DropBear , to palestine group
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

Who supports the Zionist state and why?
"...the West needs to show why this Israeli state is grotesque and to ask who in heaven’s name still supports them?"


DropBear , to palestine group
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

From a 93 year old (old enough to have lived through the times of the Holocaust and the founding of Israel) Jewish Australian:
"The impression I formed then, and which has been confirmed by subsequent events is that there was and is a deep, shared psychosocial illness infecting Israel but not Jews more generally."
"Let’s not confuse and generalise the attitude I and others have identified as underlying the conflict between Israel and Palestine with being anti-Semitic. This blurring of a clear boundary has been used inappropriately and misleadingly by many."
"... the human slaughter in Gaza and the enormous waste of resources on armaments to further that genocide could be stopped by refusing any more aid to Israel."


DropBear OP ,
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

As Yarden Katz wrote:
"Anyone wishing to understand how the Holocaust was possible, how people who may be warm and kind in their personal lives could support the murder of an entire population deemed subhuman, should examine Israeli society."

"... the zionist project, culminating in Israel, is profoundly contrary to Jewish traditions ... Israel has suppressed these Jewish traditions and ways of living while hijacking parts of them when convenient."

"... the dismantling of Israel and the liberation of Palestine must also be a Jewish struggle — a struggle that should go far beyond Jews showing solidarity for Palestinians or simply not wanting to be oppressors. “Israeli” is a colonial identity that should be renounced, not just because it harms Palestinians but also because it is deeply anti-Jewish."


@palestine @israel

DropBear OP ,
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

The indoctrination is alarming @NickSchwanck and sadly few manage to deprogram themselves.

A recovering Zionist speaks:
"I have been grieving deeply not just since last October, but ever since I woke up to the reality of what Israel is, and what it stands for."
"The Palestinian people did nothing wrong. Their ‘big crime’, for which they are being eliminated is that they happened to live on the land that the Zionists coveted for an exclusively Jewish ghetto state."

@palestine @israel

TruthSandwich , to palestine group
@TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar
DropBear ,
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

@TruthSandwich is a troll. He proved so obnoxious that no other Mastodon instance would put up with him. He had to start his own instance. The fact that he could do that implies financial (and probably political) backing.

Don't waste your time. Just block and move on.

@plink @palestine @israel

TruthSandwich , to palestine group
@TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar
DropBear ,
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

@gretared @TruthSandwich is a troll. He proved so obnoxious that no other Mastodon instance would put up with him. He had to start his own instance. The fact that he could do that implies financial (and probably political) backing.

Don't waste your time. Just block and move on.


DropBear , to Palestine in Israel kills over 200 Palestinians to rescue 4 captives; U.S. allegedly involved in operation
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

As hasbara, @SuckMyWang your puerile aphorism is counterproductive.

For example, on October 7 Israelis were taken hostage. That could be seen as a reaction to the thousands of Palestinian hostages held by Israel. The Israeli evil, though greater, does not excuse the evil committed by Hamas (though it could be viewed as precedent).

If you complain about the Hamas evil and I then counter with the Israeli precedent, then I am tacitly conceding the Hamas evil. Two wrongs do not make a right.


DropBear , to Palestine in Israel kills over 200 Palestinians to rescue 4 captives; U.S. allegedly involved in operation
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

One evil might explain another @heretical_i but the one does not excuse the other.


oatmeal , to palestine group
@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

/ Israel rescues four hostages in Gaza raid that Hamas says kills 210 Palestinians

The only thing true from the spox this time, and probably every single time they bragged about killing X “terrorists”, was this:

[…] "We know about under 100 (Palestinian) casualties. I don't know how many from them are terrorists,"


And the there’s also this:

Israel, "by committing horrific massacres, was able to free some its hostages, yet it killed some others during the operation," al-Qassam Brigades' spokesperson, Abu Ubaida, said in a statement on his Telegram channel.


