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Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, U.S. lawsuit claims ( arstechnica.com )

Temu—the Chinese shopping app that has rapidly grown so popular in the US that even Amazon is reportedly trying to copy it—is "dangerous malware" that's secretly monetizing a broad swath of unauthorized user data, Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin alleged in a lawsuit filed Tuesday....

HobbitFoot ,

Lemmy was designed to be a place where communists would have a community. Some instances weren't, but a lot of the original ones were.

HobbitFoot ,

Not since college.

After that, I had to help them out a few times.

Beijing intervenes in China’s solar industry as overcapacity dries up profit in the country's domestic market

China’s energy regulator said it will limit “low-end” solar panel manufacturing after industry leaders called for more government intervention earlier this month. The move is an acknowledgement by Beijing that solar panel overcapacity is a problem, one that has pushed Chinese solar firms into a price war and shriveled...

HobbitFoot ,

That's fine, but someone has to pay for it.

HobbitFoot ,

Yeah. Netflix got really lucky with streaming for as long as they did and they knew it. Cable and broadcast subsidized their content and they were able to lease it for pennies on the dollar.

Of course, people don't want to admit that the subsidy for their content is gone and they are pissed about rising costs.

HobbitFoot ,

For now. YouTube is already starting to dedicate serious resources to anti ad blocking. I'm sure other streaming services aren't that far behind.

HobbitFoot ,

Mega ad tier.

HobbitFoot ,

Then cancel and move on.

The way that people talk about it here, a streaming service raising rates is the equivalent of a significant other dumping them.

HobbitFoot ,

I never said people weren't allowed, but there is this weird obsession about it on Lemmy.

HobbitFoot ,

What other company or government could do this?

HobbitFoot ,

It is been a plan for a while in the USA to shift launches from government run to private run for over a decade. This is just an implementation of that strategy.

HobbitFoot ,

They are everywhere for a reason. The people who commonly drop n-bombs aren't the heroes. Hell, the redemption of the town is that they'll be less racist going forward.

HobbitFoot ,

I have problems with a lot of scripted television now when I used to love it as a kid.

Hell, I have problems with some parts of TNG because there science has progressed so much since then. THE EXOCOMS ARE SPECIAL BECAUSE THEY HAVE SAPIENCE, THEY AREN'T LIFE!

HobbitFoot ,

Not really. It is more that no one really thought that this would be something you had to design for.

Now, a bomber hit the Empire State Building at it survived. So, you could design a building to withstand a plane hitting it. The problem is that the Empire State Building is heavy; it is probably the last skyscraper whose design was controlled by dead load.

There had been studies into failure of buildings after the Oklahoma City Bombing; some of the fruits of that research led to designs which were installed in the Pentagon by 2001. However, for most buildings, it wasn't considered to be worth it. This includes skyscrapers both in the USA and around the world.

A * B * C is generally considered below the cost of making most buildings plane impact resistant, so they don't do it.

HobbitFoot ,

Mossad was behind the Benghazi attack in order to get Mitt Romney elected in 2012. When that didn't work, Mossad informed Republicans of certain Intel to use in order to make Obama look weak.

HobbitFoot ,

The point was that New York City saw a large plane hit one of its largest buildings. The failure mode was known. It just happened to be that no one cared to design for that failure mode later.

HobbitFoot ,

Just don't trash the place like that one furry convention.

HobbitFoot ,

I want to drive across Europe, Australia, and the Americas (not all in a row).

It would be nice to do Africa and all of Eurasia, but some shit would need to get fixed first.

HobbitFoot ,


Sometimes, your genius is almost frightening.

HobbitFoot ,

It really depends on how the vocabulary got to the language.

First, you have to start with the fact that English is a Germanic language with a lot of French words in it due to the Normans. A good example is that farm animal names have a Germanic origin typically while the words for meat have more French origins.

You can also combine it with the fact that English was rather varied in its vocabulary at the time. An example is eggs/eyren. Egg won out as a word, but there were likely thousands of these decisions being made as the language standardized.

Then, include that a lot of legal and religious terms came from Latin; with the practices using Latin far beyond when English became the dominant language in England. So, for these fields, just use a mangled version of the Latin root.

