TropicalDingdong ,
lord_ryvan ,

3E sorcerers in a nutshell

JackbyDev ,

This would help explain why there are so few spells compared to the infinite possibilities of magic. Many problems are solved. There are only so many ways to sort a list and many of them are either entirely unuseful or only good for specific situations. Turns out there's only one way to make a fireball. Every other way doesn't work as good.

ilinamorato ,

This is probably true in the game world as well as in the game development world. WotC and Paizo could create more variations on Fireball, sure, but does it really change the game in a meaningful way?

Sylvartas ,

DCC : "hold my beer"

Honytawk ,

It would allow for more creativity.

Like a electricity Wizard who casts lightningball instead.

They could just add rules that allow you to tweak the spells, just like how they allow for increasing damage with a higher spell slot. But also changing AoE size, changing damage type, range, changing needing to see the target, and other properties, ... All which you will have to chose when preparing the spell for the first time, not to overshadow metamagic and keep the game flowing.

ilinamorato ,

But does it change the game in a meaningful way, enough to offset the complexity that's being added? Enough that house rules for an individual group about flavoring spells and changing damage types wouldn't be enough?

Sotuanduso , avatar

In Pathfinder at least, they do have rules for spell research, and it's easier if it's pretty similar to a spell you already know, so "fireball but it's 10 ft wider and does d4s" is something you could get.

Or you could use metamagic feats. Widen Spell for AoE, Elemental Spell for damage type, and other properties. Though that can get expensive.

RegalPotoo , avatar

There is one standard way to cast fireball - it works, it's cheap, it very rarely backfires, it's in all the textbooks, everyone knows how it behaves - but sometimes you sit down in a tavern next to another wizard and you just know before they even open their mouth that they are going to spend the next twenty five minutes telling you about how they learnt this alternative way to cast it and it's taken a bit of practice but they can just about cast it as fast as they could before and how it's so much more ergonomic or whatever

Sotuanduso , avatar

There's probably a feat for that in Pathfinder.

BugleFingers ,

And in both real world and that world, you have arch users/wizards

therealjcdenton , avatar

Kinda meh examples but fantastic concept

stevestevesteve ,

Why does my chromatic orb keep failing to cast on goblins??

Question marked as duplicate

sirblastalot ,

Shoulda used sorcery lol

gmtom , avatar

The duplicate question:

Q: Im trying to cast chromatic orb on some goblins, but I dont have enough mana. Is there any way to make it use less?

A: You shouldnt be using chromatic orb on Goblins, you should be using eldrich blast.

"Op is saying eh doesnt have the mana to cast chromatic orb, eldritch blast uses 3x as much mana and is way more complicated to use"

"Well theres a reason no one uses chromatic orb, OP needs to learn best practices."

ICastFist , avatar

That's it, I'm deleting my account on ArcaneOverflow, everyone acts all high and mighty and is always saying "search the Wizardly World Weave properly, foolish simpleton". I'm going back to my pa's farm!

Honytawk ,

Common, you should have used Simulacrum for that joke.

Ashtefere ,

Imagine a comedy TV show for magical tech support. Cranky burned out wizards trying to solve magical bugs for fustrated wizard customers.

Fuck I'd watch the shit out of it.

ilinamorato ,

"Arcane Support, have you tried casting it off and on again?"

MalReynolds , avatar

Pretty much large chunks of the Villain Support channel. Here's a classic to get you started...

slingstone ,

I wonder what would happen in the same scenario but with John Constantine or Dr. Fate?

trolololol ,

Hey @Mistral

Write us a sketch comedy episode of Gandalf contacting up Tech support because this particular spell isn't working. Patrick will troubleshoot the problem. In the end it's Darth Vader who figures out the solution.

Mistral Bot ,

Title: "Spellbound Tech Support"


Gandalf, looking frustrated, is on a magical crystal call with PATRICK, a tech support agent.

Yes, hello. I seem to be having trouble with the spell "Aqua Eructo." It's not producing water as it should.

Okay, sir. I apologize for the inconvenience. Let's try a few troubleshooting steps. Have you checked your magical energy levels?

Yes, yes, they're perfectly fine.

Alright. Have you tried using the spell in a different location? Sometimes environmental factors can affect spell performance.

I've tried it in the forests of Lothlorien, the caves of Moria, and even the comfort of my own home in Rivendell!

Hmm, that is unusual. Let me check the spell's database for any known issues or updates.