The actress Israeli-Palestinian Lama Tator, who hosts an Arabic culture program on , shared a photo of Argamani after her release from captivity, commenting on appearance after long months in captivity and the massacre the IDF carried out to release her and the others.​​​​​​​​​​​​

"Are these the faces of a hostage for nine months?" the actress wrote in a story she shared on social media. "Are her eyebrows more groomed than mine? Her skin? Her hair? Her nails? What's going on? And for her they need to kill and slaughter children, women, and innocents?"​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


DropBear ,
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

By some reports, the toll of known Palestinian deaths is 247. It's also possible that some other Israeli hostages died in the crossfire. Time will tell, I guess.

Was the operation calculated to maximise Palestinian casualties?

@israel @palestine

GeriatricGardener , to palestine group
@GeriatricGardener@kolektiva.social avatar

“Do you condemn Hamas?: The question we have to ask ourselves is not whether we condemn Hamas, but whether we condemn a settler colonial regime that makes armed struggle necessary for survival.”

by James Ray in Mondoweiss @mondoweiss

@palestine @israel

“Like them [Hamas] or not, the efforts they have waged and continue to wage have made more of a material impact toward the liberation of Palestine than anything any of us in the West will ever make. They are taking on the brutal violence of colonial power and waging a campaign of armed struggle that has, at the current moment, with coordination with other resistance factions, made the Zionist colony more of a pariah than it has ever been on a global stage and shattered the image of military invincibility and overall stability it has spent decades cultivating. Countless years of struggle have culminated in this flashpoint.”


DropBear ,
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

Interesting question @jeremy_pm
The region being a route from Africa to Europe, there's evidence of modern humans in the area 120,000 years ago. Judaism hasn't existed that long.

Before that, there were other hominids. The earliest remains are estimated to be 1.5 million years old.

As to "recorded history". Even their own mythology tells against the Jewish. Chapter 15 of Genesis/Bereshit lists peoples who were displaced to establish the Jewish Kingdoms. So Jews weren't "first". There may be "indigenous" jews, but there are also indigenous Moslems and Christians.

The Zionist invasion began in the 19th century @Sine_Nomine
Its foundations can be traced to the British Empire, around 1840.
@zephry @Captain_Jack_Sparrow

@GeriatricGardener @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

DropBear ,
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

You're using the Israeli Zionist hasbara definition of "indigenous", I see @zephry
As their own mythology affirms, Jews took the lands from other peoples. They're thus colonisers.

For centuries, Arabs, Christians and Jews shared Palestine. Then the Zionists started arriving. To paraphrase article 12 of the Jerusalem Declaration:
all should be allowed to live together in peace in the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea
as equals

@jeremy_pm @Sine_Nomine
@Captain_Jack_Sparrow @GeriatricGardener @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

DropBear ,
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

Actually, there is no generally accepted definition of "indigenous" @zephry
That's why Israeli Zionists use the term for hasbara. They can pretend that it means whatever is convenient to their argument.

@jeremy_pm @Captain_Jack_Sparrow @Sine_Nomine @GeriatricGardener @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

DropBear , to palestine group
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

Cathy Wilcox cartoon 23 May 2024


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  • mondoweiss , to palestine group
    @mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

    Canada’s largest private high school recently organized a genocide solidarity trip in which students cooked for Israeli soldiers. In a sane world, the school’s charitable status would be revoked.


    @palestine @israel

    DropBear ,
    @DropBear@theblower.au avatar

    "genocide of Israelis" @EyalL ? The ICJ finds Israel's bloodthirsty reaction prima facie genocide.

    Your profile indicates that you're Israeli:
    "Worried about the rise of fascism." Israeli Zionism pre-dates Fascism and Nazism. The parallels suggest that the latter are offspring of Zionism. Fascism is undeniably rising in Israel, but it's been evident from the very beginning.
    "Worried more about inhumane murderers just km from me, who murdered 1500 people in cold blood, in 1 day." You'd be better off worrying about the inhumane murderers who are your fellow citizens.

