@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar


@[email protected]

I am not me.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

There is always something you can do about it. Always.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Ugh. First, how you explain DNS makes it hella confusing. I've read it like 3x and I still don't get how it works based on your explanation of it. Also, this is just how DNS works. Everyone can redirect if they want to. Every country does for various reasons. That's not really the important bits. The important bits are whether they actually do or not and for what purpose. Moreover, DNS is not bound to a simple suffix. I live in the US and have domains that range from .ca to .us. to whatever. Some countries control certain aspects, but there really isn't any formal authority that says if you live in the US you can't have a .ca. There's so much more going on there and it's almost unenforceable at this point.

Second, yandex.ru is not a thing. Go visit it. The correct address is yandex.com. Third, a redirect is obvious and no one is rebuilding a pirate site with a redirect. You'll notice. Contrary to tinfoil hatters, governments aren't building complicated honey pots when all they have to do is sit on a torrent and fire off automated emails to your ISP. Moreover, 99% of ISPs don't give a shit and just do what's legally required of them but to this date, none have really taken action.

Lastly, your tl;dr was enough but doesn't actually speak to safety, just that "they can". The CIA can just bust in your home rn and take you to a black site, make up some shit and you're gone forever. If they wanted to. They don't because why?

Honestly, this place is so full of doomsday preppers that if someone asked if it was safe to jaywalk, they'd be coming out the woodwork like "nah man, a cop could just run you over and blah blah blah." Please.

tl;dr: yes .ru sites are just as safe as any other website

ultratiem , (edited )
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Every website is safe or not safe on its own merits. Their location makes little difference as far as you're concerned despite the people here replying that Russia can redirect you (news flash: every government on the planet can; it's how DNS works). Russia is far easier of a country to pirate from. And that's the most important part to you: how a government treats piracy. The US is a far less safe place because they favour corporate greed above all else. Russia, not so much.

I'm sure there are some here who could debate this endlessly but you need to treat every website as its own sovereign space. Failing that, you also need to take the area it's in into consideration should you have any legal disputes. For example, let's say a website is hosted in a country that has a lax view of cyber law enforcement and this site is selling images you took as photographer. You send endless DMCA notices but because they don't really have a governing body to handle this crime, your photos are never taken down. Contrast this to the US, which actually does enforce such laws and will actively penalize and even shutdown hosting providers, your DMCA notices are taken much more seriously.

None of this impacts piracy. And if you give out your CC number to any pirate site, US, RU, CA, you run the risk of it being compromised. The rest really doesn't concern you.

Some have claimed that Russia redirects websites, etc. but again, that has nothing to do with piracy. And they certainly don't steal every website and send you to their own versions via DNS redirects. That's insane. Now if you want to say that disproportionately, Russia has more scam websites, I can believe that. Or that their country doesn't really use the advanced encryption and security measures to protect your private details (CC, name, phone number etc.), I can believe that too. But to claim that Russia itself is doing a ton of shady shit to trap you seeding a torrent and then sending the KGB to assassinate your family... that's some real tinfoil hat stuff.

Just use the standard protective measures you would use anywhere else (VPN, never give out CC or real name, etc.) and you'll be fine.

I prefer yandex for piracy. If you search "Furiosa x265 torrent download" you get pages and pages of hits. Run the same search on DDG (Bing) or Google and there won't be a single torrent hit because their search engines have long removed any pirate related content and monitor for it to protect their investors.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Visit yandex.ru. It’s not the main Yandex domain just go visit it. Bro. Please. Stop.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

On the topic, how lucky are wineries that a vineyard decided to grow in their backyards?! Like what are the odds!

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Right sort of like the belief dolphins always help humans lost at sea but that’s because you only hear the stories from the survivors. No, wait.

ultratiem , (edited )
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

BT protocol works thru both parties. You have seeders and leachers (called peers). Both need to make a connection but how that connection is initiated and opened is important. If a peer initiates the connection and has their ports open, you're good, regardless of your own setup.

Unfortunately not every seeder does this (for various reasons). And that's when having your ports open makes a world of difference. Because if the peer also has their ports blocked, you will never get a successful handshake between the two of you.

On torrents that have hundreds of peers, you're likely fine; they'll be plenty that can initiate the transfer for you. But when you get obscure torrents with only a handful of peers, you're likely fucked. I'm over simplifying for the sake of discussion.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Except that no good VPN does this anymore (I believe Mullvad was one of the last to pull the service and cited massive headaches due to CP violations). So if you find one that does, it's most likely pretty sketch or just not that secure.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s a song and dance on macOS and Linux but yes they do: https://protonvpn.com/support/port-forwarding-manual-setup/

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

At this point, DDG is basically Bing, which heavily regulates piracy. Most often searching for a list of scrapers won't even result in a search return. I know 1337 is pretty blacklisted.

