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givesomefucks ,

I've never wanted to be wrong about anything more than WW3...

But I keep seeing all these articles that make it really look like WW3 is right around the corner...

Like, the entire point of SSBNs is to hide and no one knows where they are. Popping up just to flex is not a good sign. It's trading the actual point of their existence (no one knows where our nukes are) for a show of force.

It's not a rational choice to do this, Russia knows we have SSBNs all over the globe, they don't need to actually see one and know where it is

givesomefucks ,

I've been paying attention for decades, hell, I was in the military. I definitely paid more attention to geopolitics back then. Because even idle threats and shows of force directly effected my life.

Shits not how it used to be. It's a lot worse now. And people ignoring it just makes it keep getting worse.

givesomefucks , (edited )

And don't dismiss that they'd kill to know the location of a SSBN at any time under normal conditions.

Like, I don't know how high of a federal clearance you e ever gotten, but literally everything about a SSBNs schedule is at least secret. The people on them don't even know where they are 99% of the time.

Russia isn't shooting down a nuke anyways, it doesn't matter where it's coming from, it's hitting what it's aimed.

It's literally an intercontinental ballistic missile...

America isn't even confident we could shoot one of NK's down. We could launch from a SSBN literally on the other side of the planet and absolutely nothing would stop it from hitting Moscow.

We gave up valuable intelligence for literally zero reason.

It shows that we're irrational for doing it. Or even worse, that we thought Russia is so irrational that they needed to see it. Making both of us irrational.

The entire reason SSBNs are the threat they are, is you can only beat a ICBM by taking it out before it launches, and no one has a clue where the SSBNs are.

When were acting rational and want a show of force. We park an LHD or even Aircraft Carrier squadron off a coast.


Like, if Russia happened to have sonar going in that area, and they just saw it surface...

They can compare sound signatures of that time period and may possibly isolate the distinctive sound of a SSBN. Something they've been trying to find for decades and could possibly lead to them being able to find SSBNs out in the wild.

This is a god awful decision that has potentially huge ramifications...

I get people wouldn't know about all of this, but that doesn't mean it's not a big deal.

givesomefucks ,


It's almost a year old, people keep talking about 4chan, and the top posts of "all time" are homophobic and low-key racist...

Why would normal people go there instead of Lemmy? And why would homophobic racists go there instead of 4chan?

givesomefucks ,

It’s not money, cuz everything being done with in a product blows.

It's about money, because the people making the shit products want to make money, not good products.

Capitalism always leads to "how shitty of a product will people still buy"

givesomefucks ,

I hope everyone that keeps down voting me for talking about WW3 are right...

But man, it really is starting to look like WW3

givesomefucks ,

You mean Russia and NK?

Or you meant the two countries in the middle of illegal invasions: Russia and Israel?

givesomefucks ,

They also forget about the 4+1 treaty.

If Israel expands to other countries, it would draw Russia in on their side, and the US on Israel's

Which now also brings NK in. And we've got a multi front multi country war with two distinct fronts.

People might not call it WW3, but there's a world war coming straight ahead, and as good of a movie as it was, I dont want to recreate the Titanic

givesomefucks ,

Israel and Hezbollah have been exchanging rocket fire, and Israel is talking about a ground invasion.

Hezbollah has a defense treaty with Iran, Iraq, Russia, and another ME country I'm blanking on.

If Israel invaded Lebanon in an attack on Hezbollah, that draws in Russia, and likely NK.

Israel and Russia are the two countries invading others that I believe are the primary drivers towards WW3. NK is just a long for the ride until/unless they launch an attack on SK.

But I think before that happens, we'll solidly be in WW3. I think NK is onboard now, with the promise to be backed against SK later. No one is attack NK unless NK starts some shit, they don't need a defense treaty.

givesomefucks OP ,

Israel has acknowledged some military strikes on humanitarian workers, including an April attack that killed seven workers with the World Central Kitchen and has denied allegations of others.

So Israel doesn't want any aid to Gaza...

Have killed aid workers multiple times...

And now aid workers are being pulled because Israel keeps killing them.

Sounds like the UN is negotiating with a terrorist state.

givesomefucks ,

I mean, can you give an example or two?

There's probably not a single answer for everything. Depending on what you consider "old" there's a chance no one saved a copy.

It might be that contracts were better back then so the studio wouldn't make much releasing it.

givesomefucks ,

So it's a region locking thing.

That sucks for everyone. I remember back in the day when vpns got new regions, and there was so much more available.

But physical media needs to be physically produced. It's available in DVD and I think it came before Blu-ray even so you're kind of asking a lot here

givesomefucks ,

You act like Biden cares about US or international law...

