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BugleFingers ,

CNC machining. It's manufacturing; I work with titanium, inconel, and on occasion steel.

BugleFingers ,

I recently started playing Noita. Can confirm, much time is needed for such a simple yet intensely complex game. Incredibility fun, enormously infuriating, also all your own fault. Perfect 5/7 would recommend

BugleFingers ,

It is a little confusing and I agree that they don't always work the way I expect. I will say that going for a single type will ultimately hold you back if you just aren't getting the proper spells. Best to just generate something that works to some degree.

Cast delay and recharge rate are the two most important stats outside of "shuffle" in which you always want "no". Cast delay is the time between spells and after all of them are cast, recharge rate is the time before casting the new full spell list.

The order in which you place spells is important and I still have to mess around with them a bit since I don't understand it as well as I thought I did. But there are casting "blocks" which is like a set of commands. This is why you want shuffle "no" because then it will always cast left to right. Casting a trispell will cast whatever spells are in the next 3 slots (at the same time) including another trispell, which will then add the next three blocks (as an example). Then you have to do some math to see what all the cast delay and recharge rate total numbers are. That's how you see what your wand will ultimately do. If you can get cast delay to 0 or lower it will chaingun but pause almost like a shotgun if the recharge rate is higher than the cast delay. The wand will always be held back by the larger of the two (cast delay or recharge rate).

IDK if this clarified or helped at all but if you have more questions I might be able to answer or provide resources for you.

BugleFingers ,

Modifiers (generally) cost mana too, so you have to add that mana cost to each cast of the wand. If you have a 5 mana cost spell and a 30 mana modifier, you end up with 35 mana per cast. If your wand has a total capacity of 100 mana and a recharge rate of 100MPS, you'll get 2 casts with the modifier (70 total mana) and one cast without until you regen to a capacity total of 35 mana (or greater) to cast with the modifier again. If you have a dual or tri cast spell and put the modifier before that, it will apply the modifier to the whole cast block adding the modifier mana requirement to each spell in that block. If at any point that exceeds your capacity, it won't add the modifier at all.

Right, so if you have 3 spells on a shuffle wand, and 1 modifier in front of one, than the modifier will only affect the cast "block" of that one spell. Since it is a shuffle wand it can choose to cast any of those three which gives you a 30% chance of casting a modified spell. This is why non-shuffle is so important. You can always tell if its a shuffle or non-shuffle wand by whether it has a gemstone on the wand. If it does have one, it will be NON-shuffle, if it does NOT have a gem, it will be shuffle.

A non-shuffle gives you consistency and the ability to make those spell "blocks"

That's part of what makes the game tough is how you only get to tinker with the wands in those mid-way points, unless you get a perk that says otherwise. But a pro-tip, your second wand, the bomb wand, you can switch your main wand's spell to that and it will usually work in a pinch to give you a rapid fire shot with low mana regent. Not optimal, bit functional when no other options exist.

The pentagon one, IIRC, if used with a single spell will just shoot around you in 5 directions. But if you have a trigger spell you place it like so [Trigger spell] [Pentagon] [damage spell]. I believe pentagon has a pretty high mana consumption so that may have prevented you from having the total capacity needed to successfully cast it. Therefore you would have just casted an unmodified spell.

LMK if you need more info!

BugleFingers ,

You know, I'm not actually entirely sure if it sees the modifier as a valid selection, but yes, it will kill a modifier and cast a non-modified spell if it does not have the capacity. The only time it will not fire at all is when 1) the base spell has a greater cost than total capacity. Or 2) you are out of casts for spells that have a cast limit (donated by a number within the spell's block).

A shuffle wand will always cast all spells available in the selection before hitting the recharge, I can say that for sure. So if you have 5 spells each at 20% chance, then you cast one, you have a 25% for each of the remaining four, then 33%, then 50% then you will 100% cast the spell you haven't cast yet before the wand goes through recharge and all spells become available again.

When talking about dual casts and tri-casts I'm not entirely sure how it resolves what to cast when mana capacity is an issue, but I believe it goes left to right, and checks the validity against your capacity, yes=cast no=not cast which would be why someone would end up casting a couple, but not all of, a block's spells.

Spells and modifiers all can add (or remove) mana, modify cast delay/recharge delay. So do keep an eye on how that all gets changed based on what spells you use. One spell selection could be the difference between chaingun or a slow firing one shot. Some spells have 1 second delays built in (which technically can be overcome)

How do you connect with people and make friends without social media?

