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kbin_space_program ,

Winnie the Pooh and his favourite sub: Putin.

kbin_space_program ,

Climate change.

Ww3 may or may not happen. Hopefully not.

But regardless of that, Climate change will wipe us out.

kbin_space_program ,

No. The melting of the ice caps is now self-sustaining. We dont have enough energy as a species to begin to reverse it now, and it is making itself worse now with every day.

The current glacier they're worried about in Antarctica is estimated to increase global sea levels by up to 3 meters.

That, by itself puts every single port in the world partially underwater, and most of the major airports too. That means every developed country in the world is looking at death and famine at a scale not seen since the Permian Extinction.

And thats just one glaicier that will be popping before 2030. All of Greenland is also in the process of popping, and that could mean 10m plus of sea level rise by 2050.

kbin_space_program , (edited )

It's an issue given that almost everything everyone buys relies on sea traffic. If it doesn't, then something required to make it did.

For example: the amount of wheat and grain that travels via ship is insane. And those facilities can't just be built overnight. They need railways to be built and need massive amounts of concrete that itself needs months to years to properly cure so that they can store grain in it. And without those facilities, many parts of the world not directly at sea level will suffer and starve.

kbin_space_program ,

Better to analyze for vulnerabilities. Particularly with a number of governments using open source software hosted on github.

kbin_space_program ,

Don't forget increased intentionally fucking over BC.

• Harper and PPs complete capitulation on the softwood lumber agreement to the US, multiple times decimated rural BC.

• They moved harbour control for the 2nd busiest port on the west coast of the Americas, out of Vancouver and have them remotely operating out of Comox.

• They illegally forced the TMX expansion pipeline through, and overrode concerns of the city of Hope that the new line runs over their watershed and they ignored native issues with the pipeline. Note that it doesn't run over Nestles well. They moved the line for fucking Nestle, not a city of people though.

• They shut down the coast guard facility for the Vancouver harbor and forced them to operate out of Richmond. So in the recent issue of a boat running into a seaplane, where the coast guard took under 10 minutes to respond, if Trudeau had not repurchased and opened the facility, their response time would have been in the range of 40 minutes to an hour.

Not to mention a return to "balancing" the budget by selling off assets to developer friends and scandals like taking the G8 security budget and using it for graft and bribery in your own ridings.

kbin_space_program ,

Singh never had a prime.

Dude moved himself into one of the safest NDP ridings in the country and still almost lost it.

kbin_space_program ,

It has to do with scale.

PP is exponentially worse than Trudeau and Jasmeet. Yes, neither of those two silver spoon assed motherfuckers worked a day in their life for where they are and combined can't lead their way out of a wet paper bag, but I'll take them over the mentally ill religious zealot.

kbin_space_program ,

Damn. Have to admit it hits even harder when you're in a supermarket

kbin_space_program ,

My non-legal reading puts BC Hydro's latest natrual gas ad at odds with it.

They not only call it "not a fossil fuel" but also claim its a "renewable resource."

kbin_space_program ,

Except most of BCs natural gas is extracted, not biofuel.

Favourite patient modern game?

A bit of a weird title, but basically what’s a game that’s more than a year old but still considered “modern” that you love? There’s no real strict definition for modern, I’d just like to see some discussion around great games that aren’t quite classics yet (but probably will be one day)....

kbin_space_program ,

Obligatory Fuck EA for the bullshit they pulled.

They buried the game launch intentionally behind Battlefield 1.

kbin_space_program ,

What a garbage article. Chock full of google propaganda and fear mongering.

kbin_space_program ,

Mentions UBlock seems.to be fast and safe, but that the API used lets extensions look at everything you do amd can dramatically affect browser speed. Implying that UBlock Origin is responsible for Chrome being such a memory Hog and that they, not Google, are the ones after your data.

kbin_space_program ,

My Oma was in the Netherlands in the 1930s. Her family sheltered part of a jewish family(the elderly mother who was too sick to escape to North America, and one of her sons, a lawyer, who stayed behind to care for her.) This was before the invasion and the start of the war.

At the time, late 1930s, she said that everyone knew something bad was happening to the Jewish people the Nazis rounded up, but not what.

