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Warl0k3 ,

I don't think we have to choose. "Maintain your websites so you don't get taken advantage of" and "Here's an example of a major-world-power-affiliated group exploting that thing you didn't do" are both pretty important stories.

Warl0k3 ,

The Somme, part two: Rasputitsa

Warl0k3 ,

My money is on NK never sending anyone and this all being political theater. Please. Please please please.

Warl0k3 ,

I know these videos always have watermarks, but holy shit is this one excessive. Wtf.

Warl0k3 ,

Well damn, alright. I rescind my previous snark, that makes a lot of sense!

Warl0k3 ,

TL;DR - Uhhhh.... russia has been the #1 source of firmware jailbreaks and torrents for industrial software for 20+ years. Their government is so awful that their people had to figure out how to work around the world hating them.

Oh and capitalists are traitors. Burn the rich.

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  • Warl0k3 , (edited )

    That is going to be one hell of a warranty claim. You know. If they live through the next five seconds.

    Warl0k3 , (edited )

    God, information security! Only total losers care about that! I just cannot possibly imagine why CEOs never have phones with working NFC. Cannot possibly be because IT disables it so the brainless cretins don't scan the thousands of unknown NFCs that get pushed on them by arrogant and conceited industry randos who wont leave them alone. Nah. That can't be it.

    ... Blah blah blah.

    Warl0k3 , (edited )

    What?? We desperately need mental health institutions back. No, we don't need the romanticized victorian dungeons, but what we do need is an alternative to jails. Secure treatment facilities. We have... four, on the west coast. Two of which have at most ~160 beds. The priority waiting list for admission is decades long (no, that isnt an exaggeration) and there isn't a non-priority waiting list. If you're not a priority, you just go to jail!

    Community treatment is critical and we totally lack anything like it, but good god deinstitutionalization was one of the biggest public health and social equity diasters this country has ever had.

    Warl0k3 ,

    Deinstitutionalization was dreampt up by deluded idealists that slept with a copy of Naissance de la Clinique firmly lodged in their asses. Abolishing asylums was good, because at the time asylums were the aforesaid victorian dungeons. But from the outset, the movement was based on the belief that a magic pill would cure everything and all long term treatment was oppressive.

    Antipsychotics enabled community treatment at all. But the wholesale rejection of both long term and secure treatment facilities was an indefensible failure of reasoning and an abject tragedy, and one that was set in motion by Hoffman and his peers when they penned the foundational texts of the movement.

    We desperately need secure treatment facilities. There is no solution if we do not have them, just the continuing abject failure of basic human decency that we currently have. This system is broken, and it is directly the fault of everyone who began the deinstitutionalization movement and their total inability to foresee the obvious consequences of their actions. Regan was evil and JFK was understandably bitter, and even though they both worked to bring the end of asylums, they are both still guilty for their roles in bringing this current hell down on us.

    Warl0k3 ,

    The Bad:

    No Marcus narration. How are they so out of touch with the source material to miss THAT one? And there's like... five guns. And while I like all the actors, what the hell are they doing playing those characters? Claptrap already had a voice, and it sure wasn't jack black. Poop jokes. They'd be fine if they were, you know, funny. But they weren't. How do you fuck up a poop joke?? The absolute lack of a coherent timeline that follows the canon. How is Tiny Tina the most subdued performance in the whole trailer? WHERE THE HELL ARE LILITH'S TATTOOS? Why are the cars so... lame? Why is the part where the narration says "Weirdest and most dangerous world" playing over a shot of random boulders? Why is Roland being played by a comedian? Where the hell is Zer0? Mordecai? HANDSOME JACK? Chris Sabat isn't listed on the cast so we're not getting Mr. Torgue. There's no vending machines. This fight is so rough it looks like I choreographed it. NO HAMMERLOCK.

    The Good:

    Florian Munteanu (Krieg) doesn't have a shirt on.

    The Bad Again:

    This movie isn't 1hr30min of Florian Munteanu not wearing a shirt and hitting things. Preferably in slow motion, and glistening. Maybe throw in some cute Pandorian animals, too. How cute must a baby skag be? I don't know, but I want to find out the answer.

    I mean come on you could do ANYTHING with this, a feature length movie just of Granny Flexington's Story Corner would be lauded as one of the best troll moves in history. Sure, I'd go and throw a brick through Gearbox's windows for that, but I'd make sure nobody was behind said window first. ... Probably.

    Both this clip and the first clip emphasize the same poop joke. And that's a problem. Somehow they've managed to make poop jokes in Borderlands a problem.

    And keep in mind this is the scene the producers and people involved thought was good enough to debut online. This is what they are selling the movie on. This is their big “Take a look at this and get excited!” clip. If that’s the case, well, I fear for the rest of the movie.

    Sums it up pretty well. I'm just astounded by how awful this is going to be. This looks bad enough I'm not even going to hate watch it, just... just no.

    Warl0k3 , (edited )

    See its not that the poop jokes are bad its that there's only one damn joke and they keep recycling it. Like the poop jokes were rarely funny in the games (I'm secure enough to admit that I laughed at more than a few...) but at least there was a variety. This is the same damn one as in trailer #1. What kind of person can't write two "claptrap shitting bullets" jokes???

