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Supreme Court weakens federal regulators with Chevron overturning, threatening net neutrality, right to repair, big tech regulation, and more ( )

The downfall of Chevron deference could completely change the ways courts review net neutrality, according to Bloomberg Intelligence’s Matt Schettenhelm. “The FCC’s 2024 effort to reinstitute federal broadband regulation is the latest chapter in a long-running regulatory saga, yet we think the demise of deference will...

EatATaco ,

But both sides are the same.

God damn it, i wish Clinton had won so bad. It would be the exact opposite and corporations wouldn't be getting this free reign. Fuck.

EatATaco ,

Holy shit i can't believe someone is trying to both sides this. Trump got three nominees, and put 3 far right wing people on the court. If Clinton had put three people on, this would have all gone absolutely been like left wing of the court now, and these people would have gone the other way. And we still have morons clinging to the nonsense that it's the fault of both sides. Amazing.

EatATaco ,

I’m not murican, I only know that the US supreme court has at least 9 justices.

You should then also realize how little you know about it and not use it to make sweeping generalizations about America politics.

But no, you're still trying to both sides it. Fucking wow.

EatATaco ,

She demolished sanders in the primary. Get over it. The belief that she only won because of some dirty tricks or that sanders was screwed is just nonsense. I wish he had won, and i voted for him, but unfortunately reality tells a much different story. This belief he was screwed is no different than the belief that trump was screwed in 2020.

EatATaco ,

One of the earliest was NH, which he did very well in, and which gave rise to "sanders has a chance!" And really shocked everyone.

He probably did way better because he was hyped as having a legitimate shot after that, he even though it clearly wasn't the case.

She demolished him. The order of the voting had little to do with it, if not possibly even helping him.

EatATaco ,

I wish we went further left, but the reality is that Biden has been a steady hand at the wheel where we've come out of economic unknown of the covid shut downs pretty well. We still have a ways to go, but we're heading in the right direction, and the most glaring problem (namely inflation) was something baked in before he even came into office.

Abroad we actually have the respect of much of the world, and it feels like to our allies that we are actually a partner that can be trusted on. Keep in mind that if you told a republican of the 80s that a US president rally the west against an imperialistic russia invading Europe, without committing a single US or NATO troop, and exposed them for how weak they are, then they would have said he was the second coming of Reagan.

Do I disagree with a lot of what he has done? Yes. But it's been a steady ride. Compared to Trump's presidency, which was a bumpy ride throughout, handing off an economy that looked like it could just go completely into the shitter, and threatening our alliances across the world, he looks like straight up looks like one of the best.

EatATaco ,

I'm a senior dev, and copilot as a productivity tool usually pays for the monthly license multiple times per week.

Whenever I hear someone say it's useless, that tells me they are either some godlike dev who knows everything already (lol), they haven't actually used it, they are not good at integrating new tools into their workflow, or they simply haven't learned how to use it yet.

EatATaco ,

Which is, of course, true for every source of information that can point you in a direction.

EatATaco ,

And before stack overflow, we used books. Did we need it? No. But stack overflow was an improvement so we moved to that.

In many ways, ai is an improvement on stack overflow. I feel bad for people who refuse to see it, because they're missing out on a useful and powerful tool.

EatATaco ,

but for beginners? They will have a lot of bugs in their code.

Everyone has lots of bugs in their code, especially beginners. This is why we have testing and qa and processes to minimize the risk of bugs. As the saying goes, "the good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do. The bad n was is that they do what you tell them to do."

Programming is an iterative process where you do something, it doesn't work, and then you give it another go. It's not something that senior devs get right on the first try, while beginners have to try many times. It's just that senior devs have seen a lot more so have a better understanding of why it probably went wrong, and maybe can avoid some more common pitfalls the first time around. But if you are writing bug free code in your first pass, well you're a way better programmer than anyone I've met.

Ai is just another tool to make this happen. Sure, it's not always the tool for the job, just like IoC is not always the right tool for the job. But it's nice to have it and sometimes it makes things much easier.

Like just now I was debugging a large SQL query. I popped it into copilot, asked if to break it into parts so I could debug. It gave a series of smaller queries that I then used to find the point where it fell apart. This is something that would have taken me at least a half hour of tedious boring work, fixed in 5 minutes.

Also for writing scripts. I want some data formatted so it was easier to read? No problem, it will spit out a script that gets me 90% of the way there in seconds. Do I have to refine it? Absolutely. But if I wrote it myself, not being super prolific with python, it would have taken me a half hour to get the structure in place, and then I still would have had to refine it because I don't produce perfect code the first time around. And it comments the scripts, which I rarely do.

What also amazes me is that sometimes it will spit out code and I'll be like "woah I didn't even know you could do that" and so I learned a new technique. It has a very deep "understanding" of the syntax and fundamentals of the language.

Again, I find it shocking that experienced devs don't find it useful. Not living up to the hype I get. But not seeing it as a productivity boosting tool is a real head scratcher to me. Granted, I'm no rockstar dev, and maybe you are, but I've seen a lot of shit in my day and understand that I'm legitimately a senior dev.

