Etterra ,

The opening to Full Metal Jacket hasn't, uh, hasn't aged well.

Jarix ,

Can i ask everyone to please watch the movie M * A * S * H in honour of Donald Sutherland passing... And share then share your experience here.

Im very curious how it will be received, i wont be surprised by some problematic aspects, but it was an impactful movie (and tv show)

I think they dealt with subject matter that might be important in this current era

NaoPb ,

I am also looking to watch the tv show at some point. Which onr should I watch first, the tv show or the movie?

Jarix ,

I think it's a personal choice, or at least i didn't have any specific reason not to watch the movie first. They are a fair bit different but if you watch the series first that's a lot of Alan alda to unsee if you watch the movie afterwards so i think it's better for your movie experience if watch it before the series, and it was released first so there's that

sanguinepar , avatar

I'm not that knowledgeable on either, but if I remember rightly you also have the choice of watching the TV Show as it was broadcast in the USA or as it was broadcast in the UK (and maybe elsewhere) - the main difference being that the USA one has a laugh track added.

I may have some of the details wrong, but just FYI.

quafeinum ,

If you can then watch it without the laugh track first.

HobbitFoot ,

I have problems with a lot of scripted television now when I used to love it as a kid.

Hell, I have problems with some parts of TNG because there science has progressed so much since then. THE EXOCOMS ARE SPECIAL BECAUSE THEY HAVE SAPIENCE, THEY AREN'T LIFE!

yyyesss , (edited )

superhero movies. when the first Tobey Maguire Spiderman premiered, it was magical. i had wished for this exact thing for years.

now i can't stand any of them. they're cringe af, like watching a bunch of toddlers play pretend grown up.

Silentiea , avatar

There's just a lot of anti trans stereotypes in media that I tolerated before. It's a lot harder to turn a blind eye to it when people use the same misunderstandings to try and tell me I'm sick and confused and bad for just being myself these days

Laurentide , avatar

Old media has become such a minefield because there's just so much awful stuff that went over my head at the time. I'm scared to recommend anything that I haven't rewatched/reread in the past few years.

It wasn't all bad, though. One of my favorite TV shows is Babylon 5, a 90's sci-fi that I watched as it aired but hadn't seen again until late last year. All I really remembered were the cool space battles and devious political maneuvering, but it turned out to also be an incredibly progressive show. One of the main characters is first introduced while wearing robes that appear to have been partially made from a trans pride flag!

orcrist ,

Comedy in general. Others have given specific examples of things that are discriminatory, including racism and sexism.

On the one hand, it's sad to realize that your old favorite movie is no longer that, but when you realize why I think it's actually uplifting. You can feel that you've learned something, you've improved as a human being, that you care more about society.

And because there are many genres other than comedy, it's not like you lost all of your favorite movies.

kionite231 ,

I used to enjoy average Bollywood movies but now I have realized it was full of stupidity, cringe, fascist propaganda.

vairse ,

The show Psych used to be a favorite of mine. When rewatching it recently, there's a string of episodes a few seasons in that are just straight up all racial stereotypes

fossphi ,

That's interesting. I rewatch psych (as my comfort show) all the time and couldn't really think of anything egregious. Mind sharing which episodes?

vairse ,

It's been a hot minute, and I don't particularly want to spend too much time on it, but I think season 5 episode 1 was the final straw with how they handle Chinese culture.

Bishma , avatar

CBS laugh tracks are like nails on a blackboard to me now.

flambonkscious ,

White noise laughter tracks wind me up no end. All the hype and screaming on comedy like it's an opera or Ellen show is also painful to experience.

I might just be turning into a grumpy old fart but I also refuse to accept that people want awful pop music plumbed into our supermarkets and dance music in restaurants - why does everything degenerate into a nightclub setting?

stoly ,

I watched tons of anime. Now everything feels like a redo of something from years before and it’s hard to get into anything. I feel the same about movies.

setsneedtofeed , avatar

I have never had patience for anime that goes on and on for hundreds of episodes. I find a lot of modern anime to be annoying in how flat and boring the presentation is.