Finally, it depends on how a word enters the English language. Maybe it comes from another language, so we just use a version of that word. Maybe the creator of the word just makes something up. Maybe the creator just slapped a word on something that wasn't typically used; the wiki from Wikipedia comes from the name of a Hawaiian bus.

It is a strange, made-up way of naming things, but language itself is made up thing.

What's the story you would write if you were an author?

A lot of people worldbuild when they daydream and have the bones of a story kicking around in their brain, but have to pay the bills and raise the kids etc so they never flesh it out and write it down. What's your story's premise? Fantasy, sci-fi, alternate history, mystery, western, whatever genre.

HobbitFoot ,

Mankind has started colonizing the solar system, including installing a satellite at the Sun-Mars L1 Lagrange Point to protect Mars from solar radiation and dumping a ton of water and methane ice on Mars until it is able sustain a thicker atmosphere and liquid water on the surface. Then, Kessler syndrome hits Earth Orbit, which causes a chain of events that collapses society on Earth.

Thousands of years later, it is found that there are now landing paths to get back to Earth, even though these paths are sporadic. A Lunar nation invites a Martian nation to team up to explore Earth and what is left of humanity.

HobbitFoot ,

I've planned international travel a week before and other trips far longer. A lot of what determines planning time is logistics of all going, if there are events during that time, holiday planning, and travel demand.

It sounds like the family friend is planning a big trip, so knowing before the one year hotel window is probably necessary.

HobbitFoot ,

This feels like spray painting "Trump 2024" on an evangelical church.

HobbitFoot ,

Calligraphy may be too fancy for day to day use. OP may want to look into how architects and drafters would write text. There are tons of guides online for it and that text is meant to be legible.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • HobbitFoot ,

    I wouldn't say my parents were rich, but there was a safety net for them when I grew up. They meant my mom could go back to college when I was a kid and we didn't have to worry about losing the house.

    I would say that my family didn't have to worry about the economic existential dread when bad things happened. I could also rely on my family having to invest in my education up to college because my parents would be shamed by extended family if I wasn't getting my AP tests paid for.

    I had to take on my college loans with a family cosigner on the understanding that I would bear that burden alone when I graduated. Since I went to school for engineering, it was considered a safe investment, which it is.

    My income is such that I can live comfortably below my means, so I do. I still have to deal with the other hardships in life; I just don't have to worry about it ruining me financially.

    The two major benefits are that I can do important things without having to worry about financing them and I don't feel guilt and dread over spending money. That said, it isn't like all problems go away. A lot of problems are made easier, but they are still there.

    How long would it take to create a Pyramid today?

    Just a shower thought. Seeing how these structures took decades to build in their times, and that too entirely with manual labour, I was wondering how long these architectural marvels would take to be built in this post modern era with the help of our technological advancements....

    HobbitFoot ,


    The main constraints are geotechnical in nature. You need to conduct borings of the site and the material. It is expected that construction will be faster, so you can't rely on slowly increasing the load to build up strength. Hopefully, it is found that the soil can take the load. If not, the soil would likely be injected with grout.

    Rock removal and finishing:

    This should be a lot easier since you can use modern masonry tools for this. Cutting and finishing should be rather quick; I expect a somewhat roughened surface to help with friction between stones.

    Rock movement:

    I expect a lot of use of cranes. Once the rock gets dislodged, it will likely have eye-bolts installed into it to help move it around with a crane. From there, cranes well likely move it on to and off of all trucks. There may be barges as well if the trucking costs are too high. On the site, there will be a lot of temporary roads for trucks to drive on, making it easy to bring the stones up to the final crane.

    I expect the project to take at least two years from securing funding, probably more like three. The design is easy. The main issues are mobilization, funding, and logistics.

    HobbitFoot ,

    Just because it is illegal doesn't mean you can't do it.

    HobbitFoot ,

    and it seems easier to focus on what other groups pay for those skills, which is not what I want.

    The problem is that the skills have different worth and that said worth is different given the skill set. This isn't what you want to hear, but cost to replace is a good metric for this. This includes the quality of the work.

    Are you embracing AI? ( viewber.co.uk )

    There’s something of a misunderstanding in the UK property industry that agents are luddites, clinging to fax machines and Rolodexes, but quite the opposite is true. Sales and letting agents like nothing more than finding new efficiencies – whether through careful outsourcing, digital signatures or virtual tours, begging the...