EatATaco ,

According to hexbear you would have to have some deranged lib mind to believe any would want to.

EatATaco ,

I'm sure you'll be able to provide me with a sound study confirming this.

EatATaco ,

This is what people don't seem to get. Human nature is when things are bad we band together, when things are good, we compete against each other. Capitalism leverages the latter while communism just tries to ignore that it exists.

Capitalism certainly has its flaws, but it's a far better starting point.

US Record Labels Sue AI Music Generators Suno and Udio for Copyright Infringement ( )

The music industry has officially declared war on Suno and Udio, two of the most prominent AI music generators. A group of music labels including Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group, and Sony Music Group has filed lawsuits in US federal court on Monday morning alleging copyright infringement on a “massive scale.”...

EatATaco ,

Did those people just put the lyrics in? I've used udio a bunch, but not suno, but I just did it here and I and to generate the lyrics first. I could have put anything i want in there.

But even with that, at least the maria Carey one is really bad.

EatATaco ,

One time when we were tripping on acid, one guy found a blade a grass that he claimed was changing colors. A bunch of the other guys gathered around and they were all laying there in a circle on their stomachs looking at it, trying to figure out if it was actually changing colors or if they were just tripping.

They were being ridiculous so I was just laying there staring at the clouds laughing while listening to them debating it.

The best part was that after about 10 minutes, they concluded that it must actually be changing colors.

How do you get people to wash their vegetables when you're at their house and you don't wanna seem rude?

So awkward, but come on it says right there on the package to wash those mushrooms or whatever it is… You’re not their mom but you don’t wanna eat feces or whatever ended up on the produce. A quick rinse is never going to be perfect but it’s better than nothing....

EatATaco ,

No need to fabricate some lie, as that might backfire at some point.

"Hey I would be more comfortable if the vegetables were washed. Do you mind if I wash them?"

Or just offer to help and start washing them.

The important thing is to not make it about them, but about you. Most people don't get offended when you make it all about yourself, and not them doing something wrong.

EatATaco ,

“You don’t wash the mushrooms? It says on the package, man, they might have poop or pesticide or whatever else.”

When we make something about the other person, telling them that they are wrong and, in this case, even disgusting, they are going to get offended and be less amendable to seeing your side and helping you out. They may get shamed into doing it, but I think this damages the relationship.

Just make it about yourself

"Hey, Im a bit squeamish about unwashed veggies. Do you mind if I rinse them for you?"

Gets the same point across, but makes it about yourself rather than the other person, so they have no reason to be defensive. They will also be more likely to open up to changing.

EatATaco ,

You text during class you get told to stop, happens again you get detention/thrown out of class/sent to the dean and eventually thrown out of the school. Always was that way. No need for laws around it.

It's more complicated. Teachers can't take away the phone because it's an expensive piece of property and it opens all kinds of doors for the school being liable if it goes missing or gets broken. Not to mention if something does happen, the parents might sue the school.

And we aren't talking about mere distractions, but things designed to keep kids addicted to them. You're pitting school teachers and admins trying to get kids to pay attention to something often found as boring, against billion dollar businesses pushing punping money into keeping and grabbing kid's attention. Plus having kids miss school because of a cell phone just doesn't make sense, especially if the parents are pushing the kid to bring it.

The law just makes it clear and reduces liability for the school, and it's better for kids.

I wish the world were the way our describe it, and that would work. But it doesn't.

EatATaco ,

Anyone can introduce a bill, including you. Only the legislature's vote on it counts.

EatATaco ,

The problem with this position is that your child being a victim of a school shooting is extremely rare. Phones are ubiquitous. You're trading the risk of something that will likely not happen to any one student (and won't really help anything anyway), for a near guaranteed risk of serious damage to many kids education.

EatATaco ,

Classic victim blaming. They were asking for it. They didn't deserve a malicious actor.

EatATaco ,

Mom and pop grocery store - incorporated because they aren't idiots - gets robbed. Not victims because they are a corporation?

Is there any significance to people using emojis that match their skin tone?

I'm asking because as a light-skinned male, I always use the standard Simpsons yellow. I don't really see other light-skinned people using an emoji that matches their skin tone, but often do see people of color use them. Maybe white people don't naturally realize a need to be explicit with emoji skin-tone or perhaps it's seen as...

EatATaco ,

I feel this is like saying the Simpsons, and most of Springfield, aren't supposed to be white because their skin is yellow.

It's no surprise the default emoji color is so close to white skin, and it's no surprise that some people feel a lack of representation by this.

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information ( )

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

EatATaco ,

"put glue in your tomato sauce."

"Omg you ate a capitalist parasite spreading misinformation intentionally!"

When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

EatATaco ,

Can you come up with any rational explanation as to why they would do that?

EatATaco ,

The part where it's not "pure coincidence" but instead a deliberate part of some conspiracy.

EatATaco ,

Yes, besides that. Specifically why this. Thanks.

EatATaco ,

At this point, considering your vague non-answers, my only choice is to interpret your answer to my question as "no, I can't."

Take care.

