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Anyolduser ,

It says why in the article. They sat cross-legged and chewed on the end of rushes to make a brush.

Anyolduser ,

I turned on the radio in my car to tune into the debate. The first thing I heard was Trump saying "we had the most immaculate air, we had the most immaculate water".

I just shut the damn thing off.

Anyolduser ,

Nobody likes a propagandist.

Less so when it's low effort.

Anyolduser ,

No, no. I'm referring specifically to you.

Anyolduser ,

The man needs no introduction, only eyebrows.

What do you think the Great Filter is?

The Great Filter is the idea that, in the development of life from the earliest stages of abiogenesis to reaching the highest levels of development on the Kardashev scale, there is a barrier to development that makes detectable extraterrestrial life exceedingly rare. The Great Filter is one possible resolution of the Fermi...

Anyolduser ,

Read like any history book.

Or just about any book, really.

Anyolduser , (edited )

Boy, Lemmy sucks donkey dick. For every one legitimate answer there are two or three edgelord answers like "capitalism" and "the internet".

Here's an answer that hasn't come up yet: cooperation among mono cellular organisms. I don't mean the development of polyp analogues or colonies of single celled organisms; I mean getting down to mitochondria. Brace for wild oversimplification.

Before mitochondria, life had a hard time creating enough energy to do much more than barely stay alive. The current line of thinking is that one organism ate another and didn't digest it. The two organisms worked symbiotically, one handled energy production and the other handled getting food and staying alive.

Just about every living thing utilizes mitochondria and if the current idea that mitochondria were actually symbiotic organisms is true, that means that what was likely a chance "sparing" of prey is the underpinning of all complex life.

The odds of that happening are ridiculously low. There could be simple life in tons of places even within our own star system, but if the mitochondria-like symbiotic capture never happens for those extraterrestrial organisms, then complex life is probably unlikely to develop.

Anyolduser ,

A - fucking - men

Anyolduser ,

I'd hardly describe it that way. It took untold trillions of predator/prey interactions over the hundreds of millions of years that single celled life existed for it to happen. That's more or less brute forcing the problem and it took geologic timescales to happen.

If you ask me to point at a hurdle stopping civilizations from developing that looks awfully reasonable.

Anyolduser ,

If by "paragraphs" you mean two sentences, sure.

If you'd bothered to read past those two sentences you'd see that I was making an offhand comment before answering the question.

Anyolduser ,

Case in point for Lemmy being a shit hole.

Anyolduser ,

A Great Filter is way, way bigger than that. Something that prevents a civilization from being able to expand into space. This includes things like "you can't make fire on this planet and therefore are never able to learn to work metal" and "supernovas sterilize regions of space before species can leave them".

Even the worst ecological disaster - one that kills billions - will not prevent humanity from eventually recovering, rebuilding, and expanding.

Under no circumstances (even Cold War mutually assured destruction) can human politics be a Great Filter. Thinking that it can be is small-minded and petty.

Anyolduser ,

Holy bald-faced foreign propaganda, Batman!

Anyolduser ,

I can't speak to the pencil moustache, but that's a smoking jacket. It's meant to be worn indoors while smoking to keep the worst of the smell off of your clothes.

A smoking jacket is allowed to be more loud and flamboyant because it's only supposed to be worn in the house, so only your family and guests would see it. It's not exactly the thing one would wear out and about.

Anyolduser ,

No, they just saw the comic that this is plagiarizing.

Anyolduser ,

Yeah, the guy's team was writing "articles and blog posts promoting a tech company".

Letting an LLM mangle that isn't exactly a huge loss.

Anyolduser ,

So do you intend to do anything about it? Like maybe take down the post?

Anyolduser ,

Bro, you can't say that to people. No means no.

Anyolduser ,

Not to mention that under US law black powder guns are not legally considered firearms.

While that's technically a loophole, it's left in place to allow poor people in rural areas to supplement their food budget with hunting even if they have a felony conviction.

Anyolduser ,

Most municipalities have a non-emergency line to handle things like this. Road obstructions, noise complaints, and the like may well be handled by 911 operators, but calls to the non-emergency line are handled as the lowest priority.

Anyolduser ,

There's no uniform definition, but groups with an agenda will count any discharge of a firearm on property owned by a school as a school shooting regardless of circumstances.

One notorious case was a person who committed suicide in the parking lot of a closed down school. It happened in the middle of the night and classes hadn't been held in that building for years. Advocacy groups still counted it.

NPR did a whole investigation into over reporting in 2018. Here's a link:

Anyolduser ,

Fuck me for trying to answer your question, I guess.

Anyolduser ,

You ever think of switching to decaf?

