@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social cover

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ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar


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ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

LEAN from the web:

After each iteration, project managers discuss bottlenecks, identify waste and develop a plan to eliminate it.

1st iteration:

Project Manager A: Requiring approval of multiple Project Managers for the same thing is causing a bottleneck.
So is having to wait for a specific manager for a specific topic.

Resolution: Let all managers approve everything and need only a single manager's approval.

2nd iteration:

Project Manager B: There are too many redundant managers. It's a waste of resources.

Resolution: Get rid of all mangers but one. Actually, let the engineers manage themselves.

3rd iteration:

Consensus: LEAN development is a scam though

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Reading this as someone who torrents debian ISOs instead of directly downloading then in the hopes of reducing server load, while at the same time, not torrenting any pirated stuff.

But well, I was born a wee bit before 2000

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Except that softwares and hardwares probably came out of the word "wares".

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

I see it as the number of possible instructions.

As in, 8 bit 8085 had 2^8^ possible instructions, 32 bit ones had 2^32^ and already had enough possible combinations that we couldn't come up with enough functions to fill the provided space.


ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

RV64 has a maximum 32-bit instruction encoding

I kinda expected that to happen, since there's already enough to fit all required functions. So yeah, even this is not a good enough criteria for bit rating.

those original 8-bit intructions still exist, and take up a huge part of the encoding space, cutting the number of n-bit instructions to more like 2^(n-7)

err... they are still instructions, right? And they are implemented. I don't see why you would negate that from the number of instructions.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Ah right! I forgot about that.

So you either have to pad all instructions in all previous binaries, or reduce the amount of available instructions in the arch update.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

As someone who uses a HPV Bike for commute, a bit of noise definitely makes it easier to get others to give way.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

I'll just wait until photosynthesis can support brain function.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Veganism requires vastly less land and water resources

This too can cause misinformation.

Supporting a vegetarian diet requires less land and water resources.

Veganism requires the overuse of pesticides to the point that it makes the soil become unusable faster and hence needs higher treatment upkeep, essentially causing faster consumption of the limited energy resources we have.

You are spreading misinformation.

You were correct until here, but the land use food calculator will actually only be giving information pertaining to a normal (non-vegan) crop.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Everyone who wants more of that, stop adding "/s" to your posts.

Even better, start using /s for serious instead

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Glitches and cloud outages happen on Linux too, but erectile dysfunction is definitely a Windows problem.

Similarly, had you switched to Arch in your teens, you would never have had marital issues.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

You can get your ass beat in school the other guy gets detention.

The other guy goes home happy.
If you fight back, you get beaten by teachers, then your parents get called and harassed and then you are made to understand that you need to shut up and get beaten whenever someone feels like it.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

I actually considered a non-governmental, community regulated currency as a pretty good idea.

Problem is, crypto is too ecologically expensive and wasteful to fit the bill.

While there were some interesting ones, that actually used the processing power for something useful, most are not. So for now, I'll just go with governmental currencies.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

most governments would not be happy about it

How come?
Energy production companies would be happy no?
Shouldn't that make at least some govt. happy?

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Oh there's other's? Guess I haven't read enough.

But how to they manage to be decentralised?

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Interesting, but, giving it a quick scan, some of them look like based on personal trust and others feel kinda chicken/egg-ish.
And I may need to read it properly first, but "holdings" feels like you probably need to buy some of it first, presumably using some other currency.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Did you wash one ear and not the other?
Or did you sleep on one side on a sweaty night?

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

If you are on the correct website, you may have a view source button, so you can see the markdown source everyone writes to form their post.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

I don't see an ad in my graphics driver. Even update notifications are optional.
When I open steam, it is because I'm thinking of gaming and most often, I'm hoping for a game deal popup.

Though, I'd love to not require opening Steam when I just want to play a game.
And that's why I'm willing to forego regional pricing and pay almost 4x for GoG games, at least for games I feel like I will be playing for a long time.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Video links are NOT articles and will be removed.

Maybe Civ 6 was too boring for them.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Can confirm from 1st hand exp.
Knees and toes currently destroyed.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

The head is pretty much made to take a beating and protect the brain as much as possible, so I don't see any single direction it would be better at but of course the forehead is better than the other parts. Maybe headbutting played a role in evolution?

Shoulders, from what I see, as long as you keep the muscles tight (and not get tired doing so), should give similar results in all directions, though having the impact taken by the limbs first, would significantly reduce direct damage to the joint.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

I feel like you are forgetting QCD, where they actually added a splash of colour to change the mood of the reader.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar
Don't forget the hover text

Apple uses automated schnapps IVs.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

You're forgetting something.
All a woman needs to do, is:

  • if in public, get close enough; hold his wrist and pull towards you; scream and frame
  • if in private, dishevel own clothes, while screaming; run out towards people, acting flustered; scream and frame.

And there's a good chance an angry mob will beat up the guy before even thinking to ask.
Even better if she wants to snatch something and run.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

but you’re prioritizing your own feelings over their real rapes by diverting this conversation

There's a reason why multiple replies can be given to the same comment on this platform. It's because this way, unlike talking, we can actually have multiple threads of conversations at the same time.
I am not diverting any conversation, just creating another one.

1 in 6 women get raped and you’re gonna let a few people who use social engineering in awful ways excuse that

You are attempting to create a feelings based response using this sentence.

