@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar


@[email protected]

I am not me.

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ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Yes, this is the answer. TMDB and Open Movie Database really only cover mainstream media. They won't be much use for Anime unless it's also pretty mainstream (like One Punch Man).

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

clears throat one hour is not fast enough.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

That is another matter altogether. Apple has that feature that limits the charge to 80%. Easily done. In fact, as we move to AI, we can create much more intelligent charging schemes that can be tailored to the user.

But when it comes to actual charge times, obviously less is better. Not sure why anyone in their right mind would get upset over lower times and claim that things are fine now. It's like fighting against electricity because you love your typewriter.

Google Leak Reveals Thousands of Privacy Incidents ( www.404media.co )

Google has accidentally collected childrens’ voice data, leaked the trips and home addresses of car pool users, and made YouTube recommendations based on users’ deleted watch history, among thousands of other employee-reported privacy incidents, according to a copy of an internal Google database which tracks six years worth...

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

No. It’s your Adblock that is wrong!!!

Was this community banned on lemmy.world? I was trying to access some bookmarked posts and comments but they weren't there.

As stated in the title, I went to some posts and comments that I had bookmarked for some media that I was trying to download. This was on my lemmy.world account. Turns out they're gone. Doing some digging and found out this community was still up but wasn't visible on lemmy.world. what happend?

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

They are something else. I joined them when I first heard of Lemmy. I also joined .ca and decided I don't need two, so I closed my account. A month later I decided to join again for whatever reason and they a) didn't accept temp emails (like [email protected]) and b) had a lengthy application form where you had to go into detail about why you want to join. The lunacy of anyone even suggesting that, let alone implementing it, told me everything I needed to know. Like I guess you don't want this place to succeed then.

ultratiem , (edited )
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

I think a lot of mods do it because they just have a lack of control in their lives and have this unhealthy need for it (not because they have free time and want to actually help grow the sub). Basically like HOA/Strata. Those guys are literally there not to upkeep the houses and buildings but to just be tyrants telling others what to do. My last HOA was so angry when people would feed the local rabbits (bEcAuSe tHeY MuLtIpLy oUt oF CoNtRoL) that they were threatening fines. I had to get the actual property management involved and the guy I spoke had a tone that he to was so done with them. Basically said that it was illegal and he would talk to them lol. I wouldn't be surprised if half of them were reddit mods.

ultratiem , (edited )
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

There is no legal risk because no one is sharing files. All they do is share information. They likely did it because they morally disagree. But then like go ahead and let companies do whatever they want, like gate games behind every single different OS. Bought SF6 for console and want to play it on PC? Go fuck yourself, buy it again. It's wild that "piracy" is instantly bad yet whatever a company does is A-OK-USA.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

They are cheaper than batteries. The cost of shipping and adding batteries to the production line. They are volatile and require strict regulation so most cheap manufacturers just don’t want the hassle. That’s why it needs power. It has BT, but no battery.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

LOL. Not in this case. Cheap headphones do not pay Apple a dime. And Apple can’t go after every little headphone manufacturer they have real things to deal with like entire knock off Apple Stores that push millions of dollars a month.

In this case, the answer is less insidious. It’s the batteries. These headphones have BT but no batteries, hence why they are wired (need the power).

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Two reasons. One, it’s actually expensive to wire up lightning to audio. Because the connection is digital, not analogue like the headphone jack. Two Apple can detect data thru software and even disable it, leaving the headphones useless. Why would they? Because you didn’t apply for their mifi program and pay them. These headphones don’t have data, they just plug directly into power.

Its basically how they bypass the “Apple tax.”

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Congrats, you just figured out why they include BT + Lightning from a technical side 👏

As for proving your point, if you need that my guy… you are so right that you define right. There is no one more right than you are here.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

My dr. office has a fax number and I’m like who is sending you a fax exactly?

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

When monopolies exist. How everyone didn’t care for the last 25 years is even wilder. Adobe has been controlling the design communities forever *flips water bottle

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Our water is now free of trans fats. “Wait you mean it had trans fats before??” Well… no.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Too late. Get your own grift bro!

