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Ookami38 ,

Something would get turned off really quick.

Ookami38 ,

I was talking about the phone lmao.

Ookami38 ,

Funny, for me repeat offenders somehow always had a second request I couldn't find until 430pm on a Friday. Strange how it always happened. Oh well, sucks to suck.

Ookami38 ,

Root beer. Or cream soda. Or a spicy ginger ale / beer. Anything with bite, flavor, complexity.

Ookami38 ,

I interpret it as the "average man" phenomenon. If you take all of the "average" measure for a man in all aspects, you'll find that what you get barely resembles human. To me, that's the same effect the OP is getting at. Someone falling into the "normal" range on absolutely every single metric would be kinda weird, and probably its own abnormality.

Ookami38 ,

Am I missing something? Aren't the people asking the man if he's giving mom a break the ones perpetuating the "moms are expected to raise children" stereotype? The guy in this scenario is simply doing father things, it's the assumptive person asking the question that's hanging onto old beliefs.

I'm all for fathers being fathers, and I think anyone who bothers to take their kid to the park on off times is probably in the same boat. It comes across as more than a bit condescending to have some random person imply that this activity isn't one that's normal for your family.

Ookami38 ,

Or, ya know, everyone who ever wanted to decapitate those stupid fucking Skyrim children. Crime requires damaged parties, and with this (idealized case, not the specific one in the article) there is none.

Ookami38 ,

Just a point of clarity, an AI model capable of generating csam doesn't necessarily have to be trained on csam.

Ookami38 ,

Why is that? The whole point of generative AI is that it can combine concepts.

You train it on the concept of a chair using only red chairs. You train it on the color red, and the color blue. With this info and some repetition, you can have it output a blue chair.

The same applies to any other concepts. Larger, smaller, older, younger. Man, boy, woman, girl, clothed, nude, etc. You can train them each individually, gradually, and generate things that then combine these concepts.

Obviously this is harder than just using training data of what you want. It's slower, it takes more effort, and results are inconsistent, but they are results. And then, you curate the most viable of the images created this way to train a new and refined model.

Ookami38 ,

It TOTALLY won't be structured in a way to keep people of certain classes unrelated to child rearing ability from essentially reproducing at all.

Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads ( www.techradar.com )

Netflix has managed to annoy a good number of its users with an announcement about an upcoming update to its Windows 11 (and Windows 10) app: support for adverts and live events will be added, but the ability to download content is being taken away....

Ookami38 ,

The issue is that they're taking a tool with actual legitimate use cases, particularly maintenance and repair uses, and turning it into something to just push their own service. It'd be like a doctor saying you can only be healthy if you use his brand of fuckin... Vitamins or some shit,I don't know. It's got nothing to do with Microsoft, it's not automatically the worst thing in existence, it's just that Microsoft CONSISTENTLY does this kind of garbage, and it's one of those things that isn't overtly even a bad thing, you just have to look a bit.

So in short, I agree it is(was?) a useful tool, I don't agree that everyone is rabidly anti-microsoft, any more than anyone's rabidly anti-get-punched-in-the-taint.

Ookami38 ,

Oh man, you reminded me of LED magnetic throwies, just little homemade LEDs with a watch battery and a magnet. Throw em wherever they'll stick, they're like $.50 to make. Seems like the 00s version, if a little less ubiquitous

Ookami38 ,

Children in wombs can't use Facebook or Instagram. Those are the only children we care about here.

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  • Ookami38 ,

    Weird I didn't, scrolled back, up, and for a split second, did as well lol

    Ookami38 ,

    Yeah, those things are still almost entirely word-baaed for me. Low level aphantasia, I can't form a very clear picture in my head, but my inner monologue does a lot of lifting.

    Ookami38 ,

    I had spitballed an idea similar to this a few months back. Build the characters, world, and situations, and give the AI that information. Pick a few specific pieces of info the AI would have to tell you at specific times, basically to act as guide rails. Then, let the AI and the player just... Interact.

    Ookami38 ,

    Eh, we weren't paying for that back in the day anyway.

    Ookami38 ,

    Right? This issue only exists because there's someone with the goal of making money involved. If your goal is to help someone, then it doesn't really matter that it's costing a bit. Remove the financial consideration, and it's a lot easier to stomach "a mentally challenged person vandalized some stuff, but they're not living on the streets anymore and can actually start getting help".

    Ookami38 ,

    Does their gullibility somehow diminish their victimhood? Gullible doesn't mean they're malicious, it just means they're easily misled. If anything, if they're "just gullible" we should be even less hostile towards them, and more towards the propaganda machine (because it is) that's feeding them their misinformation.