Congratulations on being the first user I block on Lemmy.

Anyolduser ,

Because they were lied to unnecessarily.

The parent is trading long term trust and respect in their relationship for short term compliance. That should only be done in emergencies.

Anyolduser ,

By reading enough history to know that the world isn't decaying around me.

Anyolduser ,

"Data is lackluster" just isn't as catchy.

Anyolduser ,

I heard on NPR that a lot of the key ships and equipment the army used were almost decommissioned in 2019. The last time they were used was in Haiti in 2010.

Hopefully this convinces army brass to make the investment to maintain this capability.

Anyolduser ,

Unless you live a subsistence lifestyle and somehow also produce all of the complex goods you need, you care.

A Chinese invasion of Taiwan would more or less kick off world war three. To say that's bad for everyday life is an understatement, and that's assuming nobody launches nukes.

Anyolduser ,

Well, that's a braindead take if I've ever heard one.

Anyolduser ,

For a long time I'd get involved with confident, self-possessed women who started picking fights six months into dating because they enjoyed the catharsis. It took me three major relationships to find the line between "assertive" and "mean".

It takes time and experience to learn lessons, and big problems rarely manifest early on in a relationship. Ignoring red flags is foolish, but misinterpretation happens.

Anyolduser ,

The US public and Congress have been making a mistake for 40 years by getting distracted by the "how" and not focusing on addressing the "why".

Don't make the same mistake.

Anyolduser ,

When politicians are looking to score points with the public will they enact expensive social safety nets, or will they push for cheap and quick weapon bans?

Do politicians care about efficacy, or do they care about appearing to take action?

If a person's goal is to reduce homicides the means need to be decoupled from the argument. It's highly counterintuitive, but four decades of US domestic policy have proven that if the means of homicide are a part of the discussion politicians will focus on it in order to look like they're doing something without spending enormous amounts of taxpayer money - efficacy be damned.

Anyolduser ,

You're missing the point, none of them really want the social safety nets, that would kill the wedge issue. Keeping people arguing about gun control drives political engagement and votes. Both parties have a vested interest in not resolving the issue. Actually solving the problem would be a nightmare for them.

Look, if you want to spend the rest of your life watching your elected officials chase symptoms in order to drum up funds and votes, go right ahead. Just don't say you weren't warned when you let them get away with it.

Anyolduser ,

Buddy, you're obsessing over the means. Focus on motive.

I'd rehash the same points about how a person can commit mass murder with a car, but for guys like you talking about murder weapons is like being a pig in shit.

Anyolduser ,

They'd have my vote, along with probably tens of millions of other independents.

Honestly, gun control is the "poison pill" of the Democratic platform. They've got a ton of great ideas and policies but demand one of your civil rights in exchange. Even for people who aren't into guns, the idea giving up any civil right is problematic to say the least.

Anyolduser ,

Yeah, I didn't answer your question.

I'm refusing to give you what you want.

You've been warned that this is an exercise in futility. I won't engage in it no matter how much you want to.

Anyolduser ,

And how did those bills go?

Congress loves to let issues fester to garner attention and drum up support. They've been fucking around with the debt ceiling for decades to do that, and that's a problem that they create from whole cloth.

The political will of the populace to make real changes to address the root causes of homicide are squandered by focusing on the weapons used. Want to see those bills pass? Don't buy into the dog and pony show that is gun control.

If you really, truly believe that banning guns is the silver bullet to solving homicides get the second amendment repealed. All the half measures that get thrown out time and time again are usually unconstitutional and doomed to fail, they're just there to keep the public engaged.

Anyolduser ,

Because the gun laws in place are about as far as things can go without repealing the second amendment. Further laws are either doomed to fail or make only marginal differences.

Those bills and proposals waste precious political capital that could otherwise be used passing laws that address the root causes of homicide.

Anyolduser ,


Tell yourself whatever makes you feel better about getting played by political candidates.

Anyolduser ,

Not making me feel better about my previous statement...

Anyolduser ,

Oh my, how very original and thought provoking.

Anyolduser ,

Oh, terribly adventurous today, aren't we?

Anyolduser ,

Sure. And - ya know - not funneling money into a totalitarian regime.

Anyolduser ,

That's a bingo.

The idea that "they" don't want the American public driving EVs is ridiculous.

If Reddit had a soul/conscience, I think it was us, and we're all on Lemmy now...

As a little background, I didn't actively use Reddit for months following the blackout. I still barely stop in over there and if I do I'm never logged in our contributing to the communities there (where I was previously a daily poster/commenter)....

Anyolduser ,

No, it's worse than that

The folks here are people who got shouted down on Reddit for being nut jobs.

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