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xmunk ,

Ah, but only I came up with "Rederated"

xmunk ,

Ah. That was sweet.

xmunk ,

Nah, just an appreciation for what I've experienced in life. Lot's of snu snu involved but a lot of other stuff too.

xmunk ,

Pro-life advocate. There are a lot of jobs I find distasteful or morally grey but I'd refuse to work if the thing I did entirely opposed my ethical stance.

Does color change how hot a laser can get something?

For convenience sake let's say you have 2 identical lasers, one is blue and one is red. And you shine it on lead (so none of the light leaks through) until the lead doesn't heat up anymore. Would the temperature change at all between the different color lasers. It doesn't have to be red or blue, it could be microwave or x ray,...

xmunk ,

When you say "they're identical" what properties between the two lasers do you want to force to match?

xmunk ,

Converted more tests to use the correct handle.

xmunk ,

I know that if you are on the local repository where the commits were originally created they'll remain accessible through recovery methods but AFAIK orphaned commits aren't synced to other machines.

xmunk ,

Always force-with-lease

xmunk ,

Ew - rebase all the things!

xmunk ,

Funny, they don't mind building pipelines through pristine vistas.

xmunk ,

We cannot allow Modi to turn our country into a collesium for his hatred.

[Serious] What is project 2025? What kind of risk is involved?

I'm Canadian and we have our own issues with far right nutjobs but I've heard the phrase "Project 2025" thrown around and the little I've seen about it frightens me. I don't follow the news for the sake my mental health but could someone explain it in depth? What kind of a shit show are we looking at? Unfortunately Canadian...

xmunk ,

And, scarily, there's a non-zero chance they will have the opportunity to try. Like, we may literally have a civil war on our southern border come November.

American Motorcyclist Association Urges DOT to Act on Automated Driver System Regulations Following Tragic Collision ( )

PICKERINGTON, Ohio (April 26, 2024) — In the wake of the most recent tragedy involving a fatal collision between a Tesla vehicle in autopilot mode and a motorcyclist in Washington state, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) once again urges the Department of Transportation (DOT) to strengthen Automated Driving System...

xmunk ,

Calling their driver assistance program autopilot would have resulted in Tesla being sued into the ground for false advertising long ago if we lived in a fair system.

I think the progress we've made on driverless vehicles is pretty amazing and I really want to live in a world where they work - but we're not there yet and some idiots are under the impression we are.

xmunk ,

Society at large.

xmunk ,

I'm a fucking wizard - the beard is mandatory.

xmunk ,

I don't shave and I have a beard - once in a blue moon for a special occasion, I might trim it.

xmunk ,

Becoming a wizard isn't so trivial as just being declared one - many wizards apprenticed themselves to gain knowledge and improve their chances but that elevation is a personal journey.

You will know you're a wizard when you can look at fellows in your skill and know that none of them would challenge your adoption of the title. I wish you the best of luck. It's a title within reach of everyone in their lifetime.

The staff and robes are optional but who would turn down a badass purple robe.

xmunk ,

Nah, you can just make yourself a staff - there aren't any restrictions, registries or waiting periods.

xmunk ,

Of course they can - they could undercut Loblaws by a large margin and still make a fucking killing.

I'm hoping for Alcampo.

xmunk ,

Crazy Diamond Inheritance!

xmunk ,

In my experience, it's rare to see int& in day to day as a regular old lvalue... it essentially just allows you to alias a variable to another name. It's much more common to see them used in function parameters to leverage pass by reference. In C++ pointers usually aren't particularly useful compared to just passing things by reference since stack variables get auto-gc'd it's the preferred style of frameworks like Qt and is extremely easy to use.

Here's a breakdown if you want more information

xmunk ,

United We Triumph! Don't let the billionaires divide us.

xmunk ,

We need to understand what we're simulating to simulate it. We know the structure of neurons at a simple level, we know how emergent systems represent more complex concepts... we don't know how the links to build that system are constructed.

xmunk , (edited )

I just want to make sure one of your words there is emphasized "possible" (Edit it's also wrong as I explained below)

The number of possible connections in the human brain is literally greater than the number of atoms in the universe.

Yes - the value of 86 billion choose two is insanely huge... one might even say mind bogglingly huge! However, in actuality, we've got about 100 trillion neural connections given our best estimates right now. That's about a thousand connections per neuron.

It's a big number but one we could theoretically simulate - it also must be said that it's impossible for the simulation of the brain to be technically impossible... We've each got a brain and there are a billion of us made up out of an insignificant portion of the mass+energy available terrestrially - eventually (unless we extinct ourselves first) we'll start approaching neurological information storage density - we're pretty fucking clever so we might even exceed it!

