therealjcdenton , avatar

Multiply by 2 and add 32 right?

Colour_me_triggered ,

I feel justified wearing shorts at any temperature above freezing. Its 4°C now and I'm sweating in jeans and a t-shirt.

PsychedSy ,

My limit is basically -18C (0F). But I don't spend any time outside in that state. Parking lot to work entrance. I've gone an entire year no long pants.

Boxtifer ,

If all you do is go from house to car to building, then ya, you can get away with that

Colour_me_triggered ,

I mostly wear trousers so the other parents don't think I'm a freak. Also where I live rarely gets that cold, despite being in the literal arctic (coastal climate). Don't have to go far inland for it to get cold af though.

PsychedSy ,

I'm sure the neighbors are worried when I'm in shorts and flippy floppies cleaning snow off of the cars, but meh.

pyrflie ,

Coming from the Northern US the difference between 10C and 30C is a Jacket and a T-shirt. This is just May.

February is -30C to 10C depending on cloud cover, wind, and precipitation.

10C does not rep Aokiji; and 30C for Suzaku is kinda insulting for everyone south of the 30th parallel.

Hugh_Jeggs ,

10C does not rep Aokiji; and 30C for Suzaku is kinda insulting for everyone south of the 30th parallel.

The temperatures are literally the only things that make sense in this statement 😂

pyrflie ,

10C is 50F that's barely jacket weather if it's raining.

30C is ~85F which is a comfortable day to walk around.

Aokiji is an instant freeze -100C or -150 F. -60F is death.

Suzaku is Magma or 150C or 302F. At 120F Arizona holes up like it's winter.

The comparisons are insulting in both directions.

Hugh_Jeggs ,

To save anyone else the bother, I had to Google this to find out what the actual fuck OP is dribbling about

I'm about 95% certain he or she just watches too many Japanese cartoons

pyrflie ,

You missed the point of the meme and my contention.

odium ,

How tf do you expect the meme of Canadians wearing shorts and Australians wearing jackets to work at those temperatures?

lugal ,

Even muricans will see it's thrice as warm /s

BugleFingers ,

Pfffffft of course I know what C is. It's the third letter of the English alphabet! CC is for needles and CCC is probably boobs or something. And Cs is what allows people go get degrees. (/J)

bitwaba ,

CC is also metric, so it's impossible for an American to understand

Drivebyhaiku ,

I mean it's a ten base system it's dead easy ... You still got all your fingers right?

Timecircleline ,

Big assumption about a country without universal health care and a storied love of fireworks.

Drivebyhaiku ,

I didn't assume. I asked :-p

Timecircleline ,


bluewing ,

I use my fingers to count to 12. Dozenal or Death!

MechanicalJester ,

It's how water feels sweetums

Alexstarfire ,

We'd be very pissed if we could read.

nexussapphire ,

Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8 but I still can't comprehend Celsius 🫠

jol ,

Water freezes at zero, so 10C is cold but only kinda cold.

Humn body temperature is 37C so 30C is got but only kinda hot.

Allero ,

+20 to +25 is the perfect temperature
Below is cold, above is hot

At 0, snow and ice form, so +10 is in the middle between your regular room temperature and freezing (i.e. jacket weather)

+30 is the kind of weather when you better be naked or wearing lightest of clothes or you're gonna get baked over time. Not deadly by any means, but highly uncomfortable.

Drivebyhaiku , (edited )

I take it in tens.

-20° to -10° is full parka weather. Your breath freezes on your clothes and moisture in the air dries up.

-10° to 0° is winter coat and scarf weather. Damp cold. Snow and ice but you don't feel like your eyeballs are freezing.

0° to 10° Jacket weather. Early spring temps. Pretty mild in either direction.

10° - 20° Hoodie and t-shirt to taste. Basically the comfortable human range for most.

20°- 30° T-shirt time. Anything above 25 is solidly in swimming weather territory.

30°- 40° Time to seek some shade. Heatstroke and heat exhaustion are variable in this range the low end is a health risk for seniors the high end is a risk for even the hardcore heat lovers in their prime.

Allero ,

Yep, perfectly reasonable

I just applied mine to the temps in the OP :)

guiguinofake ,

10° to 20° is definitely t shirt and shorts territory tho

Drivebyhaiku ,

Depends, I am increasingly a shorts year round Canadian so yes? But I feel like it's also acceptable hoodie and pants weather. Hence "to taste".

drathvedro ,

Humidity is also a thing to account for. I'll take 40° at 10% RH over 28° at 90% any day.

Kolanaki , avatar

Canadians wearing shorts when cold.

Australians wearing jackets when hot.

(I inferred this through context. Ha!)

LemmyKnowsBest ,

Yes me too. I admit the illustrations did help.

Rhynoplaz ,

Are we really bragging about understanding context clues?

doingthestuff ,

When I lived in Minnesota the shorts came out when we warmed up to even 1C. Yeah I'm American but I've lived a couple of years in Europe and I can math so I know what a C is. I still prefer F. But my wife likes D.

