

stembolts ,

Is it just me that dislikes when packages are mentioned instead of a series of terminal commands? I don't want to install a package. Why would I want to rely on a package and it's maintainer when I could write a shell script using the tools native to my OS?

Is this unreasonable or just unpopular?

stembolts ,

I have no critique of anyone's preference. I joined the linux board looking for discussions on novel ways to use the system.

Since I haven't found that here, I thought I'd add a comment to see if it's just me. And I wanted to check to see if there is an alternative forum for such conversations.

Maybe a shell, bash, scripting, or man page community. Idk.

stembolts ,

Yeah the search tool isn't the greatest, tho I expect third party maps of communities will spring up at some point.


stembolts ,


$ sudo su  

..bam, no more sudo. And likely no more system within a few sessions 🫣

Solution? Just don't make mistakes. Ezpz. /s

stembolts , (edited )

a demon from hell, clearly

(jk, hell doesn't exist, the idea of an afterlife is a placating tactic devised by religious heads to get people to accept a subservient life so they can enjoy paradise in the next one, which doesn't exist, but you're dead by then so, mission accomplished. it had it's place in the times when it was founded to create order but in the modern era it turns people into subservient cattle for the system. wait, is this a Wendy's? again??)

stembolts ,

After the lecture on gay frogs sir/madam.
Please respect my time.

stembolts ,

After this announcement, all of the cell phone companies in the US announced Warp Drive Plans, for only $200 extra a month you get a little warp reactor icon in your system tray that occasionally makes lightning.

It doesn't do anything for speed, but neither did it when they announced 5G and started selling it before the infrastructure existed.

I'm signing up today!

stembolts ,

Um sir or madam, I believe Bugs Bunny said it does, in case you missed that.

Have you seen what he is capable of? Have you witnessed the trauma of Elmer Fudd? You're treading on thin ice, I would advise that you exercise caution for your own sake.

stembolts ,

Thank you!
I am.

stembolts , (edited )

Dwarf Fortress LNP is free and doesn't require a mouse 😉 It requires a special type of insanity to learn, but the rewards are WELL worth it.

Here is a video of a drainable/refillable moat I made.

The quick transitions are Z-axis movement, you can only view one full Z-axis at a time. Dwarves go down so you'll be diving into the depths of hell. Oh, and don't mine the mithril tube unless you want to experience "fun". No further spoilers. 😁

If you don't want to learn the ascii, LNP comes with a few toggleable tilesets you can swap between, I personally just prefer the ascii. Once you can see it, it's like being able to see the Matrix.

Will I ever be seen as truly British?

My family immigrated to the UK from Poland when I was six. I'm 20 now, speak much better English than Polish and feel like this is my land/culture. However I have a Polish first and last name, Polish passport and "unique" accent everyone picks up on, so despite this I'm usually perceived as an outsider. It makes me really sad...

stembolts ,

Before reading, know that my response is mostly off-topic.

As an American it always seemed strange to me the perception of someone as an outsider. I know other Americans do it too so it's not like we are some special snowflake country, we have a lot of intolerance of course.

But idk, to me Americans have all sorts of accents, indian/asian, hispanic, african, australian, whatever. I never considered that someone who sounds different wouldn't be the same as every other American.

Not sure if this train of thought is shared by other countries. I have heard that Japanese people will basically never consider anyone not native to Japan as anything other than foreign. That is a strange thought to me.

I guess I'm bad at being bigoted.

stembolts , (edited )

This is similar to when I heard reddit was doing the API lockdown, I wrote an automation bot over the weekend that self-destructed my subreddit and the entire post history. The bot also automatically downloaded and archived all of the content on my local machine.

It was annoying because at first I couldn't get access to older posts since at the time reddit had changed their API to only show the first X posts (100 or 1,000 or whatever). So I told my bot to delete the posts as it archived them so as I deleted content, reddit had no choice but to populate the page with the older posts.

And that's how I archived my subreddit. Reddit banned me two days later for automation, lol. I did not break any of the reddit or reddit api ToS during this process but I guess I upset someone.

stembolts ,

Oh I know, I just wanted a copy too.

Deleting posts from the user PoV was the only way I could come up with to force the API to show them to me.

stembolts ,

Heck no, but conflating two arguments at the same time makes them both unsolvable. I just approach one topic at a time. I'm very much anti-gov-spying. It's fourth amendment stuff.

But I think the constitution is more of a talking point than something American politicians care about these days. They like to use it to say, "Do the thing I like! But wait, stop using it to stop me from stopping the things I don't like!"

It's corruption all the way down.

stembolts ,

Oh sorry, I didn't mean that to come off as an accusation.

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