
@[email protected]

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slazer2au ,

What makes you think all phones have unique numbers? Some have no direct dial numbers.

As for each device getting a unique IP address this is somewhat in the spec for EUI-64 IPv6 address. Your IP is based on your interfaces MAC address but this becomes a privacy nightmare.

If the MAC address's of the wifi chip in your phone is 1122.3344.5566 your IPv6 address at home can be 2001:0db8:0000:00000:1122:33ff:fe44:5566 but when at work your address may be 2001:db8:1000:0000:1122:33ff:fe44:5566. No matter where you connect to the last 4 sections of the address is the same and companies will use that as one of the data points of your digital profile.

slazer2au ,

Yep. See EUI-64 IPv6 addressing.

slazer2au ,

There kinda is IANA . They assign addresses to regional registraties like RIPE, APNIC, LANIC who in turn assign addresses to ISPs and large corporations.

slazer2au ,

If you tried to route everything with a MAC address, (which isn’t possible, but for arguments sake we will pretend it is) the problem is that when you take your phone with its MAC address off your wifi and on to your work wifi, Where would the registry be? How would the Internet know how to find your phone? Do you just log into one giant global registry so that everyone can find your phone when they are trying to communicate with it? That would be a giant fucking database and everyone would always be trying to use it.

This is a solved issue called EUI-64 IPv6 addressing. It is a privacy nightmare.

slazer2au ,

I hate to break it to you but MAC randomisation has been around since 2007. Fuck we are getting old.

slazer2au ,

In that case it is the IEEE who allocate Macs to orgs

slazer2au ,

basically any tech company at this stage.

Me: No I don't want a thing.
Tech: Ok we will check with you again in 2 weeks.
Me: or you could stop?
Tech: Na, we will see you in 2 weeks.

slazer2au ,


Because who cares for commit messages to my private repo?

slazer2au ,

I do Ansible playbooks so not too had to see when I ballzed it up.

slazer2au ,

There is nothing wrong in asking for help if you hit a wall mate.

[Serious] What is project 2025? What kind of risk is involved?

I'm Canadian and we have our own issues with far right nutjobs but I've heard the phrase "Project 2025" thrown around and the little I've seen about it frightens me. I don't follow the news for the sake my mental health but could someone explain it in depth? What kind of a shit show are we looking at? Unfortunately Canadian...

slazer2au ,

to start with

PiHole DNS server
Jellyfin Home media server
forgejo Git server to hold your docker compose files.

slazer2au ,

Is it vlc struggling or your entire PC?

I has one boss who wanted to stream 2 4K60 cctv feeds to his laptop while in the office. Needless to say his laptop struggles with a single 4K I didn't even bother setting up the second feed.

slazer2au ,

Most recently ̶C̶̶r̶̶a̶̶c̶Factorio

Other than that only weed a few times.

slazer2au ,

Somewhere between two and eleventy billion. I have no idea what those songs are or who that person is but that doesn't seem relevant to the question.

How should I change my polite behavior to be more accommodating?

My parents raised me to always say "yes sir" and "no ma'am", and I automatically say it to service workers and just about anyone with whom I'm not close that I interact with. I noticed recently that I had misgendered a cashier when saying something like "no thank you, ma'am" based on their appearing AFAB, but on a future visit...

slazer2au ,

When I don't know which to use I will fall back on the old Aussie "mate" title.

slazer2au ,

I am an Aussie.

slazer2au ,

Even as an Aussie I haven't heard that one.

slazer2au ,

Honestly that sounds overkill for someones. First time into self hosting.
I would start with something like a Nuc or a secondhand 1 liter PC (dell optiplex/HP elite mini/Lenovo ThinkCenter) which are dirt cheap on eBay.

Do you have an indication of what you want to run that requires that mid range gaming setup?

slazer2au ,

Wow a 30% drop in revenue is quite something.

slazer2au ,

Why are they sharing private keys?

The point of the system is you share public key so others can encrypt data and the you use your private key do decrypt it.

I had to migrate from Samba AD to Windows Server AD and I'm sad (RIP Samba)

Samba is amazing, Windows server is a lot less so. The problem with Windows server is that it takes tons of steps to do basic things. On Samba I had Samba tool and it was very nice and friendly. On Windows server you have a ton of different management panels....

slazer2au ,

If you are using LDAP auth for your hypervisor (vsphere as an example) how do you auth after a kaboom event and your AD server VMs have not auto started.

I remember reading somewhere (prob /r/Sysadmin) that having one bare metal AD server just incase everything goes offline.

slazer2au ,

I recall that ESXi doesn't let you do crap from the console. Just configure management. Be interesting to hear what options Prox and Hyper-V may have.

slazer2au ,

Seconds? Years? Decades? Meters? AU?

Care to give a unit?

slazer2au ,

Yep. Which is why I said time and distance units.

slazer2au ,

If? As someone who works for a Microsoft CSP there is no if, it is always a when.

But in all seriousness the you don't auth to ms when you login. You have a local pin that only works on that system.

slazer2au ,

I remember seeing a YouTube video where a dude set up a jellyfin or Plex integration so when he scanned a specific tag a specific film played. He made it for his kids and wrapped the tags in the DVD cover art so the kids know which one is which.

slazer2au ,

This too shall pass.

No matter how good or bad your life is, there will ways be change.

slazer2au ,

I reached out to Ubisoft and was told that an internet connection is required to install the game no matter which version you are playing. However, Ubisoft did confirm that you’ll be able to play Outlaws offline once you’ve installed it.

Am I missing something here. How big is the game because online install has been a thing some 2008 because games are larger than DVD and Blu-ray disk's.

slazer2au ,

It does. The moon is officially called Luna.

Also people have been known to all their cat Neko which is Japanese for cat.

slazer2au ,

Tl;dr they all support both sides so no matter the election they always get what they want.

samxavia , to Ask Lemmy

@asklemmy How could users Monitise themselves on the Fediverse?

As people possibly move across to the Fediverse to find alternatives, we have to question how people are going to make a living on this amazing platform.

Can it be fully run by donations or is there a better way for people to be paid across the Fediverse?

slazer2au ,

Do people have to make a living of it?

Can't we have a place online where out data isn't being sold, aren't being bombarded with ads, or begged for subscriptions?

slazer2au ,

IMHO with docker and containerization in general you are trading drive space for consistency and relative simplicity.

a hypothetical:
You set up your mumble server and it requires the leftpad 3.7 package to run. you install it and everything is fine.
Now you install your ftp server but it needs leftpad 5.5. what do you do? hope the function that mumble uses in 3.7 still exists in 5.5? run each app in its own venv?

Docker and containerization resolve this by running each app in its own mini virtual machine. A container running mumble and leftpad 3.7 can coexist on host that also has a container running a ftp server with leftpad 5.5.

Here is a good video on what hole docker and containerization looks to fill

Me vs my ISP

So I was looking into getting port forwarding set up and I realized just how closed-off the internet has gotten since the early days. It's concerning. It used to be you would buy your own router and connect it to the internet, and that router would control port-forwarding and what-have-you....

slazer2au ,

Yes CGNAT is used quite a lot, but consider 95% of customers don't care what their public address is and that "saves" the carrier address space.

We are the 5% that do care and if you call your ISP they likely have an option to exclude you from cgn and get an actual public IP.

slazer2au ,

The meme is from person of Interest. A good police procedural from the point of view of a vigilante and his hacker boss.

slazer2au ,

Once we get better at treating cancers we will look back at Chemo and Radiotherapy with the same mind as we currently look back at mediaeval procedures.

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