@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar


@[email protected]

Web Developer by day, and aspiring Swift developer at night.

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dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Dude’s smoking so much weed that they mistakenly picked up and drank BBQ sauce and not Dr Pepper. 💨👁️👁️💨

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Or aim for the feet and include the genitals too.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

I climb hand over hand closing my eyes

Too scared to look down I climb hand over hand

Putting distance between I and I and the ground

I get to the top I stand on the edge

I look to the sky and say all my prayers

What could be better than a swan dive into the asphalt?

I don't know

Nothing can be better than a swan dive into the asphalt

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

At this point, I’m surprised anybody (including myself) still buys/uses Google services, given how risky it is that you’ll become dependent on them and then they kill off the product(s). I really need to get off my ass and switch mail providers.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Not that I’m suggesting that I’m smart, but I really felt this comment to my core. I feel like people that know me may look at me like I’m a “Dwight Friend”, and I’ve long realized this (though never have I articulated it quite as well as you). It’s a real confidence killer when you realize this is how you’re viewed. But yes, if someone called needing help, I would be there in a heartbeat.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Congratulations! You have officially entered the mentality of Middle-Age™. Here’s your complimentary fanny pack and Ben-Gay cream for those inexplicable injuries.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

One thing I’ve found that helps “motivate” me to do an undesired task is to find another, more undesirable, task that needs to be done and convincing myself it needs to be done immediately. Then I avoid the new task, and do the original task instead.

60% of the time it works 100% of the time.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve been there too. I have three therapists: one that prescribes my antidepressants, one that prescribes my adhd meds, and the one I talk to about all my problems.

For both my meds (cymbalta for depression, and straterra for adhd) I am being overprescribed the recommended doses because my body/metabolism sucks like that.

Good luck to you! Once you get it dialed in, it’s nice. Not perfect, but better than raw-dogging it.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, I suffer from that too. It can be as small as using the bathroom or getting another drink, to putting my woodworking hobby on indefinite hold.

If I complete one task in a day, I feel accomplished.

Don't know why I'm depressed when I've solved the cause

I've been having quite a stressful period of exams recently and at one point I started feeling a mixture of burnt out and depressed. I immediately stopped preparing for the exams, and to ease the thought that I would need to manage 2 more years of this (this is what triggered the depression), I started making plans to switch to...

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Give yourself time. All “injuries” are different, and may take varying amounts of time to heal. It may be that burning out multiple times has made that spot in your psyche a little more sensitive each time. So while you’ve addressed the problem, it may just need more care before you feel better.

Allow yourself the opportunity to sit in these feelings. Don’t try to push them away or distract yourself from them. You have to face them head on and learn from them. If you cover them up with something else, then you’re not really dealing with them. They simply get queued up for the next time, and next time will be worse.

As for the next two years, it feels like a lot, but it’ll be over before you know it. Good luck on your exams, btw! You’ve got this!!

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, which is why you as the employee need to always have a “paper trail”. Make sure everything is written down, either on paper or electronically. After any phone call or in person meeting, make sure you follow up with an email that recaps what you discussed. BCC your personal email to make sure you retain a copy of the communications. Do not trust your employers to keep your email intact.

And never, ever, sign anything when you’re fired. Refuse any “exit interviews”; remember that anything you say can and will be held against you. No matter what your employer says, they absolutely cannot withhold your paycheck because you refuse to sign or interview when you lose your job.

It might also be worth looking up your state’s laws on recording conversations. For example, in North Carolina, you only need one person’s consent to record conversations. And since you’re a part of that conversation, your consent is all you need. So if you have to, record your “one-on-one meetings/phone calls”. But absolutely do not reveal that to your employers.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

PHP is old

Same age as Ruby, Java and JavaScript, but younger than Python, C, and C++. 😛

dohpaz42 , (edited )
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

I’m confused. So Macron’s party was democratically voted out by the people? So instead of accepting defeat like any rational person/party would, he decided to call a mulligan and do it all over again? What’s he going to do if they lose a second time?

