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mechoman444 ,

Your complaint about AI is that it doesn't understand nuanced human condition?

Of course it doesn't. It wasn't designed to! At its core the llm's that we use right now are nothing more than complicated prediction engines that use man made algorithms to sound presentable enough to collate information for humans to consume!

I bet you couldn't even articulate the correlation between the scene that you have posted and what AI may or may not be.

mechoman444 ,

O no! Watch out y'all! Putin is warning people again! He might invade a country for no reason and start commiting war crimes and genocide... ... ... ...


Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( )

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

mechoman444 ,

I'm a white man from Ukraine migrated to America in 1989.

I love fried chicken, I live in the south of America the deep South and man oh man do we have good fried chicken!

Fried chicken is a universally loved dish and is only stereotyped by the most ignorant of people!

Not only should fried chicken be served for Juneteenth it should be served on every holiday as well!

mechoman444 ,

As an avid porn user, I can't remember the last time I went to pornhub for any reason.

mechoman444 ,

All these idiots make me want to do is go dump crude oil into the ocean just to spite them!

(Sarcasm kind of.)

mechoman444 ,

Appliance repairman.

Best part: Appliance repair is one of the most in-demand Fields right now and there's never enough technicians. Because of this and because of how much experience I have, I basically get run-of-the-mill. I can get away with pretty much anything as long as I complete the work in a timely manner.

Worst part: dispatchers that don't understand scheduling logistics and you end up riding around zigzagging through town. Around half of my 8-hour work day is just driving.

mechoman444 ,

It houses your brain and absorbers impact... What's strange about that?

mechoman444 ,

I don't understand what the issue here is? Are people upset that companies that own the AI will churn profit from the free data available on the Internet for them to be trained on?

If so, this is a hypocritical double standard. We use the Internet for the free information ourselves. We train ourselves but if a company does it for AI all of the sudden all that free information suddenly needs to be paid for because it's an incorporated institution?

Y'all need to figure out how free you want this content to be because there's no in-between.

mechoman444 ,

We should do this for literally all people getting jobs: former waffle House line cook gets job at amazon sorting center.

mechoman444 ,

There is no interesting connotation associated with this.

A high up employee of the NSA is going to go work for a tech firm associated with AI and y'all are sitting there looking at it going 🤔🤔🤔. I wonder what that means.

Come on. Grow up.

Missing mother found dead inside 16-foot-long python after it swallowed her whole in Indonesia ( )

A woman has been found dead inside the belly of a snake after it swallowed her whole in central Indonesia, a local official said Saturday, marking at least the fifth person to be devoured by a python in the country since 2017....

mechoman444 ,

The world has a tendency to ignore genocides that include mostly brown people killing eachother off.

Point and case: the genocide in the old Yugoslavian block was front page news. Rwanda on the other hand barely a blip.

mechoman444 ,

You could have shorted your comment. Now if you'll excuse me I have to deal with this eye bleed.

mechoman444 ,

Everyone brace yourself! The Christians are looking for Bible quotes right now!

mechoman444 ,

What the hell do I need Windows for if I'm stuck in the woods??

mechoman444 ,

This made me chuckle!

mechoman444 ,

There are places in the universe that are so hot that weird things start to happen. Like the core of Jupiter could be a giant hard hydrogen crystal or in the center of suns where lighter chemicals fuse into heavier ones. Or my favorite, the temperature of the early universe which may have contributed to hyper inflation which would constitute what you refer to as "relativistic effects".

In terms of noticing them we have detected the cosmic microwave background radiation.

mechoman444 ,

I don't know why this exists but I'm happy it does.

mechoman444 ,

The hell diju say about my hole!

mechoman444 ,

I have no less than a dozen plugins in my browser to make the Internet usable. More than half is just for YouTube.

mechoman444 ,

I see Sony is going down the IBM route for AI. 40 years from now they'll be kicking themselves in the teeth.

mechoman444 ,

I have a comment on my profile where I express some observations about the cyber truck that weren't expressly negative and it was down voted to hell.

Maybe not so many trolls, but there's a lot of pretentiousness.

mechoman444 ,

Yeah I generally agree with that.

I find that people really put a lot of stock into how much they like or dislike something subjectively rather than looking at it from an objective perspective.

mechoman444 ,

Whipping the llamas music.

mechoman444 ,

Man. I still use winamp to this day and I've been using them since they came out.