    How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals

    I constantly see angry mobs of people decrying "woke", "critical race theory", ""grooming"", and whatever other nonsense they made up this week. They march around with guns, constantly appending lib as a prefix to any word they can use to denigrate. They actively plot violence and spew hatred in the open....

    Ookami38 ,

    Can't speak for anyone but me on this one. It's the same reason I don't hate anyone, really. We're all unique with completely different perspectives on the world, perspectives that naturally lead us to different conclusions. Me hating someone will only push them into their own world. I'd rather share my perspective, and hope it moves theirs a bit, so that we might reach a better common ground.

    Ookami38 ,

    Get back in your hole console peasant and Xbox shill

    Ookami38 ,

    There are legitimate reasons for the devs and Sony to want your psn account linked. It's also reasonable to not want to do so. Why not offer a compromise, like any healthy relationship, and allow, not force, account linking, with a little incentive? Where is the downside to either party?

    [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

    Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

    Ookami38 ,

    I don't see many people hating veganism. I see a lot of people hating vegans pushing their ideology when it wasn't asked for. The simple truth is that every person has different ideologies, beliefs, priorities, and ethical systems, and what makes perfect sense to one person sounds over-prohibitive, and any attempt at dialogue to find a middle ground ends with a bunch of moral posturing.

    Ookami38 ,

    I'd advise you proof read future questions then. Your initial question came across as very dismissive and condescending.

    Ookami38 ,

    Yup. Each one of us, for some reason or another. Welcome to the club, asshole ❤️

    Ookami38 ,

    How about we don't engage in reasonable, healthy discussion and instead throw shit?

    Ookami38 ,

    It's a bit of both. We started out just liking beef, for all the reasons above - easy to grow, good bioavailability, tasty, etc. From there, we built our society up, became capitalists, and started really honing in on efficiency, because more efficiency is more money. Now cows are everywhere and beef is cheap.

    Right now beef is pretty much the cheapest protein option readily available, and that I actually know how to prepare. Both of those come from the supply being huge, our culture being built around meat eating, it just kinda being the way we are.

    This isn't an individual problem to solve. No amount of vegans voting with their wallet is going to redirect the monumental ship that is our culture. We need subsidization on non-meat options, more ubiquitous supply, and more practice with the style of cuisine if we ever hope to make changes that stick.

    Ookami38 ,

    We use oil and gas because it's the option that has been made most available to us. This isn't an individual problem. As long as the alternatives are prohibitively expensive for the average person, in terms of time, money, availability, etc, then we're going to always have the bulk of people choosing the easiest option.

    We all have so much to worry about each day, trying to fit biking to my job a 45 minute drive away just isn't feasible. The options for changing that are either we go fuckin full on anarchy, burn the system down, and start anew, or slowly, systematically. Set an easily achievable baseline the average person can work to adopt, encourage it via subsidization and education, and give it time.

    Ookami38 ,

    Right. Part of my point. We have taken great efforts to make beef cheap, and to bolster the supply. With all of this effort, it really isn't a surprise your average person is going to choose beef.

    I'd propose slowly increasing subsidies to beef alternatives, and then once those are to the same level of affordableness and you've got some adoption, start cutting beef subsidies. Make the transition slow and painless, more people will stick to it.

    Ookami38 ,

    You're right. At the end of the day, your lifestyle is your choice. I'm merely pointing out that there are a LOT of pressures keeping people stuck in the lifestyle they're in. Those pressures are real, and if you want to effect change, it's better to target them, rather than the individual.

    Ookami38 ,

    Societal pressures are real, though. It doesn't matter that there's not a physical force making you do a certain thing. Humans are social animals. We're, from day 1, molded by the world we were born into. To claim that you can just deny all of those drives is, quite simply, arrogant.

    Again, I want change. I want to make it as easy as possible for the individual to do the best they can. Beating them about the head, saying "well you can just choose not to eat meat!" Doesn't help that cause.

    Ookami38 , (edited )

    And all of those social norms took time. Took small changes. We didn't just bring a bunch of slaves over, and one day say "nah this ain't right." We had a MASSIVE chain of events that led to, finally, enough people being done with it, and they started a war. We didn't just say "hey,black people shouldn't be forced to use different facilities", we had a massive chain of social events that shaped our cultural landscape, making it easier for people to do the right thing.

    That's my point. It's not just a flip of the switch and it's done. It's small, incremental steps that win over people slowly. Just the fact that you bring up reduction at all is more evidence for my point. You have got to start small, if you want to see it through.

    If it was as simple as you make it out to be, we'd already be in a utopia.

    Let me ask you this - what, exactly, do you think my argument is?

    Ookami38 ,

    Exactly. So many people write off the impact society makes on our individual decisions. The thing that's critical to remember is, we're all doing our best. I believe that thoroughly - no one wants to be less than the best version of themselves. Celebrate the smallest of wins, and eventually we'll all be there.

