
@[email protected]

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Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising ( www.techradar.com )

Windows 11 is getting out of hand with its push for advertisments, frankly - remember the recent full-screen pop-up to persuade users to install Edge or other Microsoft services? Then another advertisment was placed in the Start menu, and now Microsoft has finally worn my temper thin - with a new Game Pass ad coming to the...

JackbyDev ,

I see ads pretty much everyday in Windows. They're not as attention grabbing as traditional ads and I think this is part of why some people don't see them.

JackbyDev ,

And then my team squashes those commits 😩

JackbyDev ,

Any standard that wastes valuable space in the first line of the commit is a hard sell. I don't see the point in including fix/feat/feat! just for the sake of "easy" semantic versioning because generally you know if the next release is going to be major or minor and patches are generally only only after specific bugs. Scanning the commits like this also puts way too much trust in people writing good commit messages which nobody ever seems to do.

Also, I fucking hate standards that use generic names like this. It's like they're declaring themselves the correct choice. Like "git flow".

JackbyDev ,

Yesssss, so true. Anytime people say they want history to be "clean" I insist they explain what they mean because more often than not they're going to suggest something that makes the history way less useful.

JackbyDev ,

1 hundred times!

JackbyDev ,

I know. Just the "full-stack meta frameworks" part alone makes any ADHD person feel nausea.

??? Please don't make weird blanket statements like this.

JackbyDev ,

while nearly no one is complaining about MS using github to train their copilot LLM,

Lots of people complained about that. I've only seen this single thread complaining about this.

JackbyDev ,

Don't forget that "open source" has a different definition than "source available".

JackbyDev ,

Please don't muddy the water with terms like this. Something is open source if and only if it has an open source license.

JackbyDev ,

Open source doesn't mean source available. You simply aren't using the term correctly.

JackbyDev ,

If someone infringes on a copyright that doesn't mean the work isn't copyrighted. You can't just say things that are source available are open source. Even if someone is infringing on the rights holders they're still only source available.

JackbyDev ,

You're being obtuse. I get the point you're trying to make -- you've been heard. I'm just saying those aren't the terms you should be using to make it. Open source has a very distinct definition and it has to do with the licenses covering the code. It has nothing to do with whether different countries have differing laws. Code cannot be open source in one country and not open source in another because the definition has nothing to do with countries. In fact, that would specifically not be open source because it gives rights to some and not others.

JackbyDev ,

Just because it might be legal to violate copyrights in other countries doesn't make the code considered open source though lol.

JackbyDev ,


JackbyDev ,

I don't think I realized f droid didn't need a rooted phone. Thanks for this comment!

JackbyDev , (edited )

It just tells me to sign in to confirm I'm not a bot

Edit: changing instances fixed this

JackbyDev ,

Oh, does it still skip ads and stuff?

JackbyDev ,

Anachronistic like magic in medieval settings?

Thoughts on the self promotion rules that many Reddit subs have? ( programming.dev )

Isn't this what upvotes and downvotes are for? Do they only want posts about billionaire mega corporations? 10% is a really strict cutoff for people that make things as a hobby. What else am I gonna post when everything else is already posted instantly? I can't post to r/pcgaming for the same reason....

JackbyDev ,

I always thought these rules were not very well thought out. If I want to share something I made that happens to be something like a YouTube video then it's suddenly self promotion and I need to find ~9x as many posts to share. That's a good way to get a bunch of really worthless articles shared that nobody wants to see.

JackbyDev ,

Can you use sftp instead? Pwease? 🥺

JackbyDev ,

Don't forget ear files. Oh, and don't forget the abomination that is the executable war file when you're using Spring Boot but your company hasn't fully embraced it yet.

JackbyDev ,

Think of this like saying using a scythe to mow your lawn is antiquated. If your lawn is tiny then it doesn't really matter. But we're talking about massive "enterprise scale" lawns lol. You're gonna want something you can drive.

JackbyDev ,

This is similar to me. My mom was even grumpy with me but I was like how was I supposed to know. It's gotten worse now and I actually need them to see small text on screens but I can still function without them. I wear them so my vision doesn't get worse from straining though.

Men are from Mars...

