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mynachmadarch ,

Qualia - instances of subjective conscious experience

It's fun to say, fun to think about how your red and my red differ subjectively but we still agree that red is red, and just a fun word.
The concept itself has many strong detractors and arguments against it being real, but eh, I'll keep on thinking about it.

mynachmadarch ,

Do you have any documentation on this you can link because it doesn't really make sense what you mean and I love learning about these things. Most of the cutscenes will be rendered in engine so nothing special there, and the pre-rendered ones if they used an unusual codec I don't get why the codec isn't baked into the game files which would render that also a moot problem.

mynachmadarch ,

Okay, that's pretty lame. According to several spots (all quoting an RPGsite writer and an emoji response from a Sqenix dev) square Enix actually brought in a third party company specifically to improve Steam Deck support. Honestly makes sense, the steam deck seems like their largest potential new customer base.

mynachmadarch ,

Evermore makes me so sad. All that potential and a dream that just wasn't. It's planned theming was much more my speed too.

mynachmadarch ,

I can't comment on fairphone, but the Discord thing is likely not your phone, it's Discord or something. The same happens to me randomly on a Pixel 6a.

mynachmadarch ,

I'm so jealous :( we just got new windows to improve the insulation rating. I'd love to open them and do the same but I legit start having medical issues over 73° which we hit most days in the summer.

mynachmadarch ,

We have a large window in our living room the cats love but got way too hot. Planted grape vines to cut down on the light back there so we can keep the curtains open but still let the cats see birds.

On the actual "tech" side we've been going the opposite of new things to reduce usage. Wax paper wraps, older wooden everything where possible (cutting boards, furniture, wicker laundry baskets) most of which we got used from my wife's family, those all will get recycled somehow when their time comes.

I'm hoping when our water heater finally goes we can get one of the new heat pump models. Reduce some AC needs and not need a humidifier in the basement (which I try to run as little as possible already).

mynachmadarch ,

I need to get more, my last two plastic spatulas broke so it's time to do it guilt free. All the wood.

mynachmadarch ,

Or bring back the classics. I haven't been called a swamp kisser in a while.

mynachmadarch ,

Brings me back, Xbox live just doesn't have the same finesse in it's trash talk these days.

mynachmadarch ,

I did an internship in a small data center. That hurt to read. Made me miss the job too.

mynachmadarch ,

It's either something gummy like swedish fish or sour patch kids, or I take the time to properly make some cookies.

mynachmadarch ,

Option 3: pull up a list of the developers and venmo them each 10¢ then go pirate the game?

I'm only half kidding.

mynachmadarch ,

You absolutely can't. You just can't. Standing around the empty coffee pot yakking about the sportsball game over the weekend for 45 minutes and then spending three minutes agreeing you need a meeting to coordinate brainstorming just doesn't work over Teams.

They just refuse to admit that's a good thing.

mynachmadarch ,

I dunno. I got a dumpster and forced three families to finally clean their houses some. And only sportsball I watch is Calvinball but we're in the off season sadly.

(Am I doing this right? I always avoid the coffee pot because it was garbage coffee so missed all the collaborative talk)

mynachmadarch ,

A lot of them around me don't even own, just rent. They'd save money by just not having to keep that infrastructure up and running at max and getting out of their contract when it ends.

mynachmadarch ,

He had better handlers and PR team back then so more people thought he was just an eccentric billionaire Playboy inventor and were willing to do the dirty work needed to make it happen.

mynachmadarch ,

Doesn't mean we need to cut down a forest to build the factory.

mynachmadarch ,

I think most people categorize chowder under the soup umbrella though.

mynachmadarch ,

Congrats on being one of today's lucky 10,000 (xkcd)

Here's three more fun words (fun to say in my opinion):

mynachmadarch ,

We're in a real quagmire now I'd say. Do I list all the fun words and let someone experience the qualia of them all?

mynachmadarch ,

Why did I actually listen to the whole thing? Lol.

First I'm gonna learn ya some

And then I'll leave ya.

mynachmadarch ,

Alcor is generally considered your best cryonics bet right now. Not a great bet, but your best bet.

mynachmadarch ,

There are dozens of us! Dozens!