I used to think he did, but he clearly doesn't.

givesomefucks ,

Chikli has since led a targeted push to counter critics of Israel. The Guardian has uncovered evidence showing how Israel has relaunched a controversial entity as part of a broader public relations campaign to target US college campuses and redefine antisemitism in US law.

Seconds after a smoke alarm subsided during the hearing, Chikli assured the lawmakers that there was new money in the budget for a pushback campaign, which was separate from more traditional public relations and paid advertising content produced by the government. It included 80 programs already under way for advocacy efforts “to be done in the ‘Concert’ way”, he said.

The “Concert” remark referred to a sprawling relaunch of a controversial Israeli government program initially known as Kela Shlomo, designed to carry out what Israel called “mass consciousness activities” targeted largely at the US and Europe. Concert, now known as Voices of Israel, previously worked with groups spearheading a campaign to pass so-called “anti-BDS” state laws that penalize Americans for engaging in boycotts or other non-violent protests of Israel.

In the middle of all the propaganda and lobbying, there's no rational reason to ignore that a foreign government is interfering with American politics for their own gain

It's fucked when Russia does it.

It's fucked when Israel does it.

And as long as we keep electing politicians who take the money, nothing will change.

Israel is just smart enough to buy off both parties.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • givesomefucks ,

    I wasn't "born rich".

    But my mom was born dirt poor. Like, the Beverly Hillbillies looked rich in the intro before they struck oil poor. Didn't have indoor plumbing till she was a teenager poor. Dinner was what her older brothers shoot after school poor.

    She made it to small town middle class. I moved to a city and I'm "city middle class" which is practically non existent these days. It's all subjective. If I moved back to the hill I'd be like Jed Clampett coming home for a family reunion.

    I don't make a lot (more than most tho in my area, but not even close to 6 figures). But because of my upbringing and being able to avoid lifestyle creep, I have a very good buffer and don't stress about bills piling up.

    So instead I stress when my buffer is low.

    I freak out if emergency savings is less than 5 digits, I imagine for the really wealthy, it's the same just a higher number.

    They might not stress about keeping the lights on, but they stress when their "high score" drops. It's just how human brains work. There's human variation, but if someone doesn't have that mentality, they're not going to stay crazy wealthy.

    Which is why the saying goes:

    First generation makes wealth, second saves wealth, third wastes wealth.

    Usually to prolong generational wealth longer than that, someone from the first or second generation has to protect it via trusts so their kids literally can't fuck it up but sometimes they still find a way

    givesomefucks ,

    The point is "born rich" is subjective to the people around you...

    givesomefucks ,

    OP said “live without worries”. You already stated your worries.


    And that "born rich" also worry about the number in your bank account...

    Then went on to explain that any generation that doesn't worry, is the last generation to be "born rich" in that family.

    givesomefucks ,

    The "intensive" phase of Israel's offensive in Gaza will soon end, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday — but he signaled he would only accept a "partial" cease-fire deal that would not end the war, and that this new phase would allow a shift in focus to the simmering conflict on the country's northern border with Lebanon.

    1. According to Bibi...

    2. And in the same breathe saying he doesn't want to end the war.

    Bibi is facing calls from the left and right in his country to stop stalling the election. If an election happens, he's not going to win.

    So he's going to keep this war going as long as possible. And is blatantly saying any slow down in Gaza would be to increase attacks on Lebanon.

    It's literally the only thing keeping him in office, because war is his only excuse for not letting Israelis hold a vote.

    givesomefucks OP ,

    I don't know why people keep acting like Israel's current government wants peace, they repeatedly keep saying that they don't.

    The viability of a U.S.-backed proposal to wind down the 8-month-long war in Gaza was cast into doubt on Monday after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would only be willing to agree to a “partial” cease-fire deal that would not end the war, comments that sparked an uproar from families of hostages held by Hamas.

    In an interview broadcast late Sunday on Israeli Channel 14, a conservative, pro-Netanyahu station, the Israeli leader said he was “prepared to make a partial deal -- this is no secret — that will return to us some of the people,” referring to the roughly 120 hostages still held in the Gaza Strip. “But we are committed to continuing the war after a pause, in order to complete the goal of eliminating Hamas. I’m not willing to give up on that.”

    Netanyahu’s comments did not deviate dramatically from what he has said previously about his terms for a deal. But they come at a sensitive time as Israel and Hamas appear to be moving further apart over the latest cease-fire proposal, and they could represent another setback for mediators trying to end the war.

    givesomefucks OP ,

    User hat:

    You deleted a comment I made because you said it was incivil (not going to repeat it, but it's in the modlog)

    Was it because I pointed out that they were denying a genocide?

