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AmbiguousProps ,

It's almost like Ukraine is better than NK, from a moral and logical perspective. Ukraine isn't starving their own people, nor are they "disappearing" the local Muslim population á-la China. They're simply defending themselves.

AmbiguousProps ,

The US isn't sending troops into Gaza. This story is about NK sending troops into Ukraine. It's not hard to see the clear difference.

AmbiguousProps ,

Huh? In what way was what I said a "slippery slope"? This article is literally talking about NK sending troops to Ukraine. I wasn't even the one to bring up NATO or the US in the first place.

I wholeheartedly believe Palestine should be freed and that we shouldn't be supplying weapons at all. The genocide is disgusting. But at least the US isn't using US troops, nor are they doing trade deals to send more poor people into Gaza (like NK and Russia are doing in this article, except in Ukraine instead of Gaza).

AmbiguousProps ,

What does that have to do with anything? Are you attempting to say Ukraine has those and therefore all of Ukraine deserves to be killed? Good job attempting to change the subject, I guess. Better invade every country on earth since Nazis are literally everywhere, civilian casualties be damned. Better invade your own country too.

PS. Russia does not actually care about Nazis, they have their own after all. They only want Ukraine's land, ports, and people.

Tesla is recalling its Cybertruck for the fourth time to fix problems with trim pieces that can come loose and front windshield wipers that can fail | The new recalls each affect over 11,000 trucks ( )

The company says in the documents that the front windshield wiper motor controller can stop working because it’s getting too much electrical current. A wiper that fails can cut visibility, increasing the risk of a crash. The Austin, Texas, company says it knows of no crashes or injuries caused by the problem....

AmbiguousProps ,

I mean, this amount of problems is still surprising for a first model year.

AmbiguousProps ,

Rivian and Ford are killing it in the EV truck space, which doesn't help Tesla.

AmbiguousProps ,

Eh, I think that might be too smart for Musk. I don't doubt the Saudi's investment but that investment only came after the SEC forced him to take the "deal" (since he couldn't keep his mouth shut even when around SEC officials). In other words, I think the Saudi's saw their chance and took it.

AmbiguousProps ,

Do the world a favor and punch your local Nazi.

How often do I actually need my heat pump system tuned up?

I had a heat pump installed about a year ago. It came with one free service and the installing company has been calling me almost every week to come out and do the complimentary tune up. I know that I obviously should take a free tune up, but it made me wonder. How often do I actually need this done? What are they actually...

AmbiguousProps , (edited )

Does Floccus count? It syncs via caldev into the native bookmarks.

AmbiguousProps ,

You only have to work 80 hours a week to get it (or else they'll just fire you)!

AmbiguousProps ,

I don't suppose it can run in ublock's hard mode?

AmbiguousProps ,

For real, Biden should not have been the candidate, and now we're stuck with him.

AmbiguousProps ,

What a shocker. God, I wish I could afford to leave this country so that my tax dollars weren't funneled directly to this genocide.

Dozens of stars show signs of hosting advanced alien civilisations ( )

Two surveys of millions of stars in our galaxy have revealed mysterious spikes in infrared heat coming from dozens of them. Astronomers say this could be evidence for alien civilisations harnessing energy from their stars by using a vast construction known as a Dyson sphere – although they can’t fully rule out more mundane...

AmbiguousProps ,

You are very ignorant of the truth. Do you think we landed a probe on the moon that was able to take apart and bring back parts of Surveyor 3 in 1969? That would be way more unbelievable than humans doing it instead. What a incredibly stupid and moronic hill you've chosen to die on.

AmbiguousProps ,

Independent civilians picked up the live signals being beamed back from the positions of the landings. These signals were both video and audio. Multiple nations have independently imaged the landing sites with footprints visible. You can even see the shadows of the flags on the moon. That would be a whole lot of design and engineering nowadays, let alone in the 60's.
You can read about these and more here:

But yeah, clearly the most logical conclusion is that we designed a probe to make fake human footprints, plant a flag, drive around a buggy, take lunar rock samples, plant mirrors on the surface, and obtain all of the scientific data that we have, all in the 1960's. Then, we just kept sending these probes (which somehow do not appear in any photographs, not even tracks from one) for decades. On top of that, no one involved has spilled the beans, not even on their deathbeds.

I wonder which of these scenarios is more likely. I don't think you're a troll or an idiot, I think you're a full-fledged dumbass.

AmbiguousProps , (edited )

You need to be on the moon to believe it then?

It came from the far reaches of your ass, maybe, but definitely not your mind.

AmbiguousProps ,

They react that way because its unbelievable how someone could actually be as stupid as to deny the moon landing in 2024. "You weren't there first hand" is not as good as a defense as you think, and you've used it over and over. Is that all you've got? I haven't been to the war in Ukraine, but I sure as hell know it's happening. Are you unable to know something is happening without it being in your face?

AmbiguousProps ,

How would you verify, since you're the one that doesn't believe the facts right in front of your nose?

I care because to deny something like the moon landing is to deny the blood, sweat, and tears that went into it, it's one of humanity's greatest achievements. To deny it is to deny all science and logic. You're seriously surprised that people would get pissed off at you when you basically call all of NASA liars? Not just NASA, but also basically all astronomers?

You're even more ignorant than I thought if you can't even comprehend why people would care.

AmbiguousProps ,

Yes, anyone that can't comprehend that we landed on the moon is stupid, like you. Correct! That is indeed how statistics work.

Hilarious that you'd link an article that says that it actually happened, too.

NASA has sent moon rock samples around the globe. They've been compared to rocks retrieved by probes and are the same (this was discussed at length in my previous Wikipedia link). But I guess that's suddenly not going to be good enough for you, you'll just come up with another reason to die on this hill. At least I can be happy knowing that we really did go to the moon, I'm sorry your brain will never be able to comprehend that amazing fact. It's sad, when it comes down to it. I feel bad for you.

AmbiguousProps ,

Ah, the classic "hive mind" excuse. It's always brought up when someone has nothing else to stand on (that someone is you, if it wasn't clear).

AmbiguousProps OP ,

So, Tesla successfully lobbies the government to get the grant money to apply to NACS instead of CCS, making it the new defacto standard. Now, they're seemingly pulling out? Seems like Tesla just didn't want to have to update their chargers to work with CCS (something that would have been required for that government money, before the lobbying). I love government grants to billion dollar corporations /s

On top of that, the lobbying successfully stunted CCS development, even after 700 kW CCS charging had been demonstrated, with future increases planned. Tesla basically killed all of their charging competition with this move.

I'm sure the auto industry is happy to hear this headline after they started to change their vehicles over to NACS and made promises to customers about access to the Tesla network. Rivian, for example, has already begun shipping complimentary NACS adapters for R1 owners, but this will probably throw a wrench into that.

AmbiguousProps ,

I posted this in the other thread, but..

Now congress can tell any company to get fucked and sell to the highest bidder (edit: via bills crafted to target them specifically)? So much for free market republicans.

China will just find another company to buy our data from, because as it turns out, the problem isn't just TikTok, it's the fact the it's legal for companies (foreign and domestic) to sell and exchange our data in the first place. TikTok will still collect the same data, and instead of it going straight to China, it'll go to a rich white fuck first and they'll be the ones to sell it to China instead.

And if the problem is the fact that it's addictive, well, we have plenty of our own home grown addictions for people to sink their time into. You don't see congress telling those companies to get sold to a new owner.

AmbiguousProps ,

In fact, this seems to make the surface area for the contact wires to hit much larger, probably makes it an easier target.

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