Edit for math:

So I did a thunk and 86 billion choose 2 actually isn't that big, I was thinking of 86 billion factorial but it's actually just 86 billion squared (it'd be 86 billion less than that but self-referential synapses are allowed).

Apparently this "greater than the number of atoms in the universe" line came from famously incorrect shame of Canada Jordan Peterson... and, uh, he's just fucking wrong (so math can be added to the list of things he's bad at - and that's already a long list).

Yea so - 86 billion squared = impressively large number... but not approaching 10^80 impressively large.

If you take care of your parents or other elderly, how are you preparing to age gracefully?

Experiencing firsthand how difficult an aging alcoholic, quadriplegic, post stroke, narcissistic, demented or simply ‘nothing’s wrong with me, I can drive, I don’t need those meds, I don’t need to go to a nursing facility’ kinda parent surely gives you some insight on what to do, what not to do and how to prepare for...

xmunk ,

Do you smash a knife before battle?

xmunk ,

On the topic of B... if we get brain-in-jar technology I'm going to be fucking psyched.

xmunk ,

We're struggling to deal with climate change and these selfish developers can think of nothing except building more factories. This is a global issue, we need a global solution: eschew factories and services for defining everything globally.

xmunk ,

As a fellow PHP dev (working in laminas specifically) DI actually is fucking awful, there's a distinction between a service factory pattern and this thing called DI which is similar to a service factory pattern but uses reflection based type sniffing to guess at which service you want where. I'd considered making a reference to it but PHP developers are few and far between these days.

xmunk ,

You need more than two to make sweeping observations about the whole population... if two of them were assholes then those two are assholes. Don't move the goal posts.

xmunk ,

I guess I misread your comment as being sarcastic in an awful way (i.e. two cases can't be sexism but with a third you'd have definite proof). ADHD can do that sometimes so my apologies!

xmunk ,

It fucking depends. Kids lose and destroy shit constantly so if it's a plushie and the kid keeps it with them on road trips then randomly chucks it out the window... it's gone. Normal people understand that toys will all eventually be broken or lost and sometimes it happens surprisingly fast. If it's not really meant as a toy though (i.e. great grandma's doll from when she hid in an attic during the holocaust or similar sentimental value) never treat it as a toy - put it in a bank vault or storage locker until the kid is old enough to treat it delicately.

xmunk ,

Pull your time machine up by your bootstraps you lazy millennials. /s

xmunk ,

I dislike it but merely because it normalizes having to sign content with an anti commercialization license to refuse to have your data harvested. Contributing to AI should be opt-in.

xmunk ,

And, in the modern era, cellphones are extremely personal devices. Don't fuck with someone else's phone.

xmunk ,

Fuck these exploiting fucks... food prices hit poor Canadians the hardest - you have to be a real asshole to accelerate inflation and the transfer of wealth to the rich and celebrate it on may day.

xmunk ,

Your father smells of elderberries.

xmunk ,

Good booze, in fact... I've had an elderberry wine and it was awesome

xmunk ,

It's good to see more common sense than Columbia demonstrated... though it'd probably be wise for CBC to not publish the names of those who filed the lawsuit.

If you could take a single character out of a piece of media (book, film, TV show, video game, etc) who would it be?

They would lose any magical powers they may have had in the book, but anything they are, rather than can do, will stay. For example people from the His Dark Materials world would keep their daemons. You can take them out at any time in the story's plot, but for all other people consuming the media, it will be shown that the...

xmunk ,

Rincewind. It'd be nice to have a lightning rod for bad luck nearby to absorb any that might be headed towards me.

xmunk ,

Yea, we get rid of Trump... along with our democracy.

xmunk ,

Aka our OCR software is insanely inaccurate.

It's interesting that mapping random noise to characters via OCR generally produces valid perl... but I always hated how they phrased the title of this experiment since it's obviously bullshit. Essentially, a good interesting experiment made less interesting by a sensationalist title.

xmunk ,

Let me just play my counter: having such a poor memory that I forget most of the things I should be anxious about.

xmunk ,

It works for the worst reason - I have the super power to entirely forget tasks.

xmunk ,

I'd share if I could. Though I'd warn that while every morning I wake up blissfully ignorant of shit to do... looking at that calendar and seeing the shit is extremely unpleasant.

xmunk ,

I hit the exact same issue - so I refuse to turn off the alarm until I'm actually doing the thing. Eventually the distraction of the continous alarm pisses me off that I give up on my task.

xmunk ,

Force with lease will send up what your local thinks the most recent commit on the branch was and the host will reject the push if it knows of a more recent commit on that branch. Basically, it saves you from overwriting a commit you didn't realize existed.

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