As an American, I feel like this is somewhat familiar, and would have negative consequences.

Edit: I will admit, I am not as savvy with foreign politics. I jumped the gun, and made an incorrect assumption based on my emotions. For that, I apologize. I do want to thank k those who took the time to explain it to me; I have learned something today, and it’s appreciated.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Remember kids, God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and created EVERYTHING; including evil and suffering.

This means that God created evil, knowing full well what that meant for us humans. He knew Adam was going to eat the apple, and lie to him about it, but still got angry that he was lied to; so angry that he damned the rest of humanity as punishment.

So if God created evil, and knew what that would do for all of humanity, and it was a part of his great plan to do so, then God must also be evil.

You can’t have it both ways. He can’t be good and not evil if he created evil. He also lets it happen. He can’t be good and not evil if he knows every mistake we will make, and knowing the impact of our mistakes (i.e., the other people it affects). This makes God culpable for our sins, yet he is not held accountable for his inaction.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t forget how he raped a child to impregnate her, thus also committing adultery and breaking one of his own commandments at the same time, just so he could send his “only begotten son” to die, just to effectively give up and never return.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

…it’s not valid to conclude from the fact that God created evil that He must therefore be evil, because He created good as well. At best you could say He is neutral.

I hate splitting hairs, but in this case I do feel it’s an important distinction to point out that I said he must “also be evil”; in the sense of being in addition to good, he is also evil. So he is both things, and not just one or the other.

In my personal experiences with Cristians, I have often heard how “God is good” because of all the good things (more often in reference to things other people have done to solve a problem; e.g., doctors, nurses, and firefighters), and that anything considered bad or evil is the work of Satan. At the same time, Christians that I have known are all too happy to acknowledge that God created everything, yet thy conveniently fail to acknowledge that evil is one of those things having been created too.

And for what it’s worth: while my focus here in this conversation has been on the negatives I see in life, that does not mean I do not acknowledge and rejoice in the positives when they present themselves. Mind you, I do suffer from depression and suicidal ideation, so I will acknowledge that it can be difficult from time to time to remember the positives when I feel like I’m drowning in the negatives.

Do with that as you will. I do thank you for the opportunity for discussion. 😊

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

I once worked in a questionable industry, where there was no such thing as NSFW (nor NSFL). My coworkers and I would have competitions to see who could freak each other out the most; this was back in the goatsie, 2g1c, and bme pain olympics days. 🤮

It’s not my thing, but at the same time it doesn’t affect me much anymore. Though, as all things evolve over time, things probably have only gotten worse.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Wear gloves, eye protection, and an appropriate mask if you’re going to do any sanding. Carbon fiber is a great material, but if you breathe in the particulates from sanding, it could cause lung damage. I would imagine there is similar risk if it gets in your eyes (hence eye protection). The gloves suggestion was there because you feel concerned about skin contact.

The standard, “print only in well ventilated areas” always applied, because heat + polymers = noxious gases.

Here’s some good info that may give you what you’re looking good for:


dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

I mean the earth has already survived having the first moon crash into it, as well as a giant meteor that caused an ice age. We have t quite gotten to that level, yet.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

I agree with [email protected] that when dealing with people, you acknowledge the delay with a simple apology, and move on to addressing their issue. People can easily smell bullshit, and in that, they would lose respect for you for trying to “outsmart” them. So keep it super simple, and honest.

As for putting off tasks, I keep a note on my phone that lists everything I need to do. It’ll never be an empty list. It’ll grow and shrink over time. While I call it “Due Today”, I don’t actually put any priority on things, but they are things I should be able to do during a day.

It helps me get things out of my head, and takes the pressure off by acknowledging that there are things that need to be done, and won’t be forgotten. And when I do start ticking items off, it feels really good (yay dopamine).

If something is truly important, I add it either to my calendar (if it’s at a much later date) or my reminders (flagged high priority). Or, I force myself to do it immediately (if it’s not too overwhelming).

