sxan , avatar

Would you mind telling me what communism is? Like, you don't have to quote Marx, or go into deep detail; I'm just curious about what you think it is.

I'm a capitalist (but not a laissez-faire capitalist), so I'm not trying to trap you with pedantry.

Nomecks ,

You apparently don't like getting up votes either.

Alsjemenou ,

Do you even know what communism actually is? I mean do you know where it came from, and why?

If you're 17 and in America, there isn't a lot of hope that you have been told about this in a non-biased manner. Young people especially are susceptible to the ideology that they can make it in life through hard work and equal opportunities. You might even already have felt some success in this regard, was able to achieve a goal because you worked for it. And it all makes sense to you.

And you think, In some way or another, that communist are perverting this, maybe by giving away shit for nothing or worse want to take shit from you.

But that's not true.

Socialism wants you to fully get your complete value of your labour for you, instead of most of it going to a boss who didn't work. And communist want to make sure that the system doesn't allow for bosses to make decisions about the conditions workers live in.

Canuck ,

Just block the and instance subs that show up in ALL, and it makes a much more pleasant experience

Rhoeri , avatar

They still spread their shit in political communities.


You're blaming communism for what is, like everything else, a people problem. It doesn't matter what system you're talking about, there's always bad actors and horrible people that you can point to and say "see? That's why it's bad!"

Also, you are 17 and only really have the knowledge that you have been taught, and minimal experience living in the larger world. Most everything far you have learned has been what others have wanted you to learn. Once you get into the real world for a decade or two and start experiencing a full life, your views will change.

Or you can resign yourself to a life in front of cable news and stay firmly locked into an opinion that others have given you.

Rhoeri , avatar

I’m 52. Communism sucks.

chemicalwonka , avatar

We don't have democracy either, we live under plutocracy of Capital, a bourgeoise dictatorship.

twig ,

Who is "we" in this case?

Duamerthrax ,

Everyone who's not in an uncontacted tribe.

sag , avatar

im 17

me too

i hate communism

I don't care about this type of stuff on Lemmy. I love Cat, Linux, FOSS and Game. Lemmy have all of them.

chemicalwonka , avatar

GNU/Linux is all about Communism lol

sag , avatar

I know but I don't care. Communism have pro and cons like other system. But it's slightly better than other if it executed correctly. That's all I know. Please don't ban me

DragonTypeWyvern ,

.world only bans you if you criticize Biden too frequently

Rhoeri , avatar

Other way around kiddo. Socialists are a protected class there.

tomatol ,

I haven't seen any communist propaganda at all but I've read many comments and posts like this... Are they just referring to leftwing content?

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Oh, there's definitely a ton of communist propaganda, did you block .ml?

Do you consider anarchism/democratic socialism to not be communist at a certain level, ie, consider "communist" thought only to include authoritarian Marxism?

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Why do you hate communism?

Nobody has ever actually done real communism on a national scale. The closest is probably the USSR, but that was a disaster because it was an authoritarian dictatorship that funneled money and power to the top. People only got token representation, the people were not actually in charge of anything, they got no real say in their leadership. Doesn’t matter that it was structured like communism says it should be, the reality of it was anything but communism.

Real communism would probably be pretty decent. There wouldn’t be too much to hate about it other than what you’d dislike in any government.

The problem is the humans running it. It’s a constant battle against power-hungry and self-serving people being in charge, just like any government, and no nation espousing communism has ever managed to prevent authoritarianism and basic kleptocratic people from settling in and running the show.

  • I am not for communism or here to espouse any virtues it might have. The concept of communism certainly has appeal and presents many benefits, however the reality of implementation and human nature virtually guarantee it will never achieve its intended form.
Honytawk ,

Real communism will never work for the same reason a completely free market would never work.

Too many people are greedy and selfish.

Cowbee , avatar

People are shaped by their environment, people seem greedy and selfish because of Capitalism. Primitive communism existed for thousands of years, and people were cooperative and communal.

Why do you believe selfish and greedy people existing in Communism would strain or ruin it?

Boomkop3 ,

Not that I've noticed. Plenty of "why this pro-consumer thing is bad for consumers, we should leave power to big corps" blog and news posts tho

spez_ ,

Nazi, get out of our community

platypus_plumba ,

Why are you calling him Nazi... Damn, I was gone from Lemmy for 4 months and came back to this childish shit. I'm out again.

spez_ ,

Get out

Woozythebear ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • jose1324 ,

    Lmao you don't have proper political opinions at 17

    Vitaly OP , avatar

    why not?

    jose1324 ,

    Way too little life experience

    Honytawk ,

    That depends entirely on your life.

    Rhoeri , avatar

    Well, at 17, it seems they know better than most of this entire community.

    jaemo ,

    Your endocrine system hasn't even let go of the controls in your brain yet. Don't let a guy who is so prone to substance abuse make important decisions. Once the night shift takes over a lot of your "airtight and very clever" philosophies will seem simple, trite and one dimensional.

    One day you'll be in the shower getting ready to start your day. Nothing particularly significant will have occurred to you the day before, but the "perspective shift" happens and all of a sudden, you won't know why you ever felt the way you used to. Scary as shit, comes out of the blue, and definitely doesn't happen to us all. But it's a cool achievement to unlock and lets you respec for a conceptualization bonus.

    If that does happen, I hope you remember this thread and have replay. See if you are still the same you as you were.

    jose1324 ,

    Disco Elysium player?

    Rhoeri , avatar

    I’m 52 and I think communism sucks. Do I not have a proper political opinion at my age? Because if all it takes to know better is to be older than-

    Salph ,

    edit: im 17 and i hate communism

    Come back to Lemmy when you're a bit older and more educated lol

    sturdilypop ,

    Ageism. Bet you are a toxic parent

    Salph ,

    I don't have kids, not very good with them as you can see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I was like OP though when I was 17 too, so coming back a bit older might work after reading through all the great resources provided in these comments

    Pollux ,

    And as people have mentioned here, it can take until you're in your 40s for some to finally escape all the anticommunist propaganda they've been fed their whole lives in capitalist states.

    Rhoeri , avatar

    Communism is for kids and people who refuse to know better. Period.

    Rhoeri , avatar

    I’m 52 and communism is a load of bullshit. Always has been.

    archomrade ,

    This has to be the greatest troll I've ever seen or else I'm a filthy commie.

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