I'm struggling to figure out how to make friends without having Instagram or any other social media. I have discord but don't use it much. I see all my acquaintances in discord channels and sharing Instagram posts and stuff. It's already hard for me to make friends, but I feel like not having any of the traditional social media...

BugleFingers ,

Dang. The website said there is no groups or events anywhere at any time within 100 miles of me. What do lmao

BugleFingers ,

Trash pandas are friends. Got it

BugleFingers ,

Cream of wheat made with whole milk and a dab of salted butter.

Not very sweet but very rich, warm, and filling

BugleFingers ,

And in both real world and that world, you have arch users/wizards

BugleFingers ,

I dream often, usually I am able to remember them if I want to but never really bother unless it sticks out as a great story. It tends to happen when I'm about to wake up and while I'm in that mid sleep twilight zone. (Think of trying to back to sleep after an alarm, that kinda sleep)

I would also like to mention that my sleep in incredibly messed up. I have a sleep condition that causes me to wake multiple times an hour so my rest is awful and I'm eternally exhausted.

BugleFingers ,

Evaluate how much something matters based on 1 day, 1 month, 1 year.

I.E. How upset should you be over [Thing]? Will it matter in one day? One month? One year? That helps perspective a bunch. You can use any variation of time really, the point is perspective

BugleFingers ,

I'd probably buy hummus, buy a bunch of new stuff I've never tried, maybe buy some red meat a bit more often than once a month or so.

I also usually don't buy orange juice for cost reasons so probably that too.

BugleFingers ,

You know, I never actually considered making it myself, I figured I'd need some device or masher etc. To make it, but I'll look into it!

BugleFingers ,

I live in a pretty HCOL area and buy food pretty conservatively. I can look into the BOGO tubs of it though! Mostly I feel its a snack type food and that's where I pinch on foods. The snack, desserts etc.

If I could find it cheap I could probably look into what meals I could have with hummus

Hey i just wanna know are raccoons evil in some kind of way ?

A lot of things i thought were cute and nice like dolphines, ducks, cats (i saw one cat eat anothers new born), dogs (multiple cases of eating dead owners due to a variety of reasons starting from trying to wake em up to other malicious reasons), hamsters etc turned out to be wrong . Raccoons are the only thing i believe in...

BugleFingers ,

Nature is way way more vicious than most people think or believe. Rape, infanticide, necrophilia, cannibalism, etc. Are not entirely uncommon out in nature. It's a vicious race for survival and procreation and anything goes. Raccoons are the same.

BugleFingers ,

First language was Spanish, English is my daily language, self taught enough French to get by on a trip about a decade ago.

In all reality I could probably only sus out enough in Spanish or French to barely get by if really had to. I do still have all my training material and would like to continue learning. But low on my priority list

BugleFingers ,

Maybe once a month I'll make a cup or two on the weekend. I enjoy the flavor but the caffeine wrecks me.

Also a Vyvanse user as well

BugleFingers ,

Pfffffft of course I know what C is. It's the third letter of the English alphabet! CC is for needles and CCC is probably boobs or something. And Cs is what allows people go get degrees. (/J)

BugleFingers ,

There was a woman (IIRC a feminist) who posted a rage bait question of "women if you had to choose to be in the woods with a bear or a strange man, what would you choose?" (Paraphrasing)

Then got a bunch of hate mail from men and used that to exclaim that the hate mail was the exact reason women would choose a bear over a man in the woods.

BugleFingers ,

Ah, well I apologize for not recognizing the original source. I was going off memory from where I saw the tweet of the question. I hadn't realized it was from a response video. Though I still feel it was made to get a rise from people

BugleFingers ,

Unsure what that quote is supposed to imply. Either she does associate herself with the movement or she does not. I don't know the person or follow any of their social stuff. So if she does not, in fact, self associate with that group than I misremembered and I'm wrong. If she does than she is.

BugleFingers ,

Sure does, but as far as I'm aware, subscription to the ideology is the only bar to entry. Just because someone uses distasteful methods does not mean they do not subscribe to the ideology. So in this case, I would argue that stating it does make it.

BugleFingers ,

That's a good question for the person who we're talking about. I can't speak on behalf of their reasoning but they seem to feel justified in it, somehow.

