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Wiz ,

Not trying to be argumentative, but can't Meta and governments already scrape everyone's RSS feed in the Fediverse? It's open; that's the point.

Russia says U.S. is responsible for deadly Ukrainian attack on Crimea ( )

MOSCOW, June 23 (Reuters) - Russia said on Sunday that the United States was responsible for a Ukrainian attack on the Russian-annexed Crimean peninsula with five U.S.-supplied missiles that killed at least five people including three children and injured 124 more....

Wiz ,

Maybe if Russia wasn't in Crimea, they wouldn't have to worry about getting bombed?

Crazy idea

Wiz ,

We have an article by Kaspersky Labs about why Kaspersky Labs' software is just fine and totally not used as a back door by the Russian government.

Was the Kremlin spokesperson not available?

Wiz ,

I hate it when people get up in my grill like that!

Even if god exists religion can't possibly be the way to god

So I thought about this in the shower amd it makes sense to me, like praying and stuff never worked for most people I know, so a direkt link to god gotta be unlikely. That made me conclude that religion is probably fake, no matter if there's a god or not. Also people speaking to the same god being given a different set of rules...

Wiz ,

I agree with this and do not dispute it.

However, I think there is value to the human mind in performing ritual, meditation, and positive thinking. We can think ourselves into feeling better. The placebo effect works, even in you know about the placebo effect.

Jesus didn't know about these things 2000 years ago, but the stories about him make him seem like a worldly rabbi. He might have seen evidence of people getting better from disease through the power of prayer. (Never amputees, though.) The human body can fight disease; it can never regrow a limb.

The human mind also tends to remember positive experiences, and tends to ignore things that don't seem to work. This is how fake psychics and cold readers work. You send out a bunch of guesses, and get a couple of "hits", and the client remembers the hits. We all remember the hits. It's harder to remember the misses. (Side note: I experienced a palm reader at a party and experienced this first-hand, and despite knowing their techniques, I still felt it a little.)

All this makes me believe that our brains are generally susceptible to a construct like religion. And that there could be some value in meditation, ritual, and positive thinking. However religion is frequently a grift and makes people do bad things - it doesn't have to be, though. Being quietly spiritual is ok, which is what Jesus taught.

Wiz ,

Show me 12 guys that experience something absolutely world changing, and none of them write anything about it for decades and then tell me they were factually motivated

Literacy and writing were uncommon then, though.

Wiz ,

My car can detect if there's someone in the passenger seat, and sends an alert if they didn't fasten their seat belt.

Wiz ,

Ah, I didn't understand how the app worked. Thanks!

Wiz ,

People should tip their servers, what they can afford.

It's worth it

What is a good second career?

The wife and I are getting older. We have been working for decades at this point. But we are too young to retire, and we had kids late. But one of us could totally switch over to a lower stress second career. Ideally something with benefits, maybe even a chance to get a pension. And since we still have kids, needs to be...

Wiz , (edited )

OK - this is going to be a crazy suggestion. Do you have any storytelling or entertainer chops? How do you feel in front of small audiences?

I am a part-time magician. (Thus my user name.) I started at about age 40, with a minor interest in magic, which grew over time until I started going pro. It hasn't supplanted my regular job, but I currently get as much work as I can handle, and then some.

I joined a local club, the International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM), but there are other groups: Society of American Magicians, Fellowship of Christian Magicians, and others. They are all over the world and in most major cities, holding local meetings.

You can become a strolling magician with a small repertoire of solid close-up tricks. I literally took one of my first close-up tricks out of the Mark Wilson's Course of Magic - a beginner's book. But most beginner's magic books have a couple or more of hidden gems in there that are powerful stuff. There are absolutely amazing tricks that require no sleight-of-hand whatsoever. You can launch a complete career out of a beginner's book. I use some in my own pro repertoire. Note that, magic is about 95% storytelling skill and acting, and only about 5% special effects.

After probably not enough preparation on my part, a friend asked me if I wanted to do walk-around magic at an after-prom party for a little money. That started me off. After that, I developed a few more tricks for a stage/parlor act. About 3-7 tricks can make a parlor act, depending how good you are at the communication/acting stuff. I've seen magicians entertain with one trick for 20-30 minutes, and it works.

Here is a step-by-step plan for an entertainer part-time-pro career path:

  1. Start doing free shows. Say yes to any that will let you perform and be bad.
  2. Do a bunch of shows. Learn more and expand your repertoire.
  3. Once you seem to be getting too many shows, and you are getting better with more experience, increase your prices just a bit. Go to Step 2.