    Warl0k3 ,

    I bought my mother one of these for mothers day, since then she has been hiding it all over the house so moopsy can jump out at him when he least expects it. It's very cute.

    A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back ( )

    It's a nightmare scenario for Microsoft. The headlining feature of its new Copilot+ PC initiative, which is supposed to drive millions of PC sales over the next couple of years, is under significant fire for being what many say is a major breach of privacy and security on Windows. That feature in question is Windows Recall, a...

    Warl0k3 , (edited )

    While the influence is much smaller than with windows or apple, it's still there. Linux is hardened against capitalism, but if we start believing that it has no influence we set ourselves up for Debian Pro+ in the future. Just because it's good now doesn't mean it capitalism can't shit all over it faster than we believe possible...

    Warl0k3 ,

    Thats on the companies to figure out, tbh. "you cant say we arent allowed to build biological weapons, thats too hard" isn't what you're saying, but it's a hyperbolic example. The industry needs to figure out how to control the monster they've happily sent staggering towards the village, and really they're the only people with the knowledge to figure out how to stop it. If it's not possible, maybe we should restrict this tech until it is possible. LLMs aren't going to end the world, probably, but a protein sequencing AI that hallucinates while replicating a flu virus could be real bad for us as a species, to say nothing of the pearl clutching scenario of bad actors getting ahold of it.

    A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch ( )

    Artists have finally had enough with Meta’s predatory AI policies, but Meta’s loss is Cara’s gain. An artist-run, anti-AI social platform, Cara has grown from 40,000 to 650,000 users within the last week, catapulting it to the top of the App Store charts....

    Warl0k3 ,

    Waht is "libre software"? this is a totally new term to me and searching for it has turned up nothing.

    Warl0k3 ,

    You understand that search results are different for different people, right? I've been a dev for... an embarrassingly long time, I've never heard "libreware" outside of specifically the libreoffice suite. Sorry I'm not as in-tune with the slang as you are or whatever.

    Warl0k3 ,


    Why doesn't youtube shut down their public web api?

    so we already know that youtube doesn't like people freeloading their bandwidth using something like invidious, piped, newpipe etc. why don't they just close the public web api and require a login or something. by requiring login they can keep track of what users are watching and if a user is watching thousands of videos daily...

    Warl0k3 , (edited )

    Even with their recent efforts to squeeze money out of their users by killing adblockers and pushing even more intrusive ads, they still don't make a profit. And that's with 100% of the market share. There just isn't a way for another company to come in and unseat youtube, and youtube knows it. Hence why they feel they can get away with pretty much any anti-consumer move they can dream up.

    They just have to keep users happy enough that nobody at microsoft/amazon decides to start their own money pit out of spite, and all that tasty data remains theirs for the indefinite future.

    Warl0k3 ,

    Unironically should have had a cope cage. They're so ubiquitous at this point that it's kinda mindboggling to see a modern MBT driving around without one. Like guys come on, it won't save you but it will at least make top kill from a slowmoving drone slightly more sporting...

    Warl0k3 ,

    There's still a need for armored support, a self propelled pillbox and an all terrain armored supercomputer with a big gun and extreme network connectivity, but the war of russian aggression sure is driving home how much modern MBT do not mesure up to whats needed in those roles.

    Hell even the most current NATO tanks are just getting devoured in this shit.

    Warl0k3 ,

    Fire control systems are already pretty impressive. Not so much what currently gets run in ex: an abrams, but field C&C systems have gotten insanely powerful. Admittedly most of that power comes from being an ASIC, so youre not going to do much besides coordinate telemetry and push firing solutions (and play doom), but still there is an absolute fuckload of data getting dredged through those systems and every flop counts.

    As the networked battlefield continues to be the ringer everyone knew it would be, the demand for frontline computational power is just going to increase. Especially with jamming tech becoming so critical to both sides in this conflict, the idea of a local controller gets more and more attractive. Tanks already have absurdly excessive power plants, decent sneakiness (relatively dont @ me, it's not a Bradley is all I mean) and can fight their way out of trouble on their own. They make a pretty attractive platform to base a heavy drone mothership off of.

    Warl0k3 ,

    Don't vape, but if you're going to pick up an addictive habit pick up vaping instead of cigarettes/drinking/gacha games. Much less hazardous to your health.

    Warl0k3 ,

    Write what you know, I suppose.

    Warl0k3 , (edited )

    Garbage AI site with super malicious ads, I would really avoid clicking you are missing nothing since the article has no substance Wrong post.

    Warl0k3 ,

    Err... you're not wrong. My initial comment would have made more sense if this had been the post I was intending to reply to. Not sure how I managed to screw THAT up.

    Warl0k3 ,

    Somehow, the idea of amateur pilots doesnt fit well with giant carbon fibre propellers directly inline with the human. This thing seems like an absolute deathtrap.

    ... I still want one tho.

    Warl0k3 ,

    Compared to historical treatment of africa, no argument china is far better. Compared to modern treatment, nah they're just the same as the rest of us bastards.

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