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fluckx ,

The reason is more likely that they want to avoid people enabling all the software features they disabled because you didn't take the super-premium-customer-comfort pack for 15$/month.

How do you expect car manufacturers to survive you anticapitalist swines! /s

Is it practically impossible for a newcomer selfhost without using centralised services, and get DDOSed or hacked?

I understand that people enter the world of self hosting for various reasons. I am trying to dip my toes in this ocean to try and get away from privacy-offending centralised services such as Google, Cloudflare, AWS, etc....

fluckx ,

There's also the option of setting up a cloudflare tunnel and only exposing immich over that tunnel. The HTTPS certificate is handled by cloudflare and you'd need to use the cloudflare DNS name servers as your domains name servers.

Note that the means cloudflare will proxy to you and essentially become a man-in-the-middle. You -- HTTPS --> cloudflare --http--> homelab-immich.
The connection between you and cloudflare could be encrypted as well, but cloudflare remains the man-in-the-middle and can see all data that passes by.

fluckx ,

I wish I could actually vote for the pirate party. But I can't here. Didn't show up in the election list. They were 2 or elections ago

A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back ( )

It's a nightmare scenario for Microsoft. The headlining feature of its new Copilot+ PC initiative, which is supposed to drive millions of PC sales over the next couple of years, is under significant fire for being what many say is a major breach of privacy and security on Windows. That feature in question is Windows Recall, a...

fluckx ,

I had dabbled in gaming on Linux but never made the jump. After reading about recall I spent a week making my choice on OS of choice ( and then I switched a week after :') ).

I'm fully on Linux now. Even if they fully back down from windows recall I dont need an OS that's trying to sell me something based on whatever I do in it.

It was my final straw as well.

Edit: and it hasn't really been bad either. The shader compilation after every gfx driver update is a bit annoying. That's about it.

I'll probably run into something at one point. Like some anti cheat that doesn't work and is preventing me from playing the game.

fluckx ,

I ended up with nobara ( KDE ). Though if i had to reinstall I might give bazzite a go.

No hate for nobara though. It's working fine gaming wise. Had a gfx issue once after an update, which was resolved by just running the nobara system updater.

I have some issues getting devpods to work. But that is completely unrelated to gaming :D

fluckx ,

I ended up with nobara. I might give bazzite a go at one point, but more out of interest. Nobara is treating me just fine!

fluckx ,

Huh. Interesting. I'll give that a try too then :)

fluckx ,

Here's a License change which implies we're datafarming all your assets.

Here's my word that we're absolutely not goijf to be doing that. Trust me bro.

andrew , to Selfhosted avatar

Netris: An open-source cloud gaming platform (GeForce NOW alternative) that can be self-hosted, integrates your Steam game library.


fluckx ,

So this is basically Xbox game pass ultimate, the cloud gaming part?

Because at one point they mention if you have to rebuy games you already own and they said you can just link your library.

At one point it sounds like they're renting out hardware and are able to stream your library to you ( you own the game ). Other times it sounds like they have a catalog and you just pay for the streaming to your device ( you don't own the game ).

Edit: do not mean this in a negative way. I'm just confused trying to find the answer :D

fluckx ,

Oh I thought the cloud game pass wasn't Xbox games only. But that is entirely possible.

fluckx ,

You can have lutris use proton rather than the lutris wine version though? It's how I run on lutris.

If i take the default wine it gives me a load of **** with missing fonts and other errors. Running it with proton 8.0 just makes it work.

fluckx ,

Ah, I don't think I've had that, but your YMMV I guess. Gaming on Linux has been pretty good to me since I started.

I'll give this a shot if it starts acting up though!

fluckx ,


I was interested and it could be nice.
But staying in the loop means registering with a discord or github account. :/

fluckx ,

True, but they aren't marketing it as FOSS though.

Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads ( )

Netflix has managed to annoy a good number of its users with an announcement about an upcoming update to its Windows 11 (and Windows 10) app: support for adverts and live events will be added, but the ability to download content is being taken away....

fluckx ,

Is Windows mobile still a thing? I thought they meant the app in the windows store ( desktop/laptop).

Last time I saw somebody use a windows phone was 10 years afk :/

fluckx ,

Fucking Asus transformer pad.

Please send it back for free and we'll check if the damage is under warranty. If not you'll need to pay 50$>to get your device back.

Ship it back for free if it isn't under warranty. Or have a contract with a shop nearby that can determine if it's under warranty.

