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orcrist ,

He spoke carelessly, but he didn't exactly say what the author said he said. You can in fact do many things with it. Copyright doesn't care what you do if you aren't copying. That's the definition of the word.

orcrist ,

Yes. My interpretation is that the above person knew that, but they didn't think it was even a remotely funny joke, not that they didn't understand what the implication was.

orcrist ,

Comedy in general. Others have given specific examples of things that are discriminatory, including racism and sexism.

On the one hand, it's sad to realize that your old favorite movie is no longer that, but when you realize why I think it's actually uplifting. You can feel that you've learned something, you've improved as a human being, that you care more about society.

And because there are many genres other than comedy, it's not like you lost all of your favorite movies.

orcrist ,

And remember that when they say shareholders, it's not a large number of people. There are a few people who want to make money pushing for the layoffs, and they know what the consequences are going to be.

Why do people throw out old motors, bicycles, anything metal into rivers and lakes instead of a junk yard or the trash system?

I have been watching magnet fishing and people love to toss stuff over bridges without a second thought on the environmental impact. Hiding evidence I can almost understand but not lawnmowers, car batteries, etc....

orcrist ,

I notice how you didn't write what country you're from. That suggests a lack of confidence, that you are expecting people to call you out on it.

But I could be wrong. I've been long before. What country?

orcrist ,

Oh dear, you've already forgotten about Fukushima, and it was only 13 years ago. It was a safe power plant, until it wasn't, and then the city was destroyed.

Oh well, nobody could have predicted it. (Except for all of those people who did predict it. But let's not worry about them. Let's just forget about the whole event.)

orcrist ,

My friend, you can define words however you like, but the numbers of dead bodies won't change because of it.

orcrist ,

It's clear that Israel has bigger guns. Why would you even mention that? The question here is morality, not munitions.

By the way, how many of the dead actually wished for all Jews to die? Of course most of them didn't. Of course most of them just wanted to live their lives in peace. Sigh.

Are there any WYSIWYG html editors? just curious

Hello, i was looking for a wysiwyg html editors i could use for my personal website, perferrably just as a simple open source desktop program on linux (though anything else is fine). i DID find something called KompoZer but i was wondering if there's any other ones, thanks

orcrist ,

Depending on your situation, you might consider a totally different setup. For example, you could install WordPress or anything vaguely similar to it.

orcrist ,

We don't need to hate on the developers, but neither should we respect them. They were taking advantage of a bubble, knowing full well it wasn't sustainable, and if they get burned by it, meh.

orcrist ,

Nobody is buying anything, my friend. It's the natural result of real estate speculation. Prices have to keep going up for investors to make their money, but at some point residents can't afford to buy, so they don't, and we wait for the bubble to burst. The whole field ought to be illegal, because housing is a human right.

orcrist ,

I disagree. Clearly the meme is highly effective. It brought a topic that ought to be in the light back into the light. Considering the frequency of SA, this should be something that people are considering how to handle on a regular basis, but that's not what you see if you watch the news, listen to the city council, or talk with the school board.

Your opening paragraph sounds similar to the expression "All lives matter." It didn't sound like you wrote that ironically.

And the final paragraph is classic heckler's veto. Two sides disagree, and rather than talk about the serious issue, you make a comment about how people should all try to get along better by speaking in less aggressive terms. But the underlying problem is not about aggressive speech. It's about aggressive action. So maybe we can focus on that.

orcrist ,

And good for them. It's an important topic. If you've already had your fill of it, you know what to do. But many people here are seeing it for the first time, and many other people are commenting for the first time.

The underlying issues so important that I hope we're still talking about it next week and next month and next year.

orcrist ,

The problem with your logic is it creates a situation where society at large will never talk about this important topic and think about ways to reduce the scope and impact of it.

