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Let's say, hypothetically, you thought Plex/emby share were fantastic, and you wanted to let people know a discord link to a couple, but you were concerned about unsavory characters trying to horn in

...on the good things and ruin it for everyone. How would one go about letting people know, in a responsible manner....

Imgonnatrythis ,

Lemmy seems like a decent place for this. Small audience, mostly rational folks and easy enough to block hexbear / Lemmygrad creeps.

Imgonnatrythis ,

It will be hard to tell. What's the difference between a bricked r1 and a non bricked r1? Answer: not much at all.

Imgonnatrythis ,

No please don't confuse these. One is a technological marvel that changed the world for the better and the other is just an orange box that doesn't do anything at all except maybe steal your personal data.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Where do I download these?

Imgonnatrythis ,

You must not know all that many people. Windows is pushing accounts super hard. Average user is complying with this.
Ask your fish monger or barista , bet one of them has a m$ account.

Am I the only one preferring low quality media over high quality one?

I have a very slow Internet connection (5 Mbps down, and even less for upload). Given that, I always download movies at 720p, since they have low file size, which means I can download them more quickly. Also, I don't notice much of a difference between 1080p and 720p. As for 4K, because I don't have a screen that can display 4K,...

Imgonnatrythis ,

I mean, quality is nice. But prefer the better streaming experience and faster d/l of 1080 vs 4k. Won't go lower than that though. What really gets me is when audio quality isn't good or not clearly listed that it's 5.1 channel though. I don't like to skimp on audio experience.

Imgonnatrythis ,

This is nice work. I think there has been a lot of hesitantion, and rightfully so, for food and medical applications. This paper strives to use data to show that perhaps we could expand applications a bit with cautious cleaning habits, but I urge readers to remember this is a conference paper and likely not rigorously peer reviewed. Use the data with caution.
That being said I have used PETG and tpu for food and water lids before. I use ironing heavily for these as I think it minimizes pore spaces and these materials are top shelf dishwasher stable. They also have minimal direct food contact.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Does Tesla care about making a "neat thing" or do they care about making "a car that can drive me places"

Neither. Care about making money.

Imgonnatrythis ,

I think at this point Tesla is more about stockholders than it is Musk.

Imgonnatrythis ,

I don't know about y'all, but a company called "safe super intelligence" sure doesn't sound like it could ever do anything sinister. Should probably go ahead and let this one train on government databases.

Imgonnatrythis ,

I'm admittedly not familiar with the data, but I have the impression that this is true with quite a few fields, tech or otherwise.
I think they prey upon loss aversion.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Got to be hard to even walk around when there is constantly a mouth stuck on your dick

Imgonnatrythis ,

Thanks for sharing this. Very interesting and a little surprising. I love my phev and keep it charged as much as possible because I notice acceleration benefits, pre-conditioning benefits, and obvious fuel savings, as well as time saving not having to gas up. I also have no fears of battery discharge like I would with full electric. I live in the states and charging stations are still pretty rare outside major metro areas and a lot of things are pretty spread out here so I still find full EV unfortunately a bit impractical. I CN imagine anyone not charging their phev whenever the opportunity presents.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Because I really want it in grey!!

  • seriously, these are the people.
Imgonnatrythis ,

Grey was meant as a variable there. People buying new cars are typically either heavy on disposable income and/or have placed high value on arbitrary criteria that most of us would not consider worth the very high price difference between New and used cars.

Imgonnatrythis ,

That's true but you can get all of that in a used car. There is a decent <20k mile used market and the same car new vs. One with 10miles on it in mint condition is thousands of dollars. The same people that will spend a day shuffling around money to try to game a 0.1% interest increase will throw piles of extra money for that new car though

Imgonnatrythis ,

I'm gonna go ahead and agree with you. I like the contests, and they don't need to go crazy with rules, but there is some simple room for improving quality and safety. Have you seen the chest compression death machine? That's my favorite - how the hell has that not been censored?

Imgonnatrythis ,
Imgonnatrythis ,

Is there a name for this problem? I'm imagining you sitting with a bowl of beans looking miserable, shaking your head and muttering, "damn beans"

Imgonnatrythis ,

Eating beans seems terribly inefficient though. Eating the 30g of beans in a cup of coffee or a shot of espresso for example would be quite the snack. Water extraction of caffeine is highly efficient so you aren't leaving a lot behind from coffee / espresso either.