I can give more details if anyone is interested. AMA.

Edit to add:
I don't know to what degree your kid has autism, but I'm come across an autistic fellow that became a magician, and uses his autism in his act. He uses magic to bring autism awareness. He's a heckuva nice guy, too. Check out magician Cody Clark in the Louisville, Kentucky area - from the same magic club that Mac King and Lance Burton came from! Cody tours nationally.

Wiz ,

Are you high?

Is that a requirement for a job in cybersecurity?

Wiz ,

No worries. Best wishes and good luck to you and your family.

Wiz ,


US to send new $225 million military aid package to Ukraine, officials say ( )

The U.S. will send about $225 million in military aid to Ukraine, U.S. officials said Thursday, in a new package that includes ammunition Kyiv’s forces could use to strike threats inside Russia to defend the city of Kharkiv from a heavy Russian assault....

Wiz ,

Smedley Butler was right. It is a racket.

Wiz ,

Tech-bro's finest minds.

Wiz ,

Yeah, it seems like Musk's innovation is calling it GIGAFACTORY!

Obligatory exclamation point.

Wiz ,

I'm not sure this counts, but the best upgrade I ever made for my home was having new windows installed 20 years ago. I couldn't open the old ones.

During the summer, most days I can avoid air conditioning just by opening the windows and getting a cross breeze. I hear my neighbors' airco turning on, while I am smug with the knowledge that I made a long-term frugal and green investment.

Wiz ,

I'm so sorry you have that problem. The window insulation should still help, though.

Wiz ,

Your message is welcome, and does not sound to be breaking any etiquette to me.

Wiz ,

Yeah, what about their Second Amendment Rights in other countries? /s

Wiz ,

Career dead? No way. That dude's Vegas act is still running. He's working full time, almost every day, last I heard.

He's also got a supermodel wife, but also pulls this shit? What a fucking moron.

Wiz ,

I think he's always been kinda like this. The magician community has known for many years.

Wiz ,

We need a human-curated Internet search. A wiki of good web content.

Wiz ,

Maybe web rings are due for a comeback.

Wiz ,

Every time someone says LEMMY IS JUST LIKE REDDIT a puppy dies.

Wiz ,

It helps if you start with a bunch of slavery money.

Wiz ,

My question is, does the neutral implant even run Doom?

Wiz ,

All twenty of us Esperanto speakers just entered the chat! 🤩

After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year ( )

When Bloomberg reported that Spotify would be upping the cost of its premium subscription from $9.99 to $10.99, and including 15 hours of audiobooks per month in the U.S., the change sounded like a win for songwriters and publishers. Higher subscription prices typically equate to a bump in U.S. mechanical royalties — but not...

Wiz ,

It would be nice if we had a monetizable platform on the Fediverse for vocal artists and musicians.

Wiz ,

Yes. How many times did she ask him to stop contacting her?

Yet he kept coming at her, all like, "Just debate me!"

No. Take a hint, dude!

Wiz ,

No, he started being an unhinged freak when it was a private email exchange.

Wiz ,

It wasn't slanderous. It was her opinion about a couple items. The bad part was him hounding her after she repeatedly said to leave her alone.

Wiz ,

It's hard to read the fine print in Cyrillic.

Wiz ,

I'm not OP, but Chromium-based and Gecko-based might be the duopoly?

Wiz ,


They just pass the labor and trouble on to the people applying for job. That's only cheaper to them. To me, my time and energy is a cost.

Wiz ,

Lemmy is a dirty, dirty app, but that's not why!

An update regarding the future of m/AskKbin (where we are headed towards) - AskKbin - ( )

Hello everyone, check out my announcement post linked above and if you don't know who I am, check out my past post to learn more about me and It would mean a lot of you show your support for my future iniatives inside the fediverse!...

Wiz ,

Why use a discord when you have ... Other tools?

Mastodon Incorporates as a Non-Profit in the US ( )

As a project, Mastodon has operated under the umbrella of Mastodon GmbH, a German company that benefited from non-profit status with the German government. Despite all indications that they were doing everything right, Mastodon GmbH recently had its non-profit status revoked, resulting in the team to seek an alternative....

Wiz ,

Support PeerTube. It's needing content, and it's a little janky, but it's federated.

Wiz ,

Yes! Please do!

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