The sad reality is that men are largely responsible for SA, and saying this is always going to make some men uncomfortable. They're always going to react to negatively, and people are always going to post what you posted.

orcrist ,

In reality, it's not attacking half the human species. It's actually attacking people who perpetrate SA, and other people who cheerlead for them. One problem is that many men react just the way you reacted. Instead of saying "let's solve this problem", you say "quit being so divisive". Unfortunately, those are your values.

orcrist ,

Newspapers with pay walls are just no good, but if you could post an accessible link to some online archive that would be marvelous.

orcrist ,


Will I ever be seen as truly British?

My family immigrated to the UK from Poland when I was six. I'm 20 now, speak much better English than Polish and feel like this is my land/culture. However I have a Polish first and last name, Polish passport and "unique" accent everyone picks up on, so despite this I'm usually perceived as an outsider. It makes me really sad...

orcrist ,

The racists and xenophobes will never accept you. There's no fixing some people's brains. The good thing is, especially as you get older and able to do various kinds of work, you don't have to associate with those kinds of jerks very often. It's your community, it's your country, and they don't get to be the gatekeepers of who counts as local, no matter how hard they try.

How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals

I constantly see angry mobs of people decrying "woke", "critical race theory", ""grooming"", and whatever other nonsense they made up this week. They march around with guns, constantly appending lib as a prefix to any word they can use to denigrate. They actively plot violence and spew hatred in the open....

orcrist ,

Liberals are not leftists. You can choose your own definitions, but I would say that many so-called liberals are actually pro-capitalist anti-worker centrists. And the center is not so far from the center-right. So many liberals don't hate conservatives. On the other hand, many conservatives bundle liberals and leftists together, because complexity is so irritating, making it easy to hate the entire group (even though it's actually at least two groups).

And quite obviously, many liberals and leftists hate some conservatives. You aren't alone. That being said, hate is an emotion, and however you feel is totally fine because it's your life. At the same time, hate itself is not constructive. Many people read and write about politics online because we want to learn about or change our world. If the content you're creating doesn't help with either of those goals, some people are going to ignore or down vote it.

Anyway, your community is surely out there, if you keep looking.

orcrist ,

"So I guess this is where I tell you what I learned - my conclusion, right? Well, my conclusion is: Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it." ― American History X

"I am not altogether on anybody’s side, because nobody is altogether on my side, if you understand me: nobody cares for the woods as I care for them, not even Elves nowadays." ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

orcrist ,

That depends who in the government you're asking about. Every branch has their own motivation. For example, the military likes conflict happening elsewhere. Politicians want to be reelected. Racists like it when Arabs and Jews kill each other. And so on.

(Of course that's a vast simplification, but you gotta at least say who you are talking about to get a meaningful answer.)

orcrist ,

Partly true about inviting foreigners. Japan has a trainee visa system that is abusive, as they always are, and is designed so that those employees (victims) never get citizenship. And it's a single citizenship country, because of course it is. But hey, employers are very willing to bring in those laborers, since it's cheaper than paying what the law requires.

And you can't fix demographics with people who only stay for a year or two.

orcrist ,

We already have enough evidence to verify a lot of the horrible things that has happened at these two companies. So what you wrote might be true in some situations, but it has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

orcrist ,

Why would you trust any source, anonymous or otherwise, if you had the option to confirm what they said? ... Like here, where we did, where we do.

orcrist ,

No. Most communists don't think everything is or should be shared. One basic distinction is personal property vs. private property. If you do a web search and spend 10-15 minutes reading, you can learn how various groups think this ought to work.

(Even if you dislike communism, it's still worth learning what you're talking about.)

orcrist ,

Point 3 is true for almost any group you can think of. Communists, anarchists, Baptists, disestablishmentarians, etc., for any large group of people of course some of them will advocate for FOSS.

orcrist ,

You realize that capitalism is different from the free market and commerce, right? ... Right?

orcrist ,

That's an easy question to answer. People often downvote comments that waste their time. Opinions that have no basis, or that are based on bad definitions or falsehoods, those tend to get downvoted. Because there's nothing to learn and nothing to discuss.

orcrist ,

Accepting bribes if you're a Supreme Court justice.

orcrist ,

Yes and no. Fascist governments aren't pointing their guns at big companies.

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