    HobbitFoot ,

    No, but my job includes producing and verifying calculations.

    We already deal with computer models, but there is a concept of "garbage in, garbage out" where the model is garbage because the inputter didn't understand what to put in the model or even what model should be used.

    So the modeling may be more efficient, but the budget gets blown in verification because the model is crap.

    HobbitFoot ,

    The problem with some bad systems is that people recognize the system as bad, but can't create a better system.

    HobbitFoot ,

    It is better to have angry drivers behind you?

    Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( old.lemmy.world )

    Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

    HobbitFoot ,

    About a century ago, blackface was a form of comedy where white people would make their faces black and put on comedic shows. They would take some elements of black culture, like mimicking accents or saying they love fried chicken and watermelon, and make fun of black people for being idiots.

    Giving out fried chicken to an event like this feels like you don't really care about the event. Instead, it is a token gesture at best where the decision makers thought "well, black people like fried chicken, so give them that."

    Watermelon and other red food is served on Juneteenth. But, if watermelon is the only red food there, they likely didn't pick it because of cultural sensitivity to the holiday.

    HobbitFoot ,

    Juneteenth is coalescing around a menu of barbeque and red colored foods. Fried chicken could be served, but it likely wouldn't be the main entree.

    It would be like a non-American serving Americans burgers and fries for Thanksgiving. Sure, Americans are known to like burgers, but that isn't the holiday is about.

    HobbitFoot ,

    The issue isn't eating what you want.

    The issue is that there is a cultural celebration involving food. Rather than try to serve food that fits within that cultural celebration, food was served based on a racial stereotype.

    HobbitFoot ,

    It doesn't make my point incorrect.

    HobbitFoot ,

    It isn't racist to eat chicken and waffles on Juneteenth. It would be like eating ham on Thanksgiving. You can do it and you can do it with friends if everyone is on board for that.

    HobbitFoot ,

    just as good as any other made up meal, in my opinion.

    You may not see a significance in a holiday meal, but others do. There is a reason why most civilizations include traditional foods to holidays.

    HobbitFoot ,

    How did this become a stereotype?

    It became associated with black people as the food was relatively cheap and therefore commonly eaten by black people. Then it became integrated to comedic shows of people doing blackface as a way to deride black people.

    Doesn’t everyone love fried chicken and watermelon regardless of skin color? They are both delicious.

    Everyone loves fried chicken and watermelon. The problem isn't the food, but cultural stigma attached to it in certain cases.

    HobbitFoot ,

    Your point reflects a lot of other points. You are arguing if fried chicken in general is bad, which isn't what is being discussed.

    The point of discussion is if fried chicken is appropriate for a specific holiday.

    HobbitFoot ,

    Apparently the food does matter.

    HobbitFoot ,

    Yeah. They were supposed to have a year of hell. The best they could do was a two parter where everything went back to normal in the end.

    HobbitFoot ,

    I think it is more writing to people for whom that is the case.

    The economy is shifting to a set of haves and have-nots. The problems that the haves deal with are tied a lot more to economic performance than have-nots.

    You also have a case where unemployment is still low, with a lot of the issue being tied to low minimum wages. Usually, the problems that have-nots have with the economy have been tied to unemployment. You can get a job in this economy, it just won't be well paying.

    Why was the American federal corrections system harder to escape compared to Colombia's?

    This is based off of my conclusions from watching Narcos. The narcotraffickers in Colombia were terrified of being extradited to the US because they knew they would never be able to break out of prison, whereas they were certain that they could strong arm their way out of any Colombian corrections facilities. Their methods in...

    HobbitFoot ,

    Prison guards are generally better paid in the USA and American politicians are more sensitive to the consequences of escapes than Colombian politicians.

    Even with mafia infiltration of American prisons, it was usually only done to increase the quality of life for mafia affiliated peoplein prison as it would be too risky to try to break them out and get three attention of the public.

    HobbitFoot ,

    Around that time, Watson was the most public demonstration of AI.

    HobbitFoot ,

    He's Riker now.

    He really didn't like the end to Discovery.

    HobbitFoot ,

    And you pull my load of bullshit onto Lemmy!

    I unironically love ya!

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