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Look. I already told you. I deal with the goddamn customers so the engineers don’t have to. I have people skill. I’m good at dealing with people. What the hell is wrong with you people!?

ultratiem OP ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah Ars has already called them out for being basically an ad company that cares only about shoving as many ads and paid content as they can in your face.

ultratiem OP ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

And what's worse is that in a few years, thanks to "AI" learning how to mimic us, there will be full on accounts that look legitimate at every level. Probably even have other social media connected to boost validity. But at the end of the day, it's just a sophisticated bot trying to sell you McDonald's.

ultratiem OP ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Reddit also released a new ad system that imbeds products in a "real life way" so you can get bots replying to users asking question that look 100% genuine but are run by say McDs. So if someone asks hey what do you eat in a given day, the bot can come in, totally organically, and say "oh i usually start my day with eggs and toast then for lunch I get a mcwrap because they're on special for the month of march". They "learnt" that people don't write McWrap so they are trying to plug products basically how we do.

Which makes recommendations suss af! I feel almost paranoid going there these days like are half the posts and comments I reply to real??

ultratiem OP ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Thanks, yep this is it, thanks 🙏

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah I stopped around the same time. But I didn’t know they were run by VK. That’s interesting.

Loblaws, Sobeys owners under investigation by Competition Bureau for alleged anti-competitive conduct ( www.cbc.ca )

Canada's Competition Bureau has launched investigations into the parent companies of grocery chains Loblaws and Sobeys for alleged anti-competitive conduct, court documents reveal, with Sobeys' owner calling the inquiry "unlawful."...

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

More tax payers dollars at work lmao

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s Bob. He’s got a budget of $200 a year. He does what he can. We like Bob.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Oh, so you’re familiar with the Bob Loblaw, Law Blog?

ultratiem , (edited )
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

I think tax payer dollars are used in this sense:

Ultra rich guy takes all your tax dollars. Spends it on a steak and lobster dinner. Eats their fill and then tosses you the shell and some of the gristle. Then they boast about how tax dollars are helping feed people. While technically true, the lions share doesn't (rightfully) go to the tax payer but the one that collects it.

That's how I see taxes working and that's what every investigation has basically concluded. I don't know where you live, but in Canada, no government ever has released details on how much it takes in and how much it spends. It operates in a void; a dark pool. Where money goes in and out and no one but them know where those funds are sent. It has basic budgeting details ($50m went to education) but those are general numbers.

Sorry if I don't have a lot of trust that $5m of that went into some guy's office because he hated the decor it was so 2013 rather than actual school programs. Moreover, it's pretty common for crown corporations to get massive raises if they pull in a net positive (something they shouldn't be doing as they need to operate at a zero profit).

DRM Hell

Amazon Prime, like many services, is a DRM hell. It won't go to over 480p on Firefox on Linux at my end. However, instead of a rant, I am interested in why this is happening. Say, I rented the same film from YouTube Movies(Yes, such a service exists) and the quality can toggle all the upto 1080p but the same title on Prime Video...

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Because someone in a position of authority at Amazon made the decision. I know people want to hear something enlightening or that even makes sense. That's not companies today work. It's always some absolute fucking brainless suite that storms in and demands these changes are made because they themselves, despite not knowing shit about anything, thinks its a good move (for very very stupid reasons).

And this isn't DRM. You gotta learn what that acronym means. This is just the way they scale their service. Has absolutely nothing with digital rights or copy protection.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

No not a honey pot. That's now how honey pots work.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Was born into it really. Got my first PC. Knew nothing. Slowly learnt stuff off my sis who was going into engineering. Thru her I met a guy who was dating a friend of ours. He was like hey sign up for this BB and you can get tons of free shit. He pointed to D2 which I played like mad. I signed up and just got thrown into the scene. Ended up being an admin of that board for a bit. This was around the time Oink was at its peak. Like 2y later, gone.

Went to uni myself and just supplied everyone with free stuff for school. Even profs lol.