    [Serious] Do you know of any processed snack foods with some vitamins?

    Trying to keep my very picky eater 3yo healthy as we're (hopefully) expanding his diet. Right now the only foods I can get him to actually eat are McDonald's, a specific brand of yogurt, banana bread, some crackers and some bars. Refuses any beverage besides water. (He's likely on the spectrum.)

    Ookami38 ,

    Problem is, withholding food is abuse, period. You're telling someone who doesn't have the same neurological capacities you do to either starve or eat something they very likely have a visceral reaction to.

    The other poster mentioned they missed the 'potentially autistic' part. While withholding food is abusive regardless,this for sure exacerbates the issues. I suspect you may have missed that part as well. It's okay, just have some humility to step back and say so. Or keep advocating for old school abusive parenting.

    Ookami38 ,

    Right. So maybe go back to the last paragraph, admit you probably missed the potential neurodivergency, and show some humility. Or double down and continue to offer bad advice.

    No one here has said just let the kid eat what they want. Not OP, not me, not anyone else. We all want the kid to eat a better diet. That's literally the purpose of this thread.

    The problem is that, for non-typical situations, typical solutions don't work. And, even for typical situations, starvation isn't the best option. We're trying to explore other possibilities, rather than the traditional ones, and being told "force the kid, you're the parent" is at best tone deaf.

    Ookami38 ,

    Remember, though, that people, opinions, and political landscapes can change. Yes, Biden was pretty shit back in the 90s, but it actually feels a little bit like he's trying to move back in the other direction. Don't gotta forget the bad, but also can't forget the (attempts at) good

    Ookami38 ,

    One of my go-tos for karaoke.

    Ookami38 ,

    He's had some policies I agree with, that move us towards a less police state level. I admit, I haven't followed him super closely, he's less interesting than things have been lately, but at least the federal decriminalization of marijuana and pardons (I know they were effectively useless, didn't really do anything - we can get into exactly why) show he's at least trying to do what constituents want, which is a far cry more than a lot of other politicians.

    Can he, should he, do more? Yeah. But credit where it's due, he seems like he's trying to steer two giant ships - his own past biases, and the United States political climate. Both of those are slow and hard to do, so anything moving in that direction should be celebrated.

    Ookami38 ,

    See, this is EXACTLY my point. We all get obsessed over the things of the past, and while those can help inform us of the present, they're not actually the present.

    Yes, he was a proponent of the RAVE act. That's one of those "don't forget the bads" that I mentioned. We can accept that, and also accept that he seems to have lightened up on that BS in recent times.

    No one's perfect, everyone changes their minds about things. You did horrible things in your past too, almost certainly. That's not you, we can accept that, but for politicians it's this unchanging thing - you supported one thing, you will always continue supporting that thing.

    Let people grow. Let ideas be brought up, and shot down. Let mistakes be in the past, and start focusing on what's actually happening in the present.

    Ookami38 ,

    Right. As I said, you can use the past to color your present, but the thing that matters presently is present actions and, to a lesser extent, words. So, judging him based on his actions during presidency, which should show us either his current beliefs or, at least, his willingness to listen to constituents.

    During his presidency, he's been... Well, I won't say stellar, but his actions have been more in line with someone who actually wants better, rather than someone who wants to cling to old habits. Again, could he do more, yes. But his record -recently- has been, for a politician, pretty good.

    You bring up the RAVE act. That was 20 years ago. 20 of the most eventful years in at least modern history. Do you think someone is incapable of change for 20 years? I know I've changed drastically just in the last 2 or 3 years. I mean, yeah, he's old, but I've seen old people change too. Might not come full revolution, change is slow, but again - any progress is worth acknowledging and celebrating.

    Is there something he's done during his presidency that leads you to believe he's still got those same values from prior? We can talk efficacy of some of his planned solutions, and some of his lack of a spine, but I think overall his actions are consistent with his words, in this regard.

    Ookami38 ,

    Had a landlord POUNDING on all 3 of our doors (one at a time, not at once) one time when I was taking care of my sick mother. He didn't try the key, else he'd have probably gotten a size 14 boot up his asshole. Some of the shit landlords think they can get away with...

    Ookami38 ,

    So get mad at the parasite, not the person who likes his plants at living places.

    Ookami38 ,

    In a customer service setting, often times that's all you can do. The customer knows what they want, and particularly if there's money to be made, your employer will require you to do so. It sounds like this place wasn't exactly like that, but dude said multiple times this was unnecessary, and the customer still wanted it. He told them it'd be long and expensive. And unnecessary. They said do it. At a certain point, we have to trust that the customer really is their best advocate, and just do what they want.

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