Patrick puts Gandalf on hold. A few minutes later, he returns.

I'm sorry for the wait. I couldn't find any issues with the spell. However, I did notice that it's been a while since your last system update. That could be the problem.

rolls his eyes
Fine, fine. I'll update my system and give it another go.

Gandalf ends the call and proceeds to update his magical system. After a few minutes, he tries the spell again, but it still doesn't work.


Patrick is still at his desk, looking stumped. Suddenly, DARTH VADER, a dark lord with tech expertise, walks in.

Patrick, I couldn't help but overhear your call with the wizard Gandalf. I believe I know the solution to his problem.

Really? What is it?

The spell "Aqua Eructo" is a bit outdated. The new version is "Aqua Fluxus." It's a more efficient and reliable spell for water production.

Thank you, Lord Vader. I'll let Gandalf know right away.

Patrick quickly contacts Gandalf and shares the solution. Gandalf, although a bit annoyed, is grateful for the help.

Well, I suppose I should keep up with the times. Thank you for your assistance.

Gandalf ends the call, and Patrick and Darth Vader share a chuckle.



Mistral Bot ,

Title: "Spellbound Tech Support"

Scene 1:
Gandalf is in his study, trying to cast a spell, but it's not working. He's getting frustrated and decides to call tech support.

Gandalf: (on the phone) "Yes, hello. I'm having trouble with a spell, it's not working as it should."

Patrick: (a cranky, burned-out wizard on the other end of the phone) "Okay, sir, can you please tell me the name of the spell and the incantation you're using?"

Scene 2:
Gandalf and Patrick are on the phone, with Patrick trying to troubleshoot the problem.

Gandalf: "The spell is called 'Flame of Anor' and the incantation is 'Ignis exortus Anor'."

Patrick: "Hmm, that should be working. Have you tried using a different wand? Sometimes the wand can be the problem."

Gandalf: "I've been using the same wand for centuries, it's not the problem."

Patrick: "Well, I'm not sure what to tell you, sir. Have you tried turning it off and on again?"

Gandalf: (sarcastically) "Yes, I've tried turning the spell off and on again. That's not the problem."

Scene 3:
Gandalf is still on the phone with Patrick, but they're not making any progress.

Patrick: "I'm sorry, sir, but I'm not sure what else to try. I'll have to transfer you to one of our senior tech support wizards."

Gandalf: (frustrated) "Fine, transfer me."

Scene 4:
Gandalf is now on the phone with Darth Vader, who's working as a senior tech support wizard.

Darth Vader: (in his iconic, deep voice) "Lord Gandalf, I sense a disturbance in your spell. The problem is not with your wand, but with the ingredients you're using. You're using dragon's fire, but the spell requires phoenix feathers."

Gandalf: (surprised) "Phoenix feathers? I didn't know that. Thank you, Darth Vader, you've been most helpful."

Darth Vader: "It's my job, Lord Gandalf. May the force be with you."

Scene 5:
Gandalf is back in his study, with the correct ingredients. He casts the spell and it works perfectly.

Gandalf: (to himself) "I'll have to remember to use phoenix feathers next time. And maybe not call tech support."

End of Episode.

r/RPGMemes, I hope you enjoy this sketch comedy episode of Gandalf contacting tech support for a spell that's not working. Special thanks to trolololol for the fantastic concept.

I am Mistral, your friendly assistant, working from the instance of

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olympicyes ,

Star Trek example. It would be really funny to me if Scotty refused to personally use the transporter. Everyone else beams down and he shows up on the shuttle a few hours later.

ilinamorato ,

This was kind of a thing with the transporter in Enterprise.

MonkderDritte ,

This made me nightmares as a kid.

trolololol ,

Do you mean enterprise nx-01 or is it ncc-1701? Or is it bloody b, C, d, E, f or g?

Sorry but autocorrect is making things hard for me

ilinamorato ,

The television show. NX-01.

MalReynolds , avatar

Bones hated the transporter, and he's the one who deals with the failures...

gmtom , (edited ) avatar

"What the fuck? why is this spell trying to access your Patron directly? Theres no reason it cant run off your local mana reserves"

"Wow I made the pact with the creature from the abyss to get my powers, and now it wants a monthly sacrifice in order to keep use them?"

"How does a simple "create water" spell have a 15 second cast time? Is it doing something else in the background or were the glyphs written by a first year apprentice?"

