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xmunk ,

It isn't as bad up here as in America because we haven't yet devolved into a two party system but it feels inevitable with our election system. When you attack a political opponent you damage them and yourself - it never looks good to be focused on picking apart an opponent instead of boosting yourself... in a multi-party system this means that you're helping someone else more whenever you're running attack ads. Trudeau fear mongering about the CPC helps boost the NDP more than the LPC.

When you have a two party system that effect is removed. Both Trump and Biden are primarily running on how awful the other dude is without being held to account on their own policy stances... one of them is clearly worse but it's a deeply unhealthy political system.

(Just as an FYI, I'm a Canadian immigrant from the US - I'm now a citizen and I've experienced both systems).

xmunk ,

If justice isn't legally accessible it will be acquired by other means.

xmunk ,

Liberté, égalité, fraternité

We can have them too!

xmunk ,

Not at all, Trump's presidency provided a false air of legitimacy for those fringe beliefs. And his success forced politicians to morph into his sycophants - if he'd failed the GOP would assume that going that extreme was unpalatable to Americans.

xmunk ,

Oh, it's definitely still there but it'd still be considered fringe. Trump normalized hate groups in a manner we haven't seen before.

xmunk ,

If you have a partner it's the less likely outcome that they'll reject your new gender identity. Gender is a spectrum and we're all a lot more interesting than just what our gender is anyways. Someone who was attracted to you was attracted to a lot more than just your gender expression so, on the whole, rather little about you is changing when you come out as trans.

I am not trans so I can't talk to that realization but I am non-conforming and coming into that identity was mostly a relief. I had to cloak a lot and found myself pretty distinct from a lot of the stereotypes about men - I was married at the time and my partner didn't bat an eye.

xmunk ,

I don't even know why the tagginator comment is necessary since it sounds like the system invisibly works how you'd expect it.

xmunk ,

I have yet to meet a quantity of drugs that brings me all the way down to "normal" levels. It just makes my ADHD slightly more copeable.

xmunk ,

But you do realize you jumped the shark into pure medication shaming right?

ADHD people have enough judgement focused on us that we don't need to start shaming each other for tactics that help us on a day to day.

xmunk ,

Eeesh, this feels too close to medication shaming to me - I know we all find different things effective but medication works extremely well for me and I've still got my moral code.

xmunk ,

Possibly? I'm open to having taken this the wrong way but to me it sounded like his statement implied that being a moral person and taking medication were incompatible or at least implied that medication makes you less moral.

xmunk ,

That's more a comment on how die-hard committed the political class is to perpetual war than anything else.

Also, while I don't appreciate Trump being elected... the DNC seems committed to running some of the worst candidates they can find - the fact that there was information that damaging to Clinton that didn't come out in the primaries is the part we should be mad at.

xmunk ,

Clearly, it's not ADHDing right. At 3 AM you should start preheating the oven and break out a thirty step recipe to cook a five course meal.

xmunk ,

Cold pizza is the best pizza.

People who reheat their pizzas are monsters.

xmunk ,

Everyone who would see some difference by using a mouse jiggler should use one. If your supervisor is tracking mouse activity they can get fucked. If your machine auto-locks after a fixed number of minutes it can also get fucked.

I'd suggest just installing Caffeine though.

xmunk ,

Employment is a mutual arrangement - never be concerned about looking suspicious. Be prepared to explain your choice honestly and stand by the actual work you're producing. Asses-in-chairs style management is toxic and you should push back against it.

xmunk ,

Thinking that NDP voters want a CPC government is a fucking conservative fantasy.

Let's bear in mind that Trudeau handed this win to the CPC by repeatedly failing to pass any kind of voting reform - the CPC will never be able to win a majority vote among Canadians.

xmunk ,

PHP and C are both fine languages, they have their strengths and their weaknesses. They're tools and if you feel the need to shit on them then you clearly need more practice using a diversity of languages.

xmunk ,

I understand your pain - the real reason for that is that PHP was the first "hobbyist" programming language so a lot of self trained folks built websites that ended up slowly morphing into successful businesses.

One of the things I'm actually most proud of from the PHP community is that around 5.2 the maintainers looked around and saw sites like Quora and StackOverflow were littered with the worst fucking PHP advice endorsing functions like mysql_query and ill-advised features like magic_quotes so the community invested a lot of resources in purging answers that preached anti-patterns and replace them with non-terrible answers.

I work in PHP and it's perfectly serviceable now, we've got strict typing, namespaces, lambdas, all the nice shit you'd expect in a modern language.

xmunk ,

Extremely safe - just be careful about where your feet are if you're next to them. More people than you'd think have lost or seriously injured a foot because a cow or, especially, a draft horse, can't see where they're stepping.

If you get a chance and it's just cows then go up and say hi, they're wonderful animals and unbelievaby chill. I'd honestly be more comfortable petting a strange cow then a strange cat... if they shy away or noticeably get irritated when you approach be smart and give them space, but you're probably just going to get licked and mooed at.

xmunk ,

Is the fine more than a hundred billion? If not it's fucking chump change to Apple.

xmunk ,

You have the option to sue or join a class action lawsuit - there is currently a class action lawsuit. If that interests you (and it should) be careful not to agree to anything with Ticketmaster.