That said, I have recently enjoyed both SpyXFamily and Dungeon Meshi. They both have quality to the art and as of yet feel like the are going somewhere and not intended to go on for 500 episodes.

NaoPb ,

Thanks for the recommendations.

Drusas ,

Other way around for me. I used to find "stupid humor" obnoxious, but now I can appreciate it better.

JoeKrogan , avatar

Gremlins, watching it as an adult I realized it is not suitable for young kids 😅

Drusas ,

Like hell it isn't. I watched that as a young kid and it's been a favorite ever since.

It is the movie that led to the creation of the PG-13 rating, though.

alvaro , avatar

@JoeKrogan I think it is a cautionary tail for people when they reach 40: don’t eat late or something bad will happen… monsters or… INDIGESTION 😱😱😱😱

TempermentalAnomaly ,

Man... I remember having fond memories of it. Plus, sort of a Christmas flick. So come winter break, I turn it on for my eight year old. I get to cooking dinner and about 45 minutes in, he's shaking from it. He slept in our room for the first time in years that night. And the next night. And the next.

Literally just told his mom he's still scared of gremlins. This will be one of the parenting regrets.

morphballganon ,

I've avoided rewatching Ace Ventura Pet Detective due to the transphobia

I recall in Boston Legal, William Shatner's character said he liked Trump (this was before his presidency) and that has made me less interested in a rewatch

bjoern_tantau , avatar

I never got the puking scene at the end of Ace Ventura as a kid. I still don't really do. Always loved that movie but that is just too much.

zero_spelled_with_an_ecks ,

It's an homage (or whatever you would call it) to The Crying Game iirc.

Zarxrax ,

I thought it was implying that all of those men had made out with her.

orcrist ,

Yes. My interpretation is that the above person knew that, but they didn't think it was even a remotely funny joke, not that they didn't understand what the implication was.

morphballganon ,

Indeed. And that encourages a "trans people are icky" sentiment.

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

What happened in Ace Ventura Pet Detective?

morphballganon ,

There's a woman who is revealed to be trans and a bunch of guys start dry-heaving upon learning this information

dellish ,

Not to mention Ace Ventura's too-long scene of showering, burning his clothes, using a plunger to make himself throw up etc. So you kissed someone you didn't know was trans, grow up.

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

I mean, it's technically the police force's fault for being so "into" her in the first place.

fsxylo ,

Not defending the joke, but they were dry heaving because it's implied that she made out with
everyone on the police force, including Ace. Thinking about it that's actually worse. Huh.

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

Having not seen the scene until recently by coincidence, based on the description, I thought it was more like an "incels can't handle this" joke, but then saw it and saw it was used as the smoking gun for an embarrassing guilty verdict. It definitely has "this movie director has an axe to grind" vibes.

BuckWylde , avatar

Practically the whole movie is a trans joke. I rewatched it years ago and was so bummed out.

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

My reaction anytime I watch something with Jim Carrey. He was like a fad we just keep now for the novelty, no offense to him.

originalucifer , avatar

gilmore girls

after a few re-watches i realized what a terrible person lorelai is, making it hard to watch

Mechaguana , avatar

Im only 1 season in but she comes off pretty airheaded and undecided, whats your take?

originalucifer , avatar

and selfish. borderline narcissistic

Rhynoplaz ,

I'm watching a lot of old sitcoms and that's a pretty common characteristic. Seems like there's always multiple characters lying and manipulating their loved ones for relatively insignificant reasons. At the end we all have a few laughs and think that's normal.

weariedfae ,

You should refer to her as her nickname, Rory, since they're both Lorelei.

HuntressHimbo ,

So many things, too many to count. Been revisiting things pretty regularly with my partner and the ones that don't make me cringe are really rare. Things I adore are unwatchably sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or creepy.

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