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Modern_medicine_isnt ,

My parents tell stories like these about the Pennsylvania coal mines from last century. They would just drop the person alive or dead on thier front porch with thier last paycheck pinned to them.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

Why worry about the downvoters. This isn't reddit yet.

What is a good second career?

The wife and I are getting older. We have been working for decades at this point. But we are too young to retire, and we had kids late. But one of us could totally switch over to a lower stress second career. Ideally something with benefits, maybe even a chance to get a pension. And since we still have kids, needs to be...

Modern_medicine_isnt OP ,

A very interesting idea. Not something any of us can do. We aren't what you call people persons. And none of us are good a practicing even the things we like. But that part is a longer story. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Modern_medicine_isnt OP ,

I work for a cybersecurity software company. My wife doesn't do software stuff, she mentally could but has no taste for it. I just get tired of how the software process has to cut soo many corners to make money.

Modern_medicine_isnt OP ,

The doctors are very hopefully he will be self sufficient when he matures... but until puberty, we have very little energy left for hobbies.

Modern_medicine_isnt OP ,

I already have a 401k and such. But a pension would pay as long as I live. Just in case I live too long. Also, such jobs usualy make you eligible for some kind of health insurance for life to. Gotta pay for it, but usually a better deal than the open market.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

These days mutual masterbation is better for your relationship than having kids. It's not the kids fault, society has made having kids a nightmare.

And of course the reason it is demonized is that any powerfull organization/society needs peoples shoulder to stand on. So, the more people, the more power. And they don't really care if it was by rape due to sexual frustration, they just need more people to take advantage of.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

Cause there are always more patients... but more data will let them get more press when it enables more interesting demos.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

What a waste. The two of them could have just helped people in need in a safer place instead of going to a place where people were most vulnerable and try to covert them. They likely would have lead long productive lives. But instead, they were sacrificed by thier families and religion for the sole purpose of trying to grow the religion so that the people in power of that religion can have more power.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

Humorous thought just occurred to me. What if the governments of the world are really a false flag operation to keep us from believing that a capable government could exist. And that there is a real one that knows about aliens and so much more... There has to be a book about that somewhere.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

I used to think a bit on this line. But as I watched the rise of Trump I came to realize that most of his supporters were simply dupped by his lies, and manipulated because of human nature. Many aren't bad people, but they honestly believe what they have been told. So thier crime is being human, and what turns out to be an average amount gullible.
We really need to find a way to hold the leaders accountable.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

Individual actions, of course. But I don't hold them responsible for trumps administration's actions. They were tricked and continue to be so. And society falled them long ago.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

Noone is born racist.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

Sounds like you are saying it's the leaders and such, not the crowd. I agree. I don't blame the rank and file for being dupped by people they were raised to trust.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

I say, keep them an extra week, and let the US gov pay the fine for not noticing on departure.

Qualified experts of Lemmy, do people believe you when you answer questions in your field?

The internet has made a lot of people armchair experts happy to offer their perspective with a degree of certainty, without doing the work to identify gaps in their knowledge. Often the mark of genuine expertise is knowing the limitations of your knowledge....

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

I know a thing or two about my field, no one should believe anyone who claims to be an expert in it. No such thing exists.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

I am less concerned with his opinion, and more concerned a place invited him to speak to graduates... some of whom I assume were women.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

I suspect they knew what he was going to say more or less.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

1 - yes
2 - more internal filter, better able to start tasks and focus
3 - slightly less hungry maybe
4 - much less effective then stems, but consistent throughout the day.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

People will talk about induced demand and all that. But those people really just want to be able to get around. The fact that they just don't because the traffic is so bad doesn't mean you shouldn't add more lanes. It means you should add a lot more. Same with the one lane at a time approach. The fact that it didn't work does mean you are doing something wrong, but it maybe that you need to add 5 lanes at a time, not one.
Now I'm not saying they should actually do that, just that the arguments against are BS.
A comprehensive public transit system, well maintained and well patrolled is what LA really needs. I am talking Paris metro on steroids. And it is going to cost in the trillions. But it isn't getting any cheaper by waiting.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

People aren't hitting 60 in LA during rush hour...

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

See you are missing the point. The demand isn't induced, it was always there. They wanted to move and use thier car, but traffic was too bad. My complaint is with the BS argument that the extra lane caused demand to materialize out of no where. It was always there, just unserved.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

My last paragraph agrees with you.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

Yeah, the interactions suck. But if dealt with earlier, they could have been mitigated. Same way mass transit does. Express trains. Have a highway over a highway that goes to a specific place. If you stack enough of those, people get on the one they need and go straight to where they need to get. Not realistic though unless planned in advance.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

But the demand was always there. They wanted to move, they just didn't. So the lane didn't induce it. The choice of that word was intentional. It was to argue against more lanes. It is really unserved demand that they just ignored originally.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

For fun... no consequences. So the security detail can't touch you... and any area effect weapon can't either. Like in the movies. So one big boom. Of course no consequences might also count for the target I guess. Lol.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

If you could preplan. Maybe you could pull a mr robot and destroy records of debt.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

Trouble is, most of the other games out there for kids are the same thing as the roblox games, and many of them cost money upfront, then sell the kids on skins, and tiny game functions just like roblox games. It's hard to find suitable games for kids, and takes a ton of energy.
I have gotten my kids into satisfactory, raft, and games like that. But my youngest keeps coming back to the grinders which all have pay to win. Good games are just not as profitable.

Modern_medicine_isnt ,

1 the amount of beef I eat is not a major contributer to the problem. No matter how hard I try. The actual major contributors what to distract people by telling them that they can make the difference. They can't.
2 I don't like plants...
3 the way the grow plants for food is also terrible for earth

Modern_medicine_isnt ,


Modern_medicine_isnt ,

Yeah, it is a mouth peice the pulls your lower jaw forward, opening your airway. I am trying one now. Only been two weeks though, so too early to know if it will work for me.

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