TheReturnOfPEB , to Technology in A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch

step one of enshittification has begun.

Isthisreddit , to Technology in A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch

Meta is just going to scrub all the Cara content into their AI system anyway. They have no fear because there are no real consequences

Stopthatgirl7 OP , avatar

If they do, it’s going to be a bad time for them, since Cara has Glaze integration and encourages everyone to use it.

NotMyOldRedditName ,

Isn't this just going to be a battle of AIs?

Train the AI on what glaze does and it'll eventually be able to deglaze. So glaze gets better and stops it for a bit and then the deglazer gets better and wins again. Repeat forever.

ZombieMantis , to Technology in A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch avatar

Well, it's certainly better than Instagram... Who knows, maybe Cara could federate with ActivityPub in the future... Not that I'll keep my hopes up for that.

nutsack ,

there are several platforms better than Instagram but none of them have the reach of instagram

archchan , to Technology in A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch avatar

I hate that Pixelfed isn't good enough to capture these users and I say this as someone who uses it over Instagram.

From the what I've seen (and I have been watching fairly closely), I think Pixelfed and the stretched-too-thin-can't-prioritize-and-somewhat-monarchial dev himself might just need more time to cook. I still have hope in him and his projects but I won't be holding my breath again. If good shit happens, it happens. And I do hope it happens because it should've been Pixelfed in this article like Mastodon was with Twitter or Lemmy with Reddit. Not whatever this new corp that came out of nowhere is.

englislanguage ,

I think we should not expect a volunteer (or small group of volunteers) to keep up with a billion dollar company

mox , to Technology in Watch: Adobe angers artists with new Photoshop terms

Now might be a good time to start getting familiar with Krita and/or GIMP. They will have different workflows and might not fit well in every situation, but reducing reliance on user-hostile corporate terms and closed, poorly-defined file formats is likely to be worthwhile in the long run.

tigerjerusalem ,

Yeah, say that to professionals whose workflow rely on the thight integration and features of Adobe's software. I'm sure migration to a piece of crap software with a S&M name that can't even do CMYK will work great.

Affinity is a good alternative still, at least until Canvas implement the subscription model (which I still believe they will do).

umbrella , (edited ) avatar

the man is being downvoted but is right. at least suggest affinity or krita.

anyone who ever did image editing professionally knows how bad gimp's workflow is.

mox ,

the man is being downvoted but is right.

No, they are being snidely combative, both in tone and by disingenuously suggesting that their cherry-picked class of users somehow invalidates the fact that these other tools work very well for many people.

That is not being right. That is being a self-absorbed jerk.

at least suggest affinity or krita.

I did.

tigerjerusalem ,

Yes, I am being a jerk because GIMP gets routinely thrown around as a Photoshop alternative,which is not. You say I cherry picked a user base, but who are the people that actually pays to use Adobe Cloud? I assure you that they are mostly professionals, because the subscription is expensive.

Now, the "many people" don't need Photoshop. In fact, there's no reason they should even install it. But people say "Photoshop" and hear "GIMP" as alternative, and this should stop because the app is objectively bad. There's Krita, there's Photopea, there's Darkroom, there's myPaint, there's even Inkscape. Anything is light years ahead that thing, yet it's recommended again and again like a sad joke made to inflict pain on its users.

GIMP is not a good tool. Stop using, stop recommending it.

PenisWenisGenius ,

I only use Gimp for my image editing and I can literally do everything I ever attempt. I do stuff game modding and 3d model textures sometimes. Wtf else do people want in gimp, an automatic dick sucking machine?

Scotty_Trees , avatar

"Wtf else do people want in gimp, an automatic dick sucking machine?"

I mean, now that you mention it, I would very much yes. YES.

brsrklf , to Technology in Watch: Adobe angers artists with new Photoshop terms

Officially they say it's to comply with law and that they're not using that data to train AI.

That kind of panic is bound to happen when people start wondering what cloud services can do with their stuff.

The answer is simple : in theory, everything. Abuse will happen. Say no to SaaS as much as you can.