You should be using something like yandex.com for your search queries as they are one of the last ones I've seen that still return pretty unfiltered results.

DDG/Bing, Google, Ecosia (Bing), Yahoo, all of the US based search engines have long filtered torrents or websites known for piracy. Places like steamunlocked or steamrips have also been removed.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

require staff to work up to two unpaid hours per day

Well ima head out

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Clowns have it backwards. Instead of empowering workers to make better things, to receive better education and actually become a force in this modern world, they are empowering employers so they can exploit them more. It’s like their government has a collective IQ of 6 (+/- 3). You just can’t make up this level of stupid.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

It's worded better in the US? 🙃

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

A stop gap till what? There just isn't anything left to "labour" for?

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Both 1337 and TG are some of the worst places to get your torrents from. They themselves are about as trust worthy as Trump on a quaalude.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Private trackers are the safest. A public one will always be sketch. But if you want a public one, give therarbg.com a try.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

LOL. Oh no some random dude made a list a long time ago. Oh no. A clone of what? Because rarbg was shutdown a while ago. Maybe think for yourself.

Also, the site looks nothing like the original rarbg, so I guess they failed there to. It’s another website linking to torrents, nothing more. I’ve not seen a single thing suss about it and I’ve been using it for months.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Gotta at least have a name bro lol. Without a name what do you want us to do?

But if you don't have that, you will want to find some movie clubs in Maltese and ask around there. You can also try to find some Maltese movie groups too. One thing I've found is that there's always a group interested in everything. Vintage vacuums? Yeah, there are people that deal in just them and likely know every vacuum made between 1920 and 1960. You just have to find them.

When you have the name, find out who their distributers were or find out what studio produced it. Then reach out to them.

Sadly most go bankrupt so the originals are lost or even destroyed. There are plenty of indie films with some decently big names that end up this way too (I've been trying to find a decent copy of "Live Free or Die 2006" since it was released but sadly that movie looks to have evaporated despite having some huge names attached).

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

The 9th circuit court judges really have no fucking clue about technology do they

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

This meme makes a good point I’ll look into it tomorrow. I’m too busy ignoring the mountain of stuff I need to get done today to have the time

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Mass grave uses the exact same method as a real Windows validation would. To MS it’s undetectable and if you register your hardware, permanent (unless you swap your motherboard). I have my old NAS registered at the hardware level so no matter how many times I’ve reinstalled Windows, it sticks.

Mass grave is bullet proof and 100% safe. The only way MS can kill it is if they completely retool their Windows registration system and the odds of that are about the same as them making Windows respect your privacy.

B.C. coal mining company fined for more than 400 violations ( www.cbc.ca )

A B.C. coal mining company in northeastern B.C. has been fined more than $45,000 for repeated violations of the province's environmental protection rules, including the failure to monitor mine waste into fish-bearing water and failure to limit particulate being put into the air....

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Nope. And it's less than the cost of actually doing what they are supposed to be doing. This is like driving into a crowd and being given a speeding ticket. Absolutely fucking shameful. But I bet the government officials overseeing the case probably got a nice vacation out of it.

'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement ( www.theatlantic.com )

As soon as Apple announced its plans to inject generative AI into the iPhone, it was as good as official: The technology is now all but unavoidable. Large language models will soon lurk on most of the world’s smartphones, generating images and text in messaging and email apps. AI has already colonized web search, appearing in...

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve just started hiding penises in my work. Your move AI.

A list of ROM torrent link

So in light of the recent Rom site shutting down, Here is the torrent link for all the NES roms I could find. Rom hack included. It's not much, but it's honest work nonetheless. I will try and find as many ROM torrent link as possible for seeding to help preservation of games...

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Nawww, let's blame the victims!!! 🙃

I really don't get people like that one dude. Someone makes a shitty battery and they turn around screaming yOuRe sTuPiD FoR ChArGiNg sUcH A DaNgErOuS ThInG In yOuR HoMe.

Can you imagine this poor dude? Lost his wife and two children. He's got to live with that. And the internet is screaming "you're stupid!!!"

Check please.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

You know how easy it is to fake inspected stamps and certificates? That's SOP for these clowns. You sweet summer child.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

I use Jellyfin for movies and shows but sub to a streaming service for music. To me, it’s worth the monthly cost to put millions of songs at my reach all with impeccable quality. The convenience alone not withstanding. But music is super important to me and I don’t go a day without it. I haven’t seen anything close to that if you pirate.