And that’s just how I stayed. Felt good buying everything I used after I got a job out of school tho. Still use some of it today! But for most media, it’s just like why NOT sail. If movies were a buck a pop like they should be, I’d probably furl up my Jolly Roger. Till that day tho 🏴‍☠️

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

I think it’s wild how people post “omg I just got this entire series for $299! It was on sale so I had to!” Like in 5 years, you may not even have it! Company goes under. Gets bought out. Or my personal favourite, it becomes unavailable because the owner pulled it over a legal dispute. Like so many songs off Spotify. These companies never get involved like well we got our cash too bad so sad.


ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

One of my first jobs was at a gas station. The lady who hired me was in shit with the company because she hired some dude and he was skimming peoples CCs. They found out, fired him but she did zero background check on the guy. Came back to bite her. I was his replacement

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s a con. There is no chip. None that works. This is Holmes 2.0. Except he may never be caught. The project will get into more “problem” and he’ll string investors along to secure himself a net positive position before letting it languish into oblivion. It’s probably one of the things that’s actually making him money.

Break down the whole thing. What am I supposed to go to McChip to get some kid with 6 weeks training to install these? If not some doctors with a 8y waiting list? How do you scale that part of the process? Doctors aren’t bountiful. And expensive.

And the elephant in the room: you can’t shove some electrodes into your midbrain and do things. The video of the guy moving the cursor around can be done now in macOS Sonoma with accessibility features. It would have been a different story if he was actually thinking about opening a photo from 3 years ago and it did that. But he was just moving a cursor around.

All he’s actually accomplished outside of lining his coffers is kill a bunch of innocent apes.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Wouldn’t be that much work to create codes for shippers to give out. It’s basically how tracking works. But in this case, they give the seller a code. When that code is scanned in, the shipper pulls up the associated address, and delivers it. Only the shipping place would ever know your details.

Honestly sounds like terrific b to b software to develop. Create a universal standard and we all move to not exposing our name and number and address to random strangers who do god knows what with it.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

I thought there was strict regulation to ensure crown corporations operated at a 0 profit margin. They can do things like employee bonuses or salary increases to eat up any profits but can’t operate under the premise of “making money”?

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Same. I ditched AZ once they added ads PV. After 2 20s back to back ads, I unfurled my Jolly Roger. Fuck ads.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

The realtors will find a way to make it bad news, don't worry.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Jack Dorsey. In a life long mission to look like a pencil. Steady progress I see.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah totally worried for Ryujinx. I don’t see how they can survive.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

It sucks really. I would have preferred open source projects don’t shut down. I guess it is what it is.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

They also said that they would divulge more about the huge critical fault they found “in a couple of weeks” which was like 6 months ago. Colour me skeptical.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

I track their progress by seeing GitHub commits…

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

The one that irks me is how some apps that have already established a connection can ignore the VPN. I always wondered about that, like if I enabled my VPN, what happens to existing connections. One thing I couldn’t find is what apps can do this? If it’s third party apps, that’s pretty serious. But if it’s just Apple apps or default ones, that’s a far less of a concern seeing as Apple seems to bypass VPN anyway for its in-house wares.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

What do you mean don’t let you? https://screenrant.com/samsung-galaxy-watch-4-use-with-iphone-compatible-explained/

Same shit as with Apple on Android, basic functionality, nothing more.

So you blame Apple for Android having basic functionality with an aWatch but then blame Apple for a Samsung Watch having basic functionality on iOS? So it’s just Apple’s fault all the way around then?

I guess you also missed the part where I say all big tech is the same? And are all basically shit? Or you just didn’t read that far…

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

LOL. They built the entire fucking OS. If they want to siphon my data, they can. Without anyone knowing. Also everything is linked to my Apple ID. So what’s the point? They already know everything and have tied it all together with my unique IDs, device serial numbers and the payment data associated. What’s the point the of running FaceTime over a VPN? They already know everything…

At some point you have to stay calm and think rationally.

Now if Twitter or some random app I downloaded from GitHub can bypass my VPN, then yeah, that’s a pretty big concern as they currently have nothing on me.

I’m going to ignore the “corpos aren’t your friend” because FUCKING DUUUHHHHHH

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

LOL. Just trying to take a reasoned take to the situation bro. Every OS siphons user data Einstein. Yes even Linux (distros like Ubuntu do). A VPN won’t save you. It’s cute you think adding a lock on your room’s door will keep people out of your house.

Good luck in your travels.

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar


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