Disclaimer: This meme may include negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then, and are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, I want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it, and spark a conversation to create a more inclusive future together.

JackbyDev ,

As soon as you described the book I could only picture Phil and Lil's mom from Rugrats lol.

Dev of cancelled Life By You game shares some information, including just two weeks notice of cancellation after being given the thumbs-up a few weeks prior ( www.linkedin.com )

I cannot share specific numbers, but I can say that we had an internal metric we were aiming for that had been approved, and that we exceeded that number by a significant portion. We also got a thumbs up a few weeks before launch.

JackbyDev ,

This would destroy me if this happened to me. The publisher thinks lowly enough of the team and product that they won't launch it, but not so lowly that they don't release the IP (perhaps even at a price) to the developers.

JackbyDev ,


JackbyDev ,

I don't know which versions I've used but I've never had a problem with them. The only thing that was confusing is it seemed like it was forcing me to upgrade to a medium combo but they do this in the drive thru too. It may be that they don't have small combos. I wish fast food services would standardize on size terminology. Where's ISO and ANSI when I need them for actually useful things.

JackbyDev ,

I saw a video of someone just trying to pick up in the drive thru after ordering through the app. The location did not have the numbered spots to use. The AI thing wouldn't let them continue lol. It's like McDonald's doesn't even fully understand their own systems in place.

JackbyDev ,

I imagine the amount of people using sponsorblock specifically are much smaller.

JackbyDev ,

Of course, I was only saying few people used sponsor block compared to (any) general ad blocker.

JackbyDev ,

Greenhouses aren't lit, usually. What are you talking about?

JackbyDev ,

Yeah, that's what I was wondering. Was it designed by someone from Michigan or something?

JackbyDev ,

Yeah, if there was some historical reason (even a weak one) I'd be more okay with this. It's so lazy. I'm under no false pretenses that the main point of this isn't to "own the libs" but at least make a reason that makes sense for your state lol. Once your state has something (like a flag, state X, etc.) it is much more difficult to change it.

Like, even saying the double barrel shotgun because it represents the two peninsulas or something would be better lol.

JackbyDev ,

Honestly, after playing some of Paradox's Grand Strategy games I prefer those. It's not a fair comparison since they're so wildly different though. I love Crusader Kings 3. The way you're playing a very specific person as opposed to your empire in an abstract sense is very fascinating to me.

JackbyDev ,

I believe she has many reasons to believe they used her voice and I think it's fair for her to want to open a lawsuit. They literally asked her and she said no. They tweeted "Her" which is pretty clearly referencing her role in the film.

JackbyDev ,

Shout out to Hue Sync not working with DRM content despite the lights changing color for a moment so clearly they can sort of see it. I love DRM and HDCP so much 🥰🥰🥰😍💖

JackbyDev ,

How? By suddenly doubling the size of the mining pool? Nah.

JackbyDev ,

The line about safety regulations being written in blood? Financial regulations are written in bankruptcies.

JackbyDev ,

You know what's hilarious? Disney dollars were more regulated than most cryptocurrencies.

JackbyDev ,

What's that have to do with cryptocurrency?

JackbyDev ,

I agree that generalising generations can be stupid

Then practice what you preach and edit your comment to not bash on an entire generation?

JackbyDev ,

I swear, the Internet can be stupid-- and this is one of those times.

Very much a "I hate drama, but it follows me everywhere!" moment for you.

JackbyDev ,

Genuinely starting to feel ableist. Fuck off.

JackbyDev ,

Honestly, my "all" view is fine. There were a few bots I blocked months ago that just auto reposted everything from Reddit which led to a lot of spam but other than that it's been fine! Then again I did this back on Reddit too.

JackbyDev ,

Freeze peaches? Was that a voice to text typo of free speech or is it some meme I'm unaware of lmao.

Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads ( www.techradar.com )

Netflix has managed to annoy a good number of its users with an announcement about an upcoming update to its Windows 11 (and Windows 10) app: support for adverts and live events will be added, but the ability to download content is being taken away....

JackbyDev ,

They cover over 99% of my city with fiber and I can walk to city hall from my house. Still doesn't cover my street.

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