Blackmist ,

Been wearing mine into the minus numbers in the UK. Doesn't really get dangerously cold here, except for freak weather events.

abaddon ,

x*1.8+32 = how you convert to °Freedom. We know how, we just don't acknowledge your °Communist temperature measurement.

ZombiFrancis ,

slaps hood Times two plus thirty gets you there when you see the C.

twinnie ,

I live in Morocco and I’ve seen people wearing thick winter jackets in 45c, and then they’ll complain about it being too hot.

MamboGator , avatar

You have to suffer for fashion. It's called "drip" because of all the sweat.

rustydomino , avatar
Colour_me_triggered ,

I've been to Morocco. It was absolute torture. There was a tiny little gap in my clothing that I forgot to put sunscreen on and my flesh got actually cooked. The people were pretty chill though.

Hootz ,

American: "But thoese are both cold"

21Cabbage ,

And for that matter both of those things happen in this same country. Should've seen the looks I'd get from southerners when I was operating a ski lift in a T-shirt.

Edit: celebrating the first snow by jumping in a lake has also gotten colorful reactions from outsiders.

AEsheron ,

It's not long pants season until it hits 0C for some folks in New England. Ain't nobody wearing a jacket up to 30C though. The humidity kills up here, that would just be murder. It can get up to 40C, but we're generally all miserable then.

And yeah, I had to convert the temps online to make sure I knew what I was talking about. Well, minus 0C, I know that one.

21Cabbage ,

I'm in a ski town in Colorado so you get the full mix here, but yeah by March it's t-shirt weather for the locals, tourists still show up dressed for an arctic expedition but whatever. Hell, isn't even the funniest thing that comes up, the resort does a costume week every spring so I did formal day in a dress shirt and tie on a fixie, which is a pretty physically intensive job. Favorite remark was a regular in the back of the line yelling "[name expunged] are you fucking bumping chairs in a tie?"

shalafi ,

Fahrenheit makes more sense for gauging human comfort. Most people can sense the difference in 1°F. Celsius crams half the degrees between boiling and freezing into one scale.

A difference of 10°F is notable, 10°C is quite notable. 60's is cool, 80's is hot. Now do a 20° difference in C. 16 to 26 doesn't sound like a big difference.

Celsius works better for almost every other useful measurement. Go Kelvin if you must.

Inconcinnity ,

It only makes sense to you because you're accustomed to it, not because it's innately better at "gauging human comfort". All of us who grew up using metric know how to gauge comfort with Celsius. None of us bother with decimal fractions of a degree because there isn't a big enough difference between degrees to do so, so your argument about granularity falls apart pretty quick there. You lot don't have trouble with miles despite kilometres being more granular do you?

superweeniehutjrs ,

Montreal Hotels had .5°C indications. I'll stick to °F for human comfort. km/h is the same problem in a way, I need three digits to represent reasonable highway speeds.

IrateAnteater ,

If the number 100 takes you appreciably longer to process than 60, you probably aren't qualified to be driving anyway.

Inconcinnity ,

It's like talking to an American who keeps asserting they don't have an accent. If they don't get it immediately, they're probably not going to.

tiredofsametab ,

Hard disagree. Grew up in the US and moved to metric land. If we really need to, we can use .x (i.e. 10ths of a degree). However, not even my heat/aircon has half degrees. People seem to have no issue with it in 98.6 degrees (body temperature i.e. 37c) having decimals.

LwL ,

This is literally just you being used to one system but not the other. 16 to 26 sounds like a massive difference to me because it is. And decimals exist.

RightHandOfIkaros ,

I mean, Americans know 0C is the freezing temperature of water and 100C is the boiling temperature of water, so even with that most basic information taught in like, First Grade Science, people can understand the meme.

People wearing shorts in the cold vs people wearing jackets in the heat.

dohpaz42 , avatar

You overestimate the public education system in my state; especially when I was in grade school.

(I thought it was 100°F boiling and 0°F was freezing)

BakerBagel ,

Maybe you're just dumb. That's always a possibility

dohpaz42 , avatar

That’s what I was implying.

Aradina ,

That'd make sense! But instead, Fahrenheit is based around the body temperature of a pig.

dohpaz42 , avatar

I’m curious where you heard that? Obviously a statement like that made me want to know more, but I’m not finding any information about it.

Hootz ,

Bro.... Brooooooo.... I'm jealous of your faith in the american education system.

RightHandOfIkaros ,

I learned it in First Grade and nearly everyone I have talked to did as well, and I am in California which is rated as the best state for public education, which puts me technically near the bottom. So unless someone happens to come from a state that is lower than California (10 states in descending order where last is worst: TN, FL, NC, OK, SC, AL, NM, NV, LA, or AZ), then chances are very tiny that they were not taught that basic fact in grade school, which was then repeatedly used in every science class afterwards.

American Public Education Rankings by State

some_guy ,

I know what it is. I just don’t know how the numbers translate.

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