    As an Israeli, you naturally want to keep your ill-gotten gains. For Jews in general, that's probably not best.

    While the Zionist state exists, Jews worldwide are less safe. As such, Israel is todays most effective antisemitism.

    @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    DropBear ,
    @DropBear@theblower.au avatar

    Eco's definition of "eternal" is rather idiosyncratic @heretical_i :blobcat_thinkingsmirk:

    The roots of Zionism can be traced to the early 17th century. Until relatively recently, it was a gentile concept. Jews didn't start using the term in relation to themselves until very late in the 19th century. Jewish Zionism comes in many forms. The form that spawned Israel dates to that time period.

    Fascism was founded during World War I by Italian national syndicalists who drew upon both left-wing organizational tactics and right-wing political views. Italian Fascism gravitated to the right in the early 1920s.

    Much as Nazism sprang from Fascism, it seems Fascism is very closely related to the Israeli form of Zionism.


    DropBear ,
    @DropBear@theblower.au avatar

    Indeed @heretical_i Nazism, Fascism and Israeli Zionism share a common origin.

    While the Zionist state exists, Jews worldwide are less safe.
    As Yarden Katz wrote:
    "... the dismantling of Israel and the liberation of Palestine must also be a Jewish struggle — a struggle that should go far beyond Jews showing solidarity for Palestinians or simply not wanting to be oppressors. “Israeli” is a colonial identity that should be renounced, not just because it harms Palestinians but also because it is deeply anti-Jewish."


    DropBear ,
    @DropBear@theblower.au avatar

    It looks like @EyalL has blocked me. Here is the reply that I was going to send him:
    Israeli Zionism (as distinct from other forms of Zionism, Jewish and otherwise) is the notion that someone who claims to be Jewish is entitled to take the home of a Palestinian, solely because they claim to be Jewish. Such injustices precipitated the October 7 atrocities and continue to endanger Jews worldwide.

    Abuse of the term "antisemitism" has effectively neutered the concept. Here's a definition for you:

    As Miko Peled observed, Israel and Palestine are the same place. He believes that Jews and Arabs can live together peacefully. That may be true, but by all appearances, it's true of probably less than 20% of the population. You are evidently not among that 20%, @EyalL.

    @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    oatmeal , to israel group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    / Ministers are utilizing the released footage showing abducted female soldiers, disregarding families' pleas for a ceasefire and negotiation for their release.

    [...] Eli Elbag, Liri's father, explained that the families decided to allow the video's release, stating "because the prime minister is dragging his feet on the issue of the hostages." He added that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has not held a meeting on the subject since Saturday.

    [...] The families debated for some time whether to publish the video but said it was their last resort to try to influence the cabinet.

    "We decided to release it now and
    expose ourselves, to lay bare on television the most sensitive matter for the families, and we do it because we want our government to wake up," Elbag told Channel 12 News.

    [felon] Ben-Gvir stated: "We will only return the captives if we stop their fuel and humanitarian aid and perform a root treatment in Rafah."

    [pro-genocide bomb signer] Herzog said: "Liri, Karina, Agam, Daniela, Naama and all the captives - we will not rest, we will continue to fight the Hamas terrorist organization and do everything in our power to bring you home!"

    [alleged war criminal] Netanyahu, who initialy ingroed the release of the video, later stated: "I am horrified by the video documenting the abduction of our dear female scouts. We will continue to do everything to bring them home. The cruelty of Hamas's militants only strengthens my resolve to fight with full force until Hamas is eliminated, in order to ensure that what we saw tonight never happens again."

    etc., etc.

    https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-05-22/ty-article/hostages-families-air-footage-showing-hamas-abducting-israeli-women-soldiers-into-gaza/0000018f-a0f2-d4c6-a5cf-f2f773060000 or https://archive.ph/yJtJM


    oatmeal OP ,
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    / Faced With Brutal Footage of Women Hostages, Israel's Government Responds With Shameless Arrogance