I ripped my old CDs way back in like 2003 and didn’t join a streaming service till 2019. I’ve added more bangers and almost doubled my collection since then.

I kind of count my blessings as to only having to sub to that service. I have friends that pay $300 a month for Netflix, Diznee+, etc. And here I am getting by on $6 a month. Totally not mad.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

I don't even like connecting to the net with pirated games. Always feel I'll get banned and I used game piracy to test drive them. If I like them, I just hit up Steam and support the dev. Always afraid I'll get banned from a game I really love.

A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back ( www.windowscentral.com )

It's a nightmare scenario for Microsoft. The headlining feature of its new Copilot+ PC initiative, which is supposed to drive millions of PC sales over the next couple of years, is under significant fire for being what many say is a major breach of privacy and security on Windows. That feature in question is Windows Recall, a...

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

It registers the hardware which is permanent and uses the same channels MS uses legitimately, so it cannot be revoked nor detected for that matter. So no, it cannot be “patched.” MS has to live with their ineptitude.

Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important ( www.techdirt.com )

This is a good example of how copyright’s continuing obsession with ownership and control of digital material is warping the entire legal system in the EU. What was supposed to be simply a fair way of rewarding creators has resulted in a monstrous system of routine government surveillance carried out on hundreds of millions of...

ultratiem , (edited )
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Sounds less clickbaity, I see why they went with it’s the current title 🙃

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

“I’m sorry ma'am but could you please remove your jacket from the seat? It’s obstructing the ads and we have a very clear policy about that”


ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Depends what you play it through TBH. If a program has access to your memory, then yes. Naturally it's a nuanced answer and unless you are a security expert that knows exactly how memory is allocated and how elevated privileges work, not to mention all the little bugs, etc. in your system, then the answer is yes. You aren't really safe from anything that hits your hard drive.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Oh boy. I'm fully convinced that people who recommend GIMP don't actually use the thing. It's a train wreck and it's had almost 30 years to be better.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

For anyone that doesn't really know, police terrorize aboriginals. Like literally terrorize them. Some of the worst atrocities are committed by police against them.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

You really painted yourself in a corner with the QNAP setup unfortunately. There’s no way to migrate over to NFS without headache. Moreover, if you want to go the Docker on Linux route, you’re headed for the same headache but different. You can’t really treat iSCSI/LUN as a run of the mill filesystem (as you’ve discovered).

The issue I see is you’re virtualizing everything. Docker was essentially built to negate the OS. iSCSI virtualizes the filesystem. Doesn’t quite matter what you end up running them on really, you’re a slave to each in a sense.

I’ve always favoured running on the rails with this type of thing to maximize compatibility and limit overhead and headache when it comes to potential migration and connectivity to your NAS. Ubuntu server on ZFS running SMB gives you the broadest compatibility and today probably the best performance even on Linux. Moving to NFS doesn’t seem worth at all imo, it’s just a lateral move with a costly bill at the end.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Normally I wouldn’t take comments like this to heart. But I tried the latest beta recently after maybe 15y and wow. You’re totally bang on. I was stunned how bad the UI was. How bad the app was. Upon reading this, it all just sort of makes sense.

I’m sad things are so bad on the Linux front that this is the most highly rated design tool. Linux community deserves better.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

It would be like calling Bill Cosby Gloryhole. Like the name is awful but look at the person.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah spot on. It’s pushing 30. And what’s even more wild is that a road to good UX has already been mapped out. By Sketch. By Figma. By Photoshop. By Pixelmator. By Infinity Design. The list is endless. I haven’t seen anything stay so bad. In fact when I used it some 15y ago, I felt it to have been better than it currently is. The UI was at least close to Ps, which is actually quite intuitive (or used to be around 2019).

UX is gold. I used Sketch for work (we have Macs at the studio) and then were forced to switch to Figma. Since Figma is electron, it can’t hook into the OS like Sketch can. That meant the loss of edge snapping, specifically the handles on the vector lines. I felt that tiny itty bitty little loss in my bones. It made using Figma as a whole belaboured in comparison to Sletch (which I feel is near the pinnacle of UX).

Adobe Ai is also a good example of bad UX. That app is so backwards in the way it works and so eclectic in its feature deployment that you can’t just jump into it like you can say Ps. It feels like say Blender without any 3D knowledge.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

YES! 👏👏

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Same in Canada and the US. If someone calls you a gimp, it’s a derogatory term that belittles your physical abilities.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Of course it was Sony filing the suit. Of course.

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