After more than a year of occupation, they were turned in by a neighbor for extra rations because none of her family needed daily visits from a doctor. The Nazis took the two Jewish people and her Dad into a camp.

A local factory owner, some months on, tried to have everyone from the area released in return for his compliance in letting them use his factory output. Her dad was among those released, but they refused to release any Jewish prisoners. Her parents then immediately joined the resistance and helped it out until the end of the war. The factory owner allegedly ensured that the output to the Nazis was changed to be only subtly defective units, pipe walls too thin, cooled too quickly etc.

kbin_space_program ,

They took this from a facebook RPG memes that its been trying to get me to look at. Saw it on my feed today.

kbin_space_program ,

There is a reason she forged the Green Party into a federal Party. She's an actual leader. Unlike all of the other clowns and the nazi on the federal leadership stage.

Of course, the subsequent leader then used the party as her own damn piggy bank and had the balls to hide behind "discrimination" when caught.

kbin_space_program ,

Simple, the original team that made DA:O went off to do other things or was promoted into management where they did well, but couldn't replicate the magic of their OG team.

kbin_space_program ,

I am old enough to recall pre internet. Even had a few physical letter pen pals.

Email was mind blowing.

Hell, even just the concept of digital encyclopedia, not even on the internet, was game changing.

I miss dialing 0 and instantly getting a real person to help you though.

kbin_space_program ,

Based on Google Gemini and the sheer number of restrictions Microsoft had to place on Bing to prevent chaos.

I think saying that it "works" is a stretch.

[Beau of the Fifth Column] Let's talk about Putin's promise of peace in Ukraine.... ( youtu.be )

TLDR: There was a recent shakeup of the Russian top brass and an economist was put in a top job. He thinks the economist has told Putin that this can not be sustained given Russia's capability and Western promised support. Putin might actually be listening and why he wants to settle on current control.

kbin_space_program ,

One of the suspicions of the invasion is that he wanted to secure the newly found natural gas deposits in the Donbas region so that Ukraine couldnt stand on its own and definitely couldnt undercut Russian natural gas to Europe.

kbin_space_program ,
kbin_space_program ,

The article I posted references a study where chatgpt was wrong 52% of the time and verbose 77% of the time.

And that it was believed to be true more than it actually was. And the study was explicitly on programming questions.

kbin_space_program ,

I haven't had need to do it.

I can ask people I work with who do know, or I can find the same thing ChatGPT provides in either la huage or project documentation, usually presented in a better format.

kbin_space_program ,

I never said that.

I said I found the older methods to be better.

Any time I've used it, it either produced things verbatim from existing documentation examples which already didn't do what I needed, or it was completely wrong.

kbin_space_program ,

Google search isnt a hallucination now though.

It instead proves that LLMs just reproduce from the model they are supplied with. For example, the "glue on pizza" comment is from a reddit user called FuckSmith roughly 11 years ago.

kbin_space_program ,

It is, but it isnt applicable in at least the glue-pizza situation as the probable source comment has been found on reddit.

A better use of the term might be how when you try to get Bing's image creator to make "Battletech" art, you just mostly get really obvious Warhammer 40k Space Marines and occasionally Iron Maiden album art.

kbin_space_program ,

There are a lot of people, including google itself, claiming that this behaviour is an isolated and basically blamed users for trolling them.


I was working on the concept of "hallucinations" being things returned that are unrelated to the input query, not directly part of the model as with the glue-pizza.

kbin_space_program ,

A Google spokesperson told the BBC they were "isolated examples".

Some of the answers appeared to be based on Reddit comments or articles written by satirical site, The Onion.

But Google insisted the feature was generally working well.

"The examples we've seen are generally very uncommon queries, and aren’t representative of most people’s experiences," it said in a statement.

It said it had taken action where "policy violations" were identified and was using them to refine its systems.

That's precisely what they are saying.

kbin_space_program ,

It is in the hands of a publicly traded corporation. As soon as that planned it was already inevitably lost.

kbin_space_program ,

Or Musk decides that you don't need some part of your brain. Or worse, rents it out as server space.

kbin_space_program ,

Yeah and Assad gassed and carpet bombed his own people.