IHeartBadCode ,

Say no to SaaS as much as you can

I love GIMP and I will die on that hill (yes, fully aware of the things it lacks, thank you). But for those who use Adobe products, from what I can tell, the answer is that they have no choice in the matter. Adobe is just that ubiquitous in that industry that you either use it or you don't work in that profession.

With Adobe dipping into AI stuff, I have an underlying fear they're going to become as ubiquitous in that domain as well, that people trying to compete with them just won't be able to. And then we will have the same problem in AI with Adobe as we have with Digital Image Editors and Adobe.

ricdeh , avatar

I love GIMP and I will die on that hill

Thank you for saying that out loud. I always find the GIMP hate to be phenomenally ridiculous. I love GIMP too.

olympicyes ,

The biggest problem GIMP has is the name. We need activists to decry the name as ableist or something. I’m sure it was a hilarious joke at the time, but anyone who had seen Pulp Fiction has a pretty strong mental image when they hear the name. They ought to just drop the P and call it GIM. Then it can be a fun play off GIF. Is it pronounce Ghim or Jim?

JDPoZ , avatar

The biggest issue with GIMP is its weird UX choices. They should just make it more like Adobe's UX. I know there's tools that bring it closer, but the fact still is that they do some really dumb shit when it comes to experience decisions. Like if I want to change the font of what I'm typing, it works like this...

I have to TYPE in the font I want, no dropdown, and the font selection toolbar off to the side just straight up doesn't apply to what I've typed or selected... and this is AFTER I ran one of those GIMP retrofit tools that tries to make it more in line with Photoshop.

Seriously, I've used Photoshop since 5.5 (not CS 5.5... FIVE POINT FIVE in 1999), and I STILL have to watch a tutorial for almost every single action I could intuit in 5 seconds from Adobe's garbage malware tool.

That being said... the one important thing that GIMP is not... is Adobe garbage malware... GIMP just has a janky UX that no one's going to bother fixing b/c the tool is free so no complaining!

And in any case, just like with Blender coming on to the scene in earnest like a decade ago to end Autodesk's defacto monopoly with its $$$$ per year licensing scheme for proprietary 3D modelling tools... with Adobe rapidly getting worse, and just like with Unity's "pay us per install" debacle made people jump ship to Godot - never to look back... I'd bet that GIMP is going to begin accelerating its improvement... or that Krita will do the same and overtake it in popularity.

...And once that happens, Adobe is cooked. And it can't happen soon enough.

olympicyes ,

I have you beat then! My first experience with Photoshop was either 2 or 2.5 on my Mac IIci in 1992-93. All that means is that I’m likely older than you. We bought the Mac to run pagemaker after a failed attempt to use it on Windows 3. I started using Illustrator around the same time. I still use it, but mostly I’m throwing my money away on CC because I don’t have the skill necessary to care about AI stealing my work.

dumples , to Technology in A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch

I just signed up and I know it's still centralized but I love being able to just look at art. Besides anything that is anti -AI I am in for

doodledup , to Technology in A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch

As a European user, do I actively have to opt out or is it opt-out by default?

Hedgehawk ,

You have to opt-out. I got an email from meta with a link to the form. Doesn't seem to matter really what you write. It got approved in less than a minute for me. I think they purposfully made it look like it's more work than it's worth.

doodledup ,

I have an easy solution for that: I think I'll just delete my account. I'm not using it anyways.

tigerjerusalem , to Technology in A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch

People talking about pixelfed are missing a key point: Cara is super easy to find and join. You go, type your email or login with your google account and that's it. You don't even have to remember a password. Nobody wants to find a server, apply to join, hope to get accepted, then somehow find all other artists like you.

Also, it looks good. Like, really good. That's a thing that grab the attention of artists.

Lem453 ,

This right here. I tried to join Mastodon today.

Download the most recommended app, Moshidon

Open app and get asked which instance i want to join. There are no suggestions.

Do a search for instances and pick one, go to the website and register with email and password. Requires email confirmation. Still waiting on the email confirmation link, 4 hrs later and 2 resends.

