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BmeBenji ,

But that would make the temperature colder and it was finally getting comfy up in here!

BmeBenji ,

It better be a huge joke about how sequels purely capitalizing on the name of the franchise is a soul-sucking waste of time

Elden Ring Twitter warns of DLC spoilers being posted everywhere

I saw a tiny bit and they seem legit, they gave content creators early access to the DLC and now there's a lot of gameplay, bosses, and story being spoiled on social media. Be careful out there.

Greetings, Tarnished. With the release of the expansion of elden ring, shadow of the erdtree, please be mindful of spoilers for those who want to tread into the realm of shadow with nothing but their determination and their minds unclouded. Thank you for your cooperation.
BmeBenji ,

Spoilers? Man I finished the game and I still have no idea what’s going on

BmeBenji ,

Darker-toned orchestral music is pretty great, but yeah power metal takes the cake

BmeBenji ,

Inb4: all nostalgia hype, solid core gameplay, nothing new or groundbreaking, F2P multiplayer, battlepass grindfest. Bonus points if it’s an open world.

Microsoft has become all-too predictable and I have absolutely no faith that this game will be anything greater than Halo Infinite

BmeBenji ,

I’d venture to say that ID has not yet released a bad DOOM game, however they did almost make Call of DOOM.
Under Microsoft’s leadership I’d say they’re at risk of making the worst DOOM game ever, but we’ll have to wait and see

BmeBenji ,

There is absolutely nothing appealing about this to me. If I was at all interested in this 2 hour cutscene I’d just go watch a Fast and Furious movie for 10% of the price

BmeBenji ,

Wow… that sounds really bad for the economy

BmeBenji ,

Despite the privacy concerns, Microsoft says that the Recall index remains local and private on-device, encrypted in a way that is linked to a particular user's account.

Just like how Microsoft domain-bound emails were stored locally on machines running Outlook, right? Or how purchasing and downloading music, movies, and video games meant that we owned them, right?

I don’t believe for a fucking second that this “feature” will remain locally encrypted forever. Fuck Microsoft, fuck the AI bubble.

“Don’t be evil!

wait, you say you’ll pay me to be evil? Well fuck that changes everything!”

BmeBenji ,

When was the last time you checked? And where? And how deep in the sand was your head when you did so?

BmeBenji ,

AI was filmed on a soundstage in California. Sam Altman was played by Jesse Eisenberg. ChatGPT is just a recording of Mark Zuckerberg talking to himself in the mirror

BmeBenji ,

Slightly off-topic but I really enjoyed the way Horizon Zero Dawn (spoilers ahead) illustrated the military industrial complex with Ted Faro. The dude was so convinced he was right about everything that not only did he help create the deadliest legion of machines ever conceived, he also deleted all knowledge acquired by humanity because he fucked up so bad that he thought anyone less smart than him (read:everyone else) would fuck up just as bad if not worse with the same knowledge. I imagine most real military contractors are lead by people who are similarly humble

BmeBenji ,

Oh I’m still going through Forbidden West. When I read the first part of your comment I thought you were spoiling it for me lol

BmeBenji ,

Pretty sure you just described like every sports team with a fanbase. The Football Team of Theseus.

49ers fans love to brag that the 49ers are among the teams with the most Super Bowl wins, but they haven’t gotten one in like 3 generations of players so you tell me, 49ers of Theseus. Do you have any Super Bowl wins?

BmeBenji OP ,

This is what I was taught when I was a kid. Somewhere in the Bible I think it says “blessed are the allies of Israel” or something like that but that seems like a terrible reason to arm and fund a genocide so it seemed like there had to be a different reason

BmeBenji OP ,

This isn’t flame bait. I honestly didn’t know. I’ve heard a mixture of confused ideas and wanted to see what people here thought.

Why can’t anyone here answer it? Shouldn’t it theoretically be transparent to at least some people in the US? Maybe it’s not but that sounds like a huge problem

BmeBenji ,

Gojira. It’s just angry noise and there’s no words to be heard, and even if there were lyrics they’d be in some strange dead language

BmeBenji ,

I can’t think of a game that Valve has released just to make money except for Artifact which totally flopped.

From what I understand, Valve has a non-hierarchical internal personnel structure and projects are started because someone has an idea that other people at the company like and want to work on.

Half-Life 3 won’t get traction inside Valve unless it has something to push the envelope like the other main-line games had. Half-Life had unrivaled first person storytelling. Half-Life 2 has unrivaled physics to play with. Half-Life Alyx had an interactive environment unlike anything else that exists even still. My money says if Valve can’t think of something gameplay-wise that’s as enticing right now as any of the previous games had when they were released, they don’t care that the story is still on a cliffhanger.

BmeBenji ,

With friends like these, who needs brick walls?

BmeBenji ,

I had a lot of conversations with my dad about how glorifying people is setting yourself up for failure when there were loads of protests were going on about bringing down statues of famously racist people who did like a handful of notable things i.e. most of the U.S. founding fathers.

I wouldn’t suggest keeping a list of names that you admire. Maybe keep a list of things about those names that you admire

BmeBenji ,

The wild monetary successes of Call of Duty and Fortnite send a clear message: treat unsupervised children as prey and you will earn billions of dollars

New to Linux? Ubuntu Isn’t Your Only Option ( )

Ubuntu's popularity often makes it the default choice for new Linux users. But there are tons of other Linux operating systems that deserve your attention. As such, I've highlighted some Ubuntu alternatives so you can choose based on your needs and requirements—because conformity is boring.

BmeBenji ,

“New to Linux? Where the most daunting thing about switching to it is how many choices you have in configuration? Well, good news! You have more choices than you think!”

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