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MummifiedClient5000 ,

Has Al ever done anything political before?

MummifiedClient5000 ,

Is that really political though?

MummifiedClient5000 ,

I wasn't aware of that. The presidental race has been parodical since 2016 so it makes sense.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

It is yeah. Even for Weird Al, the humour is top notch. I love the rug pull where the song changes from being about how neat tin foil is, to conspiracy lunacy. (Because I could totally see him making a song that's just about how neat tin foil is).

MummifiedClient5000 ,

Det er sgu vildt nok. rusland kunne have været en ligeværdig partner med Europa og kunne sågar være på vej til medlemskab af EU, men deres nationale ego er grunden til at de aldrig har ansøgt. De havde formentlig accepteret hvis Von der Leyen havde tigget putin.

Og nu er de så i stedet på vej til økonomisk ruin og er Kinas og NKs lille bitch, mens NATO opruster og udvider.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

You can do that now.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

So time travel would really just be a means to improve the the SSR? (suckjobs/stock ratio)

MummifiedClient5000 ,

Hurra, stort tillykke til erhvervslivet 💩🐖

MummifiedClient5000 , (edited )

Er det tilfældigvis de samme arbejdsgivere som kunne prøve at gøre det mere attraktivt og mindre nedslidende at arbejde i de stillinger som er mindst attraktive og mest nedslidende som nu klager over at nedslidte forlader deres uattraktive stillinger?

Ja, den er alligevel svær; Hvad kan man dog gøre ved det problem udover at skære i mulighederne for at trække sig tilbage?

MummifiedClient5000 ,

Det er godtnok et sort/hvidt take. Man behøver jo altså ikke at støtte Hamas for at være forfærdet over Israels folkedrab i Gaza.

MummifiedClient5000 OP ,

Jeg har et forsigtigt gæt på hvilken landsdel, men hvilken branche?

MummifiedClient5000 OP , (edited )

Hvis der bare skal oprettes nogle ugentlige tråde, så ser pythorhead ud til at være ret nemt at gå til.

Edit: Tydeligvis også hvad Andreas (tror jeg) har lavet her:

MummifiedClient5000 OP ,

Held og lykke. Du er så pissedygtig så du finder snart det helt rigtige job.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

Jeg har prøvet at opbygge en vane med at have dåsemad og rotere det ved at spise lidt af det ind i mellem.

Og fuck det, det eneste langtidsholdbare der er til at spise er forloren skildpadde. Og der skal alligevel kogte æg i før det er godt.

Og hvor meget vand skal man lige have på lager? 3 liter pr. person pr. dag? Det kommer sgu hurtigt til at fylde.

Så jeg tror bare at jeg dør hvis der opstår en mindre krise.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

Probably the garlic ice cream in garlic restaurant Balthasar in Tallinn.

8/10. Would eat again. Sadly it looks like the place closed down, probably during covid-19 :-(

MummifiedClient5000 ,

Are you taking the piss? Wierd ass meme format, can't read the band names and no links. 👎

MummifiedClient5000 ,

Same reason they bomb hospitals. Can't genocide properly if the kids keep getting stitched up.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

He (putin) said that his family were learning Mandarin

I hope he atleast got a breathmint after kissing that much ass.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

Corporate needs you to find the differences between these two pictures.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

I'd like it if nothing ever decodes my intrusive thoughts, thanks.

Or my regular thoughts. They get kind of... spidery.

I've shared too much already.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

Sure, they bring the party. But do they bring the cannon?

MummifiedClient5000 ,

De første par gange vi oplevede det, tænkte vi ikke så meget over det. Det var en bizar spøg eller et dårligt forstået vejr-fænomen.

Da vi endelig indså sandheden var det allerede for sent; Havpattedyr udviklede sig hurtigere og mere aggresivt end Darwin nogensinde havde forestillet sig; Vi havde forstyrret havets harmoni og måtte betale prisen for vores arrogance.

Mennesket er ikke længere den herskende race på jorden. Vi nåede aldrig at bygge en båd der var stor nok. Nu er vi kun føde for luftbårne stimer af hajer.

"Hej haj" er ikke længere en far-joke - Det er dødsskriget fra en civilisation som troede sig mægtigere end dybderne.

MummifiedClient5000 ,


MummifiedClient5000 ,

putin has issued a warning promising fire that this will have consequences.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

Israels folkedrab er usmageligt. Ikke de ord der præcist beskriver det.

Went to look for the first time in a while...didn't even take me 10 minutes to find an obvious bot. ( )

All it does is respond to the title. sometimes that works out for it....sometimes its horrible. Just a tiny bit down, check the old school cool. down in the comment graveyard is another number name one doing the exact same thing.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

Reddit bots comments do not always have to make sense. The bots likely quickly delete downvoted comments to stop the karma bleed and rely on only a few of them be upvoted to get that sweet sweet karma.

This was how the previous generation of Reddit bots - comment thieves - worked.

I wonder if there are already hybrids that steal and rephrase other comments using GenAI instead of just responding to the post title?

MummifiedClient5000 ,

I chased comment thieves with a script that called them out for a while, so I noticed those everywhere and started learning their behaviour patterns.

Unlike comment thieving bots, rephrasing bots could be difficult/expensive to detect. But at least if they use GenAI they are also expensive to run. (If they use a simple substitution, they are detectable, although it would take some work I guess. Fun work though).

MummifiedClient5000 ,

This is not how you raise an issue on Github.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

What a terrible format.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

Here's a screenshot showing what the post looks like for a Lemmy user.

What's with the title? It's just a tag and a URL. Tags do nothing on Lemmy and look awful. URLs in titles also do nothing and look awful. And what's with the a escaped #-character? Is it to safely pass the title in bash-scripts?

The article link is broken. And the multiple levels of crossposting just seems kind of.... lazy.

This is some next generation RE: FW: FW stuff.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

Partially agreement. There shouldn't be markdown in titles and Lemmy should probably have stripped it altogether:

Disregarding the malplaced markup in the title, the article link is also broken. (Contains broken markup).

And again the multiple indentations and "cross-posted from" makes it look like Re: Re: FW material. I think my criticism is valid, even if I probably did sound a bit like a dick about it.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

The writer uses the terms "locked out" and "frozen", but also says that she is not allowed to share documents any longer and maybe unable to access her documents from a tablet and a phone, but perhaps still from a laptop? (The article reads like a fucken drama piece instead of... you know... actual journalism).

If she has any type of access, it seems like it is very easy to fix permanently:

  • Download documents.
  • Register a domain.
  • Get a hosted Wordpress or some other foolproof CMS.
  • Put documents there.

Don't rely on a free service for something that has value you.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

I've kind of mellowed out for a while. I'm still into horror, but the truly disturbing stuff doesn't just doesn't speak to me any longer.

MummifiedClient5000 ,

Commodore 64 and two cartridges (Space Invaders and Radar Rat Race) around 1983 I think. No tape drive or floppy at first, so I got used to typing in games from magazines and books until the computer got turned off. This was early, I didn't know anyone else that had a computer. Eventually we got a tape drive (datassette) and that was when my life took a deroute, but that is a different story for a different day.

Nokia something, year somewhere 2000-2002, didn't feel it, but my parents believed that I would answer the phone more if I had a mobile.

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