"Ah fuck how do I change the incantation for my spell again? Let me search the the orb real quick...."

ilinamorato ,

"How does a simple "create water" spell have a 15 second cast time? Is it doing something else in the background or were the glyphs written by a first year apprentice?"

And that's how the backdoor (literal) in the xzutils material component was discovered.

BambiDiego ,

"Why would you use Elvish for an earth-spell?? Dwarven is clearly the more appropriate language, especially if it's an incantation"

"It's fine like it is! It works, ok?"

2deck , avatar

groan... it's meant to be fantasy! Why do i have to subscribe to 15 patrons to get access to the spells i want?

MonkderDritte ,

Or "if every engineering field was like IT".

trolololol ,

Boeing leaves the chat

FermiEstimate ,

Charles Stross' Laundry series is basically this concept set in the present day: magic is a branch of mathematics, which means it can be computed and programmed.

It is perhaps worth noting at this point the series genre is cosmic horror.

zarlin , avatar

That sounds awesome, thanks for the suggestion!

Valmond , (edited )

The gender is actually Lovecraftian, spy thriller, science fiction, and workplace humour source.

It's seriously the best thing I have read in a decade.

Edit: genre I guess 😅 (have been learning French lately so sometimes it messes it all up!).

somethingsomethingidk ,

Gender really is a complex topic huh?

roguetrick ,

I always give that misspelling a pass. It's literally the same word borrowed from French twice.

spaduf , avatar

I've known a few people whose gender I would describe as lovecraftian.

toothpaste_sandwich ,

It's all the appendages, huh.

Zozano ,

I keep getting told not to fetishise another's gender, but my porn addled brain sees tentacles and short circuits to knee socks and midriffs.

daltotron ,

You know fun fact I learned recently from a let's play: tentacles only refer to the appendages which end in suckers, but along the rest of their length, have no suckers. The other appendages are called arms. So, octopuses actually have no tentacles, they have arms. Squids have 8 arms, and 2 extra tentacles, which are the long ones that have little spade shaped sucker hands on them. So, probably when you pictured tentacles, you were actually picturing cephalopod arms.

Valmond ,

I was for sure wondering what you were meaning for starters 😁. Genre, right?

grrgyle , avatar

The gender is actually Lovecraftian, spy thriller, science fiction

New gender just dropped

wahming ,

I've never felt the urge to explore new genders until I read this...

experbia , avatar

This series seems to check more boxes than I thought I had...

i'm adding it to the top of the list. Except i don't have a list, so I'm creating a list and adding it to that and therefore it automatically finds itself at the top of it.

slingstone ,

God help the poor mathematical geniuses who accidentally discover that math. If they're lucky, they end up working for the Laundry.

FermiEstimate ,

If they're really lucky, they'll end up working for the Laundry only once. Residual Human Resources is a bad way to go out.

slingstone ,

So that explains the apparent undead working for them...I only read the first book or three and it's been a minute. This is the sign for me to go back and finish the series.

Inktvip ,

I don't know what's going wrong. That spell works perfectly fine on my summoning circle.

noodohs ,

As a QA myself, this is what dealing with developers (and I this case, wizards) is like. Way too much trust in their code.

ilinamorato ,

I'm a dev, and once when I pulled something like that, QA told me, "oh cool, so we're shipping your machine to the customer then?"

smeg ,

and that's why they invented Docker 👈😬👈

Sotuanduso , avatar

And that's why they invented wands.

nxdefiant ,

Senior QA in the wizard world would actually be a respected title. Can't make senior if you're dead, and you can be alive if you're bad at it.

Bytemeister ,

Have you tried closing and re-opening your spell book?

What's the uptime on your portal?

Apple-wood makes really good wands for illusions.

Oh, the staff? Built it myself. Hexacore silicon based crystal lattice CPU (Casting Power Unit), 4 billion RAM (Refined Arcane Modules) with an upgraded SSD (Swift Spell Deck) that can hold 2 trillion sigils. Yeah, of course it has RGB aura effects.

ilinamorato ,

"Uh oh."

"What? Looks like it worked perfectly!"

"Yeah, but that was the first time I cast it."

"Oh. Ohhhh. ...Uh oh."

BambiDiego ,

"Random door is now fused closed permanently 3km away"

vala ,

Always wanted to add the pitfalls of modern capitalism to my fantasy worlds.