Literally haven't been able to sign up yet.

Even if it had worked, the workflow would have been to change back to the app, type out the instance then re-login.

I'm not sure how anyone expects anyone other than the most hardcore to sign up for these services. Maybe that's the point but if the point is to grow the user sign up process to significant overall

AceFuzzLord , avatar

Biggest problems I have had with Mastodon are the fact that:

  1. The app I wanted to use didn't even recognize the instance I signed up for and...

  2. I had to wait nearly a month and a half before being able to actuallyuse my account and access Mastodon because I joined an instance where they review people signing up or something similar.

I definitely see the appeal of a find the site, sign up, and you're done services over the fediverse join an instance and pray service.

Prandom_returns ,

If you just used the Official app, they have a simplified sign-up procedure. Dug your own grave there.

tigerjerusalem ,

Thats not fair, since everyone says the main app suck and you'll have a better experience with Moshidon. This is true if you're already there, but the comment makes it clear that it still lacks for newbies.

Prandom_returns ,

Never heard of Moshidon, so clearly not everyone.
Why would anyone try to register via a non-official app first (especially for a procedure like signin-up) is beyond me. Some apps are better than others, but always start with the official one and then, if it lacks something, look for something else. This applies not only for mastodon, but for everything. Basic stuff...

ByteMe ,

Actually, it's not that bad

ekZepp ,

I use the official app, is not incredible but do his job.

btw. just use the official (or the web site) x sign in, is not like you can't use the credentials elsewhere.

FaceDeer , to Technology in A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch avatar

And then that growth promptly blew its budget because it's using expensive cloud AI services from Vercel and it has no means of monetization whatsoever to bring money in.

People can do whatever they want, of course. But they have to pay for the resources they consume while doing that, and it seems Cara didn't really consider that aspect of this.

QuadratureSurfer , avatar

Well, now's a great time to let them know about Pixelfed, although explosive growth like this will be a strain on any website.

FaceDeer , avatar

I get the sense that a federated image hosting/sharing system would be counter to their goals, that being to lock away their art from AI trainers. An AI trainer could just federate with them and they'd be sending their images over on a silver platter.

Of course, any site that's visible to humans is also visible to AIs in training, so it's not really any worse than their current arrangement. But I don't think they want to hear that either.

brbposting ,

Hmm their About is all about not hosting AI images until ethical issues are resolved.

Ah! Gotta hit FAQ: “Cara Glaze”, then the linked University of Chicago Glaze FAQ:

Anti-AI cloaking. Neat!

FaceDeer , avatar

Aside from it not really working, though.

Glaze attempts to "poison" AI training by using adversarial noise to trick AIs into perceiving it as something that it's not, so that when a description is generated for the image it'll be incorrect and the AI will be trained wrong. There are a couple of problems with this, though. The adversarial noise is tailored to specific image recognition AIs, so it's not future-proof. It also isn't going to have an impact on the AI unless a large portion of the training images are "poisoned", which isn't the case for typical training runs with billions of images. And it's relatively fragile against post-processing, such as rescaling the image, which is commonly done as an automatic part of preparing data for training. It also adds noticeable artefacts to the image, making it look a bit worse to the human eye as well.

There's a more recent algorithm called Nightshade, but I'm less familiar with its details since it got a lot less attention that Glaze and IIRC the authors tried keeping some of its details secret so that AI trainers couldn't develop countermeasures. There was a lot of debate over whether it even worked in the first place, since it's not easy to test something like this when there's little information about how it functions and training a model just to see if it breaks is expensive. Given that these algorithms have been available for a while now but image AIs keep getting better I think that shows that whatever the details it's not having the desired effect.

Part of the reason why Cara's probably facing such financial hurdles is that it's computationally expensive to apply these things. They were also automatically running "AI detectors" on images, which are expensive and unreliable. It's an inherently expensive site to run even if they were doing it efficiently.