BugleFingers ,

That's exactly correct, and they still associate themselves with whatever group. They usually do believe their methods justify the means and that allows them to subscribe to an ideology while doing things an outside perspective might consider against that ideology.

So if subscribing to the ideology is the only bar to entry, feel free to consider her an extremest or the like, but that'd make her a feminist still, no?

BugleFingers ,

Well there's no authority on what makes or does not make a feminist and they seem to believe they hold that ideology and that the ends justify the means.

At this point I feel you are hard set on refusing to accept that they and others may consider them as such. You've every right to not accept it too, though that makes no difference to anyone either way. I've no real interest in pedantics over this as I was originally just trying to provide context for someone.

With that, enjoy your day and let's move on.

What linguistic constructions do you hate that no one else seems to mind?

It bugs me when people say "the thing is is that" (if you listen for it, you'll start hearing it... or maybe that's something that people only do in my area.) ("What the thing is is that..." is fine. But "the thing is is that..." bugs me.)...

BugleFingers ,

"Next weekend" "Next Friday" etc. Wherein they use "Next" to mean "the one after" rather than "the soonest interval in which it will reoccur"

If it is Wednesday and you say "Next Friday" I will immediately think of two days from now, not 9 days. I also especially dislike it because if feels like on a whim that it'll change. for some "next weekend" will be in 5 days if it's Monday, or 10 days if it's Wednesday! What the heck people??

[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

BugleFingers ,

I don't mind vegans, or that lifestyle, at all. What I do mind is people who are overtly (and possibly aggressive) in presenting a lifestyle that the feel is "right". Unfortunately there's a stereo type with vegans being that way.

Veganism is a big lifestyle choice and the difference to vegetarian is the avoidance of near all animal products if and when possible. Not just in regards to eating meat, but things like a leather wallet too.

Someone has to be careful and on top of their diet and dietary needs to be vegan and properly nourished (even omnivorous people are subject to this malnutrition mind you).

I have some personal differences in views to vegans in regards to the consumption of meat, but rather similar views in how it's obtained. I do think generally the mass production and lifestyle is not morally correct for the animals. However I would also say humans are naturally omnivorous and eating meat is something that not only is built into our diet but what gave us a fundamental evolutionary advantages.

Animals eat animals and humans are animals. Though if we are sentient enough and empathetic enough creatures we should at least provide a decent life for the animals and utilize all we can so as not so waste them.

BugleFingers ,

I agree. My mental health takes huge nose dives when I use dating apps. I've had great experience IRL and even use friends and their partners sometimes to curate messages so that I know I'm not fucking up. My longest streak was 16 dates consecutively of being stood up. Each was a different woman, no repeat dates or responses after being stood up. Man does it blow. The rejection just happens so frequently and in rapid succession that I can't stand it.

I also tick a lot of boxes that people present on those apps but for whatever reason my luck is pretty piss. Usually if I actually manage a date we end up at least seeing each other for some time but getting to that point seems nigh impossible through the apps

BugleFingers ,

Outside of my prepubescent years, I spent roughly 4.5 years being "Single". I did have some partners here and there but never rose to a full relationship. I was simply a bit of a wreck after a bad relationship ended and destroyed my trust.

Ultimately, I'm a companion orientated person and a bit of a romantic. Being single isn't the end of the world for me but I miss casual touch and someone to do things with. I make due and am generally happy and haven't really been in the market searching for about 1.5 years now.

The pros of being single: free time, make plans with whomever, low drama, quiet life.

Cons: free time, lack of general intimacy, lack of hobby sharing, and doing things as I am companion oriented

My partnership goal would be to find someone who has some hobby interests that align with mine and likes the quiet life. At this point I won't be having kids and marriage doesn't feel all that important. I don't need a document to agree to be with someone. I'd just want a place out in a rural area where we can enjoy quiet living, gardening, tinkering, and evenings with fires, jokes and the occasional hosting of people to hang out.

BugleFingers ,

Dark mint chocolate, Also black licorice. So so good.

BugleFingers ,

Trying to figure that out now. Waiting on some epiphany

BugleFingers ,

There was also Zheng Yi Sao, a chinese woman who became a pirate who was so unstoppable that she even managed to negotiate her retirement with the Chinese government.

BugleFingers ,

Stan Lee has a video on this specific topic (who would win). The answer is always the same, whoever the writer wants to win. Every time.

So the question is, who do you want to win? And how do you want them to win?

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