The chances of you personally recovering much compensation unless you can show real personal damages and pursue Ticketmaster in an individual lawsuit.

xmunk ,

Class action lawsuits are very rarely lucrative for the harmed party but they often result in sizeable penalties for companies. They're essentially just punitive.

xmunk ,

That's some exceptional watering down of the word terrorist you're participating in there. Keep going and your both-sides-ing will make it so the IDF's actions don't seem abnormal at all!

xmunk ,

Not all militaries are equal. Iran != Canada - don't fall into both-sidesism.

xmunk ,

As a cat owner... house cats are definitely terrorists but I love 'em.

xmunk ,

I am sure the bizarrely numerous Greek billionaires are completely unrelated to their economy being fucked and not a clear sign of how deeply inequal and stratified the Greek economy is! Lots of hyper wealthy and destitute citizens means that everything is working, right?

xmunk ,

Fucking awesome writing style there - and a lot of salient points. The only weakness is that it's preaching to the choir - the use of jargon and technical references probably makes it inaccessible to anyone who doesn't agree with its conclusion.

That said, it's wonderfully cathartic.

xmunk ,

I work professionally with actually useful ML stuff (we parse a lot of weird ass files and it's extremely powerful in that context) - we've looked at integrating gpt3 and it scored much worse on accuracy than the model we trained in-house. We're also investigating adding front-end AI bullshit to placate the CEO. Even at the good shops, you'll probably get buried in this bullshit - but there are good opportunities out there!

xmunk ,

Most parliamentary systems also allow snap elections - there is usually a maximum length allowed before the next election but the PM can always call one earlier.

This has happened pretty frequently up here in Canada and Trudeau will time elections after good news if the LPC polling particularly strongly.

I think this is an overall good thing, it means that as long as a party is delivering success about once every four years it can remain in power - while allowing it to do the unpopular but necessary things in the interim. A hated party can't survive in power, but a party that invests in the long term can thrive... it does have a dark side though. The party in power may engage in frivolous bullshit before the election (like unproductive handouts) to try and sway public opinion. It's up to the public to see through short term bullshit and judge a party more long-term.

xmunk , (edited )

To be fair, it's a needlessly permanent and scary sounding term for a regular part of the functioning of a parliamentary democracy.

xmunk ,

My mind also immediately went to Elon Musk.

xmunk ,

Also, in Deutschland, the descendents of the Alemmani are called Germans for some awful reason.

xmunk ,

They're both aposematisms - they're meant to be a clear signal to discourage interactions.

xmunk ,

This graph cuts off early. Once you learn that pointers are a trap for noobs that you should avoid outside really specific circumstances the line crosses zero and goes back into normal land.

xmunk ,

Yea, pointer arithmetic is cute but at this point the compiler can do it better - just type everything correctly and use []... and, whenever possible, pass by reference!

xmunk ,

Good Afternoon Sir, have you heard about our lord and savior pthreads?

xmunk ,

This is such a perfect demonstration of how useless Microsoft's ecosystem is. It's better than being forced to work in an Apple exclusive environment but "we're a windows shop" is one of the biggest red flags an employer can have.

xmunk ,

Dear antitrust folks... where the fuck are you.

Sincerely, Canadians when buying anything.

xmunk ,

Can we backsies? I'd honestly love a serious conversation about nationalizing Air Canada.

'We are at risk of running out': Calgarians asked to use 25% less water than yesterday ( )

After a major feeder water main break plunged Calgary's water supply into a critical state, city officials are now asking Calgarians to use 25 per cent less than they did yesterday, sounding the alarm that the city is at risk of running out....

xmunk ,

Gosh, the conservatives are doing such a good job managing provincial services!

xmunk ,

Eh... I mean, he has cracked down hard on gang violence, but it's been brutal and also swept up a lot of innocent people, too. Was El Salvador close to becoming a failed state like Haiti? yes - does that justify such a militant crackdown? I can't tell and it will take at least a decade for us to get a sense of how accurate or excessive the crackdown was and how many innocent people were apprehended.

xmunk ,

Yea, but, alternatively, sales could just stop being entitled pricks. I've worked with sales people that were excellent - they had a technical mind and were able to grasp what our product could and couldn't do and, if they were uncertain... they would fucking ask me. And I've worked with sales people that won't tell me they made a sale until two months later when the deadline is a week away.

xmunk ,

h8 u

(/jk, of course)

xmunk , (edited )

I understand there's some jest in this expression but I strongly object. I work tuning queries and doing that awful database shit yall dread and I find a lot of fulfillment in supporting devs and providing a better user experience.

I can guarantee you I'd be stuck in the deepest depths of depression if I tried a career in sales. Job satisfaction is high enough a priority for me that I'm currently wrestling with my dumbass PE overlords to stop trying to bankrupt our company even as they underpay me by an embarrassing amount.

xmunk ,

Also, continue to deny the existence of mythical New Zealand.

xmunk ,

Any weird flags you don't recognize that don't involve rainbows are either sexual orientation flags (biaexuals have the best by far!) or some weird right wing shit.

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