It’s not perfect, and neither am I. As long as I keep busy doing stuff, I feel fine. But like you, I do get guilt/anxiety when I stop to take a break or do nothing for more than a minute or two. This is where breathing exercises come in.

Nothing fancy. As the song goes, “breathe in, breathe out…” Long, slow breaths in; hold for a few seconds; long, even slower breathes out; pause and be mindful on how i and my body feels in that moment; rinse and repeat a few times. If you’re tense, relax those muscles for a moment.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Not from; about. The answer seems perfectly legit: it describes The Onion as satirical news, and even quotes part of the question as something The Onion calls itself. Not too far fetched.

Where’s the fault? Ooooh yeah, I forgot. We’re trashing Google. Carry on then.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Fair point. But, when the article image makes it look like trash-talk, I’m not compelled to read the article. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe it’s the client? The direct link worked fine on Mlem.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

I lack the creativity, but someone please come up with a recursive acronym for Stallman.

Do you ever go back and reread your own posts and find yourself wondering how the hell you managed to say the words that you said? ( kbin.social )

Like sometimes I'll make a post and I go back and I reread it and I'm like somebody way smarter than me wrote this, and sometimes I'll go back and reread it and wonder how the fuck was I so stupid as to write this?...

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Yes. Mostly about the “I can’t believe I wrote that”. What you’re doing is self-reflection, and that’s a good thing. It’s good that you can recognize things you’ve said before that you’ve learned from. I don’t feel like enough people do this.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

My best guess is that they are asking that out of all of the zombie lore that’s out there – live action tv, cartoons, movies, comic books, etc – which does the community think is the best of the best.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

There really is nothing anybody in power can do. He’s a Supreme Court justice. Appointment for life. The only ways for him to vacate his position is to die or to be impeached. This means that not only would the House have to impeach him, but more importantly, the Senate would have to convict and remove him; by a two-thirds majority, no less.

With the current spread in both the house and senate, you’d be better off becoming an expat.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

There’s the rub: the republicans stacked the courts, which is how we got to where we are now. They did it even when the democrats had majority rule. The dems, on the other hand, are pretty much too scatterbrained to organize on the level necessary to pull that shit off. I’m really surprised (and impressed) that they got 278 democrats to pass that discharge petition. That was monumental, especially for the democrats.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Not only did he get an unpopular truck, but he still uses Reddit. This guy is 0-2. What’s next?

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

No! Bad DarkThoughts!

You call a tow truck and have the vehicle towed at the owner’s expense.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Clearly he was just trying to pay the cheese tax.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

It would be funny, if it weren’t painfully true. DuckDuckGo sucks just as bad as Google. I hear there is a good search engine, but it costs money to use. Shocking. Maybe they are all the same company, making shitty free services to try to steer you to paying for better services.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

I just got through grad school and had a similar experience with my capstone project. I had all semester to work on it, but didn’t get started until a week before it was due. I had to take the last day off of work just to binge write my paper.

So glad that’s over with … 😅

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

If you live in the US, and have medically-diagnosed ADHD, you can write your HR to let them know you have a disability under the ADA and that you would like accommodations. You must have it in writing (ie email), otherwise there’s no proof. Once you do this, you become protected in the vent your ADHD is negatively affecting your work.

Of course YMMV, and employers might still try to oust you if they think you’re not capable. But having a paper trail will certainly help.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

DuckDuckGo has a similar service. It’s definitely nice.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Altavista was my go to.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Since the article was published a little after 1pm EDT, I would assume tonight refers to EDT… so in a few hours of the time of my comment?

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Can someone help me understand how this would be considered efficient if the closer to the speed of light that you get, the slower time moves for those at that speed? Wouldn’t that mean a loss of time for the travelers because everyone else would be moving along the timeline faster than them?

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

Let’s see… holes in pants, versus looking like you peed yourself? Hmm. Tough call, but I’m going to go with YES very different.

dohpaz42 ,
@dohpaz42@lemmy.world avatar

You don’t pay for the badge directly. You do pay for your BSA membership, and you may have materials you need to purchase – some materials you can get for free from some retailers.

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