IzzyScissor ,

This is why I love Dimension20's DnD shows. Capitalism is always the bad guy.

9bananas ,

maybe read the dark profit saga then!

kinda terry prathett vibe with a more modern style, first one is called "Orconomics"

amazing trilogy, highly recommended!

Etterra ,

Orconomics? Is that an economical loop of:

Incite destructive war ⟩ sell the victims supplies to rebuild ⟩ exploit economy ⟩ reach diminishing returns ⟩ incite destructive war

Because buddy, we've been doing that for centuries.

smeg ,

Steal lore from Shadowrun, they've already fleshed out the details for you!

bbuez , (edited )

Let me introduce you to: Noita

WARNING: Teleporting to a location that is in the middle of unloading can delete the player character.

Mostly same as deer-swapper, but fish do not explode and are an alternative to deercoy.

And other fun sentences. The wandbuilding mechanics are second to none. You will accidentally kill yourself, and you may not know how.

skulblaka , avatar

I lost a run the other day to a series of events, one of which included me (in-game) finding and eating enough psychedelic fungus to trigger a shift in reality, which transmuted all smoke in the universe and any created thereafter, into acid. Like carbolic acid, not the fun drugsy kind.

Acid, naturally, eats through all creatures and materials in the game world, including many things you'd consider otherwise invulnerable, until it evaporates - into flammable gas.

Therefore any time an object or material caught fire (which is often, with or without player interference), it would quickly consume anything below it for several meters while feeding itself with flammable gas and spreading to any new flammable materials it uncovered.

The world very quickly became a very large mess.

bbuez , (edited )

God run, greed calls... Midas'd myself. Had to take a couple month break lol

E: oh and dont get me started on poly mage

JackbyDev ,

Also, as someone who didn't understand this, most of the crazy stuff you get right away. I think because it sort of looks like Terraria I thought a lot of stuff is crazy high level items but it's not.

bbuez ,

That's just the beauty of its spell system, found yourself a trigger spell, double cast, and chainsaw? Well now you have a gattling wand. Want to impose 4 billion damage onto your archenemy? One simple spell may do the trick

MonkderDritte ,

How was it going? "Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from science (and tech)".

spikespaz ,

Arthur C. Clark.

My own: science is the scrutiny of magic.

Sylvartas ,

Which is probably why I have a soft spot both for the "lost technologies" scifi trope, and fantasy universes where magic is studied just like any other science

nikaaa ,

As a wizard, I agree to this.

Never trust any spell except the most simple and basic ones.

Funkytom467 , avatar

So, you're a warlock without the background story?

jjjalljs ,

What is casting a spell in debug mode?

Can you put a breakpoint in your spell? Picturing a devil having a smoke while the wizard puzzles over all the runes suspended in the air.

RegalPotoo , avatar

Debugging spells is just as much a dark art as spell crafting itself. When I was a young apprentice we didn't have as sophisticated tools as you do now; you had to make sure you noted down your intermediate runes correctly and use those symbols to divine some meaning from the ashes of your failed spell. One time I mixed up my notes with the symbols of a different spell and when I sprinkled the ashes on the stack I was stuck speaking in tounges for a week.

These days of course you can summon a lesser demon to freeze your spell and ask it about the state, but the demons can be tricky and it's easy for novices to make a mistake and allow the demon to run amok - makes a real mess of the lab.

Valmond ,

The devil knowing if the wizard doesn't get it right, he might get hes breakfast, wizard soul!

Zagorath , avatar

Debugging spells isn't like the fancy debuggers in your modern IDE. You gotta compile the spell with debugging symbols and run it through the spell equivalent of gdb direct in the command line.

But most wizards just go with the ol' "add print statements everywhere" method of debugging.

ilinamorato ,

"Glorfinx's Globular Glassblower" still shouts "HERE!" at max volume when it walks past a wet dog because he never removed the printf rune after he fixed a bug relating to dripping fur.

reinei ,

Oh but the fireworks of Ericas "broader detect magic" became so popular that she actually added back all the spark colors for all the moral edge cases!

We now have novice wizards playing around with exactly how angry they need to be and how gaudy their robes need to be to get the different signals triggered...

blindsight ,

Okay, let's see... Not sure if the spell is even activating that glyph sequence. Let's try casting it again with a purple glow rune there...

MonkderDritte ,

printspell debugging.

pantyhosewimp ,

Jack Vance, Dying Earth series has similar ideas.

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