It's the only music player that organizes the music in a way that makes sense. I love the library interface.

mechoman444 ,

Apparently the newer version fixed that issue but it's not default. If you update it you can mess around with it in the settings.

There's someone in the comment here that explains it.

mechoman444 ,

My boss just got this truck. Aside from it being severely over priced it's actually very well built and super practical and usable for light and medium light duty. Even some short distance towing.

Although for most people that can afford this thing I doubt there will be any kind of duty being performed by this truck at all.

mechoman444 ,

Lol. That's literally every single car ever made.

I once saw a video of a guy crucifying a Toyota Camry. Conversely Ford has the most number of recalls for 2023.

German luxury cars blow out their turbos at 40k miles and are so over engineered that most mechanics don't even want to work on them.

And Chrysler products are pure shit.

I'm pretty sure at this point people just like trashing Tesla just because it's popular.

It's a decent truck... If you just want to hate it because you feel superior juxtaposed to your inability to afford one then I suggest finding a job that will allow you to purchase extravagant things.

mechoman444 ,

It's very practical. It has quite a bit of function built into it. You just don't like it because you want to hate Tesla while it's still popular.

mechoman444 ,

I suppose you're an automotive engineer then?

mechoman444 ,


mechoman444 ,

I like your use of the word objective.

I have sat in driven and looked at the Cyber truck. I actually have real world objective observation of this car and I can tell you from first-hand experience that it is practical, well made and well designed.

What you are experiencing is subjective emotional responses probably tainted by whatever media you lurk around in.

I'm not arguing with you. I'm not disagreeing with you. I am telling you my experience and interpretation of the car, you are disagreeing with those statements and that is perfectly fine. It's your right not to like it even if you are dead wrong.

I also really like your ad hominem attack on me for being a Musk Fanboy (which I am not). Really sets you apart from the bandwagon.

But do go on blindly pointlessly hating something you know nothing about.

mechoman444 ,

Excellent. Thank you for your capitulation. I'm happy that you agree with my assessment.

mechoman444 ,

Soldiers killed in war... You've got to be shitting me!

In other news fire is hot and water is wet.

mechoman444 ,

Not a song per say. But vague over used band names.

I'm really into synthwave right now and there are two artists I want to listen to. 1. Victim 2. Anne.

Good luck searching for these artists.

mechoman444 ,

Yes. I believe it is. I really don't like Spotify but it's better than nothing. Thank you.

mechoman444 ,

Ya... I just sang most Hurt in my inner voice with our moving my lips or tongue. 🤷

mechoman444 ,

No. Trump just made it ok for them to come out of the woodwork. They were always there.

mechoman444 ,

Haven't used facebook in any meaningful way since 2012. Much less anxiety ever since.

mechoman444 ,

Okay, you can't just put the word enthusiast after things.

What the hell is a raw milk enthusiast!!!

mechoman444 ,

One would hope.

mechoman444 ,

I dream all the time it's just that I'm so rational and apathetic that even when I have nightmares I don't feel like waking up.

mechoman444 ,

That contract has absolutely no legal bearing in any way shape or form.

Let them go to court over this, get thrown out and counter sued.

mechoman444 ,

They literally can't do that. Satire is a protected right under the first amendment. Anyone can make public satirical remarks regardless of signing that contract.

mechoman444 ,

The point of the contract is that if one is in breach the company can sue for damages and potentially remove the offending media.

The suing process would be through a legal body such as a court system, in this case federal court since the media is on the Internet, therefore the contract doesn't hold any legal binding. No federal court would uphold a contract that violates the first amendment.

Contracts adhere to laws and rules just like any other legal document. You can't just put whatever you want into a contract and have it be binding.

mechoman444 ,

That's not how that works. The contract is in and of itself a violation of the first amendment. Therefore it has no legal binding. They wouldn't be able to remove the offending media from any platform or sue for damages if someone breached the contract.

If there are internal ramifications due to a breach of contract that's something that could be handled internally, such as the content creator not being offered any review materials in the future. But a contract wouldn't be necessary for that either way.

Moreover, specifically for satire, there are whole acts in the law advocating for it. There is absolutely nothing, no clause or agreement that would ever prohibit someone from publicly satiring any given entity. Regardless of any contract.

mechoman444 ,

I'm currently taking a dump in the state of Georgia USA. (My home state)

I wish I was taking a dump in a mansion on the French Riviera.

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