    That's the only thing that was remotely personal, and if that breaks the rules is it acceptable to instead just link sources explaining how Israel is committing a genocide?

    Genocidal denial is just a pretty big deal in my eyes, so I want to know how mods are ok with addressing it. I felt that I was following the sidebar by commenting on the argument and not the user, but apparently I misunderstood something.

    I wouldn't have mentioned it, by their comment denying genocide is literally just a few comments down this chain...

    givesomefucks OP ,

    At least someone is acting rationally about how Israel's actions could lead to WW3

    Brown said the U.S. continues to talk with Israeli leaders and warn against widening the conflict. He said a key message is “to think about the second order of effect of any type of operation into Lebanon, and how that might play out and how it impacts not just the region, but how it impacts our forces in regions as well.”

    Pentagon officials have said that Austin has also raised concerns about a broader conflict when he spoke to Gallant in a recent phone call.

    “Given the amount of rocket fire we’ve seen going from both sides of the border, we’ve certainly been concerned about that situation, and both publicly and privately have been urging all parties to restore calm along that border, and again, to seek a diplomatic solution,” said Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder, the Pentagon press secretary, last week.

    givesomefucks OP ,

    Israel can't even genocide Gaza on their own...

    If they start a war at the same time, they'll lose immediately if they don't drag America into it.

    And Biden has spent 50 years saying that no matter what happens, he'll never stop or even slow support to Israel.

    Iran is allied with Russia and other local governments in the 4+1 treaty, so trump would likely join against Israel.

    Either way, the US is gonna be involved if it happens, which isn't a good thing.

    How long would it take to create a Pyramid today?

    Just a shower thought. Seeing how these structures took decades to build in their times, and that too entirely with manual labour, I was wondering how long these architectural marvels would take to be built in this post modern era with the help of our technological advancements....

    givesomefucks ,

    How much effort are you putting in?

    The pyramids were kind of like FDRs New Deal. When there wasn't work to be done, the workers worked on the pyramids and still got paid.

    If there was work to be done, they didn't work on the pyramid.

    givesomefucks ,

    A) yes there is.

    I don't believe that, and since it's impossible to show evidence something doesn't exist, the people claiming evidence Jesus existed is gonna have to do some linking...

    that’s not the standard

    You mean evidence?

    Evidence isn't the standard for things existing?

    What exactly is the standard in your mind for whether a historical figure existed?

    givesomefucks ,

    Corroborating records are

    And there's not enough to prove that Jesus Christ existed...

    There's a Jesus that got crucified, but no mention about him being able to perform miracles

    Like a third of the bible

    I don't think any of it was written till decades after he supposedly died tho...

    Like, there's lots of information about Bilbo Baggins in Lotr, that doesn't mean it was written in the third age of Middle Earth homie.

    There are plenty of historical figures who we mostly agree existed despite having approximately the same amount of proof as for Jesus.

    Name one and I'll disporve it.

    givesomefucks ,

    There was a Paul that lived in Midwest America

    Is that proof he had a big blue ox?

    Like, you know the Romans were pretty big fans of crucifying people for pretty much anything?

    Like, we have that elusive physical evidence that 6,000 of Sparticus' followers were crucified...

    There's a pretty good chance at least one of those guys was named Jesus too mate, it was a pretty common name

    givesomefucks ,

    Okay but it was written by people who claim they were there and met him personally.

    Not really, and definitely not the 1/3 you were claiming...

    Like, where are you getting any of this?

    It sounds like what they teach at one of those "bible colleges"

    givesomefucks ,


    His life was written about while it happened in the Irish Annals...

    That is contemporary literary evidence of his existence.

    Not just some dude named Diarmait existed in Ireland at some point.

    givesomefucks ,

    I do not understand

    That is clear.

    Go on then. Show us the evidence.

    You want me to physically show you? Like roll up to your house with it?

    Can't I just give you a link that provides the info about it?

    And you definitely didn't understand that last bit you quoted...

    You haven't understood all of this.

    I get it man, you have "faith" but that's not evidence.

    It doesn't mean anything

    givesomefucks ,

    A bunch of the books in the new testament are claim to be letters written by Jesus’s followers

    givesomefucks ,


    So you're arguing that "anything is possible" and that means you "won" if someone can't prove something isn't real?

    You can't prove I'm not 6 year old baby Jesus on a time traveling Blackberry...

    But anyone that believes that doesn't have a rationally sound mind.

    givesomefucks ,

    You just made up #2 and apparently don't know what contemporary means...

    But I don't think explaining is going to help.

    givesomefucks ,

    I don’t have a horse in this race, but man, let it drop

    You replied to a day old comment telling me to drop it...

    givesomefucks OP ,

    So you agree with all 6?