Last time I bought anything Asus.

fluckx ,

Actually that's a lie. I have their routers in house which, for now, all seem to run pretty decently

fluckx ,

Maybe I've got a broken set. The ones that were assembled properly

EA wants to place in-game ads in its full-price AAA games, again ( )

EA has tried this before, with predictable results. In 2020, EA Sports UFC 4 included full-screen ads for the Amazon Prime series The Boys that would appear during 'Replay' moments. These were absent from the game when it launched, with EA introducing the ads about a month later, thereby preventing them from being highlighted in...

fluckx ,

I hope gamers will unite.
Though it seems far more likely that kids will just buy it because "wooooo hype. Who cares about ads, I already watch a bazillion a day when doomscrolling Instagram".

fluckx ,

Get off the gaming market EA.

I can't believe I'm actually going to have to become a retro gamer. Sigh.

fluckx , (edited )
p = 1

x = ++p
// x = 2
// p = 2
p = 1
x  = p++
// x = 1
// p = 2

++p will increase the value and return the new value

p++ will increase the value and return the old value

I think p = p + 1 is the same as p++ and not as ++p.

fluckx ,

What I meant was:

In the screenshot it said x = *(++p) and iirc that is not the same as saying x = *(p++) or x = *(p += 1)

As in my example using ++p will return the new value after increment and p++ or p+=1 will return the value before the increment happens, and then increment the variable.

Or at least that is how I remember it working based on other languages.

I'm not sure what the * does, but I'm assuming it might be a pointer reference? I've never really learned how to code in c or c++ specifically. Though in other languages ( like PHP which is based on C ) there is a distinct difference between ++p and (p++ or p+= 1)

The last two behave the same. Though it has been years since I did a lot of coding. Which is why I asked.

I'll install the latest PHP runtime tonight and give it a try xD

fluckx ,


p++ == p+= 1 == p = p + 1 are all the same if you use it in an assignment.

++p is different if you use it in an assignment.
If it's in its own line it won't make much difference.

That's the point I was trying to make.

fluckx ,

Right. So i had them the other way around. :D

Thanks for clarifying.

fluckx ,

That would've helped to add in the original message. I dont think I've ever heard of "ubi" servers.

You can try installing the deb file I guess? If you google it I'm sure you can find it somewhere.

fluckx ,

This would have been less of an issue if it remained enforced from the start. Re-enforcing it after demonstrating it clearly works without makes it look scummy and greedy. People could also easily refund if they didn't agree. Now its too late.

For a lot of people it now looks as: now that the game is a success we want to collect everybody their data as well so we can make even more money.

Tbh, other games just require a 3rd party account without linking them explicitly. This requires an actual link which ( likely ) gives them access to a lot of your steam information which you'd rather NOT give to a corp that doesn't seem capable at guarding people their data.

fluckx ,

Apparently they recently updated the store to no longer sell in unavailable psn regions.

fluckx ,

I can fully understand the agreement between the two parties was "also requires a psn account" while AH being completely unaware that getting a PSN account is so restrictive.

Sony likely didnt explicitly add that the game cannot be sold in regions where they can't create an account.

Edit: or the didn't explicitly state which regions a psn account CAN be created in.

fluckx ,

That is true, but it I'd an additional hurdle.
Sony is playing it smart.

They made an announcement and had a bunch of Outrage now. If they had just enforced it people would have refunded on mass probably. Now people can still actually play.

I'm guessing steam might be less eager to refund when the actual deadline hits. I also feel like a lot of people will just cave and link/create the account.

That's definitely what Sony is expecting.
And it's also what I'm hearing from friends. That they dont want to, but that it's a fun game ans they'd rather keep playing with friends.

fluckx ,

The company that published the game likely updated the region it can be sold in. Steam just offers a platform.

Steam/valve is literally not to blame at all for any of this. Do you work for epic games or something?

I'm all for putting the blame where it needs to be, but you're just shooting at all parties involved indiscriminately. Like blaming a rental company for a death in a traffic accident because they own the car.

fluckx ,

Go ahead lol. It was the only thing that came to mind as to why you'd want to try and put blame on valve over this whole fiasco.

fluckx ,

The thing is that it was enforced right at the beginning. There was a period where you couldn't play without a PSN account, before they made it optional while Sony rolled out more infrastructure to handle the player numbers.

That's what I heard as well. I was a bit dumbfounded when I read that it suddenly became mandatory.

I think Arrowhead screwed up because they didn't know that PSN accounts aren't available everywhere and so were selling the game in places that couldn't play it unknowingly.

I think this is the most plausible reasoning. It's what I'm thinking as well, and also what seems to appear through the CM. In which case it is a screwup on their end. Though in 2024 I do get you'd expect people to be able make an account anywhere in the world for a company like Sony.