IMO they would have been much better served just adding "No AI-generated images allowed" to their ToS and relying on their users to police themselves and each other. Though given the witch-hunts I've seen and the increasing quality of AI art itself I don't think that would really work for very long either.

thefrankring , to Technology in A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch avatar

These people should create an instance on Pixelfed, a libre alternative to Instagram.

Zak , avatar

I think it would be great for new social things like this to just speak ActivityPub. They can build up their own user experience and culture while joining a larger network. I don't have a problem with the software itself being non-free if the protocols are and they commit to supporting account migration.

autonomoususer , to Technology in A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch

To get abused again by yet more anti-libre software, malware. Some people never learn.

autonomoususer ,

Tell them this:

🚩 Anti-libre software, Cara, bans us from removing malicious source code. We don't have time to waste your life repeating the same failure.

They might ask:

What is anti-libre? We don't control. It controls us.


How do we know? It fails to include a libre software license file, like the AGPL.

Say this instead:

open source libre software ('open source' is created to subvert libre software)

closed anti-libre (closed implies open, see above)

We are the product. (paid stuff abuses too) With anti-libre software, we are no the user, we are used.

More in video here or text here.

QuadratureSurfer , avatar

What do you mean by this?:

Cara, bans us from removing malicious source code

Is there obviously malicious source code?
Is there a policy that specifically says we can't remove any source code?
Is this even open source?

autonomoususer ,

'Open source' is created to subvert libre software. The ban alone is a 🚩 red flag.

Warl0k3 ,

Waht is "libre software"? this is a totally new term to me and searching for it has turned up nothing.

autonomoususer ,

Literally the first search result is here but even better is this video here.

Warl0k3 ,

You understand that search results are different for different people, right? I've been a dev for... an embarrassingly long time, I've never heard "libreware" outside of specifically the libreoffice suite. Sorry I'm not as in-tune with the slang as you are or whatever.

autonomoususer ,

Maybe yours does.

Warl0k3 ,


QuadratureSurfer , avatar

What ban?

Zak , avatar

They're using loaded language to say that without access to the source code and the ability to modify it, Cara could start behaving in a way you don't like and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

deranger , to Technology in Synapse, backed by a16z, has collapsed, and 10 million consumers could be hurt

I can't stand "a16z" type abbreviations. "a11y" for accessibility is ironically inaccessible unless you already know. I hate having to search these terms just to figure out what they're talking about. "a16z" is apparently Andreessen Horowitz. How is that intuitive or accessible?

Alphane_Moon , avatar

I agree with your general idea, but a16z is almost as well known as "Andreessen Horowitz", it's by this point their brand name.

Plopp ,

I can validate. I've never heard of either one before.

KingThrillgore , avatar

A16Z's brand is celebrating fascism, backing crypto, and forgetting to be an effective VC

Alphane_Moon , avatar

Not just backing crypto, but actually taking part in crypto pump and dumps (they deny this, but that doesn't mean anything).

bizzle , avatar

In your opinion, what makes a VC effective or not ?

cloud_herder ,

Rolling onto a client that uses “O11y” for observability almost gave me permanent damage.

laurelraven ,

This is the first time I've ever even heard of these kinds of abbreviations, what the hell even are they?

cloud_herder ,

They’re shorthand for long words you don’t want to type. You keep the first and last letter and replace the rest of the word with the number of characters you removed.

Kubernetes ➡️ K8s
Observability ➡️ O11y


laurelraven ,

I didn't think I could hate a name shortening system this much but here we are

Badeendje , avatar

Yeah they should just give him some stupid nickname.. like meatball Ron, space Karen.. etc.. etc.... making fun of these jokers should become the norm.

cornshark ,

Very true, and impossible to translate also. They're terrible for i18n

Guadin , to Technology in Synapse, backed by a16z, has collapsed, and 10 million consumers could be hurt avatar

What a shock, BaaS is not interesting anymore.

mox , to Technology in Synapse, backed by a16z, has collapsed, and 10 million consumers could be hurt

Wrong community, IMHO.

ThrowawayPermanente ,

It makes sense if you think of the community as 'technologybad'

mox ,


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