EatATaco , (edited )

Because he's a darling of the right, and really riles up the left whenever he is mentioned. It's rage clicks either way, and people are easily played.

EatATaco ,

Seed patent holders have previously, successfully, sued farmers who inadvertantly grew patented plants they did not intentionally plant, but arrived on their property through natural means.

I've heard this claim many times, and have yet to see anyone provide even a single case of it happening. Please don't try to cite Monsanto v Schmeiser. It's amazing how often that is used as the example when both the farmer very deliberately planted the seeds, and did not even argue that it was inadvertent in court.

EatATaco ,

Rice is great because it is something they already eat and know how to cultivate. This is about as direct and unobtrusive support of developing nations can be.

EatATaco ,

No, I've been convinced that gmos are bad and so fuck any evidence and the opinion of experts, they are bad!

Also how dumb are conservatives for rejecting the opinion of experts during the pandemic? What a bunch of sheep!

EatATaco ,

That, plus rice is windpollinating. So it’s very easy for it to cross pollinate adjecent fields and potentially outperform heirloom species against the farmers’ will.

This is true with any type of rice then, and is completely separate from gmos.

EatATaco ,

Why would I keep following the moving goalposts if you won't even admit the previous point was reasonably addressed?

EatATaco ,

GMO is bad when it can pollinate non GMO crops thereby stealing a traditional farmers ability to replant from their seeds as they now have a trademarked gene that they cannot use. Monsanto is terrible for this.

And you won't be able to provide a single case of this ever happening. Because it hasn't.

Also, just as importantly, this is not limited to GMO, as you can patent traditionally modified crops as well, and they could pollinate non modified crops posing the same exact "problem."

EatATaco ,

The question was about why we can't provide direct support to these countries, and I explained to you why targeting rice makes sense...and then you completely shifted gears to driving farmers out of business with no recognition of this point.

EatATaco ,

I swear it's actually the opposite where they are like "it's only one pixel, it doesn't count." And does the guy on the bike count? It seems like no matter what I do - unless I get through on the first try - it's wrong, and I'm clicking for what seems like an hour.

EatATaco ,

Im way too sexy to be a robot.

EatATaco ,

One quibble: it ain't new. I've been accused of being a bot on /r/conspiracy for well over a decade.

But my response has long since been the same: does it matter? Whether I'm a bot has absolutely zero bearing on the truth of what I'm saying. Don't get me wrong, we should definitely do something to curb botting, but I agree with you: if you find yourself using it as a reason to dismiss an argument you're just relying on a garbage ad hominem.

EatATaco ,

Or it tastes really good and has a good texture which is why this luxury person decided to put money into creating and cultivating and then sell it at exorbitant prices. But, nah, let's just assume the worst. Rich people, amirite?

EatATaco ,

It's a statistics thing. Sure training has a lot to do with it, but these were dogs bred to be aggressive and thus are more likely to be aggressive, with equal training. On top of that, they were bred to be big and strong. So when they do attack, they can do a lot more damage.

It's a dangerous combo. Yes I've known some super sweet ones. But there are so many other god breeds out there that score high on human compatibility and sociability with other dogs...the question is why even get higher risk dogs?

EatATaco ,

The article talks about this. You should try reading it instead of reacting to the headline. This is generally a good idea.

EatATaco ,

One can only commit an injustice against a person if it's an immutable characteristic? That seems dumb in and of itself.

Ftr, possessing drugs is not a immutable attribute either.

But if that's your hang up, the logical next thought would be "what if I take race out of it" and it's just a conservative cheering on someone doing serious jail time for possession of a small amount of marijuana.

EatATaco ,

You avoided an important question in my post which undermined your whole point.

I stand by my point, their desire (and probably yours) is to make a gun owner suffer because you don't like them, justice and objectivity be damned. It's just like a racist conservative.

EatATaco ,

our takeaway is there is… racism directed towards gun owners?

You and I both know this is not what I saying, why the dishonesty?

EatATaco ,

because some people aren’t up in arms

Holy shit, more dishonesty.

EatATaco ,

That’s your argument, and it’s absolutely ridiculous.

No, what's ridiculous is you lying by claiming I said they are racist, and then turning around and lying and saying that I'm on people for not being "up in arms" about it, when all I've been doing is pointing out the injustice of the prison terms. I'm not even up up in arms about it. I just think it's wrong. But, don't worry, I won't lose any sleep if these people do jail time.

You keep flailing around trying to make my argument ridiculous, but all it does is reveal that you're uninterested in actually thinking about this, but instead just making up reasons in order to claim I'm wrong.

mentioned that nobody was being punished for actions of their state, and you claimed you never said that

Yeah, because I said people want them to be punished because of actions of their state, not that they were being punished for actions of their state. At first I thought this was probably just a case of poor reading comprehension, but in light of your current dishonesty, I'm not so sure anymore. And, besides, even if I was being dishonest, that doesn't preclude you from being dishonest.

EatATaco ,

You already quoted it, anyone coming here can see that what you claim I said I didn't. Screen capping it was entirely unnecessary. but good effort.

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