You know what I have to do, before any of the other things mentioned, to take advantage of any such opportunity? ::

  1. Be alert to notice such an opportunity
  2. Somehow convince myself that the outcome of each and every step is desirable

A person who would willingly rape someone, won't have the 2^nd^ barrier. Similarly, a person who would willingly use the social power given to women (specifically to prevent rape), won't have the same, 2^nd^ barrier.
Those who would, won't find find themselves doing so even given the easiest of opportunities.

The above post and the server it is on, is much more open ended and doesn't mandate a certain specific type of violence. You seem to be having a problem with anyone responding to you with any other dimension of, what is essentially, a bandit - victim interaction.

Also, how many of those "1 in 6 women" managed to get away with lying?
I'm not claiming rape to not be a problem (as you might want to state), but statistics are not going to help win against it either. Specially considering how hard it is to determine the truth of it.

Anti Commercial-AI license

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

and you’re gonna let

You are attempting to create a feelings based response using this phrase. Is that clear enough.

I’m implying that the real rapes of 1 in 6 women

I'm not going to be a broken record here just to explain myself to someone who might try leading this conversation into accusing me of rape.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

If you feel like you are being attacked by rape victims saying they don’t trust men, you should probably look into why.

I don't go out enough to feel so and my lack of upper body muscles also helps. At the same time,
I am very fine with not being considered safe, since I myself don't consider anyone safe. I stay cautious, no matter whether it is a child I'm passing by or someone walking around with a rifle and seeing someone similarly be cautious towards me is not going to cause negative feelings.

My point is, don't use statistics as a crutch to make people realise the problem, because statistics will eventually breakdown and you don't want peoples' enthusiasm towards fixing the problem, to breakdown along with it.
It's important for people to understand that even if the cases were 1 in 1000, it still is a problem.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

The basis of me pointing that out is that if you use statistics as the measuring to for success (which seems like the only option, but at the same time is lazeasy) of this, then solution providers will use the easiest solution to it, which hovers around trusting every woman's claim.

Combine that with the social stigma that comes with being accused of(whether or not proven) rape and the mental trauma that comes with being falsely accused of any problematic thing and you see statistics rise for other problems, which weren't significant before.

Post that, you will have countermeasures for those, having to balance between statistics of occurrences one problem vs the other, while the fundamental problem remaining the same:

  • As long as there is no good enough way to identify the bandit, there will be incentive for people to willingly take the bandit route. And the bandits in general win.
ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

For the above result, you just need 1FPE

ulterno , (edited )
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Don't feel high FPS to be a wasted effort.
Here, just scrolling through this page, I can feel the difference between 60FPS and 100FPS.

I can scroll much faster while also being able to read it. On the 60FPS monitor, I just prefer to alternate between scrolling and reading.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Maybe Boeing will learn from their mistakes and go for using their relatives as leverage or tarnishing their reputation by framing them with treason instead.

ulterno OP ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

XCOM2: War of The Chosen.

Forgot to add the name in the title since I first posted in the XCOM2 sub. 😜

ulterno OP , (edited )
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

I don't get this part.
How come they explicitly state the European Economic Area, while at the same time, it doesn't apply there?

Or do the European Economic Area and EU refer to different things?

Or is it that they thought the user will not care to check in case they have a problem big enough to seek legal aid?

ulterno OP ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Ah you're right. Rereading it fixed the doubt. Guess I skipped a few words the first time.
Mental note to not skip words in a legal document. Or any written document.

ulterno OP ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

You can just decline and play without some multiplayer features.

Though, in my case, it crashed on game start, probably due to unrelated reasons (I'm on linux).

But I think loading a previous version is also an option (as I read somewhere). Never tried though.

ulterno OP ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

I'm guessing you haven't heard of the Roku television debacle.

ulterno OP ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Same post on reddit

But since you are here, prefer answering here.

ulterno OP ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Thanks for the constructive criticism.

alt text for these non mobile friendly pictures

Yeah, I miserably failed at that part. Tried to add the alt text, but looks like I did it the wrong way so it didn't work.

mention what you actually are trying to say or ask

Just wanting to let people know about another instance of Mandatory Arbitration. After hitting Post, I did realise that I should have included the game's name, which I missed because I first posted this to an XCOM2 sub.

ulterno OP ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

US citizens are being asked to waive their rights to class actions or any form

You don't need to be in the US for that.
I am not.

I fail to understand why they feel the need to do this, considering people are not just suing these companies willy-nilly.

But if you look closely, they don't mention anywhere that this Mandate is only with regards to this specific product (XCOM2 in this case), which makes me think, all of these companies are planning to do some problematic thing separately and then use this to escape the consequences.

ulterno OP ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

It's also illegal (in writing) to have a random sticker on a screw of an appliance, stating "Warranty void if removed".
Doesn't stop anyone from using it to escape warrantying user stuff, simply because it is not enforced well enough.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

On the contrary, it (the website) looks really nice.

The product, on the other hand, seems targeted towards "normies" and would probably do better in a place that doesn't have ppl already self hosting their stuff.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

your organs will come out

Hernia is also a possibility.

But you have to be pressing really hard and have other problems in connective tissue to have that.

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

It's just an overly positive way of saying, "If you don't get good grades in uni, many HRs will de-list you before looking at your resume".

ulterno ,
@ulterno@lemmy.kde.social avatar

its not the same as an eSim or sim card

I think you have part of your answer.
Get a laptop with a SIM Card reader, and do what you may.

The reason it doesn't work with IP is because, it started out with local networks and was expanded from that.
A domain name is similar to a phone number, just that the user has the IP routing information available, whereas in case of phone connection, a probably similar system for routing is all abstracted by cell exchanges.

P.S. Thanks for the food for thought.

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