    [...] Katz, just like Netanyahu, sees the video as some kind of generous gift to be brandished outwardly as an advocacy or tool – and not as the desperate move of families hoping it would force and his ministers to look inwardly at their priorities and behavior over the past seven and a half months.

    https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/haaretz-today/2024-05-22/ty-article/.highlight/israeli-government-responds-to-brutal-film-of-women-hostages-with-shameless-arrogance/0000018f-a0cf-d639-a5bf-f3ffef930000 or https://archive.ph/zPHqu


    oatmeal , to palestine group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    / Prosecutor asks for arrest warrants for three leading Hamas leaders, as well ass Netanyahu and Galant

    [...] The office of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on Monday said it was seeking arrest warrants against three leading Hamas militants for their alleged roles in the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel, for war crimes and crimes against humanity.


    Watch: ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan explains the charges against top Hamas and Israeli leadership in detail in this excerpt from his interview with @amanpour this morning at The Hague



    ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan explains the charges against top Hamas and Israeli leadership in detail in this excerpt from his interview with @amanpour this morning at The Hague.

    DropBear ,
    @DropBear@theblower.au avatar

    There are a lot of them@[email protected]
    I hope you reported it as well.

    @ViXY_DBC @palestine @israel @ManyRoads

    DropBear , to israel group
    @DropBear@theblower.au avatar

    "The strategy utilised by the Zionist Establishment within Jewish communities and outside these communities, particularly, in the United States, England, France, Germany and Australia is to engage in an intentional falsification of history and contemporary reality when it comes to the supposedly intractable conflict between Israel and the Palestinians."
    "As the world witnessed in the case of the destruction of the highly probable victory of Jeremy Corbyn becoming British Prime Minister, these campaigns of destroying opponents of Israeli ethnic cleansing have been extremely potent and successful.

    It is, therefore, imperative that all people opposed to this war of annihilation of the Palestinian people must make sure that this current campaign which aims to destroy any opposition to the Gazan genocide is decisively defeated."


    DropBear OP ,
    @DropBear@theblower.au avatar

    The Zionist lobby is rich and influential @TanyaGKasim
    They must be exposed and controlled.

    @palestine @israel

    DropBear , to israel group
    @DropBear@theblower.au avatar

    "I ask our prime minister and our fellow parliamentarians: how many international rights laws must Israel break for us to say enough? How many lives does it take to call this a genocide?" Senator Payman asked.

    "I see our leaders performatively gesture defending the oppressors' right to oppress while gaslighting the global community about [Israel's] rights of self-defence."


    DropBear OP ,
    @DropBear@theblower.au avatar

    @Smith007 is a very new account. It seems to be dedicated to 'hasbara'. Posts from that account don't show readily for me, but there are ways. 😉

    I'll just repeat what Yarden Katz wrote:
    "Anyone wishing to understand how the Holocaust was possible, how people who may be warm and kind in their personal lives could support the murder of an entire population deemed subhuman, should examine Israeli society."

    "... the zionist project, culminating in Israel, is profoundly contrary to Jewish traditions ... Israel has suppressed these Jewish traditions and ways of living while hijacking parts of them when convenient."

    "... the dismantling of Israel and the liberation of Palestine must also be a Jewish struggle — ... “Israeli” is a colonial identity that should be renounced, not just because it harms Palestinians but also because it is deeply anti-Jewish."


    DropBear , to palestine group
    @DropBear@theblower.au avatar

    "... as Chris Hedges often says, ‘Israel lies.’ And in the present climate the lies are not only bellicose and incendiary, but galling to a Jew like me who grew up in a time of intense antisemitism."
    "The Executive Council of Australian Jewry has figures for an exponential rise in antisemitic incidents over the past months. I’m not examining the figures – numbers aren’t exactly my forte. But it’s curious that so little attempt is made by them, or pro-Zionist organisations like them, to correlate this rise with Israel’s ongoing oppression of the Palestinian people and its culmination in one of history’s most horrific human tragedies.

    One thing is certain, none of us can expect to be ‘safe’ now.

    Because of Israel."


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