israelwarcrimes , to israel group avatar

Who are you voting for this year? Zionism or Zionism? Let's hear your thoughts!

@palestine @israel


radiofreearabia , avatar

@israelwarcrimes @palestine @israel

and then will blame and for not voting for

who will vote for their own genocide?

democratsabroad , to politicalscience group avatar

Spread the word! is now part of the !

We're having a great time here. We're enjoying connecting with everyone.

2024 is a crucial election year, and overseas votes will determine the outcome. Visit to register TODAY!

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@politicalscience @politics @uspolitics @DemocracyMattersALot @GottaLaff

democratsabroad , to politicalscience group avatar

How are using as a laboratory for stealing the 2024 , via .

The best way to overcome this insanity is for overseas to and in record numbers.

Visit to learn more.

@politicalscience @politics @uspolitics

democratsabroad , to politicalscience group avatar

If you could ask the candidate (who shall remain nameless in these posts) any question at the upcoming , what would you ask?

@politicalscience @uspolitics @DemocracyMattersALot @DemocracyNow_Headlines_rss @GottaLaff

faab64 , to palestine group

Remember the BS lies of propaganda about warning about attacking Rafah?

Netanyahu has once again showed who is the boss and slaughtering the besieged and defenceless Palestinians.

You don't hear him or his criminal spokespersons saying anything about the horrors of and and the imposed starvation of half a million , most of them women and children.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Genocide Joe is walking in the footsteps of Ronald Reagan.

The last time didn't go very well for Americans.

Last time 70000 Lebanese lost their lives during Israeli occupation. And it gave birth to what is now Hezbollah who fought for almost 2 decades to kick out Israeli invadors.

How many will die this time?

@palestine @israel

Captain_Jack_Sparrow , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

The USA hasn't learnt a fucking thing. They just want a perpetual war in the Middle East, in order to keep their own weapons factories busy.
The Fascist Zionist State of Israel is happy to recieve those weapons and use them for warcrimes and genocide against their neighbours.

figstick , to palestine group avatar

The thing about the "Israel wants Trump" argumemt is that I think what wants even more than is to not have a be seen to lose reelection for supporting Israel.

And I don't say that as some kind of checkmate, just a consideration I haven't seen brought up before.

@israel @palestine

nus , to palestine group avatar

It's important to never use bigoted phrases, even if unintentional.

and are war criminals; and it's fine to call Biden bloodthirsty - but you should never say it about Netanyahu, or any Jewish leader.

When the phrase "bloodthirsty" is leveled at conservative Christians, it has no meaning. But when speaking about Jews specifically, it evokes blood libel accusations, it's a reference to centuries-old :

@israel @palestine

mondoweiss , to palestine group avatar

A brutal, nine-hour, multi-agency police assault against unarmed protesters at UC Santa Cruz shows the university would rather use violence against its own students than address demands to divest from genocide.

@palestine @israel

unfinishedsymphony , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel This is Joe 's America, this is Gavin 's California. Disgusting, anyone who is still planning on voting for these fascist fiends needs to read every word of this.

faab64 , to palestine group

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken complains that "Hamas could have answered [to 's proposal] with a single word; Yes", but it proposed changes.

Disgusting sack of shit genocide enabler never says anything about or his fascist co-criminals, but feeling hurt because Has doesn't like the BS ceasefire deal they didn't even have the balls to vote for.
Video shared on telegram:

@palestine @israel

YusufToropov , to politicalscience group avatar

on shocking European election results.

U.S. election foreshadowing?

Harbinger for 2024?

"We are going through some weird stuff right now. But we have gone through weird stuff before, and I do think that we can learn from it, and that we urgently need to."

@uspolitics @geopolitics @politicalscience

heretical_i , to israel group avatar

Garbage . What exactly does "nationally representative sample" mean?
'The American Jewish Committee, using '..a nationally representative sample of 1,001 Jews aged 18 or older. Online interviews were conducted..."'

"Poll: Majority of Jews back over , call 'serious' problem" @israel

oatmeal , to palestine group avatar

/ Biden Administration has discussed potentially negotiating unilateral deal with Hamas to free U.S. hostages

The administration has discussed potentially negotiating a unilateral deal with to secure the release of 5 American hostages being held in , if current ceasefire talks involving Israel fail.

Such negotiations would not include Israel and would be conducted through Qatari intermediaries, as current talks have been.

Officials say Hamas may have incentive for a separate U.S. deal as it could further strain U.S.-Israel relations and pressure on .


TruthSandwich , to palestine group avatar

@omar_bayramoglu @plink @palestine @israel

Trump wants to nuke Gaza. Biden feeds Gazans and wants Hamas to end the war it started by accepting the ceasefire deal that Israel has already agreed to.

Attacking Biden with lies only increases the odds of Trump regaining power and replacing democracy with fascism.

You don't care because you're not pro-Palestinian, just pro-Hamas, like that idiot in the photo.


TruthSandwich , to palestine group avatar
plink , to palestine group avatar

Thousands Protest Genocide in 'Red Line' Rally

"We as the people are drawing the red line today to say enough is enough," said a protester from the . "It's time for an arms embargo, and it's time to end this."

@palestine @israel

figstick , to palestine group avatar

I'm so fed up with mods falling for the "holocaust inversion" bullshit, I'm going to start reporting all apologist posts as "supporting violent ideologies."

@israel @palestine

appassionato , to photography group avatar

U.S President Joe Biden meets a World War II veteran as he holds challenge coins, on the day of a ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of the 1944 D-Day landings at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in Colleville-sur-Mer, France. REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz


plink , to palestine group avatar

From [gift article below]
Thousands circle to demand enforce ‘red line’

Demonstrators said that if President Biden would not draw a “red line” after forces began an assault on , they would draw the red line for him.

@palestine @israel

oatmeal , to palestine group avatar

Biden: 'Every Reason' to Think Netanyahu Is Prolonging Israel's War in Gaza for Political Gain

How long does it take to backtrack on direct and accurate observations regarding the Butcher from Balfour? Not too long. Biden gets just enough to satisfy the progressive wing, while coming across ambiguous enough to quiet critics on the right. Just for a while. Sounds like Trump in fact, when his many stupid “people say” assertions are challenged, but in reverse.


plink , to palestine group avatar
figstick , to palestine group avatar
plink , to palestine group avatar
figstick , to palestine group avatar

Keeping up with and commenting on news 24/7 doesn't make you an informed citizen, much less an activist. It makes you a partisan hack who refuses to acknowledge the humanity of people who are already being killed by American . Turn off the Rachel Maddow and start reading some al jazeera.

@israel @palestine

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