Halo's problem with both 5 and Infinite seems to be the game eventually reaches a great point, but by then everyone has left for the most part, and with it having happened twice they're going to struggle getting people back for Infinite 2: Reclaimer Boogaloo or whatever they name it. Just give those passionate devs a longer leash and let them cook please.

mynachmadarch ,

They ideal for most of them is absolutely that they can be frozen while still alive and unfrozen later. We are nowhere near that technology though so most fallback to the second hope. Yes, that is that when they're unfrozen in the future we can cure whatever it is that killed them. From what I've seen in documentaries, most of the people signing up know it's the world's furthest longshot, but they figure they're dead either way, why not take it? Worst that happens is they stay dead but hopefully science learned something from their body at least, best case is they wake up in the 24½th century and keep on truckin.

mynachmadarch ,

I haven't heard it at all so I can't comment, but I do know they were forced to re-write it pretty late in the game to turn down the more obvious anti-palastine political messages in it after several countries threatened to boycott this year. It might have already sucked, haven't heard either version, but a late re-write changing it can't have helped.

mynachmadarch ,

The original was titled "October Rain" (a reference to an October Hamas attack),
had lyrics like:
Hours and hours
and flowers
Life is no game for the cowards (most I've heard felt it in context to be saying screw Palestine, they started it and hide in their holes killing, let's bomb them all)

And the Israeli delegate to Eurovision (the board member guy, not the artist) said they were sending a song all Israelis could connect to.

So yeah, my albeit western interpretation is it was very anti-palastine, pro-israel

mynachmadarch ,

A whole case or ten of Port to cellar. A couple barrels of whiskey to cellar. Really just I'd get into cellaring things myself in general.

mynachmadarch ,

One of my good friends loves ice wine and just got engaged. I've never tried it but I picked up a bottle I'm gonna share with him on his birthday in a few months for a dual celebration.

I often joke I don't have a sweet tooth, I have a whole set of them. (Though I'm totally down for a nice dry too).

mynachmadarch ,

Seriously, blaming entertainment (actual entertainment, not "news" that weasels in court calling itself entertainment) has been a thing since the stone ages. It wasn't true about rock and roll, it wasn't true about dime novels, it's not true now about superhero stuff.

mynachmadarch ,

I've looked into this before for arguments with my mother trying to get her to stop saying there's a gay agenda. Her argument was because I enjoy the videogames and sci-fi I wasn't smart enough to understand the truth. The science has actually been done (though I'm sure more still needs to be done).

Research by a scientist named Schwartz in 2016 showed that those predisposed to anti-social behaviour are also naturally pre-disposed to watch more TV. When accounting for genetic traits, previous research into negative affects of TV didn't hold up amongst children and young adults (mentally, physically yes, but we already knew sedentary lifestyle has negative impacts).

A (I Believe Johns Hopkins but I'm going from memory) 20 year data evaluation released in 2021 showed that excessive TV can contribute to cognitive decline over time (they measured a 0.5% reduction amongst the adults they tested). The main scientist I remember saying they didn't account for type of media and did think educational content like documentaries would have a smaller impact though he couldn't guess by how much. His worry wasn't about the average adult making decisions but rather preserving as much mental capacity long term so as to help reduce impacts of dementia.

A 2023 UK study backed up the 2021 and 2016 study. Excess causes increased health risks and a long term small measurable cognitive decline.

Everything I've seen points to, for the most part, the amount being the problem as with everything. Moderation is key and living a diverse life that stimulates you mentally overall is important. Manga or Marvel movies when you want to relax is not going to rot your brain. Only consuming them will, same as with any type of media or genre.

mynachmadarch ,

Even .NET isn't terrible on Linux. I mostly write in C# using .net stuff myself and I've yet to have any compatibility or performance issues running on Ubuntu. I can't speak to graphical side though as I'm mostly backend or command line tools.

mynachmadarch ,

He didn't actually think it was the most efficient. It's way worse. He knew he could get a proposed high speed rail line killed so it wouldn't cut into his car sales. He did not care one bit what happened after it died. Everything else was his PR team.

mynachmadarch ,

Heck, even "I did too much of the drugs" can usually be solved with drugs.