Have you tried Guarana pills or slow release caffeine pills? No data, but I've found Guarana to be a less jolty longer lasting than most forms of caffeine

Imgonnatrythis ,

I think you can eat the seeds and it is apparently possible to home grow guauranna (I doubt that it's particularly easy to grow though). Keep it away from pets.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Most dryers now allow you to print directly from the dryer. I keep my spools like most in cereal boxes with a 100g dessicant sack. For pla I just throw it in dryer, set a timer on it, while I'm prepping my bed and print. Works well. For PETG or tpu I like to try to let it dry in the box for a couple hours before getting started.
If you are not carefully keeping filament dry and switch to a sealed dessicant system, I would recommend putting the filament in a drying box for 8h prior to then putting it in your storage container. I tried vacuum bags for awhile and the cereal box thing is way less of a pain.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Pretty sure they all brought people diabetes and cancer

Imgonnatrythis ,

Spez can get fucked. Not going to lurk there, but if I do need to ever view any reddit content, the best fuck you way of doing it would be to use a third party app and not see a single ad. So yeah, I'll give it a try if you release an Android version. Any plans?

Imgonnatrythis ,

Garbage article. There is scientific data and this isn't a restriction. It's an educational label. I don't imagine it will be particularly effective, but it strips no one of any rights.
I'd rather see something like what they do on ciggy boxes in Europe with lung cancer photos on the box, but maybe with a picture of an obese depressed kid or something.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Have you bothered to actually read the SGs advisory? It's full of high quality citations or what predators lurking on X looking for underage children refer to as pseudo-science.

Imgonnatrythis ,

That was my first thought too, but I'm living in a glass house on this one. I'm sure at scale cable management saves time and frustration but for home / office use I find it to be cosmetically pleasing but frankly that it makes doing anything / changing things / adding things / moving things more of a PITA. I find myself justifying poor cable management more and more.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Ok, I was trying to be on your side about this situation, but this is next level - like human spider web, trying to get gold on /r/cablegore type insanity.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Seemed pretty level headed and surprisingly well written to me.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Can you eli10 why their method violates the law? Seeing a one sided view from their pov does not reveal this.

Imgonnatrythis ,

In the article it said they were lending to one user at a time though which seems reasonable. You are saying they didn't actually do this and that is the reason they are in hot water? So they are basically just denying that they did this?

Imgonnatrythis ,

Have you tried windows 10?
Its largely better.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Just give them a usb of the show for Christ's sake! Sneaker net that shit. Which show btw?

Imgonnatrythis ,

If your coworkers are the level of douche bag that they might take you to court, then probably don't even talk about your favorite show with them

Imgonnatrythis ,

I almost envy the place where this is the kind of shit police are able to worry about.

Imgonnatrythis ,

If they are going after sneaker net distribution, this is the most inefficient use of resources ever! As a taxpayer I would be outraged to hear about something like this. I can't imagine this being an issue outside of N. Korea

Imgonnatrythis ,

Damn you. You had me with that beautiful tuxedo. Where are the mods? This isn't even fair.

I'm an old school plex user and think it would serve your purposes well, but I know jellyfin is the more popular option around these parts. Being comfortable with plex and reading about jellyfin, I've felt that jellyfin seemed a bit more fussy to implement but I assume that comes with greater customizability.

Imgonnatrythis ,

You might want to upload a cat Pic to soften the shit storm.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Isn't stremio just an aggreagator for streaming services you pay for?

I use plex for streaming downloaded media yes, but it does have a free streaming service with incredibly bad movies, like almost watchable because they are comically Bad.
No issues with storage or file duplication that I've ever experienced.

I don't know what Rd is

Imgonnatrythis ,

Sounds like a lot of potential points of failure but would probably be real nice when it's working!

Imgonnatrythis ,

Lawmakers seem to have developed a strangely keen interest in where exactly we put our dicks and the very personal repercussions of any new genetic material created from any of this dick placement.
They don't seem to have any time at all for corporate abuse of the populous at large. I guess the problem perhaps is that while corporations are people, they don't have dicks?

Imgonnatrythis ,

Im sure they can. Insurance companies love data. While someone like you might fly under their radar with crash statistics, it might be worthwhile to flag you as low risk for crash, but if in a crash high risk for multi-fatility crash. This would mean a bigger potential payout for them and they might want to risk adjust you. I'd advocate that just about anyone should try to protect their own data and avoid sharing this info with insurance companies.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Wtf they do to ballie? 2020 ballie looked cool. New ballie looks like a toddler toy.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Interesting. Does it do file synchronization? They don't seem to advertise that on their site. Regardless though, I'd want to sync between 4 or five computers and the licenses for this thing start to get steep. That's my issue with software like this, many of us now have quite a few computers in our household and this is something that if you got used to you'd want it on all of them, but then you start paying like corporate licensing prices and it's just silly.

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