    You just think Biden and the DNC aren't doing everything they can to win?

    I'd agree with that. So looks like we agree.

    I'm just mad at the people in power for not doing everything they can to beat Trump...

    And your mad at me for talking about it.

    givesomefucks OP ,

    I disagree with your entire premise

    C'mon mate...

    I listed all the steps next to numbers so you could easily identify what you needed help with.

    It's starting to feel like you're not being honest about why you feel like Biden has to be the nominee. Like there's one position Biden holds and if we ran a candidate Dem voters want, the popular candidate likely wouldn't hold that specific opinion.

    I honestly thought I could help, but I don't think there's a way if you're not being honest.

    By all logic, we would be on the same page right now if all you wanted was to beat trump.

    givesomefucks OP ,

    News alert, they don’t give a fuck about you or what you think.

    That's not news...

    Biden appointed Jamie Harrison as head of the DNC.

    The DNC took away NH' s primary delegates because they keep voting progressive.

    It's blatantly obvious the DNC and Biden dont care what voters want and despite what they say are not doing all they can to prevent trump. That's literally what you called me an idiot for and started this whole long chain

    I legitimately don't understand why you're upset at me for any of this unless you're not being honest about why you want Biden and not a candidate more likely to beat Trump.

    Why are you, Biden. And the DNC willing to risk trump?

    Why aren't you taking that risk seriously?

    Dont you understand how bad trump would be?

    givesomefucks OP ,

    Biden has been saying for 50 years nothing will ever stop his support of Israel...

    Are you asking if I believe him when he says that?

    Or that no other US president can be depended on for that level of commitment?

    givesomefucks OP ,

    I’m asking if you believe no other president would support Israel more than Biden


    Pretty much every other president from either party has had to put Israel in place at least once during their time in office.

    trump is corrupt enough to support anything, but he's unreliable. If you need him his price keeps going up till you can't afford him. No one can rely on trump, I feel like I won't get push ack on that.

    There’s a lot of potential presidents in America.

    We're not talking potential, we're talking actual US Presidents, there's a finate number of them...

    givesomefucks OP ,

    So you don't see any possibility where Biden would step aside for the good of the country to stop trump?

    Do you think he honestly believes he's the best shot against trump? Or is just willing to risk it?

    givesomefucks OP ,

    I'm saying if Israel didn't have unconditional support from America, they wouldn't be causing so much drama.

    They're the bully that picks on kids when the teacher is in the room, knowing the teacher will always take their side.

    Biden is the teacher letting it happen.

    Except in this scenario the bullying is a fucking genocide.

    And you're blaming another kid for standing up to the bully, and can't figure out why the teachers actions are a problem. Is it Biden's fault Israel is a bully? No, but it's his fault the bully gets to do whatever they want, and is acting like it

    givesomefucks OP ,

    You hold no other country responsible the way you hold the US

    It's the only nation I can vote in...

    And we're providing munitions for them to commit genocide against the laws of my country and international law...

    Why shouldn't I care?

    What can I do about Israel directly?

    And what aren't you understanding about that? It's pretty simple: try to change what's possible for you to change

    givesomefucks OP ,


    I explained it in the comment you replied to...

    You replied with something completely random.

    I'm sorry I can't explain this in a way you can understand, but I don't think I'm the real issue here. If you won't read what I typed and ask about what you can't understand I can't help you.

    givesomefucks OP ,


    Pretty sure every US president since Israel was invented has had to check Israel at some point.

    Biden has spent 50 years saying he never will, and publicly shit talked Obama when he was VP and Obama had to check them...

    It's possible trump didn't, but are you really saying he's as reliable as Joe Biden?

    If trump ever realizes someone needs him, he bleeds them for everything they have...

    Or are you saying Biden has been lying for 50 years, has a line, and genocide just doesn't cross it?

    givesomefucks OP ,

    One side of this has Russia, one side has Israel...

    There's no "good" side, there's genocidal fascists on both sides.

    This is why it matters who we ally with.

    givesomefucks OP ,

    Instead, they said Biden has noted, Obama publicly admonished Israel’s actions and voiced concern for Palestinian civilian deaths early into the 2014 conflict. As a result, Biden has argued, Obama squandered any ability to influence the Israeli government as it invaded Gaza, said the people familiar with his comments.

    Now, I don't want to find something for every president, and I already explained why trump is uniquely unreliable in pretty much every possible way.

    But if you wanted to name any other single president, I can put the legwork in for another.

    I do want to point I said "pretty sure" meaning I wasn't completely sure, so not sure why you came back with

    Explain why you’re sure of this

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