You heard it here folks. Eat your drugs. Say no to school. Stay in vegetables.

Hey i just wanna know are raccoons evil in some kind of way ?

A lot of things i thought were cute and nice like dolphines, ducks, cats (i saw one cat eat anothers new born), dogs (multiple cases of eating dead owners due to a variety of reasons starting from trying to wake em up to other malicious reasons), hamsters etc turned out to be wrong . Raccoons are the only thing i believe in...

mynachmadarch ,

A Venus flytrap doesn't kill to survive. It hugs to death, and then since the body is there it just makes sure it doesn't go to waste. Big difference.

mynachmadarch ,

Florida has already started the "they're coming for our meat" with the lab grown meat ban if you haven't seen.

mynachmadarch ,

Nut Juice

mynachmadarch ,

Don't worry, it's not you, it's them.

They fried okay because the oil physically alters the brussel sprout by more evenly distributing heat and then driving water out, firming it up.

When things are frozen though the water in their cells expand and can rip themselves apart. When you grilled them, these weaker cell walls didn't have any chemical or physical reactions firming them up. They just sort of steam themselves and go limp.

mynachmadarch ,

Most of the upper eschalon of 343 have left or were kicked out over the last year, including some of the worst offenders who drove the creation of the crap we've had recently such as Kiki Wolf kill.

It seems like they're internally rebuilding 343 because they know how much of a powerhouse that IP can be if done right. I'm not optimistic about the next Halo, but cautiously hopeful now at least.

mynachmadarch ,

It's possible people won't accept a new game just because of the name attached, but that's not what I'm seeing.

I still play Infinite pretty heavily and most of the people I chat with there are saying the same, thank the lord leadership changed, let's give it a year or two and see.

After that, who knows.

mynachmadarch ,

Halo infinite multiplayer is free. The forge community has created a battle royale mode I've heard. Maybe give it a shot? I don't know anything other than it exists.

I personally can't stand battle royale games, so sorry, but I hope the next isn't. It's just not what Halo is. If they released a mode, or a side game as a Battle Royale I'm all for it, but not a full main game.

I feel the burnout though. My normal gaming friends and I are in a mode of trying new games right now and don't play together as much.

The FAA investigates after Boeing says workers in South Carolina falsified 787 inspection records ( )

The Federal Aviation Administration said Monday, May 6, 2024, that it has opened an investigation into Boeing after the beleaguered company reported that workers at a South Carolina plant falsified inspection records on certain 787 planes. Boeing said its engineers have determined that misconduct did not create “an immediate...

mynachmadarch ,

If nothing else, the feds on the SC investigation can learn about the wonder that is deep fried green tomatoes

mynachmadarch ,

Double bonus if you use a Carolina rice spoon for your rice, and throw in some pulled pork from the pig pickin.

mynachmadarch ,

That's ignoring what we as a collective imply with the word "bot" and as a whole we all know that "bot" refers to generative content from a machine posing as a human when used in this context.

mynachmadarch ,

Fully agree it's a common refrain. And one I never understood. Even with my job where I can and do work fully remote, most of the places they always recommend have such terrible infrastructure I wouldn't be able to do my job, DSL wouldn't cut it.

mynachmadarch ,

Just bring a couple extra flashlights, and maybe a light switch and you'll be fine.

mynachmadarch ,

Spent a lot of time with engineers, but am not one myself. Most grinding discs and things that wear stuff down have a surface made to rip in, and higher opposed friction. Think sandpaper, it digs into a surface with those hills from the grit, and uses the friction to then drag through cutting the surface and removing material.

With this floor, it looks like the wheels are smooth, so all though there's some friction, it isn't a cutting action. There's also the fact that their friction is unopposed and can actually move the person, so the energy gets converted into movement, not the cutting force that would grind things down.

They really are just tiny treadmills, the only reason they're discs is so they can be tilted to change the direction the "treadmill" is going to push you. If the disc is tilted to the right, the left most edge is going forward, if the disk is tilted to the left, that right edge is moving backwards. Otherwise exact same principle as a treadmill of creating friction to move the object on it.

Hope that helps some. Diagrams would probably help more.

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