Steam is usually pretty good about refunds and has apparently already pulled the game from the store in places where you can't make a PSN account, so I imagine they're planning to refund the game. This looks like the kind of thing that could be class-action lawsuit worthy.

If they did that's good on them, but not wholly their responsibility. It is a good move to prevent new purchases they'd have to refund anyway ( or until there is clarity on what will happen in those regions ). I would kind of expect the publisher to do this once they figured out this was possible though :/

fluckx ,

Im not even sure if the game would have taken off at all. Psn servers couldn't handle the load which is Why it was disabled ( temporarily ) in the first place.

A lot of people, including myself, never even linked the psn because I could skip it.

fluckx ,

Must be the evidence was more damning than the SCT of destroying evidence

fluckx OP ,

I will try that later today!

fluckx OP ,

It seems it was part of the solution!

When I tried to install it using I got the message that it was already installed.

I had a look at dmesg and found the following entries:

[ 1634.510594] xone-dongle 3-2:1.0: Direct firmware load for xow_dongle.bin failed with error -2
[ 1634.510601] xone-dongle 3-2:1.0: xone_mt76_load_firmware: firmware not found
[ 1634.510604] xone-dongle 3-2:1.0: xone_dongle_init: load firmware failed: -2
[ 1634.511456] xone-dongle: probe of 3-2:1.0 failed with error -2

Inside the repository I cloned I found an install/ directory with a file in there.
I ran that as root and it installed the driver.

I plugged in the dongle again and it worked immediately!

( I looked at what the script did first though ).

Thanks for the help!

fluckx OP ,

Those are the steps I took as described in the
Nobara added a custom command called nobara-controller-config which installs the xone drivers. I guess something must have gone wrong there that the dongle firmware was missing.

I might have just missed it.

Running the third step of the leaves me with this output:

sudo ./ 
Driver is already installed!

I assume there is no file in the xone directory as a result.

All is well that ends well :)

fluckx OP ,

The Nobara-controller-config command is the is way to install it as far as I can tell by the docs. I'll try reinstalling it that way and see if it recognises it by default.

I agree that the package manager way is the preferred way to go. I fell back to the github repo because it didn't work :)

fluckx OP ,

Yeah I didn't reply anymore, but I did an uninstall, removed the dongle, rebooted, reinstalled it, rebooted, plugged in the dongle and it instantly worked.

I must've done something wrong the first time

fluckx ,

But we just bought tool X that is ISO certified AND soc2.
How are we not secure yet? Does the tool not work?!?

fluckx ,

Lets get one thing straight.

This is rarely ever the developer and more a business stakeholder forcing you to push the Friday deploy button.

I've had somebody in the business escalating to my team lead, head of development and CIO because i flat out refused to deploy something on Friday at 16h.

So no. This is not the developer making a hard choice. There should be somebody coercing or forcing him to push the deploy button.

fluckx ,

To gain the most security value from ZTDNS, system admins will need to enumerate the expected domains and/or IP ranges they expect their clients to connect to,” Jake Williams wrote. “Failure to do so will result in self-inflicted denial of service.”

Glad I'm on Linux/macos at home/work.
Wtf is happening.

fluckx ,

I read that in some regions ( I think UK/Ireland? ) it requires a picture OD your face/ID to verify your age.

Can't verify that though

fluckx ,

For hots: install lutris through the nobara app store.
Start it and leave it for a few minutes while you run other updates or something ( only the very first time ).

Go to the settings/preferences, ( three dots top right ), click runners, scroll all the way down to wine.

Click the cog and change the runtime from wine-.... to proton-GE. Thrn you can just install the app through lutris. From the app you can install hots.

Using the built in wine-.... Runtime I got errors like missing Microsoft arial or unable to validate certificate.

with proton it just instantly worked.

You can also add the installer as an external steam app and run/install it that way. The only downside would be that you can't play a steam game AND have bnet running ( which you can through lutris ).

Exiting doesn't seem to be enough to stop lutris running it. So you might have to click the stop button in lutris if you want to restart it. is a bit wonky. But once you've got it IP and running it's okay.

fluckx ,

I didn't really do any CLI commands on nobara. So it's pretty straightforward. I guess the best experience might be with AMD.

I'm running a ryzen 7 and gtx 2080ti( I think ).

It's about 4 years old, but it still gets the job done. I've had no gfx issues. Nobara installed the nvidia drivers on its own.

If you have a spare HD. I'd recommend giving it a try. I ran popos parallel for a short while to try out gaming.

I was angry and leaped off the deep end. New OS and everything. I have a technical background so with google I probably could save my own ass :D

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