This is not new. Syria was a multi-level proxy war between not only Russia-China and the west, but also between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Also I'd be more surprised if the CIA wasn't behind the curtain accidentally creating terrorist groups.

kbin_space_program ,

Well, for Turkey they also absolutely did not want the Kurdish people to have their own country bordering the Kurdish region of Turkey, given that they've been fighting for independence for a long time now.

kbin_space_program ,

I believe the SAG(Screen Actors Guild) just had a big strike about AI likenesses without proper compensation.

kbin_space_program ,

Open AI seems to have dealt with their massive legal issues so far by signing caught red handed agreements.

kbin_space_program ,

Dropout.tv is what I dropped Netflix for and I absolutely don't regret it. They do Dimension 20 dnd shows as well as a number of comedy and skit shows. You can generally find a lot of the stuff on Youtube.

kbin_space_program , (edited )

Don't hate spiderman. Hate the writers roughly since 2000 that only let him have a break from misery when he's in an alternate universe where he never became spider man.

kbin_space_program ,

Bing also grabs w3Schools as the top / AI result. However, the AI result also lets you swap to a Stack Overflow result.

And it has a bar across the top linking to different parts of the official website, including the landing page for the documentation.

kbin_space_program ,

Metro Vancouver used to be called "Greater Vancouver Area" as well.

What changed is that the mayors stood up to an idiotic public-private partnership a far right premier was trying to force through. So he replaced the greater vancouver mayoral board with a board appointed directly by the premier, which promptly green-lit the project.

And because CTV/Global/Nat.Post/Sun are all extremely pro-corporate media, they followed along in supporting the change.

Now, not two decades later the RAV line is a mess. The line is over capacity, stations are too small and cant be expanded without changing the entire line. Meanwhile the union made and publically owned Skytrain system is going on 40 years old and is working fine.

kbin_space_program ,

It has happened before. They just swept it under the rug and blamed the client.

A user was setting up a new laptop and synced an empty folder with google drive, intending to download accounts data to their machine. It bugged and treated the empty folder as the master and began erasing the drive contents.

After two weeks of pestering google, they relented and pulled from their backups they swore they didn't have and didn't exist.

kbin_space_program , (edited )

Pictures, or lack thereof. In 2022, we were shown daily with the horrors perpetuated by the Russians. I suppose the corporate media were happy to do it because it was Russia doing it, and that means easy arms sales and no (sane) protests.

Now though, because of Israel's genocide in Palestine, there isnt the bombardment of pictures and videos from Ukraine. It draws parallels to what Israel is doing in Gaza, and Netanyahu/Likud's military is a multi-billion dollar "venture" by the US arms industry. One where Israel gets billions from the US gov and spends it on buying US weapons and ammo.

Edit: to be clear, showing the same videos now draws "unwelcome" comparisons to what Netanyahu and Likud are doing in Palestine. They don't want a return to the anti-war movement that came out of media from.the Vietnam war.

kbin_space_program ,

Clippy was occasionally useful as it could offer shortcuts you didn't necessarily know about.

This is just bad autocomplete

kbin_space_program , (edited )

The example shown is setting a timer, then copilot suggests timeright value.

Contextually, it is bad autocomplete.

In practice, chatgpt4 is incapable of producing code to my coding standards. Edit: to clarify, its incapable of doing that in a timely enough manner that it saves me any time.

kbin_space_program ,

I know its not chatgpt4, I never said it was?

That paragraph is on its own because it is a different topic. In this case I was using my own experience experimenting with chatgpt4 as to why I won't be using it any time soon.

kbin_space_program ,

Playstation won with the PS5 because MS realized PC players have more money and went back to them.

MS left the game because they found a better game.

kbin_space_program ,

The thing is that the AI text is atrocious and vapid. It takes up a lot of space and says

"Laser printers are better in every way minus full color than inkjets, but are bigger and more expensive than inkjet printers."

The trick is that AI took 12 paragraphs and using a list incorrectly to do it instead of a sentence. And the editor calls it out for that.

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